s1=c1 is a linguistic-gesture unit/chereme [in analogy with phoneme; specifically, nonvocal] representing/that is recognized meaningful conceptual subunit underlying specific gestures/gesture-phones s2 in language b1 used by b2 in order to communicate/express b3=c2 (si'o/du'u; not quote) made using body part/utensil/tool/locus c3 by motion/action/means c4
s1 (phone/speech sounds; specifically is linguistic and vocal) is a phoneme in/of segment of utterance/speech stream s2=v1 in language b1 of speaker v2=b2 in order to communicate/express b3 (si'o/du'u; not quote(?)), produced with body-parts/tools x6 at loci/in position/manner (of articulation) x7
x1=c1 (zo) is a cmavo with a predicate role or semantic structure which expresses predicate x2=b1 (quote/du'u) between arguments x3=b3 (ordered list), the said cmavo being of form or in category/class x4=c2 in/and belonging to language/dialect x5=c3.
x1=v1 is an authoritative document of x2=v2 (data/facts/du'u) about x3=v3 (object/event) preserved in medium x4=v4, by authority x5=c1 over matter/sphere/persons x6=c2 derived on basis x7=c3.
cu1=ct1 is a textbook for teaching ideas/methods ct3 (du'u), by author cu3 for audience cu4=ct2 about subject(s) ct4 by method ct5, preserved in medium cu5.
c1 is an/the accounting function/activities involving persons c2, using currency issued by j2, recording v2
(data/facts/du'u) about v3 (object/event); c1 is accounting.
x1=fadni1=tugni1=tugni2 (set/group of people) have consensus agreement that x2=tugni3 (du'u) is true about matter/topic x3=tugni4, consensus having been formed among supergroup/superset x4=fadni3 (group/set of persons which includes all of x1) according to standard x5.
x1 does not know that fact(s) x2 (du'u), which are about subject x3, are false by epistemology x4 / it is consistent with x1's knowledge that x2 may be true
j1=r1 is a thesis statement/main argument/most significant among arguments r2 (set/name of essay/work), about/for stand j2=d2 (du'u) against d3 (du'u), by arguer d1 in language j3.
x1 = sitna1 = utka1
cites/quotes/refers to/makes reference to a source, which itself/who themself cites/quotes/refers to/makes reference to a source, which itself/who themself in turn cites/quotes/refers to/makes reference to source, ..., which itself/who themself cites/quotes/refers to/makes reference to source x2 = sitna2 = utka2, via intermediate path-connecting steps x3 = utka3 (ordered list; ce'o), all for the same information/statement x4 = sitna3 (du'u).
x1 is a pidgin/Creole language/dialect formed from reduction and conmingling of superstrate languages including x2, used by x3 in order to express/communicate x4 (si'o/du'u; not quote)
x1 is a logical 'NOT' statement resulting from the (multiplicative) negation of/applying the 'NOT' operator to x2 (du'u); x1 is the logical negation/negative of x2.
x1 is a material conditional/'IF' statement (logical statement) saying that x2 (du'u) logically implies x3 (du'u) ("x3 is true if x2 is true; if x2, then x3; x2 being true is sufficient to guarantee the truth of x3").
x1 is a logical statement of proposition-equivalence/is a biconditional/'IFF' statement saying that x2 (du'u) is true if and only if x3 is true ("x2 is logically equivalent to x3; x2 being true is sufficient and necessary for guaranteeing the truth of x3; x2 iff x3").
x1 (event/state) implies / suggests / is circumstantial evidence for x2 (du'u); the probability that x2 is true, given x1, is greater than the probability without x1
Named reference. It converts a sumti into another sumti. The converted sumti points to the referent the name of which is the referent of the unconverted sumti.
head-final content clause relativizer: it turns the current clause into a subordinate content clause, binds it to the {ke'a} pronoun, and restart the current clause afresh (as if its previous content was erased or moved into a hidden prenex).
Echo-resumptive construction initiator: This particle immediately precedes a verb word (selbrivla) which is a repetition of a verb that already occurred in the same sentence in an outer clause level; the combination of this particle and that echo verb acts like a terminator, signaling a return to the closest clause level whose main verb was the same as the provided echo verb.