x1 (li) is the (signed) difference between the average of all elements/data of x2 (completely specified ordered multiset/list) and single number x3 (li; default: infimum of x2 under ordering x6 if such is finite), using averaging function x4 (default: arithmetic average), weights x5 (completely specified ordered multiset/list with the same cardinality/length as x2; default: according to notes), and inherited ordering x6 (default: standard ordering on the set of reals).
x1 (li; often but not necessarily an integer) is a multiple of x2 (li; often but not necessarily an integer) by some integer, namely x3 (li; MUST be an integer in the structure; possibly, more than one input may be valid), in algebraic structure x4.
x1 = t1 is the elapsed time required for decaying/diminishing/reducing/shrinking population x2 = g1 to decrease in number by a factor of exactly/approximately 1/e^(x3) from that which is considered to be the initial population size, where e is the natural exponential base and x3 [li; default: 1] is a real number, according to standard/under condition/by model/in experiment x4; x1 is the one-(e^(x3))-th-life of population/sample x2; the (approximate) (x3)-th one-e-th-ing/e-fold decrease(/increase) of population x2 takes approximately x1 (time).
x1 = t1 is the elapsed time required for decaying/diminishing/reducing/shrinking population x2 = g1 to decrease in number by a factor of exactly/approximately 1/(x3) from that which is considered to be the initial population size, where x3 [li; default: 1] is a positive real number, according to standard/under condition/by model/in experiment x4; x1 is the (x3^(-1))-th-life of population/sample x2; the (approximate) one-x3-th-ing/(x3)-fold decrease(/increase) of population x2 takes approximately x1 (time).
x1 is a source language for Lojbanic gismu x2, contributing word x3 (zoi) to make it, which were adapted into the Lojban alphabet as x4 (lo'u or zoi), the language having weight in the algorithm x5 (li)
x1 is x2 (li; default: 1) galactic units (i.e.: the average distance between the center of the Milky Way galaxy and the center of Sol system) by standard x3.
x1=traji1=moi1 is the x2=moi(-1)th (li) most extreme member of set/range x5=traji4=moi2 (set; possibly ordered) in property/ordered according to measure of property x3=traji2 \sim moi (ka) measuring from the x4 = traji3-est/utmost (ka; default: ka zmadu) member, which/who has a similar ordinality count of x6 (li) in the same set by the same ordering.
x1 (unitless/dimensionless number; li) is the specific gravity (density or concentration ratio) of x2 (substance) with respect to/by standard/per unit of density/concentration of x3 (substance), where density/concentration of each substance is being taken per unit x4 = nildenmi3 at locus x5 = nildenmi4 of density/concentration type x6 = nildenmi5.
x1 is any child of the first child of the first child of ... the first child of x2, where the graph geodesic through the ancestorship-directed family tree from x1 to x2 is of length (x3) + 1 (li; x3 must be a nonnegative integer or positive infinity), and where "first" is according to (partial) ordering rule x4 (default: chronological order of birth per successive generation within the given lineage; other restrictions on legitimacy etc. may be specified here as well).
x1 is direct ancestor/mentorial-ancestor of x2 of order x3 (li; nonnegative integer) in graph/network of ancestry (family tree) x4 (defaults to maximal option), where x3 is the smallest possible number which is so constrained; x1 is the x3th-great-grandparent of x2.
x1 (li) is the arity of predicate relationship x2; selbri (not restricted to Lojban) is x1-adic; x2 is a predicate with x1(-many) sumti/argument slots that may be filled.
x1 (amount/value (li/ni) or labelled entity) is the (mutual) difference between/change in (states/realizations of/output from) general and relevant idea/object or subject of interest or function/aspect/property/topic/dependent parameter/dependent variable x2 under or due to a change in (independent) parameter/variable/index/identification/ownership/property/aspect x3 (generic name) to (later) specific state/realization/value/person/entity/meaning x4 (type and dimensions match those of x3) from (earlier) specific state/realization/value/person/entity/meaning x5 (type and dimensions match that of x3), under circumstances/conditions/with(in) scope/with caveats x6.
x1 expects/looks for the occurence of x2 (event), expected likelihood x3 (0-1, default {li} {so'a} i.e. near 1); x1 subjectively evaluates the likelihood of x2 (event) to be x3.
x1 (li; number) is congruent to x2 (li; number; see description for canonical/traditional/contextless default usage) modulo x3 (li; number); \frac(x1 - x is an integer.
x1 is a cross-section (substance viewed cross-sectionally) of object x2 made from perspective/side/orientation/along (and perpendicular to) axis
x3 (this determines the shape) and made in hyperplane/at depth/to contain/consisting of particular slice x4 (this determines the size and content), of dimensionality x5 [li; integer greater than -2, less than or equal to the dimensionality of x2]; x1 is the result and arranged content of the intersection of x2 with an (x5) -dimensional hyperplane that is perpendicular to axis x3 and along it such that it has a depth (approximately x4) in x2 that allows it to contain a particular slice (of) x4
x1 (node in a tree graph) and x2 (node in the same tree graph) have an essentially-unique most recent (graph-nearest) common ancestor node A such that x3 [nonnegative integer; li] is d(A, x1) and such that x4 [nonnegative integer; li] is d(A, x2), where d is the graph geodesic distance (defined to be infinite if nodes are not connected in the correct direction).
x1 (li; tensor with units of kg×m2) is the moment of inertia/angular inertial-mass/rotational inertia of object x2 around axis/point of reference x3 in basis/coordinate system x4.
x1 (li; number/quantity) is the weighted quasi-arithmetic mean/generalized f-mean of/on data x2 (completely specified ordered multiset/list) using function x3 (defaults according to the notes; if it is an extended-real number, then it has a particular interpretation according to the Notes) with weights x4 (completely specified ordered multiset/list with same cardinality/length as x2; defaults according to Notes).
x1 is a formal polynomial with coefficients x2 (ordered list) of degree x3 (li; nonnegative integer) over structure/ring x4 (to which coefficients x2 all belong) and in indeterminant x5.
x1 is an electric charge which measures x2 (li; default: 1) coulombs by standard/under convention x3 (default: SI definition, except the charge of the proton is negative).
x1 is the (x2 + 1)-оюродный (li; integer) kin member/relative of x4 defined from base relation x3 (si'o; generic term, applied with respect to x4) in directed, connected tree graph/network/hierarchy x5.
x1 is near to/close to/approximates x2 in property/quality/aspect/characteristic/quantity x3, and the argument(s) which fill the x4th (li; 1 or 2) sumti slot(s) of this word actually has/attains property (vel sim.) x3 according to standard x5.
x1 is an eventual extremal bound/asymptote (one sense)/limsup (limit superior/limit supremum)/liminf (limit inferior/limit infimum) of x2 (set, or ordered pair of a sequence or a function as the first term and the dummy variable (/input (slot)) thereof being considered as the (sometimes elidable) second term) in direction x3 (li) in ordered structure x4.
x1 (collection, body, set, mass, tuple, n-some, etc.) is x2 (li; default: 1) indivisible/atomic/elementary/basic discrete entities (or particles) of type x3 in composition/content, by standard x4; the count of instances of x3 in x1 is x2 by standard x4.
x1 is x2 (li; no default value assumed, but - unless explicitly overridden - assumed to be expressed with significant figures) years old according to standard of measurement x3; colloquial form: x1 is/has x2 (years (of age)).
x1 is a quantity of human skin with score/type/quantitatively categorizing result x2 (li) on scale/by standard/in system x3 (such as, but not necessarily, even in default: Fitzpatrick skin typing scale).
x1 is similar to/appears like/seems like x2 in quality/property/aspect x3 (ka), and the argument(s) in the x4th (li; 1 or 2) sumti slot(s) of this word actually attains/has the said quality (vel sim.) x3 according to standard x5.
x1 (line segment) is a neuein/neusis line segment (line element) constructed from directrix x2 (curve; not necessarily linear) to catchline x3 (curve; not necessarily linear, despite the name) which is inclined toward pole x4 (point) such that it has diastema (length) x5 (li; nonnegative extended-real number).
x1 is a torus of genus x2 (li; nonnegative integer), having x3 (li; nonnegative integer) distinct cusps, and with other properties/characteristics x4, by standard/in sense x5; x1 is an x2-fold torus.
x1=traji1 is superlative in property x2=traji2, the x3=traji3 extrema (ka; default: ka zmadu), among set/range x4=traji4, and -- moreover -- (there exists at least one member of) the x52th (li; must be 1 or 2) argument [see note] of this selbri (which) actually has/is/attains said property x2 according to standard x6.
x1 (li) is an extremal bound (supremum/infimum/possibly-unattained extremum (loose sense in English)/asymptote (one sense)/best possible bound (one sense)) on set x2 (set) in direction x3 (li) in ordered structure x4; x1 bounds x2 tightly/maximally-strongly from the x3 side in x4; x2 is bounded from the x3 side by x1 and any other bound on that side is worse than is x1.
x1 (node in a tree graph) and x2 (node in the same tree graph) have an essentially unique most recent (graph-nearest) common ancestor node A such that x3 [nonnegative integer; li] is the minimum element of the set consisting only of d(A, x1) and of d(A, x2), and such that x4 [integer; li] is d(A, x1) - d(A, x2), where d is the graph geodesic distance (defined to be infinite if nodes are not connected in the correct direction).
x1 (set) is measurable and has measure x2 (li; non-negative real number or possibly positive infinity) by measure x3 in space/dimensionality/under conditions x4; x2 is the x3 measure of set x1 in space x4; x3 is a measure which is defined on some class of measurable sets in
x4 such that it maps x1 to x2
x1 and x2 are path-linked by binary predicate x3 (ka; possibly non-symmetric/non-commutative) via a from-x1-to-x2-directed graph geodesic of length x4 (li; nonnegative integer or positive infinity) in graph x5 (default: maximal) which is generated by relation x3.
x1 and x2 are path-linked by binary predicate x3 (ka; possibly non-symmetric/non-commutative) via some from-x1-to-x2-directed path of length x4 (li; nonnegative integer or positive infinity) in/through graph x5 (default: maximal) which is generated by relation x3.
x1 is more than/greater than/exceeds x2 in property x3 (ka) and the x4th (li; 1 or 2) argument of this selbri actually has/is/expresses/attains property x3 according to x5.
x1 (li) is a bound on set x2 (set) in direction x3 (li) in ordered structure x4; x1 bounds x2 from the x3 side in x4; x2 is bounded from the x3 side by x1.
The date [day,week,month,year] x1=d1=k1 is recurrence/repetition of the date [day,week,month,year] of the first event x2=d2, for the x3=k3'rd time, in system x3.
d4 is d2 (default 1) dessertspoon(s)/dessertspoonful(s)/cochleare medium (dstspn./cochl. med.) [volume-unit], standard d3=m1 (default 1 dessertspoon=10 mL),d1 tablespoon(s),d5 teaspoon(s), d6 one ml measuring spoon(s).
d5 is d2 (default 1) teaspoon(s)/teaspoonful(s)/cochleare minus (t., ts., tsp. or tspn./cochl. min.)[volume-unit], standard d3=m1 (default 1 teaspoon=5 mL),d4 dessertspoon(s),d1 tablespoon(s), d6 one ml measuring spoon(s).
f1=c1 [value] is a/the median/quartile/decile/percentile/fraction-type of median with numerator f2, denominator f3 in property/amount c2 (ka/ni) among p1 (s) (ordered set) by standard c4.
mekso (2 or 3)-ary operator: maximum/minimum/extreme element; ordered list of extreme elements of the set underlying ordered set/structure X1 in direction X2 of list length X3 (default: 1)
x1 is a Pythagorean tuning with x2 (default infinitely many) notes and a generator fifth of size x3 (default 3/2), containing a wolf fifth of size x4 (default none, unless number of notes specified).
x1 (plural of ordered pairs) is an exhaustive set (possibly infinite) of inputs/outputs defining a unary function which yields result x3 when given input x2; x1(x2) = x3
x1 is in relation x4 with x2 to the x3th degree; x1 is x3 nodes before x2 in the sequence such that every element thereof and the next element are linked by the relation x4; x1 is [ that which is in relation x4 with ] (repeat x3 times the part between brackets) x2
x1 is directly/linearly proportional to x2 via coefficient/constant of proportionality x3 and background/constant offset x4; there exists constants x3 and x4 such that x1 = x3×x.
x1 (experiencer/function) increases/gains/is incremented/augmented in property/quantity x2 such that it achieves/had achieved having that property at 'time' x3 (abstraction, number) according to standard x4