Cf. banjubu'o.
On gloss:
- x1 reflects [Loglandic]/Lojbanic language/culture/nationality/community in aspect x2.
in sense "language"
- l1=b1 is Lojban used by b2 to express/communicate b3 (si'o/du'u, not quote).
in sense "Lojban language"
on place 1
- l1=b1 is Lojban used by b2 to express/communicate b3 (si'o/du'u, not quote).
- l1=b1 is Lojban used by b2 to express/communicate b3 (si'o/du'u, not quote).
in sense "translating a non-Lojban name into a Lojban cmevla"
- f1=c3 translates non-Lojban name c1=f2 (text) from language f4 to (lojbanic) cmevla / lojbanized name f5=l1 (text).
in sense "harmonious with Lojban philosophy"
- x1 is harmonious with Lojbanic philosophy/thought/culture in aspect x2 (ka); x1 is Lojbanic/Lojban-like (one sense)
In definition:
- gismu
- x1 is a (Lojban) root word expressing relation x2 among argument roles x3, with affix(es) x4.
- la'o
- delimited non-Lojban name; the resulting quote sumti is treated as a name.
- lo'a
- shift letterals to Lojban (Roman) alphabet.
- lo'u
- start questionable/out-of-context quote; text should be Lojban words, but needn't be grammatical.
- si
- erase the last Lojban word, treating non-Lojban text as a single word.
- to
- left parenthesis; start of parenthetical note which must be grammatical Lojban text.
- zo
- quote next word only; quotes a single Lojban word (not a cmavo compound or tanru).
- zoi
- delimited non-Lojban quotation; the result treated as a block of text.
- brisnismi
- x1 is a subsentence of Lojban grammar.
- dzejbo
- d1=j1 reflects Loglandic/proto-Lojbanic language/culture/nationality/community in aspect j2.
- jbobadna
- (informal) x1 is a member of the Lojban community.
- jbobauske
- x1=s1 is the science/study of the Lojban/Lojbanic language based on methodology x2=s3.
- jbobausmi
- s1 is similar/parallel to Lojban in property s3 (ka).
- jboba'usnu
- c1=b1 converses orally in Lojban about subject c2 using sound/expression l1=b2.
- jbobesna
- x1=b1=l1 is a Lojbanic brain of x2=b2, Lojbanic in aspect x3=l2.
- jboce'u
- c1 is a Lojbanic community.
- jbocre
- x1 is an expert in Lojban language.
- jboge'a
- g1 is Lojban grammar for structure/text g2.
- jbogimkra
- x1 is a source language for Lojbanic gismu x2, contributing word x3 (zoi) to make it, which were adapted into the Lojban alphabet as x4 (lo'u or zoi), the language having weight in the algorithm x5 (li)
- jbogri
- x1 is a Lojbanic group/organization with role/purpose/function x2.
- jbogu'e
- x1 is Lojbanistan / Lojbanic country of people x2
- jbojevysofkemsuzgugje'ake'eborkemfaipaltrusi'oke'ekemgubyseltru
- x1 reflects Lojbanic Soviet Federative Socialist Republic culture/nationality/community in aspect x2
- jboju'i
- j1 is attentive towards/attends/tends/pays attention to object/affair j2=l1, which is lojbanic in aspect l2.
- jbokembauske
- x1 is the linguistic science/study of the Lojban/Lojbanic language.
- jboklu
- l1=k1 is of Lojbanic culture
- jbokravla
- x1 is a native Lojban word (not a borrowing) with meaning/role x2
- jbolanci
- x1 is a Lojbanic flag, with patterns x2 and material x3
- jbole'u
- le1=lo1 (la'e zo BY/word-bu) is a letter/digit/symbol of Lojban’s alphabet representing le3
- jbonunsla
- x1=n1 is an event of x2=s1 recognizing/celebrating x3=s2=l1, lojbanic in aspect x4=l2, with party/actions x5=s3; x1 is Logfest with attendees/participants x2.
- jbopa'e
- p1 is perfect in property p2 from a Lojbanic by standard l2 point of view.
- jbope'o
- p1 is/acts as a friend to/of p2 in the context of their shared interest in j1 which reflects [Loglandic]/Lojbanic language/culture/nationality/community in aspect j2
- jbopli
- l1=p1 uses Lojban for purpose p3; l1=p1 is a Lojbanist.
- jboselbau
- x1 is a speaker of Lojban language x2
- jboselkei
- x1=l1=s1 is plaything/toy of player x2=s2 and reflects [Loglandic]/Lojbanic language/culture/nationality/community in aspect x3=l2; x1=l1=s1 is Lojbanic game played by x2=s2.
- jboske
- x1=s1 is the science/study of Lojbanic language/culture based on methodology x2=s3; x1 is a 'Lojbanology'.
- jbosku
- x1 expresses/says x2 (sedu'u/text) in Lojban, for audience x3, via expressive medium x4.
- jbosnu
- c1 (mass normally, but 1 individual/jo'u possible) discuss(es)/talk(s) about topic/subject c2 in Lojban.
- jbosofto
- x1 reflects Lojbanic–Soviet culture/nationality in aspect x2.
- jbosofygubyseltru
- x1 is the Lojbanic Soviet Republic / Soviet Lojbanistan, governed by people x2.
- jbota'a
- x1 talks/speaks in Lojban to x2 about subject x3
- jbove'a
- l1=v1 is a child who is a native speaker of Lojban.
- jbovla
- x1 is a defined Lojban word, considered as a word as per Lojban's grammar, with meaning/role x2
- jbovlaste
- x1=li1 is a list of words x2=v1 in Lojban (v3=lo lojbo), in order x3=li3, preserved in medium x4=li4.
- jbovlazbakamnandu
- x1 is the difficulty of Lojban word-making.
- jbovlazbakemsedycro
- x1 has a headache from making new words in Lojban (or trying to do so).
- jvocme
- c1 (quoted word(s)) is a name of c2 used by c3 that morphologically [strict] is a Lojbanic lujvo built from predicates metaphor/tanru l4
- jvocmevla
- x1 is a cmevla meaning x2 in Lojban, which looks like a lujvo but ends with a non-terminal rafsi
- jvosmicme
- c1=s1 (quoted word(s)) is a name of c2 used by c3 that morphologically [loose] evokes/is similar to/is Lojbanic lujvo l1=s2 (text; may be multiple words), similar in property/quality[/amount?] s3 (ka/ni)
- malgli
- g1=m1 is an anglicism (in Lojban), inappropriate according to m3.
- muljboborbau
- x1 is The Complete Lojban Language
- pavyslakycmavy'inda
- x1 (si'o / proposed-or-existing cmavo) deserves a monosyllabic cmavo x2, even though language x3 (default Lojban) is running out of cmavo space, because of letteral-manipulation cmavo x4 and other-rarely-used cmavo x5, and it must have that monosyllabic cmavo at time x6 (default: lo ca'abna), [insert expletive x7 (default zo mabla)] it!
- terbrikazmi
- x1 (li) is the arity of predicate relationship x2; selbri (not restricted to Lojban) is x1-adic; x2 is a predicate with x1(-many) sumti/argument slots that may be filled.
- zi'evla
- x1=v1=z1 is an irregular/free-form content word meaning x2=v2=z2 in language x3=v3 (usually Lojban); x1 is a stage-4 or stage-3 fu'ivla.
- zilziljbo
- x0: Lojban is love, Lojban is life. (nullary predicate)
- zirjbo
- l1 is bad Lojban.
- cukre
- x1 reflects/relates to/pertains to CLL (Lojbanic) grammatical standards in manner/aspect x2, specific to version x3 (contextless default: the most recent version that has been officially accepted by the Lojban language's governing body (presently, the BPFK))
- lojgo
- x1 is/pertains to/reflects some version of Loglan or Lojban, or the derivatives thereof (or any language, project, thing which is path-connected thereto by derivation), in aspect/property x2 (ka).
- xekce
- x1 acts Lojbanically cruel/pedantic toward x2 in manner x3 (ka)
- xorlo
- x1 reflects/relates to/pertains to xorlo (Lojbanic) grammatical standards in manner/aspect x2, specific to version x3 (contextless default: the most recent version that has been officially accepted by the Lojban language's governing body (presently, the BPFK))
- zejvo
- x1 (text) is a Lojban compound predicate using the particle “zei”; with meaning x2, arguments x3, built from metaphor (tanru) x4.
- zevla
- x1 is a zi'evla-form word meaning x2 (in Lojban); x1 is morphologically a zi'evla
- bei'a
- quotes a non-Lojban letter
- bei'au
- quotes non-Lojban letters (delimited)
- bo'ei (exp!)
- single Lojban-word name quote, turns to selbri-unit: "x1 is that which has this name"
- ci'e'u
- quotes an emoji name surrounded by pauses; can be non-Lojban
- do'oi
- generic single-word generic vocative marker; identifies intended listener with a single, possibly non-Lojban word, delimited by pauses (in speech) or by whitespace (in writing).
- fa'o'o
- end of all Lojban text, forever.
- jo'au'o (exp!)
- shift letterals to Lojban alphabet
- la'ai
- otherwise lojbanic name, ending in a vowel; multiple names delimited by pauses.
- la'oi
- single-word non-Lojban name; quotes a single non-Lojban word delimited by pauses and treats it as a name
- mau'e
- UI conversion start quote; converts grammatical Lojban text to cmavo of selma'o UI
- mau'o
- UI conversion end quote (elidable terminator); converts grammatical Lojban text to cmavo of selma'o UI
- me'oi
- non-Lojban brivla
- mu'oi
- delimited non-Lojban selbri-unit
- ra'ai
- quotes a single non-meaning name in lojban (Must be lojban text and sounds) delimited by pauses
- sau'e (exp!)
- quotes a nonce Lojban word (an onomatopoeia), turns it into selbri unit meaning "x1 makes a sound like (quoted word)".
- su'u'u'u'u'u'u'u
- erasure word: delete everything that was ever said in Lojban.
- ta'ai (exp!)
- pro-bridi: Quotes a single Lojban word, and turns it into the bridi, "x1 is the same word-shape as the quoted word"
- zo'oi
- quote next non-Lojban word only; quotes a single non-Lojban word delimited by pauses (in speech) or whitespace (in writing)
- baicmvo
- x1 (usually Lojban word) is the BAI cmavo corresponding to root word/gismu x2.
- banjubu'o
- x1 is the language with ISO 639-3 code jbo (Lojban).
- beidle
- x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'links' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
- berkaka
- x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'linkargs' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
- binsasu
- x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'relative-clause' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
- blonare
- x1 is any single word (no compound cmavo), a part of Lojban text representing rule 'any-word' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
- blonaresmi
- x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'word' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
- brinefa
- x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'bridi-tail' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
- brinesi
- x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'sentence' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
- brinimi
- x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'subsentence' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
- brinimikra
- x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'prenex' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
- burfava
- x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'lerfu-word' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
- coindoi
- x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'vocative' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
- eltada
- x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'tag' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
- elvada
- x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'space' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
- fa'arda
- x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'space-offset' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
- fatmeko
- x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'rp-expression' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
- fatnetika
- x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'rp-operand' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
- fe'erda
- x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'space-int-props' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
- filtoda
- x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'tense-modal' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
- funseia
- x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'operator' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
- geknimi
- x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'gek-sentence' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
- jarnezi
- x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'text' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
- jbobanido
- x1 is a 'Lojbanido', a daughter-language (linguistic offspring, not mutually intelligible) of Lojban, used by x2 to express/communicate x3.
- jbofuvi
- x1 is a Lojban-derived zi'evla/"self-loan-word" with meaning x2 derived from word(s) x3
- jboiu
- x1 is a Lojban lover/enthusiast.
- jboku'ile
- x1 reflects/pertains to a Lojban-Ithkuil hybrid culture/language in aspect x2
- jbopomofo
- x1 is a jbopomofo orthography (bopomofo orthography adapted for lojban)
- jborefota
- x1 is a pair of Lojbanists who frequently talk to each other in Lojban by telephone.
- jbo'u'i
- x1 is funny to x2 because it is Lojbanic, in aspect x3.
- jbovaseji
- x1 adds x2 to Lojban dictionary x3 (default la jbovlaste)
- jurfuga
- x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'statement' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
- lerfusu
- x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'lerfu-string' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
- luvrzei
- x1 (text) is a Lojban compound predicate using the particle “zei”; with meaning x2, arguments x3, built from metaphor (tanru) x4.
- mekseia
- x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'mex-operator' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
- meksota
- x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'mex' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
- mektika
- x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'operand' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
- namsusu
- x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'number' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
- nebmaugi
- x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'null'
- ni'orsu
- x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'paragraph' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
- purzida
- x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'time-offset' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
- saptoda
- x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'simple-tense-modal' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
- slurume
- x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'free' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
- sumsenime
- x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'terms' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
- sumseninu
- x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'termset' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
- sumsenixu
- x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'tail-terms' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
- sumtifa
- x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'sumti-tail' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
- sumtika
- x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'sumti' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
- ta'erda
- x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'interval-property' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
- taulka
- x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'tanru-unit' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
- tcekitaujau
- x1 is the "ce ki tau jau" dialect of Lojban, used by x2 to communicate x3 (si'o/du'u)
- tcekitaujei
- x1 is the 'ce ki tau jei' dialect of Lojban, used by x2 to communicate x3 (si'o/du'u)
- terkanu
- x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'quantifier' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
- uanta
- x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'bi'in'/'ek'/'gi'ek'/'jek'/'joik'/'gek'/'gu'ek'/'gik' to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
- uinda
- x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'indicator' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
- uoldemarbau
- x1 is a language described in the first edition of 'The Complete Lojban Language' book and used by x2 to express x3 (proposition, not quotation)
- uoldespisa
- x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'fragment' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
- valsrvlsrvalsrvla
- x1 is stage 3 fu'ivla meaning/causing x2 in language x3 (default Lojban) containing excessively long consonant cluster x4 (quote)
- ve'arda
- x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'space-interval' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
- vlalikei
- x1 [mass/sequence] plays the Lojban word chaining game (vlalinkei) with ruleset x2 and winner x3 with resulting sentence x4 against world champion x6 for fabulous cash prize x7 and endorsement deal(s) x8 groupies x9 (except they probably go earlier), played at time x10 at location x11 and honorific title x12 breaking record(s) x13 with mindless spectators x14 taking time x15 [amount] containing most frequently used word x16 (zo) and not using perfectly good words x17 (zo) displaying new strategy/trick x18 supervised by x19 with referee x20 and used message transmission system x21 time limit per move x22 shortest move of the game x23 broadcast on TV network(s) x24 with Neilson ratings x25 supplanting previously most watched show x26 winning new fans
x27 who formerly played x28 which is inferior for reasons x29 by standard x30 with banned words x31 with words winning additional points x32 with climax of suspense x33 and best comeback x34
- xekcedipasopa
- x1 is Lojbanically cruel to x2 in manner x3, which is like what's described in the 191st XKCD comic
- zeiljvo
- x1 (text) is a Lojban compound predicate using the particle “zei”; with meaning x2, arguments x3, built from metaphor (tanru) x4.
- zgabube
- x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'selbri' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
- ziltida
- x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'stag' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
- zilze'apuda
- x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'time' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
- coilojban
- name: forgetful stubborn supporter of pre-Dotside Lojban.
- losupan
- Lojban
- denpa bu
- letteral: Lojban "." character.
- slaka bu
- letteral: Lojban ',' character.
- bi'in zei uanta
- x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'interval' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
- ci zei brinefa
- x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'bridi-tail-3' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
- ci zei jurfuga
- x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'statement-3' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
- ci zei mektika
- x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'operand-3' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
- ci zei sumtika
- x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'sumti-3' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
- ci zei zgabube
- x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'selbri-3' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
- ek zei uanta
- x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'ek' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
- gek zei uanta
- x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'gek' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
- gi'ek zei uanta
- x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'gihek' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
- gik zei uanta
- x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'gik' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
- gu'ek zei uanta
- x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'guhek' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
- jek zei uanta
- x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'jek' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
- joikek zei uente
- x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'joik-ek' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
- joikijek zei uente
- x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'joik-jek' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
- joik zei uanta
- x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'joik' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
- loi zei binsasu
- x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'relative-clauses' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
- loi zei uinda
- x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'indicators' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
- lojban zei simsa
- s1 is similar/parallel to Lojban in property s3 (ka).
- mei zei ni'orsu
- x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'paragraphs' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
- mu zei sumtika
- x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'sumti-5' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
- mu zei zgabube
- x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'selbri-5' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
- pa zei brinefa
- x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'bridi-tail-1' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
- pa zei funseia
- x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'operator-1' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
- pa zei jarnezi
- x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'text-1' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
- pa zei jurfuga
- x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'statement-1' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
- pa zei meksota
- x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'mex-1' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
- pa zei mektika
- x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'operand-1' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
- pa zei sumsenime
- x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'terms-1' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
- pa zei sumtifa
- x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'sumti-tail-1' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
- pa zei sumtika
- x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'sumti-1' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
- pa zei taulka
- x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'tanru-unit-1' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
- pa zei zgabube
- x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'selbri-1' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
- re zei brinefa
- x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'bridi-tail-2' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
- re zei funseia
- x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'operator-2' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
- re zei jurfuga
- x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'statement-2' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
- re zei meksota
- x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'mex-2' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
- re zei mektika
- x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'operand-2' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
- re zei sumsenime
- x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'terms-2' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
- re zei sumtika
- x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'sumti-2' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
- re zei taulka
- x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'tanru-unit-2' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
- re zei zgabube
- x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'selbri-2' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
- vo zei sumtika
- x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'sumti-4' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
- vo zei zgabube
- x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'selbri-4' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
- xa zei sumtika
- x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'sumti-6' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
- xa zei zgabube
- x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'selbri-6' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
In notes:
- cmene
- x1 (quoted word(s)) is a/the name/title/tag of x2 to/used-by namer/name-user x3 (person).
- dunda
- x1 [donor] gives/donates gift/present x2 to recipient/beneficiary x3 [without payment/exchange].
- ferti
- x1 is fertile/conducive for supporting the growth/development of x2; x1 is fruitful/prolific.
- gadri
- x1 is an article/descriptor labelling description x2 (text) in language x3 with semantics x4.
- nobli
- x1 is noble/aristocratic/elite/high-born/titled in/under culture/society/standard x2.
- sovda
- x1 is an egg/ovum/sperm/pollen/gamete of/from organism [mother/father] x2.
- vasxu
- x1 breathes/respires x2 [gas].
- pe'aru'e (comp!)
- weak metaphor marker: indicates that there is some broadening of the concept, typically to include objects of types that are unusual for the defined place structure, but which retains most of the semantic of the word as defined.
- sexixa
- 6th conversion; switch 1st/6th places
- su'ifa'uvu'u (comp!)
- mekso operator: plus or minus with order important, (((a±b)±c)±...±z)
- va'icu'i (comp!)
- discursive: in the same words.
- brarafsi
- x1 ("ra'oi"-quote) is a long (unreduced) rafsi/combining form of word/concept x2 in language x3.
- brirei
- c1 is a question asking for a predicate, asked by c3 to c4.
- brivla
- v1 is a morphologically defined predicate word signifying relation b2 in language v3.
- brivlacme
- c1 (quoted word(s)) is a name of c2 used by c3 that morphologically [strict] is brivla bv1 in language x5
- brivlasmicme
- x1=c1=s1 (quoted word(s)) is a name of x2=c2 used by x3=c3 that morphologically [loose] evokes/is similar to/is a brivla x4=v1=s2 (text; may be multiple words), similar in property/quality[/amount?] x5=s3 (ka/ni), in language x6
- brivycme
- x1 is a brivla-based name for x2 used by namer x3
- bu'ivla
- x1 (quoted text) is a “bu letteral” of character x2 (zoi quote).
- cenmildje
- d1 is d2 full (centi)milidays (hundred-thousandth of a day unit) in duration (default is 1 (centi)miliday) by standard d3; d1 is a metric second.
- cibyfu'ivla
- x1=v1=f1 is a stage 3 fu'ivla meaning x2=v2, based on word x3=f2 in language x4.
- ci'irpa'i
- x1 [loves/takes great, passionate interest in] x2
- cmarafsi
- x1 ("ra'oi"-quote) is a short (reduced) rafsi/combining form of word/concept x2 in language x3.
- cmevla
- x1 is a morphologically defined name word meaning x2 in language x3.
- cunrafsi
- r1 is an unpredictable/irregular affix for word/concept r2, with form/properties r3, in language r4.
- du'edji
- x1=du1=dj1 is greedy for/wants too much of x2=dj2 (event/state) for purpose x3=dj3, excessively greedy by standard x4=du3.
- eiksyspespe
- x1 is a spouse of x2's former spouse by law/custom/standard x3.
- facyborselkaizilkanpyborselkaimau'yraunzu
- x1 is so x2 (ka) that x3 (nu); x1=ckajiZ1=ckajiP1=raunzu1 satisfies property x2=ckajiZ2=fatci1=raunzu2=zmadu2 enough that x3=raunzu3, where ckajiP2=kanpe2=zmadu2.
- fluplu
- x1 is a floating island of material/properties x2 floating on x3.
- fu'ivla
- x1=v1=f1 is a loanword meaning x2=v2 in language x3=v3, based on word x4=f2 in language x5.
- fukyvlarafsi
- r1 is the rafsi prefix used in stage-3 fu'ivla v1=f1, rafsi based on word r2.
- gimkamsmikezypro
- x1
(word/quote; probably gismu) conflicts with x2 (word/text; probably gismu) according to rules x3 in language x4.
- jbofi'e
- l1 is Jbofihe.
- jvajvo
- l1 is a regular/predictable lujvo (compound predicate word) with meaning l2 and arguments l3 built from phrase l4 and having an argument structure according to rule j1.
- jvarafsi
- r1 is a predictable/regular affix for word/concept r2, with form/properties r3, in language r4.
- jvocmevo
- x1 is a lujvo-like cmevla meaning x2
- jvomi'u
- The lujvo m1=l1 (text) is an equivalent/interchangable lujvo form of lujvo m2=l1 (text).
- jvopro
- x1 (quote) is a lujvo/compound word(s) form which conflicts with other lujvo x2 (quote) according to rule x3 in language x4.
- jvova'i
- x1 (number) is the lujvo score of lujvo x2 (text) determined under scoring algorithm x3.
- ku'arkydicka'u
- x1 is measures equal to/is a quantum negative electric charge [-e/3; electric charge of a down quark] in electric charge, under signum convention x2 (default: proton has charge equal to -3 times this unit).
- lerbasysre
- s1 makes a typo, typing/writing letter l1=b1 in place of l1=b2 in word b3 by standard s4
- lertcitydetri
- x1 is the letteral-tagged timestamp of event/state/duration x2, at timezone location x3, by calendar x4
- lervla
- v1 is a word which stands for the letter/digit/symbol v2=l1 in language v3.
- lojbauske
- s1 is the science/craft-knowledge ('loglanology'/'loglangology') of logical language s2=b1 based on methodology s3.
- malglixlu
- x1=m1=g1=xl3 is an inappropriate anglicism made by x2=xl2, inappropriate according to x3=m3
- mecraizmana'u
- x1 (number) is the supremum of set x2 under (partial) ordering x3
- nakcei
- c1 is a god (specifically, male deity) of people(s)/religion c2 with dominion over c3 [sphere].
- na'uvla
- x1 is the word with stands for the number x2 in language x3
- nibysucyjvo
- l1 is an implicit-abstraction lujvo with meaning l2 and arguments l3 built from metaphor [tanru] l4.
- nitre'e
- x1 is a subway train consisting of cars x2.
- nonrefke'udu'e
- if x1 never happens again, it would be too soon
- pavdutcinse
- c1 is strictly heterosexual in situation c2 by standard c4.
- pavmitcinse
- c1 is strictly homosexual in situation c2 by standard c4.
- pavmitpamcinse
- c1 in activity/state c2 exhibits a strictly homoromantic orientation by standard c4.
- pavyfu'ivla
- x1=v1=f1 is a stage 1 fu'ivla meaning x2=v2, based on word x3=f2 in language x4.
- relfu'ivla
- x1=v1=f1 is a stage 2 fu'ivla meaning x2=v2, based on word x3=f2 in language x4.
- relveljvojvo
- x1 (text) is a compound predicate word (lujvo) with meaning x2 and arguments x3 (ordered) which is built from a binary/two-term metaphor (tanru) x4.
- selbri
- x1 (ka) is the relation of predicate x2 (du'u), which has arguments x3 (sequence of sumti).
- selglagauko'e
- x1 is a quantity of/contains/is made of coke from source x2
- seltau
- x1 is the modifying part of binary metaphor x2 with modified part/modificand x3 giving meaning x4 in usage/instance x5
- sezyskivla
- x1 is an autonym (word that describes itself) meaning x2 in language x3
- sizyjvomi'u
- x1 is the concept/idea of lujvo-equivalence, as held by x2
- sumbi'o
- x1 fills selbri x2 in terbri x3.
- sumrei
- p1 (text) is a question asking for an argument, asked by p3 to p4.
- terbri
- x1 (sequence of sumti) is the sequence of arguments that, joined by relation x2 (ka), form predicate x3 (du'u)
- terjonle'u
- x1 (letteral: la'e zo BY/word-bu) is a hyphen/joining letter(al) in language x2 with function in/context of use/with rules for use/with properties x3, joining prefixed unit/lexeme/morpheme/string x4 (quote) to postfixed unit/lexeme/morpheme/string x5 (quote) in construct (full word) x6 (quote)
- tertau
- x1 is the modified part/modificand of binary metaphor x2 with modifying part x3, giving meaning x4 in usage/instance x5
- tsajoible
- x1 is strong/robust and weak/vulnerable in property/quality/aspect x2 (ka) by standard x3.
- veljvo
- x1 is a metaphor [of affix compound] with meaning [of affix compound] x2 with argument [of affix compound] x3 with affix compound x4; x1 is the tanru/metaphor construct of complex word/affix compound/lujvo x4
- vicma'o
- x1 is an eraser word
- vlakamsmi
- x1 is the similarity relation between all members of set x2 (set of quoted words) such that they all mean esentially one common thing x3 and are considered to be identical in any meaningful way in language x4.
- vlalei
- k1 is a word type within (language) k2=v3, with defining property k3 (ka).
- vlaturge'a
- x1 is the morphology of language x2 for text x3.
- vonfu'ivla
- x1=v1=f1 is a stage 4 fu'ivla meaning x2=v2, based on word x3=f2 in language x4.
- zbalermorna
- x1 is a pattern of zbalermorna symbols x2; x1 represents the zbalermorna orthography
- zbiseljirna
- n2=j2 is a rhinoceros of species/type x2
- zdali'a
- x1=c1 leaves/departs/separates from the house inhabited by x2=z2=c2, along route x3=c3
- zevlyrafsi
- r1 is an affix/combining form for zi'evla word r2=z1, form/properties r3.
- zifma'o
- x1 is is a free word (word which can be freely inserted into or deleted from a sentence without making it ungrammatical), with meaning/function x2 in usage (language) x3
- zifyvlaklerafsi
- x1 (quote) is a zi'evla/fu'ivla categorizer particle/morpheme/unit with meaning/indicating category x2, having properties x3, and that is appended in zi'evla (full word) x4, in language x5
- zmaraimecna'u
- x1 (number) is the infimum of set x2 under (partial) ordering x3
- besto
- x1 dons metaphorical asbestos suit x2 to guard against flames x3 on topic x4 from x5, who disagrees with post x6 for reason x7, not realizing that the post was meant to be sent to x8 rather than all of mailing list x9 (default jboste) where it was posted in response to email
x10, whose author wishes selma'o x11 (default SE) were extended to concisely express place x12 of brivla x13 (default besto) which has place structure x14 and too many places because of sadistic whim x15 of brivla-maker x16, who also created brivla x17 which has place structure x18, and so winds up using too many of cmavo x19 (default zi'o) in order to make the brivla ( x13) more usable by standard x20 and wishes they had never heard of the word besto for reason x21, not realizing for reason x22 that it was suggested sarcastically due to boredom x23 of person x24, who is proposing it against better judgement x25 because it is fun by standard x26, but still wishes it had as many places as x27 (default du) for reason x28, and feels like throwing in epistemology sumti x29, because he/she knows both that gismu x30 (default besto) has its place structure defined by run-on sentence x31 and that epistemology sumti are used in gismu x32 by epistemology x33, notwithstanding the fact that x34 actually has a use for besto places x35 (default 1) through x36 (default x7) and wishes this weren't an extremely long and stupid joke, longer than joke x37 and stupider than joke x38 but still appreciated by x39 - a fact which says x40 about them in the opinion of x41 - but not seen as even remotely amusing by x42, who is aware that x43 has a use for the gismu besto because of x45
- brivo
- x1 is a predicate word defined as such by its word shape, signifying relation x2 (n-ary property) in language x3
- cmevo
- x1 is a morphologically defined name word meaning x2 in language x3.
- jbobo
- x1 reflects jbobau language/culture/nationality/community in aspect x2
- tasmi
- x1 is the way or manner in which activity/event x2 is done/happens
- bi'ei (exp!)
- number/digit: 2(2×5/3) = 8×(2(1/3)).
- bi'oi
- non-logical interval connective: ordered interval with specified endpoint/terminus x1 and signed measure/length/duration x2; interval between x1 and x1 + x according to the ordering of the space.
- bi'oi'au (exp!)
- digit/number: interval/range indicator for significant digits (determined by lesser endpoint).
- boi'ai
- unary mekso operator: immediately convert number into a single digit.
- boi'au (exp!)
- immediately convert symbolic string to number (explicit)
- boi'e'u
- mekso operator/function terminator (in Polish notation): inserts exactly enough "{boi}"'s consecutively so as to terminate the most recently uttered operator/function in a mekso expression
- boi'oi
- preserve formal interpretation of mekso subexpression with no substitutions made
- cai'e
- strong scalar intensifier: extremely...
- ce'ei'oi
- BIhI argument modifier: indicates dimensionality/length of tuple
- ci'a
- metadata tag / hashtag
- co'au'e (exp!)
- trivial selbri inversion: does not invert tanru (seltau first/left, tertau second/right).
- dai'o (exp!)
- discursive & gafyzmico: reset/restore all defaults (permanently) to discourse-exterior specification; cancel all following discourse-interior default assignments
- de'au'u
- mekso ternary operator: positive super-logarithm; the super-logarithm (inverse operator of hyper-operator with respect to "height" of power tower) of a with base b and of order c-2.
- fai'a (exp!)
- translation marker - original/native version: marks a construct as having been translated and therefore particularly (possibly, but not necessarily) susceptible to the errors or limitations associated with translation (especially if the translator is unsure of the best result/option)
- fe'au'u
- mekso ternary operator: positive super-root; the bth super-root (inverse operator of hyper-operator with respect to base) of a of order c-2.
- fe'ei
- binary mekso operator: divided by (fraction): a/(b...)
- fi'ai
- marks end of prenex in stack-based dialect
- fi'au
- mekso operator: continued fraction, Kettenbruch notation; for ordered input (X1, X, where: X1 is an ordered pair of functions and X2 is a free or dummy variable/input/index which ranges through set X3 in order(ing) X4, the result is K(X for Kettenbruch notation K.
- jai'e
- elliptical presence or absence of "jai".
- jo'au (exp!)
- change version/dialect of parser
- ka'ei'a (exp!)
- digit/number: Conway's look-and-say constant λ ≈ 1.303577269…
- kau'ai
- Microdigit-spanning endianness binary-toggle.
- kau'au
- Macrodigit-spanning endianness binary-toggle.
- ke'e'u
- Locks tanru modification order reversal (does not affect lujvo). {ke'e'unai} restores regular order
- ku'o'e'a (exp!)
- quod erat demonstrandum, Q.E.D.
- la'au
- start grammatical name quotation; the quoted text is an identifier and must be grammatical on its own.
- loi'e (exp!)
- generalized mass gadri; start a description of a generalization of some mass/group/constituency viewed as a whole
- lu'ei (exp!)
- convert a grammatical quotation to a tanru unit; x1 expresses/says the quoted text for audience x2 via expressive medium x3.
- mi'i'au (exp!)
- digit/number: interval/range indicator for significant digits (determined by midpoint).
- ni'u'u
- scalar negator: not at all, no way
- no'au'au
- mathematical/mekso binary operator: the zero/identity-element/(primitive (-))constant operator; outputs the identity-element of structure A (contextless default: the additive group of integers) regardless of the input value of B (except blank or ill-defined values)
- noi'e
- scalar normative: normal in intensity
- pai'e
- scalar question: how very...?
- pai'i (exp!)
- Digit/number: pi (denoted "π"; approximately 3.1416...); the constant defined by the ratio of the circumference to the diameter of all circles in Euclidean space.
- pei'a (exp!)
- scalar / attitudinal question: how very...?
- pi'u'e
- mekso n-ary operator: generate ordered tuple/list from inputs; pi'u'e(x1, x= (x1, x, pi'u'e(x1, x= (x1, x, etc.
- po'i'oi
- mekso at-most-3-ary operator: convert to polynomial; X1 (ordered list of algebraic structure (probably field) elements) forms the (ordered list of) coefficients of a polynomial/Laurent-like series with respect to indeterminate X2 under ordering rule X3 (default for finite list: the first entry is the coefficient of the highest-degree term and each subsequent entry is the next lesser-degree coefficient via counting by ones and wherein the last entry is the constant term)
- ra'oi
- single-word rafsi quote; quotes a single word delimited by pauses (in speech) or whitespace (in writing) and treats it as a rafsi
- rau'o (exp!)
- flag a quote/sedu'u statement in order to indicate that the text is substantially the same in all relevant important aspects (usually including content), translated with this meaning, "to this/that same effect" - - (nai:) untranslated, original and exact wording
- rei'e
- scalar abator: slightly... / not very...
- ro'au'o (exp!)
- shift to Latin alphabet (strictly)
- sai'e
- scalar intensifier: very...
- sai'ei
- turns PA into CAI; intensity attitude modifier expressed by a mekso.
- sau'e'u (exp!)
- topicalizer (sumtcita/discursive; somewhat meta): the following discourse is about/relates to/has topic/concerns
- si'i'ei
- story time toggle.
- so'oi
- Initiator of subordinating adverbial relative clause with leftwards logical scope. The adverbial clause binds the resumptive pronoun {ke'a} to the outer clause, which becomes irrealis (i.e. not necessarily claimed to be true). Terminator: {se'u}.
- tai'e'i
- mekso unary operator: basic Schlafli symbol composer (defined only on ordered lists)
- vau'e'oi
- interval bracket ordered tuple introducer
- vau'o'oi
- interval bracket ordered tuple terminator
- xa'ei
- time tense relation/direction: disconnected in time/place; causally disjoint
- xi'i
- extent of truth
- xo'a
- Loglan toggle: Toggles text to TLI Loglan; marks following text as TLI Loglan.
- xoi'ei'a
- Toggles grammar so that every mention of a number n is interpreted as "at least n".
- xu'au
- extent of truth
- zau'e'u
- text affirmation/negation mode toggle
- adverbi
- x1 is an adverbial adjunct (adverb or adverbial clause) meaning x2 in language x3
- aigne
- x1 is an eigenvalue (or zero) of linear transformation/square matrix x2, associated with/'owning' all vectors in generalized eigenspace x3 (implies neither nondegeneracy nor degeneracy; default includes the zero vector) with 'eigenspace-generalization' power/exponent x4 (typically and probably by cultural default will be 1), with algebraic multiplicity (of eigenvalue) x5
- almu
- x1 (quoted text) is a fragment/incomplete statement/question/utterance/proposition/text with intended meaning x2 in the context/under conditions x3 (default: the currently relevant context)
- astrato
- x1 is a grammatical abstraction of type x2
- brididu
- x1 is the relationship between x2, x3, x4, ...
- ci'izra
- x1 is "curiouser and curiouser" / strange / weird / deviant / bizarre / odd to x2 in property x3 (ka).
- crimpuui
- x1 is a prawn/shrimp [marine/saltwater specimens/species only] of taxon/species/type x2
- daigno
- x1 (ordered list) is a sampling of entries of matrix/tensor x2 in which exactly one entry is sampled from each row and/or column (etc.) between entries x3 (list; default: the largest 'square'/'hypercubic' sampling possible in the entire tensor starting with the first entry, see notes) inclusively following selection procedure/rule/function/order x4 (default: diagonally, see notes), where the tensor/matrix is expressed in basis/under conditions x5
- eldicka'u
- x1 is measures equal to/is an elementary negative electric charge [-e; negative of the charge of the proton, id est the charge of the electron] in electric charge, under signum convention x2 (default: proton charge is -1 times this unit).
- esme
- x1 (text) is written in a dialect where {su'o}, {ro} quantifiers are treated as {su'oi}, {ro'oi} respectively
- ilpofu
- x1 is a dagger made of x2
- jboponei
- x1 relates to/is an instance of jboponei dialect in aspect x2
- jorlge
- x1 is the result of applying logical connective/conjunction x2 to the terms of the ordered list x3 in the order given, in system x4
- klauza
- x1 (text) is a grammatical clause (verb, its necessary grammatical arguments, and any adjuncts affecting them)
- obro
- x1 is the last word x2 adds to database x3 in language x4
- o'evla
- x1 is a generic/elliptical-referent/unspecified-referent word of type x2 (ka/selma'o) in language x3.
- onckire
- x1 wears 'on' (Japanese term) on x2 due to x3; x1 is thankful/feels obligation/owes to x2 due to x3; x2 is kind/grants favor/offers 'on' to x1 in x3; x1 has unpayable debt to x2 for x3; x2 is an 'onjin' (benefactor, Japanese term)
- onga
- x1 (text) is written in a dialect where selbri in every bridi-tail is assumed to have {so'o'o'oi} applied to it
- paulcna
- x1 [signed quantity] is the the intrinsic spin/signed spin quantum number/magnetic quantum number/Dirac-Pauli spin-like charge [commonly denoted: s] of particle/thing x2, as measured along axis/in direction/measuring component x3
- pramrvalentine
- x2 is the Valentine (date/lover for the eponymous holiday) of x1; x1 is to go out on a Valentine''s Day date or otherwise be (ceremonially) associated with x2 for the holiday and festivities of Valentine's Day.
- praune
- x1 is a prawn/shrimp [freshwater specimens/species only] of taxon/species/type x2
- pre'uso
- x1 reflects Prussian culture/nationality/geography in aspect x2.
- raunte
- x1 is a rodent [can be a member of eutherian mammal Rodentia; semantic broadening might subjectively generalize the concept somewhat] of subtaxon/type/genus/species/breed/variety x2.
- rolsixu
- For every x in x1, there exists a y in x2 such that x me'au x3 y; For every y in x2 there exists an x in x1 such that x me'au x3 y.
- selpo'amarantu
- a1=s2 is a quantity of puffed amaranth from unpuffed amaranth s1.
- selpo'anuna
- a1=s2 is a quantity of puffed nuña bean(s) from unpuffed nuña bean(s) s1 (Phaseolus vulgaris subsp. nunas).
- setxeve
- x1 (predicate, relation, function, set of n-tuples) is the converse/conversion/complement/transpose/commutation/functional-'permutation' of x2 (same typing as x1), as defined on set/object/space/graph x4, with argument/input slots permuted via function/operator/marker/permutation/(group) action x3.
- si'impetotki
- x1 (value, state, form) is the asymptote/limit [Calculus sense] of function/dependent variable/limitand x2 as independent variable(s) x3 tend(s) toward point/respective value(s)/tuple x4 along path/from direction x5.
- simplingo
- x1 reflects Simplingua culture/nationality/language in aspect x2
- sumdaiklei
- x1 (mass) is the object type of argument object x2, as defined by property x3 (ka)
- tanruselskiski
- x1 is a selskiski-style (noun-adjective) / military-style tanru with x2 modifying x3, giving meaning x4 in usage/instance x5
- tanruskiselski
- x1 is a skiselski-style (adjective-noun) tanru with x2 modifying x3, giving meaning x4 in usage/instance x5
- tcasnuue
- x1 (nu) is a conversation/dialogue/exchange/scene/series of communicative responses/series of expressions/series of messages/exchange of information event between participating speakers x2 (ordered list; ce'o) and passive or active audience members x3 (set; may repeat elements of x2) in languages x4 (use "fa'u" if desired) and via expressive media x5 (use "fa'u" if desired) in which the following utterances/messages/expressions are, in/according to frame of reference x6, made/sent or received in approximately the following chronological order: x7 (sedu'u/text/quote/lu'e concept vel sim.), x8 (sedu'u/text/quote/lu'e concept vel sim.), x9 (sedu'u/text/quote/lu'e concept vel sim.), ... (open-ended terbri structure of arbitrarily many sumti slots).
- tcekitau
- x1 relates to/is an instance of ce-ki-tau dialect x3 in aspect x2
- tirkece
- x1 reflects Turkish/[Turkic] culture/nationality/language in aspect x2.
- traduce
- x1 translates x2 (text) to x3 (text); x1 translates x2 (text) producing x3 (text)
- tseingu
- x1 (node in a tree graph) and x2 (node in the same tree graph) have an essentially unique most recent (graph-nearest) common ancestor node A such that x3 [nonnegative integer; li] is the minimum element of the set consisting only of d(A, x1) and of d(A, x2), and such that x4 [integer; li] is d(A, x1) - d(A, x2), where d is the graph geodesic distance (defined to be infinite if nodes are not connected in the correct direction).
- valrtosmabru
- x1 is a tosmabru word.
- valsitosmabru
- x1 is a tosmabru word.
- valslinku'i
- x1 is a slinku'i word
- xaudbo
- x1 is \sqrtA = \sqrt2×5 [decimal: 1\times10+(1/2)] of x2 in dimension/aspect x3 (default is units).
- xextane
- x1 pertains to the Xextan language/culture/community in aspect x2
- xlodu'uxukau
- x1 is verbose/overwrought to x2 by standard x3
- zbusufukai
- x1 is BSFK-ish / BSFK-like in aspect x2 (ka)
- baknis
- x1 is Taurus [constellation/astrological sign].
- camgusmis
- Robin Lee Powell.
- cinfos
- x1 is Leo [constellation/astrological sign].
- cre'udingar
- Schrödinger
- djankixadas
- John Quijada
- fertis
- x1 is Virgo [constellation/astrological sign].
- izyng
- Ising
- jakob
- Jacob
- kmir
- kmir
- kocon
- Koshon
- krtis
- Curtis
- lindar
- Lindar Kelleigh Greenwood
- loglan
- Loglan
- lunmes
- x1 is Aries [astronomical constellation/astrological sign].
- samyuan
- name: "Someone", aka "the god of lazy people", used when the speaker is pushing responsibility to someone else unspecified
- sebastiIAN
- Sebastián/Sébastien
- sedais
- Sedai (honorific/title/name/rank/organization)
- sevan
- Sevan
- sinsynatis
- Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S.A.
- soran
- Sora
- syPIR
- Sapir
- vislavacimborskas
- Wisława Szymborska
- ky.bu
- Letteral: “q” character
- vy.bu
- Letteral: “w” character
- y'y.bu
- letteral for "h" character
- u zei bangu
- x1 is the U-conlang, used by x2 to communicate x3.
- masKUAS
- Moscow
- kuardicka'u
- x1 is measures equal to/is a quantum negative electric charge [-e/3; electric charge of a down quark] in electric charge, under signum convention x2 (default: proton has charge equal to -3 times this unit).