On gloss:
- letteral for s.
In definition:
- banxa
- x1 is a bank owned by/in banking system x2 for banking function(s) x3 (event).
- barda
- x1 is big/large in property/dimension(s) x2 (ka) as compared with standard/norm x3.
- barna
- x1(s) is a/are mark(s)/spot(s) on x2 of material x3.
- binra
- x1 insures/indemnifies x2 (person) against peril x3 (event) providing benefit(s) x4 (event).
- bruna
- x1 is brother of/fraternal to x2 by bond/tie/standard/parent(s) x3; [not necess. biological].
- bunda
- x1 is x2 (def. 1) local weight unit(s) [non-metric], standard x3, subunits [e.g. ounces] x4.
- canti
- x1 is a/the gut(s)/entrails/intestines/viscera/innards/digestive system [body-part] of x2.
- casnu
- x1(s) (mass normally, but 1 individual/jo'u possible) discuss(es)/talk(s) about topic/subject x2.
- cevni
- x1 is a/the god/deity of people(s)/religion x2 with dominion over x3 [sphere]; x1 is divine.
- cinza
- x1 is a/are tong(s)/chopsticks/pincers/tweezers/pliers [tool/body-part] for x2 to pinch x3.
- citsi
- x1 is a season/is seasonal [cyclical interval], defined by interval/property x2, of year(s) x3.
- ckule
- x1 is school/institute/academy at x2 teaching subject(s) x3 to audience/community x4 operated by x5.
- cmalu
- x1 is small in property/dimension(s) x2 (ka) as compared with standard/norm x3.
- cmene
- x1 (quoted word(s)) is a/the name/title/tag of x2 to/used-by namer/name-user x3 (person).
- cnano
- x1 [value] is a norm/average in property/amount x2 (ka/ni) among x3(s) (set) by standard x4.
- ctuca
- x1 teaches audience x2 ideas/methods/lore x3 (du'u) about subject(s) x4 by method x5 (event).
- cuntu
- x1 is an affair/organized activity involving person(s) x2 (ind./mass); x1 is x2's business.
- datni
- x1 (du'u) [fact/measurement] is data/information/statistic(s) about x2 gathered by method x3.
- dekpu
- x1 is x2 (default 1) local volume unit(s) [non-metric; e.g. bushel], standard x3, x4 subunits.
- djuno
- x1 knows fact(s) x2 (du'u) about subject x3 by epistemology x4.
- fapro
- x1 opposes/balances/contends against opponent(s) x2 (person/force ind./mass) about x3 (abstract).
- fenso
- x1 sews/stitches/sutures materials x2 (ind./set) together with tool(s) x3, using filament x4.
- festi
- x1(s) is/are waste product(s) [left to waste] by x2 (event/activity).
- fetsi
- x1 is a female/doe of species x2 evidencing feminine physical/biological/genetic trait(s) x3 (ka); x1 is feminine.
- flalu
- x1 is a law specifying x2 (state/event) for community x3 under conditions x4 by lawgiver(s) x5.
- ganzu
- x1 organizes x2 [relative chaos] into x3 [ordered/organized result] by system/principle(s) x4.
- grake
- x1 is x2 gram(s) [metric unit] in mass (default is 1) by standard x3.
- gutci
- x1 is x2 (default 1) short local distance unit(s) [non-metric], standard x3, x4 subunits.
- kakpa
- x1 (agent) digs x2 [material] up/out of x3 [source/hole] with limbs/tool(s) x4.
- kelvo
- x1 is x2 degree(s) Kelvin [metric unit] in temperature (default is 1) by standard x3.
- kramu
- x1 is x2 local area unit(s) [non-metric] (default 1) by standard x3, x4 subunits.
- krati
- x1 represents/is an agent/proxy/stands-in for [absent] x2 in matter(s)/function(s) x3.
- lanci
- x1 is a flag/banner/standard of/symbolizing x2 with pattern(s) x3 on material x4.
- litce
- x1 is x2 liter(s) [metric unit] in volume (default is 1) by standard x3.
- lumci
- x1 (agent) washes/cleanses x2 of soil/contaminant x3 in/with cleaning material(s) x4.
- mensi
- x1 is a sister of/sororal to x2 by bond/tie/standard/parent(s) x3; [not necessarily biological].
- minli
- x1 is x2 (default 1) long local distance unit(s) [non-metric], x3 subunits, standard x4.
- mitre
- x1 is x2 meter(s) [metric unit] in length (default 1) measured in direction x3 by standard x4.
- molro
- x1 is x2 mole(s) [metric unit] in substance (default is 1) by standard x3.
- morji
- x1 remembers/recalls/recollects fact(s)/memory x2 (du'u) about subject x3.
- mudri
- x1 is a quantity of/is made of/contains wood/lumber from tree(s) of type/species x2.
- mupli
- x1 is an example/sample/specimen/instance/case/illustration of common property(s) x2 of set x3.
- nakni
- x1 is a male/buck of species x2 evidencing masculine physical/biological/genetic trait(s) x3 (ka); x1 is masculine.
- nazbi
- x1 is the nose [body-part] of x2 with nostril(s)/nasal passage(s) x3; [metaphor: protrusion].
- panzi
- x1 is a [biological] offspring/child/kid/hybrid of parent(s) x2; (adjective:) x1 is filial.
- pimlu
- x1 is a/the feather/plume(s)/plumage [body-part] of animal/species x2.
- polje
- x1 (force) folds/creases x2 at locus/loci/forming crease(s)/bend(s) x3.
- pulji
- x1 is a police officer/[enforcer/vigilante] enforcing law(s)/rule(s)/order x2.
- radno
- x1 is x2 radian(s) [metric unit] in angular measure (default is 1) by standard x3.
- raktu
- x1 (object/person/event/situation) troubles/disturbs x2 (person) causing problem(s) x3.
- rarna
- x1 is natural/spontaneous/instinctive, not [consciously] caused by person(s).
- sanso
- x1 is a sauce/topping/gravy/frosting for use with x2, containing ingredient(s) including x3.
- slasi
- x1 is a quantity of/is made of/contains plastic/polymer of type/component unit(s) x2.
- sliri
- x1 is a quantity of/contains/is made of sulfur/brimstone (S); [metaphor: foul odor, volcanic].
- spita
- x1 is a hospital treating patient(s) x2 for condition/injuries/disease/illness x3.
- sruri
- x1 encircles/encloses/is surrounding x2 in direction(s)/dimension(s)/plane x3.
- stero
- x1 is x2 steradian(s) [metric unit] in solid angle (default is 1) by standard x3.
- tsiju
- x1(s) is/are (a) seed(s)/spore(s) [body-part] of organism x2 for producing offspring x3.
- tugni
- x1 [person] agrees with person(s)/position/side x2 that x3 (du'u) is true about matter x4.
- tunba
- x1 is a sibling of x2 by bond/tie/standard/parent(s) x3.
- vamji
- x1 (ni) is the equivalent value/worth of x2 [item(s) of value] to x3 for use/appreciation x4.
- xampo
- x1 is x2 ampere(s) [metric unit] in current (default is 1) by standard x3.
- xasne
- x1 is a/the sweat/perspiration from body x2, excreted by gland(s)/organs x3.
- zarci
- x1 is a market/store/exchange/shop(s) selling/trading (for) x2, operated by/with participants x3.
- zargu
- x1 is a/the buttock(s)/arse/rear/seat [body-part] of x2; [metaphor: rounded surface, support].
- zivle
- x1 (agent) invests resources x2 in investment x3 expecting return/profit x4 (object(s)/event).
- do
- pro-sumti: you listener(s); identified by vocative.
- la
- name descriptor: the one(s) called ... ; takes name or selbri description.
- lai
- name descriptor: the mass of individual(s) named ... ; takes name or selbri description.
- le
- non-veridical descriptor: the one(s) described as ...
- lei
- non-veridical descriptor: the mass of individual(s) described as ...
- lo'e
- veridical descriptor: the typical one(s) who really is(are) ...
- loi
- veridical descriptor: the mass of individual(s) that is(are) ...
- lu'e
- the symbol for (indirect discourse); uses the symbol/word(s) for a sumti as the desired sumti.
- ma'a
- pro-sumti: me/we the speaker(s)/author(s) & you the listener(s) & others unspecified.
- mi
- pro-sumti: me/we the speaker(s)/author(s); identified by self-vocative.
- mi'a
- pro-sumti: me/we the speaker(s)/author(s) & others unspecified, but not you, the listener.
- mi'o
- pro-sumti: me/we the speaker(s)/author(s) & you the listener(s).
- ci'iparoi (comp!)
- tense interval modifier: continuum (R) type infinitely many time(s); objectively quantified tense; defaults as time tense.
- ledo (comp!)
- possessive/associative descriptor: the one(s) described as, of yours.
- leko'a (comp!)
- possessive/associative descriptor: the one(s) described as, of it-1's.
- lemi (comp!)
- possessive/associative descriptor: the one(s) described as, of mine.
- ba'argau
- x1=g1 (agent) marks x3=b2 with mark(s) x2=b1 of material x4=b3.
- bajypipre'ojvi
- j1=b1=p1=r1 compete(s) in a track and field athletics match against j2 in competition j3 for prize/title j4.
- baktydekpu
- d1 is d2 bucketfull(s) of contents b2.
- balcu'e
- c1 is a university at c2 teaching subject(s) c3 to audience/community c4 operated by c5.
- balkulctu
- x1 is a professor teaching audience x2 ideas/methods/lore x3 (du'u) about subject(s) x4 by method x5 (event).
- banvokyvelganzu
- x1 is a phonotactic rule pertaining to/organizing sound(s) x2 into x3 in/pertaining to language x4 proposed/applied by x5
- barfa'e
- f1 is inside-out, with part(s) b1 currently on the outside.
- baxseljibri
- x1=s1 is a bank clerk of a bank x2=b1=s2 owned by/in banking system x3=b2 for banking function(s) x4=b3 (event).
- bilpulji
- p1 is military police officer enforcing law(s)/rule/order p2.
- binryve'u
- v1 sells insurance v2=b1 to client v3=b2 for cost v4, insurance against peril b3 (event) providing benefit(s) b4 (event).
- bivykulpikta
- p1 is a doctoral degree or equivalent education diploma entitling p2 to entitlement/privilege p3 (event/state) from school/institute/academy c1 teaching subject(s) c3.
- bramuclai
- k1 is measured as k2=s1=b1 (quantifier) tablespoon(s).
- brivlacme
- c1 (quoted word(s)) is a name of c2 used by c3 that morphologically [strict] is brivla bv1 in language x5
- brivlasmicme
- x1=c1=s1 (quoted word(s)) is a name of x2=c2 used by x3=c3 that morphologically [loose] evokes/is similar to/is a brivla x4=v1=s2 (text; may be multiple words), similar in property/quality[/amount?] x5=s3 (ka/ni), in language x6
- cafraina'o
- ca1=t1=cn1 is a/the mode [value that appears most often] in property/amount cn2 (ka/ni) among cn3(s) (set) by standard cn4.
- cagdalsasfoi
- n1 is a pasture with vegetation s1 (mainly consisting of grasses) grazed by animal(s) d1 belonging to farm/ranch c1.
- caklytsi
- t1 is/are (a) cacao bean(s) of plant sp1=t2 (genus Theobroma; default T. cacao).
- carvrama'e
- m1 is a bike/bicycle/tricycle/pedal vehicle carrying m2 in/on surface/medium m3, propelled by force m4 transmitted via pedal(s) c1=v1.
- cavysezlu'i
- l1=s1 (agent) showers itself of soil/contaminant l3 with cleaning material(s) l4.
- ceirnalju'o
- d1 does not know if a god(s) exist; d1 is agnostic.
- cenlitce
- l1=c1 is l2 centiliter(s)/centilitre(s) [metric unit] in volume (default is 1) by standard l3
- centre
- m1=c1 is m2=c2 centimeter(s) / hundredth(s) of a meter [metric unit] in length (default 1) measured in direction m3=c3 by standard x4=m3.
- cibykulpikta
- p1 is an upper secondary education diploma entitling p2 to entitlement/privilege p3 (event/state) from school/institute/academy c1 teaching subject(s) c3.
- cidytsecorci
- x1 kneels/genuflects with meaning x2 on surface x3 on/with limb(s) x4 of body x5.
- cindymudri
- m1 is a quantity of/is made of/contains oak wood/lumber from oak tree(s) of species/strain m2=c2.
- cmactatci
- t1 is a microscope used by t2=ca1 for looking at small things t2=ca2=cm1 which are small in property/dimension(s) cm2 (ka) as compared with standard/norm cm3.
- cmamuclai
- k1 is measured as k2=s1=c1 (quantifier) teaspoon(s).
- cmatcetce
- m1=c1 is tiny/miniscule/diminutive in property/dimension(s) c2 (ka) as compared with standard/norm c3.
- cmeci'e
- ci1 (mass) is a nomenclature/system of names interrelated by nomenclature rules ci2 among names/terms cm1=ci3 (set (of quoted words)), used by cm3 (person(s)) with systemic functions/properties ci4 (ka).
- cnirei
- x1=p1 is a question about x3=c2=p4’s emotion, asked by x2=p3 to x3=c3=p4.
- cocyborcidytse
- x1 kneels/genuflects with meaning x2 on surface x3 on/with limb(s) x4 of body x5.
- cpudalcarce
- c1 is a horse cab/carriage/equipage for carrying c2, propelled by animal(s) l1=c3 by handle/at locus l3.
- cticinza
- cin1 is a/are chopstick(s) for eating cit2.
- ctikembrasmuci
- sm1=b1 is/are tablespoon(s) [item of cutlery] suitable for eating sm2=c2 made of material s3.
- ctucku
- cu1=ct1 is a textbook for teaching ideas/methods ct3 (du'u), by author cu3 for audience cu4=ct2 about subject(s) ct4 by method ct5, preserved in medium cu5.
- ctufau
- f1 is a lesson by c1 for teaching audience c2 ideas/methods/lore c3 (du'u) about subject(s) c4 by method c5 (event).
- ctunoi
- n1 are instructions by c1 teaching audience c2 ideas/methods/lore c3 (du'u) about subject(s) c4 by method c5 (event).
- cukmakyvelvei
- v4=m1=c1 is a computer disk/hard disk/floppy disk storing v2 (data/facts/du'u) about v3 (object/event) in file(s) v1.
- cukmirvelvei
- v4=m1=c1 is a compact disc/optical disc storing v2 (data/facts/du'u) about v3 (object/event) in file(s) v1.
- cukygu'ivelvei
- v4=g2=c1 is a compact disc/optical disc storing v2 (data/facts/du'u) about v3 (object/event) in file(s) v1.
- daklytcati
- t1 is made of/contains/is a quantity of tea brewed using tea bag(s) d1=t2.
- darpi'ejvi
- j1=p1 long jumps with opponent(s) j2 in contest/competition j3 (event) for gain j4.
- debyspa
- s1=d2 is a legume/plant in the family Fabaceae (or Leguminosae) with bean(s)/pea(s)/leguminous seed(s) d1, of species/strain/cultivar s2.
- deknavytre
- x1=m1=n1 is x2=m2=n2 ångström(s) (Å) [length unit] in length (default 1) measured in direction x3=m3=n3 by standard x4=m3.
- dekyki'ogra
- d1=k1=g1 is d2=k2=g2 (default 1) myriagram(s) (default 1) in mass by standard g3.
- dekyki'otenfa
- x1=t1 is the exponential result of base 10000 (myriad) multiplied by x2=d2=k2 of -yllion(s) (default 1),
to power/exponent x3=t2 (default 2).
- dekyki'otre
- d1=k1=m1 is d2=k2=m2 (default 1) myriametre(s)/Scandinavian miles/tens of thousands of metre(s) [non-standard unit] in length (default 1) measured in direction m3 by standard m4.
- densrumikce
- m1 is a periodontist treating patient(s) m2 for ailment m3 involving cure m4.
- di'uzbe
- z1 is/are the foundation(s) of building/edifice/structure d1 of/for type/purpose d2, made of/with materials/properties z3.
- djecitsi
- x1 is a calendar day defined by interval/property x2, of year(s) x3.
- dotri'osanso
- s1
is a Grüne Soße/german green sauce for use with s2, containing ingredient(s) including s3.
- dracycku
- c1 is a book containing drama/play c2=d1 by book author c3 to book’s audience c4 preserved in medium c5.
- dracyselbilga
- x1 (ka) is/are the stage direction/s specific to actor/s x2 of play x3
- dracyselkei
- x1=d1=sk1 is a role-playing game/ RPG/ LARP or dramatic/ acting game played by performer(s)/ player(s) x2=d5=sk2 about x3=d2 created by author/ company x4=d3 for audience x5=d4 .
- du'acme
- c1=d2 (quoted word(s)) is the given name (as opposed to the family name) of c2=d3, used by c3 and given by namer d1.
- fetcei
- c1 is a goddess (female deity) of people(s)/religion c2 with dominion over c3 [sphere].
- filgau
- g1 [person/agent] causes f1 to be easy for f2 under condition(s) f3.
- filri'a
- r1 [event/state] causes f1 to be easy for f2 under condition(s) f3.
- fincei
- c1=f1 is the creator deity/demiurge of people(s)/religion(s) c2, having created c3=f2 from material/primordial chaos f4.
- flacau
- c1=f3 [lacks law]/[is lawless with regard to] law(s) f1 specifying f2 (state/event) under conditions f4 by lawgiver(s) f5; c1=f3 is lawless.
- flapro
- fa1 rebels against/opposes law fl1, which specifies fl2 (state/event) for community fl3 under conditions fl4 by lawgiver(s) fl5.
- flaselgu'e
- g2 is a/are citizen(s) of country g1 according to law f1 specifying f2 (state/event) for community f3.
- flaxa'u
- x1 is a/are legal resident(s) of location/country x2 according to law f1 specifying f2 (state/event) for community f3.
- gaskre
- k1=g3 is a/are the whisker(s)/sensory hair(s) /vibrissa(e) attached to k2=g1 at body part k3 for the detection of stimuli g2 under conditions g4.
- gazykamni
- k1=g1 the committee for steering/organizing g2 into g3 by system/principle(s) g4 of body/organization k3.
- ginlazyfamti
- x1 is a biological/genetic-familial/'blood' aunt/uncle of x2 by genetic-familial bond/tie/blood relation x3; x1 is a genetically and familially associated member of x2's genetic/biological parent(s)'s generation.
- ginlazytunba
- x1 is a genetic-familial/biological/'blood' sibling of x2 by bond/tie/standard/shared genetic parent(s) x3.
- glepanryborki'i
- x1 and x2 both have had/are having (not necessarily simultaneously) sexual intercourse with x3, with the relevant difference(s) between x1 and x2 being x4.
- grafyjbi
- x1 (node in graph) is near x2 (node in same connected graph component), such that they are path-connected, along path(s) x3 (default: at least one pairwise graph geodesic, with no restriction on which paths are considered) according to edge weighings x4 in connected graph component x5, with nearness standard/satisfying other conditions x6.
- grafyjbirai
- x1 (node in graph) is among the very nearest nodes to x2 (node in same graph), such that they are path-connected, along path(s) or paths of type x3 (default: directed graph geodesics from x2 to candidate other nodes, such that each of these candidates (plus x1) are pairwise distinct from x2) according to edge weighings x4 in connected graph component x5, with nearness standard/satisfying other conditions x6, the extreme x7 (default: ka zmadu, implying most-near) being amongst set/range x8 of candidate nodes.
- gugyka'i
- k1 is a diplomat/ambassador representing country k2=g1 in matter(s)/function(s) k3.
- guntrusi'o
- s1 is a communist ideology (default: Marxist-Leninist) as it applies to the governance of
people/territory/domain t2 based on the works of thinker(s) s3
- gusminli
- x1 is x2 (default 1) light year(s) by standard x3.
- jaurcarvrama'e
- m1 is a hydrocycle carrying m2, propelled by force m4 transmitted via pedal(s) c1=v1.
- jaursrasu
- s1 is/are a reed(s)/wetland grass of species s2.
- jbole'u
- le1=lo1 (la'e zo BY/word-bu) is a letter/digit/symbol of Lojban’s alphabet representing le3
- jbosnu
- c1 (mass normally, but 1 individual/jo'u possible) discuss(es)/talk(s) about topic/subject c2 in Lojban.
- jdijmaji
- jd1=jm1 assemble/meet/gather/[form a caucus]
to make decision(s) jd2 (du'u) about matter jd3 (event/state) at location jm2.
- jeclanci
- x1=l1 is the national flag of country/state/polity x2=l2=j1 with pattern(s) x3=l3 on material x4=l4
- jelnanba
- n1=j1 is toasted bread made from grain(s) n2.
- ji'erslerango
- x1 = r1 is an organelle [cellular 'body-part'] of x2 = r2 = s1 \approx j which is or ideally should be performing function(s) x3 = r3.
- jifnarju'o
- x1 does not know that fact(s) x2 (du'u), which are about subject x3, are false by epistemology x4 / it is consistent with x1's knowledge that x2 may be true
- jikyfetsi
- j1=f1 is a female/doe of species f2 evidencing feminine cultural trait(s) f3 (ka); j1=f1 is feminine.
- jikynakni
- j1=n1 is a male/buck of species n2 evidencing masculine cultural trait(s) n3 (ka); j1=n1 is masculine.
- jinsru
- d1=s1 is a ring/belt/band/girdle around/circling/ringing s2 near total containment in some dimension(s).
- jisygau
- x1 cleans x2 of contaminant(s)/dirt x3 to standard of cleanliness x4.
- jmiselfrili
- x1=f2=j1 easily understands fact(s) x2=j2 about x3=j3 under conditions of ease x4=f3.
- jufmei
- x1 is a paragraph about x2 including sentence(s) x3.
- jugysmuci
- sm1=j1 is/are Chinese style soup spoon(s) (中式湯匙) [item of cutlery] for eating sm2 made of material s3.
- jungau
- x1 tells/makes known to x2
fact(s) x3 (du'u) about subject x4 by epistemology x5.
- jupklu
- k1 is a cuisine pertaining to culture/geographical region/ethos/religion k2 with dishes j2 cooked/prepared by recipe(s)/method(s) j3 (process).
- jvocme
- c1 (quoted word(s)) is a name of c2 used by c3 that morphologically [strict] is a Lojbanic lujvo built from predicates metaphor/tanru l4
- jvopro
- x1 (quote) is a lujvo/compound word(s) form which conflicts with other lujvo x2 (quote) according to rule x3 in language x4.
- jvosmicme
- c1=s1 (quoted word(s)) is a name of c2 used by c3 that morphologically [loose] evokes/is similar to/is Lojbanic lujvo l1=s2 (text; may be multiple words), similar in property/quality[/amount?] s3 (ka/ni)
- kabrydekpu
- d1 is d2 cupful(s).
- kafsmuci
- s1 is/are coffee spoon(s) [item of cutlery] suitable for stirring and sipping the contents of a cup of coffee, made of material s3.
- kaftsi
- t1 is/are (a) coffee bean(s) of coffee plant t2.
- kafydekpu
- d1 is d2 (default 1) coffee measuring cup(s), standard d3 (default: 1 volume unit=1 cup of drinkable coffee), d4 subunits.
- kagyseldejni
- d2 is/are the indebtedness/liabilities of
company/corporation/firm d1=k1 to creditor(s) d3 for the provision of goods /services/loans d4.
- kagyselpo'e
- p2 is/are an/the asset(s) of company/corporation/firm/partnership p1=k1 according to law p3.
- ka'irtrusi'o
- s1 is the concept of representative democracy (default: political representative democracy) as it applies to the governance of t2 based on the works of thinker(s) s3
- kalca'osrumu'askakemsloskajavburjoiri'o
- x1's eye(s)/iris(es) is/are hazel as perceived by x2 under conditions x3
- kalvi'i
- v1=k2 weeps/lacrimates tear(s) v2 from v3 via means/route v4.
- kulgu'a
- x1=g1 works on x2=g2 with goal/purpose x3=g3 which is associated to school x4=c1 at x5=c2 teaching subject(s) x6=c3 to audience/community x7=c4 (of which x1 is a part) operated by x8=c5
- kulpikta
- p1 is a diploma entitling p2 to entitlement/privilege p3 (event/state) from school/institute/academy x4=c1 teaching subject(s) x5=c3.
- ku'urmudri
- m1 is a quantity of/is made of/contains conifer/pine/fir wood/lumber from tree(s) of species/strain m2=c=2.
- ladjvestagycti
- c1 is an lacto-vegetarian eating vegetable(s) and drinking milk.
- lajme'e
- c1 (quoted word(s)) is a street/road name/odonym of street/avenue/lane/drive/cul-de-sac/way/alley/[road] c2=l1 to/used-by namer/name-user c3 (person).
- lange'u
- g1 is a/are sheepdog(s) of species/breed g2 controlling sheeps l1.
- lazme'e
- c1 (quoted word(s)) is the family name (as opposed to the given name) of family member c2=z2, used by namer/name-user c3. The family is bonded/tied/joined according to standard z3.
- lersnamatsi'o
- x1 is audio-visual isomorphism; the concept of letter(s) x2 matching up one-to-one with sound(s) x3
- lilmudri
- m1=l1 is a quantity of firewood/fuel wood from tree(s) of type/species m2, for powering l2.
- liryraixa'u
- lr1=xa1 is / are the earliest person(s) to dwell/live/reside/abide at/inhabit/be a resident of location/habitat/nest/home/abode xa2 among set / range lr2.
- lisycku
- c1 is a story book containing story/tale/yarn/narrative c2=l2 by book author c3 for book’s audience c4 preserved in medium c5.
- lumku'a
- x1=k1 is a bathroom, in which x2=l1 washes x3=l2 (self/other(s)/body part), in home/building/structure x4=k2 surrounded by partitions/walls/ceiling/floor x5=k3 (mass/jo'u)
- maisru
- x1=s1=m1 is the material environment/surrounding material (i.e. gaseous/liquid atmosphere, vacuum, etc.) enclosing x2=s2 in direction(s)/dimensions(s)/plane x3=s3=m3, of type/composition including x4=m2.
- makyvelvei
- v4=m1 is a magnetic storage medium storing v2 (data/facts/du'u) about v3 (object/event) in file(s) v1.
- malne'u
- n1 (agent) punishes n2 [recipient] for atypical n3 (event/property) with punishment/penalty/demerit n4. It’s a interpreted as a punishment according m3.
- malsamtci
- x1 is [malware/malicious software/computer virus] for purpose x2 on computer(s) including x3
- mamcme
- m1=c1 (quoted word(s)) is a/the matronymic [a personal name based on the name of one's mother] of m2=c2 to/used-by namer/name-user c3 (person).
- mecybrarai
- t1=b1 is the smallest/[ least big] among set/range t4
in property/dimension(s) b2 (ka).
- mecycmarai
- t1=c1 is the biggest/[ least small] among set/range t4
in property/dimension(s) c2 (ka).
- megygra
- x1 is x2 tonne(s) [metric unit] in mass (default is 1) by standard x3.
- mexri'osanso
- s1
is a mexican salsa verde [sauce] for use with s2, containing ingredient(s) including s3.
- mexyxeksanso
- s1
is a mexican salsa negra [sauce] for use with s2, containing ingredient(s) including s3.
- micka'agau
- m1=g1 uses surgical implement k1 to operate on organ(s) k2 of patient m2, as a treatment for ailment m3.
- micydi'u
- d1 is a clinic/surgery/practice with doctor(s) m1.
- mi'esku
- x1=m1=c1 expresses/states command x2=c2 to recipient(s) x3=m2=c3 via expressive medium x4=c4.
- miltre
- mit1=mil1 is mit2=mil1 (one by default) millimeter(s) in length measured in direction mit3 by standard mit4.
- miltymitre
- mit1=mil1 is mit2=mil1 (one by default) millimeter(s) in length
- milylitce
- l1=m1 is l2 milliliter(s)/millilitre(s) [metric unit] in volume (default is 1) by standard l3.
- mipyzgakemsamtci
- t1=z1 is a spyware installed on computer(s) including s1 which spies on z2 (victim(s)) under conditions z4.
- mivjoimi'i
- x1 is a cyborg/cybernetic organism. x1 has organic part(s) x2 and biomechatronic/cybernetic part(s) x3.
- mrofoi
- f1 is a cemetery/graveyard/burial ground for dead person(s)/animal(s) m1.
- mucydekpu
- d1 is d2 (default 1) tablespoon(s)/tablespoonful(s) [volume-unit], standard d3=m1 (default 1=15 mL),d4 dessertspoon(s),d5 teaspoon(s), d6 one ml measuring spoon(s).
- mucydekpyvau
- d1 is/are tablespoon(s) [measuring instrument] containing/holding/enclosing v2, of volume d2 (default 1) tablespoon(s)/tablespoonful(s) [volume-unit], standard d3=m1 (default 1=15 mL).
- mucyveldekpu
- d4 is d2 (default 1) dessertspoon(s)/dessertspoonful(s)/cochleare medium (dstspn./cochl. med.) [volume-unit], standard d3=m1 (default 1 dessertspoon=10 mL),d1 tablespoon(s),d5 teaspoon(s), d6 one ml measuring spoon(s).
- mucyveldekpyvau
- d1 is/are dessertspoon(s) [measuring instrument] containing/holding/enclosing v2, of volume d2 (default 1) dessertspoon(s)/dessertspoonful(s) [volume-unit], standard d3=m1 (default 1=10 mL).
- mucyxeldekpu
- d5 is d2 (default 1) teaspoon(s)/teaspoonful(s)/cochleare minus (t., ts., tsp. or tspn./cochl. min.)[volume-unit], standard d3=m1 (default 1 teaspoon=5 mL),d4 dessertspoon(s),d1 tablespoon(s), d6 one ml measuring spoon(s).
- mucyxeldekpyvau
- d1 is/are teaspoon(s) [measuring instrument] containing/holding/enclosing v2, of volume d2 (default 1)teaspoon(s)/teaspoonful(s) [volume-unit], standard d3=m1 (default 1=5 mL).
- mudga'a
- g1=m1 is a wooden stick/pole/staff/cane made from tree(s) of type/species m2.
- mudydre
- x1=d1 is a pile of wood of from tree(s) of type/species x2=d2=m2 at location x3=d3
- mudysiclu
- m1=s1 is a wooden whistle whistling sound/note/tone/melody s2 made of wood/lumber from tree(s) of type/species m2.
- mudyspaske
- s1 is dendrology/xylology about woody plant(s) m2=s1=s2.
- mumkulpikta
- p1 is a short-cycle tertiary education diploma entitling p2 to entitlement/privilege p3 (event/state) from school/institute/academy c1 teaching subject(s) c3.
- najgenjycmakemterka'a
- x1=n1=g1=c1=ka3 is a baby-cut carrot, which is small in property/dimension(s) x5=c2 as compared with standard/norm x6=c3, cut by tool/blade x2=ka1 from carrot x3=ka2=n1, which is of variety x4=g2.
- nakcei
- c1 is a god (specifically, male deity) of people(s)/religion c2 with dominion over c3 [sphere].
- nalbrablo
- ba1=bl1 is a non-big boat for carrying bl2, propelled by bl3, in property/dimension(s) ba3 (ka) as compared with standard/norm ba3.
- nalceiju'o
- d1 does not know if a god(s) exist; d1 is agnostic.
- nalju'o
- d1 does not knows fact(s) d2 (du'u) about subject d3 by epistemology d4
- nalsa'uslakyskute'a
- t1=c1 is afraid of saying syllable(s) c2=sl1 of language sl2 to c3 via c4 because they believe that saying them is not necessary for continuing state/process sa2 under conditions sa3
- narnonsmikemnonsmipi'i
- x1 is a zero-divisor partnered with element(s) x2 in structure/ring x3, where neither x1 nor x2 is the zero(-like) element in x3
- navytre
- m1=n1 is m2=n2 nanometer(s) / billionth(s) of a meter [metric unit] in length (default 1) measured in direction m3=n3 by standard x4=m3.
- nilji'a
- n1 is a number of points / score / indication of an attempt to win a competition won by j1 over opponent(s) j3 in competition j4, points measured on scale n2.
- nolzda
- z1 is a palace of/for noble person(s) n1=z2.
- nonsmipi'i
- x1 is a zero-divisor partnered with element(s) x2 in structure/ring x3
- nuncasnu
- n1 is a conversation involving c1(s)
(mass normally, but 1 individual/jo'u possible) about topic/subject c2.
- nuncti
- n1 is an event at which c1 eat(s) c2.
- nundansu
- n1 is a dance with dancer(s) d1 (individual, mass) to music/rhythm d2.
- nunterji'a
- nu1 is a defeat with loser(s) j3 losing prize j2 to winner(s) j1 with competition lost j4.
- nuntolpro
- x1 is consent given by agent(s) x2 to agent(s) x3 about/allowing (action/event/state) x4.
- pacraistu
- t1 is a hell (evil-superlative-site) of evil being(s) p1=r1, most evil among r3, evil by standard p2.
- pacruxtutra
- t1 is the Hell of evil spirit(s) t2=pa1=pr1, evil by standard pa2.
- pafcme
- p1=c1 (quoted word(s)) is a/the patronymic [a personal name based on the name of one's father] of p2=c2 to/used-by namer/name-user c3 (person).
- paltylu'i
- l1 (agent) washes dishes l2 of soil/contaminant l3 with cleaning material(s) l4
- panryki'i
- x1 and x2 have or had (not necessarily simultaneously) the same relationship to x3, that relationship being x4, with the relevant difference(s) between x1 and x2 being x5.
- panryzilbri
- x1=b2=p3 is a (predicate) equivalence relationship/similarity/parallel with/between/among arguments (sequence(s)/set(s)) x2=b3=p1=p2, partitioning (with only empty intersection) set/structure x3=p4; elements of x2 are mutually similar in property x1 within structure x3; x3
is partitioned by x1 into equivalence classes (including) x2;
- pavrelblikubli
- k1 is/are (a) dodecahedron(s)/dodecahedra/regular polyhedron [3-dimensional shape/form] and composed of twelve pentagonal sides k3=b3.
- pavysletarbi
- x1 is a zygote / one-cell embryo of parent(s) x2
- pemcku
- c1 is a book containing poem/verse c2=p1 by book author c3 to book’s audience c4 preserved in medium c5.
- pexfebdja
- x1=p1=c1 is a noodle/pasta/boiled dough eaten by x2=c2 made out of x3=p2 (normally grain(s) or legume(s)) which is boiled in x4=f1 (normally water) at temperature x5=f2 and pressure x6=f3
- pinpaudu'i
- d1 is in the same row(s) as d2, row(s) pa1=pi1 is a part of whole/mass pa2 in frame of reference pi2.
- plisymudri
- m1 is a quantity of/is made of/contains apple wood/lumber from apple tree(s) of cultivar m2=p2.
- porna'o
- c1 [value] is a median in property/amount c2 (ka/ni) c2 among p1=c3(s) (ordered set) by standard c4.
- porna'ofrinu
- f1=c1 [value] is a/the median/quartile/decile/percentile/fraction-type of median with numerator f2, denominator f3 in property/amount c2 (ka/ni) among p1 (s) (ordered set) by standard c4.
- posyselfai
- f2=p1 is a/are a/the shareholder(s) of company/corporation/firm f1=p2 with shares/portions f3 under law p3.
- precme
- c1 (quoted word(s)) is a/the (proper) name identifying an individual person [not necessarily human] c2=p1 to/used-by namer/name-user c3 (person).
- prujungau
- x1 predicts/foretells/anticipates to x2 fact(s) x3 (du'u) about subject x4 by epistemology x5.
- rajypaudu'i
- d1 is in the same column(s) as d2, column(s) pa1=r1 is/are a part of whole/mass pa2 in frame of reference r2.
- rapydicysro
- x1=s1 is a rechargeable battery of capacity x2=d3, rechargeable x3=r2 time(s)
- rekyuidje
- u1=g1 is a frame enclosing widget(s) g2 in user interface u2
- relbo'a
- x1 is a S-wave / secondary wave in medium x2, wave-form x3, wave-length x4, frequency x5.
- resyjavbanfyske
- s1 (mass of facts) is herpetology/science about herptile(s) [amphibians and/or reptiles] r1=b1=s2 based on methodology s3.
- ricfoiske
- s1 is silvology/study of forest(s)/wood(s) f1.
- ritstasysmuci
- sm1=b1 is/are British soup spoon(s) [item of cutlery] suitable for eating soup sm2=st1, made of material s3.
- ro'acku
- c1 is a book containing prose c2=p1 by book author c3 to book’s audience c4 preserved in medium c5.
- rolju'o
- x1=d1 knows everything about x2=d3 by epistemology x3=d4; x1=d1 is omniscient about matter(s) x2=d3.
- saltysanso
- san1 is a dressing for use with salad s2, containing ingredient(s) including s3.
- samka'u
- k1 is an amount of computer elementary particles/smallest measurable increments of computer property/activity k2; k1 is a bit(s)
- samse'u
- se1=sk1 is a server [computer] serving client(s) [computer(s)] se2 with service se3 (activity).
- samtci
- t1 is a computer program / tool / application for purpose t2=s2 on computer(s) including s1.
- samtcise'a
- se1 installs add-on se2 into computer program se3=t1 which adds functionality t2=sk2 to the program on computer(s) including sk1.
- samtcise'u
- se1=sk1 is a server [computer program] serving client(s) [computer program(s)] se2 with service se3 (activity).
- sansyjukpa
- j1 is a saucier/making sauce(s) s1=j2 by recipe/method j3 (process).
- secysna
- x1 is the sound produced by x2’s sneezing.
- sedmu'utoltu'i
- x1=t1=s2 disagrees by shaking the head with person(s)/position/side x2=t2 that x3=t3 (du'u) is true about matter x4=t4.
- sedmu'utu'i
- x1=t1=s2 agrees by nodding with person(s)/position/side x2=t2 that x3=t3 (du'u) is true about matter x4=t4.
- seldansu
- d2 is the music/rhythm accompanying dancer(s) d1 (individual, mass).
- seldaumupli
- m1=d2 is a counterexample of common property(s) m2 of set m3, given by d1 against stand/argument d3.
- selpapri
- x1 is a bound mass or sequence of pages/papers, a document/book/(mass of) scroll(s), with pieces/sheets/leaves of paper/papyrus/parchment (thin writing surface) x2.
- selte'i
- x1 is/are the only one(s) with property x2 among x3.
- sepygau
- x1=g1 separates/puts distance/barrier(s) between x2=s1 and x3=s2.
- sezgle
- g1=s2 masturbates/has sex without partner(s).
- sezlu'i
- x1 washes his/her/em/itself of dirt/contaminant x2 in/with cleaning material(s) x3.
- slakypaucibmei
- m1 is trimoraic/is the mass of three morae formed from set of mora m2 whose n member(s) are m3=p1.
- slakypaupavmei
- m1 is monomoraic/is the mass of one morae formed from set of morae m2 whose n member(s) are m3=p1.
- slakypaurelmei
- m1 is dimoraic/is the mass of two morae formed from set of morae m2 whose n member(s) are m3=p1.
- solminli
- x1 is x2 (default 1) Astronomical Unit(s) (AU) by standard x3.
- solspatsi
- t1 is/are (a) sunflower seed(s) of sunflower sp1=t2.
- sorlutca'u
- p1=c1 is a maze (an area with many paths) occupied by c2, with route(s) leading to exit p2 from entrance p3 via points including p4 (set).
- sovjvestagycti
- c1 is an ovo-vegetarian eating egg(s) and vegetable(s) of species so2=st2=c2.
- spesi'u
- si1 is/are married couple(s) under law/custom/tradition/system/convention sp3.
- srimakyvelvei
- v4=m1 is a magnetic tape/cassette storing v2 (data/facts/du'u) about v3 (object/event) in file(s) v1.
- stasysmuci
- sm1=b1 is/are soup spoon(s) [item of cutlery] suitable for eating soup sm2=st1, made of material s3.
- stucme
- c1 (quoted word(s)) is a/the place name [inherent/inalienable site/place/position/situation/spot/location] of c2=s1 to/used-by namer/name-user c3 (person).
- stucmevla
- v1
is a word derived from place name/toponym c1 (quoted word(s)) meaning/causing v2 in language v3.
- sujna'o
- c1 [value] is a/the arithmetic mean in property/amount c2 among c3 (set)(s) by standard c4.
- tamcysanso
- s1 a tomato sauce for use with s2, containing ingredient(s) including s3 [tomato as main ingredient].
- tanminli
- x1 is x2 (default 1) parsec(s) by standard x3.
- tarci'e
- c1 is a solar/stellar system based on star(s) t1 (default is the Solar System) with stellar properties t2 with components c3 displaying c4 (ka).
- tcatykabri
- k1 is a tea cup containing content(s) k2, and of material k3.
- terdakyji'o
- j1 is the point of a knife’s edge j2=d3 at locus j3.
- terpemci
- p3 is a poet who has created poem(s)/verse(s) p1 about plot/theme/subject/pattern p2 for intended audience p4.
- tifkai
- x1 is the thing(s) shown/indicated/pointed to by the speaker when this word is used
- ti'orkemsamtci
- t1 is a shader on computer(s) including s1.
- titselsai
- s2=t1 is dessert(s)/sweet course(s) of meal s1 (mass).
- titselsaismuci
- sm1 is/are dessert spoon(s) [item of cutlery] suitable for eating dessert sm2=sa2=t1 made of material s3.
- toldikcni
- x1 has an emotional see-saw involving emotion(s) x2; x1 experiences emotion x2 irregularly.
- tolplo
- p1 (force) unbends/smoothens/flattens p2 at locus/flatten crease(s)/bend(s) p3.
- tolplogau
- p1=g1 [person/agent] unbends/smoothens/flattens p2 at locus/flatten crease(s)/bend(s) p3.
- toltu'i
- x1 disagrees with person(s)/position/side x2 that x3 (du'u) is true about matter x4.
- tozbra
- x1=b3 is the standard/norm compared to which x2=b1 is large in dimension(s) x3=b2.
- trucausi'o
- x1 is an anarchist ideology as applied/practiced in/among people/territory/domain x2 based on the works of thinker(s) x3
- tsispa
- x1=t2 is a spermatophyte/phanerogam producing seed(s) t1, of species/strain/cultivar s2
- tumkupypaumerko
- x1 pertains to/is a part of land-continuous/contiguous/continental U.S.A. region in aspect/property x2
- veljbe
- j4 is the birthplace, the parent(s) being j2, the birthdate being j3, of j1.
- virsmilanbyxu'i
- x1 is an instance of prion x2 (individual or mass) with purity x3 of type/composed of protein(s) l1, capable of infecting [at] v3.
- vlali'ifa'o
- x1 (se'e?) is a line terminator (eg \n, CRLF, ...) of file(s) x2
- vlavelcki
- c4 (text) is a definition of word(s)/phrase/definiendum c2=v1 with definiens v2 in language v3, as defined by c1.
- vonblikubli
- k1 is/are (a) tetrahedron(s)/tetrahedra/regular polyhedron [3-dimensional shape/form] composed of four triangular sides k3=b3.
- vonkulpikta
- p1 is a post-secondary non-tertiary education diploma entitling p2 to entitlement/privilege p3 (event/state) from school/institute/academy c1 teaching subject(s) c3.
- xa'ardakli
- d1 is a mailbag with letter(s) d2=xa1, and of material d3.
- xadykelci'e
- c1 is/are a/the physical sport(s) exercised/played by x2.
- xajyzbi
- z1 is the snout of pig/hog/swine/[boar] z2=x1 of species x2, with nostril(s)/nasal passage(s) z3.
- xangle
- g1 masturbates/fucks g2 with her/his hand(s).
- xanjai
- x1 grasps/holds/clutches/seizes/grips x2 using hand(s).
- xanle'u
- l1 (la'e zo BY/word-bu) is a hand sign in character-set of sign language/system of manual communicationl2 representing l3 performed by hand(s) x1.
- xanle'ule'u
- xl1 (la'e zo BY/word-bu) is a fingerspelling sign in character-set of sign language/system of manual communication xl2 representing letter/digit/symbol xl3=l1 in written alphabet/character-set xl2 performed by hand(s) xl4.
- xavykulpikta
- p1 is a bachelor's degree or equivalent education diploma entitling p2 to entitlement/privilege p3 (event/state) from school/institute/academy c1 teaching subject(s) c3.
- xilmu'u
- x1 moves on wheel(s) to location x2 from location x3
- xipxunsanso
- s1
is a salsa/salsa roja for use with s2, containing ingredient(s) including s3.
- xirbakyku'i
- k1 is a cattle herder/rancher/vaquero/cowboy/cowgirl/buckaroo/paniolo/gaucho/stockman/ringer/gardian herding/tending cattle k2=b1 on horse(s) x1.
- xlakemsamtci
- t1=xl1 is malware (malicious software) on computer(s) including s1, which is/does bad for/harms xl2 according to standard xl3.
- xumyzai
- x1 is a pharmacy / drugstore / chemist’s, selling drugs x2, operated by x3.
- zasmo'isro
- s1 is temporary memory for fact(s) s2=m2 in containment s3.
- zbacu'u
- c1 is a/the production/building/assembling function/activities involving person(s) c2=z1(ind./mass) making/building/assembling z2 out of z3.
- zbike'a
- k1 is/are nostril(s) of nose k2=n1.
- zelkulpikta
- p1 is a master's degree or equivalent education diploma entitling p2 to entitlement/privilege p3 (event/state) from school/institute/academy c1 teaching subject(s) c3.
- zgugrasu
- g1 is a quantity of/is made of/contains rose oil from rose(s) r1=g2.
- zilterle'u
- x1=l2 is a formal character-set/alphabet containing letter(s)/characters/digits/terms x2=l1; x2 is a letter in formal alphabet x1 and is treated formally (it has no meaning, other than possibly being distinct from other letters in x1)
- zvasisku
- x1=s1 looks for the location of x2=z1 among location(s) x3=s3=z2
- dindi
- x1 is a non-binary/intersex (probably also can include: asexual, nongendered, indeterminately gendered) individual of species x2 evidencing non-binary gender trait(s) x3 (ka); x1 is characterized by not following or fitting into some gender-binary.
- dinti
- x1 is a non-binary/intersexed (probably also can include: asexual, nongendered, indeterminately gendered, gender-fluid, transgendered, two-spirited, alternatively gendered, or affirmatively non-binarily gendered or nongendered/graygendered) individual of species x2 evidencing non-binary gender trait(s) x3 (ka); x1 is characterized by not following or fitting into some gender-binary.
- flese
- x1 is (a) philosophy/ideology (one sense) about/of/pertaining to topic/subfield (one sense) x2 with subfield (different sense)/features/details/specifics/specific idea(s) x3, with methodology x4, followed/thought/considered by x5 (thinker/philosopher/individual); philosophy x1 is characterized by values/thoughts/opinions/ruminations x3 about topic/subject x2.
- lucpa
- x1 (person(s)) is/are adopted by x2 (individual, family, tribe/clan, community, team, institution, etc.) into the latter's overarching family/clan/tribe/community/team/institution/etc. x4 in(to) role/relation x3 or an analog thereof via means/law/norm/socio-cultural or other mechanism x5; x2 adopts x1 into x2's family11.
- majvu
- x1 is a microörganism, virus, protein, spore, pathogen, or other such substance which causes or is intimately associated with disease(s)/symptoms x2.
- menre
- x1 is/are among the referent(s) of x2
- paznu
- x1 is a non-binary offspring/child of parent(s) x2 [not necessarily biological]; x1 is filial (but not a son or daughter).
- pentu
- x1 is a non-binary sibling of/to x2 by bond/tie/standard/parent(s) x3; [not necessarily biological].
- stori
- x1 [body-part] is the upper/normally exposed part(s) or region(s) of a plant or sedentary organism (stalk/stem/trunk, branches, leaves, flowers, fruit; not root, bulb, or burrowing parts), belonging to plant x2.
- fa'ai'ai (exp!)
- mekso k-ary operator, for natural k and 1 < k < 5: ordered input (f, g, S, m) where f and g are functions, S is a set of positive integers or "ro" (="all"), and m is 0 or 1 (as a toggle); output is a function equivalent to the function f as applied to an input ordered tuple with g applied to the entries/terms with indices in S (or to all entries/terms if S="ro") if m=0, or g left-composed with the same if m=1.
- le'ei (exp!)
- article: "the thing(s) I have in mind and which I believe appear(s) to you to be…"
- lo'au (exp!)
- presuppositional definite article: the …; the thing(s) which …
- mai'u'e (exp!)
- mekso unary operator: for permutation X1 as input, the output is (-1)^N(X1), where N(s) is the number of inversions in permutation s.
- ra'au (exp!)
- pro-sumti: others, not me/we/the speaker(s)/the author(s)/you the listener(s).
- ri'oi (exp!)
- the latest aforementioned...; refers back to the most recently mentioned thing(s) that satisfies the x1 of the following predicate
- se'oi'oi
- Conversion: Switch n and x1 in MOI (or MOI*) cmavo so that the submitted value (previous x1) outputs the number(s) (previous n) associated with it.
- ve'ai (exp!)
- vocative marker: identifies the station(s) to which a message is to be sent and at the same time prepares a universe of discourse by filtering from a stream of messages only those said by that station(s)
- zai'u
- Quote conversion: the sentence(s)/bridi (possibly plural) is/are syntactically correct and semantically intended by the utterer if the outermost layer of quotes (markers) which immediately follows were to be omitted/removed, but the quoted text is in fact a quote (of the indicated type) from some source.
- zy'oi (exp!)
- exophoric article: some certain thing(s) which… (identity ascertainable from the context).
- abvele
- x1 is a grandparent of x2 by bond/tie/relation/standard x3 (not necessarily genetic/biological nor necessarily directly ancestral); x1 is an associated member of x2's parent(s)'s parent(s)'s generation.
- abvroi
- x1 is a grandparent of x2 which/who has another grandparent x3 such that x1 is related to x2 by relationship x4, and x1 is related to x3 by mating/intimate partnering relationship x5, under cultural/personal paradigm(s) x6; x1 and x3 are mutually partnered co-grandparents.
- adgexe
- x1 reflects Adyghe/Adyghean/Circassian culture/nationality/language(s) in aspect x2.
- andolu
- x1 reflects Anatolian culture/politics/language(s)/geography in aspect x2.
- caundi
- x1 has ADHD, satisfying symptom(s) x2 (ka).
- ckabrceratona
- c1 is a quantity of/contains/is made of carob gum/locust bean gum (LBG)/carobin/E410
from carob tree(s) c2 of composition including c3.
- ckabrkaca
- c1 is a quantity of/contains/is made of gum arabic from akacia tree(s) c2
of composition including c3.
- ckajrdinti
- x1 is a non-binary individual of species x2 evidencing non-binary gender trait(s) x3 (ka); x1 is characterized by not following or fitting into some gender-binary.
- cnanxero
- x1 s the Heronian mean of the elements of the ordered multiset/list x2.
- cplancu
- x1 (person(s)) is/are adopted by x2 (individual, family, tribe/clan, community, team, institution, etc.) into the latter's overarching family/clan/tribe/community/team/institution/etc. x4 in(to) role/relation x3 or an analog thereof via means/law/norm/socio-cultural or other mechanism x5; x2 adopts x1 into x2's family11.
- djarkompota
- x1 is a quantity of kompot made from fruit(s) x2.
- djaule
- x1 is x2 joule(s) of energy (default is 1) by standard x3.
- dracisebi
- x1 (ka) is/are the stage direction/s specific to actor/s x2 of play x3
- dzu'enba
- x1 and x2 are mutual sibling nodes in a directed tree graph x6 such that their shared parent node(s) x5 is/are the most-recent common direct ancestor of x3 and x4, such that x1 is a direct ancestor of or simply is x3 (as the case may be), and such that x2 is a direct ancestor of or simply is x4 (as the case may be), all according to tree ordering relation x7.
- fa'arfafine
- x1 is a fa'afafine of species x2 evidencing fa'afafine trait(s) x3 (ka)
- itlori'osanso
- s1
is an italian salsa verde [sauce] for use with s2, containing ingredient(s) including s3.
- ivla
- x1 (brivla/selbri) is used by place x2 (number/me'o+FA+bu) being filled with (a description of / symbol for) x3, in the usage of x4, according to rule(s) x5.
- jbofuvi
- x1 is a Lojban-derived zi'evla/"self-loan-word" with meaning x2 derived from word(s) x3
- jibnije
- x1 is near to/close to/approximates x2 in property/quality/aspect/characteristic/quantity x3, and the argument(s) which fill the x4th (li; 1 or 2) sumti slot(s) of this word actually has/attains property (vel sim.) x3 according to standard x5.
- jivnrfarzu'e
- x1 (mass/set) do orienteering in competition of type x2 [property of the event] with (other) rule(s) x3 [property of each participant].
- kafkaso
- x1 reflects Caucasian culture/politics/language(s)/geography in aspect x2.
- klanrdjuli
- g1 is g2 joule(s) of energy (default is 1) by standard g3.
- klanrfaradi
- g1 is g2 farad(s) of capacitance (default is 1) by standard g3.
- klanrpaskali
- x1 is x2 pascal(s) of pressure (default is 1) by standard x3.
- klanrtesla
- g1 is g2 tesla(s) of magnetic field B (default is 1) by standard g3.
- klanrvati
- g1 is g2 watt(s) of power (default is 1) by standard g3.
- klanrvolta
- g1 is g2 volt(s) of electromotive force (default is 1) by standard g3.
- klanrxomi
- g1 is g2 ohm(s) of electrical impedance/resistance (default is 1) by standard g3.
- klauci
- x1 is curious / wonders which thing(s) satisfy x2 (ka).
- kleide
- x1 is a clade/cladus/monophyletic class formed by most-recent common ancestor(s) x2 and all lineal descendants thereof in family/directed tree structure/according to relationship or standard x3.
- kompota
- x1 is kompot made from fruit(s) x2.
- le'elkai
- x1 is/are the thing(s) described/named with property x2 by the speaker, who thinks this is contextually enough information for the listener to understand what are x1's referent(s)
- ma'udzau
- x1 upvotes / "likes" / "+1"s x2 in system x3
- mertistcau
- x1 pertains to the U.S. Northeast(ern)/New English megalopolis (the Bos-Wash Corridor) in property/aspect x2
- mudrpopulu
- x1 is a quantity of/is made of/contains poplar / aspen / cottonwood wood/lumber (genus Populus) from tree(s) of species/cultivar x2.
- mudrsa
- m1 is a quantity of/is made of/contains merbau/kwila wood/lumber from tree(s) of type/species m2 (genus Intsia).
- mudrterokarpu
- m1 is a quantity of/is made of/contains (red) sanders/sandal/wild teak/padauk/barwood/muninga/Indian kino/mututi wood (genus Pterocarpus), from tree(s) of type/species m2.
- nabrkruto
- x1 is a quantity of/contains crouton(s) made from bread(s) x2.
- nanrkafkaso
- x1 reflects Transcaucasian/South Caucasian culture/politics/language(s)/geography in aspect x2.
- nijnanidouaga
- x1 is a two-spirit of species x2 evidencing two-spirited trait(s) x3 (ka).
- ni'udzau
- x1 downvotes / "dislikes" / "-1"s x2 in system x3
- ni'utni
- x1 is x2 newton (s) of force (default is 1) by standard x3.
- ojbau
- x1 s ojban, ialect f he ojban anguage hose ismu ack nitial onsonants.
- omso
- g1 is g2 ohm(s) of electrical impedance/resistance (default is 1) by standard g3.
- onji
- x1 is a kanji (Japanese logograph) with kun'yomi (native, Sino-Japanese reading) x2, on'yomi (compound, Chinese reading) x3, with etymology/meaning/radical/s x4.
- parkuri
- x1 is a traceur/freerunner performing vaults/grabs/jumps/parkour movement(s) x2 over/through obstacle(s) x3 with limbs x4 (default all).
- paulcna
- x1 [signed quantity] is the the intrinsic spin/signed spin quantum number/magnetic quantum number/Dirac-Pauli spin-like charge [commonly denoted: s] of particle/thing x2, as measured along axis/in direction/measuring component x3
- purmrderi
- p1 is a derris powder from derris root(s) p2.
- ri'oirkai
- x1 is/are the referent(s) of the most recent complete sumti that satisfies the property x2
- sansrabita
- s1
is a sugo all'arrabbiata/arrabbiata sauce [pasta sauce] for use with pasta s2 [default: penne], containing ingredient(s) including s3.
- sansrbecameli
- s1 is a bechamel sauce for use with s2, containing ingredient(s) including s3.
- sansrblacirla
- s1 is a blue cheese dressing for use with s2, containing ingredient(s) including s3.
- sansrcimicuri
- s1
is a chimichurri [sauce] for use with s2, containing ingredient(s) including s3.
- sansrfausentailendi
- s1 is a Thousand Island dressing for use with s2, containing ingredient(s) including s3.
- sansrketcu
- s1 is a quantity of ketchup/catsup/red sauce for use with s2, containing ingredient(s) including s3.
- sansrpiripiri
- s1
is a piri piri sauce for use with s2, containing ingredient(s) including s3.
- sansrputaneska
- s1
is a sugo alla puttanesca/puttanesca sauce [pasta sauce] for use with pasta s2 [default: spaghetti], containing ingredient(s) including s3.
- sansrvanila
- s1
is a vanilla sauce for use with s2, containing ingredient(s) including s3.
- sansrvinegre
- s1 is a vinaigrette sauce for use with s2, containing ingredient(s) including s3 (mostly vinegar and oil(s)).
- sansrvosterce
- s1 is a Worcester/Worcestershire sauce for use with s2, containing ingredient(s) including s3.
- sansrxolandese
- s1 is a hollandaise sauce for use with s2, containing ingredient(s) including s3.
- selpo'anuna
- a1=s2 is a quantity of puffed nuña bean(s) from unpuffed nuña bean(s) s1 (Phaseolus vulgaris subsp. nunas).
- si'impetotki
- x1 (value, state, form) is the asymptote/limit [Calculus sense] of function/dependent variable/limitand x2 as independent variable(s) x3 tend(s) toward point/respective value(s)/tuple x4 along path/from direction x5.
- simsaje
- x1 is similar to/appears like/seems like x2 in quality/property/aspect x3 (ka), and the argument(s) in the x4th (li; 1 or 2) sumti slot(s) of this word actually attains/has the said quality (vel sim.) x3 according to standard x5.
- steito
- x1 reflects U.S. culture/nationality/dialect in aspect x2
- trai'i
- x1 is/are the one(s) which most satisfy property x2 among x3 (default: everything).
- traii
- x1 is/are the one(s) which most satisfy property x2 among x3 (default: everything).
- transkafkaso
- x1 reflects Transcaucasian culture/politics/language(s)/geography in aspect x2.
- tsirkuso
- x1 is a circus group/band/performer(s) performing x2 (abstraction)
- tsirvanila
- t1 is/are (a) vanilla seed(s) of vanilla orchid sp1=t2.
- .utkakpu
- x1 and x2 are path-connected by ordered binary relation/predicate x3 (ka), such that all paths which satisfy condition(s) x4 (ka; default: no additional conditions) in the relevant graph (x5) linking nodes by said relation x3 in a directed manner and which contain x1 must also (later in the path) contain x2.
- utkakpu
- x1 and x2 are path-connected by ordered binary relation/predicate x3 (ka), such that all paths which satisfy condition(s) x4 (ka; default: no additional conditions) in the relevant graph (x5) linking nodes by said relation x3 in a directed manner and which contain x1 must also (later in the path) contain x2.
- vlalikei
- x1 [mass/sequence] plays the Lojban word chaining game (vlalinkei) with ruleset x2 and winner x3 with resulting sentence x4 against world champion x6 for fabulous cash prize x7 and endorsement deal(s) x8 groupies x9 (except they probably go earlier), played at time x10 at location x11 and honorific title x12 breaking record(s) x13 with mindless spectators x14 taking time x15 [amount] containing most frequently used word x16 (zo) and not using perfectly good words x17 (zo) displaying new strategy/trick x18 supervised by x19 with referee x20 and used message transmission system x21 time limit per move x22 shortest move of the game x23 broadcast on TV network(s) x24 with Neilson ratings x25 supplanting previously most watched show x26 winning new fans
x27 who formerly played x28 which is inferior for reasons x29 by standard x30 with banned words x31 with words winning additional points x32 with climax of suspense x33 and best comeback x34
- xirngrevi
- x1 is a Grévy’s zebra (scientific term: “Equus grevyi”).
- zvasiiu
- x1 looks for the location of x2 among location(s) x3
- kylombys
- Columbus, Ohio, U.S.A.
- maiamis
- Miami, Florida, U.S.A. (city/metropolitan area)
- mein
- Maine (U.S. state)
- sinsynatis
- Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S.A.
- tylidos
- Toledo, Ohio, U.S.A.
- greku zei uidje
- u1=g1 is a frame enclosing widget(s) g2 in user interface u2
- ze'i zei seldejni
- d2 is/are the short-term indebtedness/liabilities of company/corporation/firm d1 to creditor(s) d3 for the provision of goods /services/loans d4.
- ze'u zei seldejni
- d2 is/are the long-term indebtedness/liabilities of company/corporation/firm d1 to creditor(s) d3 for the provision of goods /services/loans d4.
- ckabrceratonia
- c1 is a quantity of/contains/is made of carob gum/locust bean gum (LBG)/carobin/E410
from carob tree(s) c2 of composition including c3.
- ckabrkacia
- c1 is a quantity of/contains/is made of gum arabic from akacia tree(s) c2
of composition including c3.
- klanrniut,ni
- g1 is g2 newton (s) of force (default is 1) by standard g3.
- klanrxuati
- g1 is g2 watt(s) of power (default is 1) by standard g3.
- mudrnsia
- m1 is a quantity of/is made of/contains merbau/kwila wood/lumber from tree(s) of type/species m2 (genus Intsia).
- mudrpterokarpu
- m1 is a quantity of/is made of/contains (red) sanders/sandal/wild teak/padauk/barwood/muninga/Indian kino/mututi wood (genus Pterocarpus), from tree(s) of type/species m2.
- samrsekiurceli
- x1 connects to/has remote shell session on x2 over ssh to perform action(s) x3 (ka of x1) with credentials x4.
In notes:
- balvi
- x1 is in the future of/later than/after x2 in time sequence; x1 is latter; x2 is former.
- cedra
- x1 is an era/epoch/age characterized by x2 (event/property/interval/idea).
- danti
- x1 is a ballistic projectile [e.g. bullet/missile] for firing by [gun/propelling launcher] x2.
- jgira
- x1 (person) feels/has pride in/about x2 (abstraction).
- jivna
- x1 competes/vies with opponent x2 in contest/competition x3 (event) for gain x4; x1 rivals x2.
- lijda
- x1 is a religion of believers including x2 sharing common beliefs/practices/tenets including x3.
- barme'e
- c1 is an exonym of/for c2, used/given by c3.
- baxydinkarda
- x1=k1 is a debit/bank/check card with balance x2=j1 at bank/financial institution x3=b1=b2
- denxi'u
- x1 is a gear/cogwheel with cogs x2, of device/vehicle x3, made of material x4
- dornilteikezraifaufa'a
- x1 is the temporal direction of/toward solstice x2 (event or spacetime coordinates or season (usually specify year); default: Summer solstice) from origin/in reference frame x3 at location/for body x4 and with respect to orbit/sun x5.
- jasybriju
- b1 is an embassy/consulate of j2 at b3.
- jatny'utka
- x1 is the captain/commander/leader/boss/superior of/to the captain/commander/leader/boss/superior of/to the captain/commander/leader/boss/superior of/to the ... captain/commander/leader/boss/superior of/to x2 (subject, entity, vehicle, domain), connected by intermediate steps x3.
- jefydiknalgundei
- x1=di1=dj1 is a regularly-occurring period of days off work [weekend] lasting x2=dj2 days, recurring every x3=j2=di3 weeks (default 1), for worker x4=g1, at job x5=g2
- merje'a
- j1=m1 is the United State of America as a state.
- pavmompazy'utka'au'ypanzi
- x1 is any child of the first child of the first child of ... the first child of x2, where the graph geodesic through the ancestorship-directed family tree from x1 to x2 is of length (x3) + 1 (li; x3 must be a nonnegative integer or positive infinity), and where "first" is according to (partial) ordering rule x4 (default: chronological order of birth per successive generation within the given lineage; other restrictions on legitimacy etc. may be specified here as well).
- pavmompazy'utka'ypanzi
- x1 is any child of the first child of the first child of ... the first child of x2, with intermediate steps x3 (complete ordered list, "ce'o"; should include the relevant parent of x1), where "first" is according to (partial) ordering rule x4 (default: chronological order of birth per successive generation within the given lineage; other restrictions on legitimacy etc. may be specified here as well).
- repkemprezumpo'e
- x1 is agricultural chattel slavery, the ownership of people for the purpose of forced agricultural labor, according to law/custom/system x2.
- rirny'utka'au
- x1 is direct ancestor/mentorial-ancestor of x2 of order x3 (li; nonnegative integer) in graph/network of ancestry (family tree) x4 (defaults to maximal option), where x3 is the smallest possible number which is so constrained; x1 is the x3th-great-grandparent of x2.
- slepau
- x1=pagbu1=selci1 is an irreducible/fundamental/indivisible part or constituent or unit which partially composes whole x2=pagbu2.
- sriba'axi'a
- x1=xi1=b2 is a horse (genus “Equus”) with natural stripes x2=d1=b1; x1=xi1 is a zebra (common English usage).
- tcanylu'a
- x1=p1 is a network route/path to node x2=p2=t1 from node x3=p3=t1 via points/nodes x4=p4 within
transport/communication/distribution system/network x5=t2.
- vlakamsmi
- x1 is the similarity relation between all members of set x2 (set of quoted words) such that they all mean esentially one common thing x3 and are considered to be identical in any meaningful way in language x4.
- vlaselmo'i
- x1=v1=s1 is a word/set of words (able to be) recalled by x2=s2 about subject x3=s3; x1 is the vocabulary retrieved by x2.
- xladja
- xl1=c1 is bad food/junk food (in one sense) for xl2=c2, bad by standard xl3.
- zifyvlavelvi'u
- x1 (quote) is the non-categorizer and non-hyphen remainder of zi'evla/fu'ivla x2 (quote), with properties/form x3 in language [of zi'evla] x4
- corci
- x1 is a gesture/facial expression/body part motion/body language/expressive (nonverbal or nonvocal) feature/microexpression/stature/posture/sign/body signal [nonverbal expression made using only one's body parts and items on one's immediate person as extensions of the body in order to communicate; possibly nonlinguistic/extralinguistic] that conveys/expresses thought/emotion/command/idea x2 (nu/si'o; possibly text and other types) made using body part/utensil/object/at locus x3 in/by motion/action/means x4
- nerde
- x1 is a nerd/geek (demonstrates esoteric intense interests at the cost of social acceptance) according to standard/within culture x2 with nerdy/geeky interests x3
- nicfa
- x1 (vector) is the displacement of x2 (object/point) relative to x3 (object/point; contextless default: origin) in coordinate system/frame of reference/as measured by x4 according to definition/standard/(meta)physics x5
- pluna
- x1 orbits a (common) barycenter with x2, with orbital characteristics/parameterz x3.
- tcuti
- x1 is a sibling of a direct ancestor/elder of x2 by bond/tie/relation/standard x3 (not necessarily genetic/biological nor necessarily directly ancestral); x1 is an associated member of one of x2's ancestor's generation; x1 is an (great-(great-(...)))uncle/aunt of x2.
- boi'o'u
- explicit "mu'o'u"-orientation marker
- cu'au'ei (exp!)
- mekso binary/unary operator:
multinomial coefficient/binomial coefficient/choose
- da'a'au (exp!)
- mekso operatory: prime mark append
- gei'au (exp!)
- mekso 7-ary operator: for input (X1 = z, X2 = (ai)= (bj)= p, X5 = q, X6 = h1, X= h2), this word/function outputs/yields \sumn=0^\infty (((\prodi = 1p (ne'o'o(ai,n,1,h= 1q (ne'o'o(bj,n,1,h; by default, X6 = 1 = X7 unless explicitly specified otherwise.
- go'ei
- repeat (copy-and-paste) the recontextualized content of the most-recent or indicated NOI relative clause.
- goi'e (exp!)
- assign sentence or tu'e...tu'u group to sumti
- i'au (exp!)
- reset bridi-level to zero
- joi'i (exp!)
- mekso string operator (n-ary): formal right-concatenation; X1 + X, where Xi is a string/word/text/character/letteral/lerfu/quoted utterance (quote appropriately iff necessary; preserve and be careful about the use-vs.-mention distinction) for all i.
- ku'ai'i
- empty/vacuous selbri
- la'ai (exp!)
- otherwise lojbanic name, ending in a vowel; multiple names delimited by pauses.
- mai'u'ei (exp!)
- mekso unary operator: Levi-Civita symbol; for input n-tuple (a1, a ... , an), where n is a strictly positive integer, the output is \varepsilona, where \varepsilon is the Levi-Civita symbol under the convention of mapping (1, 2, ..., n) to 1.
- pi'ai (exp!)
- Prefix multiplication of unit selbri
- tai'e'i (exp!)
- mekso unary operator: basic Schlafli symbol composer (defined only on ordered lists)
- te'i'o (exp!)
- discursive: specified by the speaker - unspecified by the speaker
- ve'oi (exp!)
- Close all open mathematical brackets.
- xau'ei (exp!)
- text to number/variable unassignment
- xo'ei (exp!)
- unary mekso operator: produces a string of n consecutive "xo'e"'s, treated as digits (concatenated into a single string of digits)
- ze'e'a
- n-Merge Conversion: placed immediately before a selbri, merges x2 and all xa places.
- ze'e'au
- n-Merge Conversion: placed immediately before a selbri, merges all xa places.
- ze'e'e
- n-Merge Conversion: placed immediately before a selbri, merges x5 and all xa places.
- ze'e'i
- n-Merge Conversion: placed immediately before a selbri, merges x1 and all xa places.
- ze'e'o
- n-Merge Conversion: placed immediately before a selbri, merges x4 and all xa places.
- ze'e'u
- n-Merge Conversion: placed immediately before a selbri, merges x3 and all xa places.
- zi'ai (exp!)
- jargon word indicator; indicates previous word is a jargon word
- zi'au (exp!)
- nonexistent/undefining it; the selbri is not applicable when the other terbri are filled in the manner in which they are in this utterance/bridi.
- endi
- x1 (digit string/byte, storage system, convention) has endianness x2 ("ce'o" sequence of numbers (li); description (ka?)); x1 is x2-endian.
- flaukse
- x1 is the vector flux (flow) of quantity/substance (count) x2 through (geometric/imaginary) hypersurface/embedded manifold x3 per unit hyperarea per unit time.
- gradrgu
- x1 measures to be equal to x2 (li; default: 1) g of acceleration according to standard x3 (default is as in notes).
- grafnseljimcnkipliiu
- x1 is a 'quipyew' tree graph with special node x2, on nodes x3 (set of points; includes x2), with edges x4 (set of ordered pairs of nodes), and with other properties x5.
- jorlge
- x1 is the result of applying logical connective/conjunction x2 to the terms of the ordered list x3 in the order given, in system x4
- kraili
- x1 (abstraction) is/should be a legal/moral right/entitlement/guarantee, normative principle, protection, privilege, power, trait, treatment, duty/obligation, opportunity, freedom, dignity/point of respect, ability, point of equality, natural guarantee, natural ability, inherent property of x2 according to judge/norm/standard x3.
- mlumitu
- x1 and x2 are indistinguishable from each other, they seem to share all their properties except maybe their location and identity, as perceived by observer x3
- morganati
- x1 is morganatic in property x2 according to rule/law/custom/culture x3.
- pagbrjonlapi
- x1 is a mereological object which underlaps with mereological object x2 via at least object x3 in universe of discourse x4.
- paugbu
- x1 (plural) each satisfying x2 (ka), one by one, is how x3 (nu) is brought about.
- plankexu
- x1 is the elementary unit (quantum) of angular momentum/half of Planck's reduced constant [id est: hbar/2 = h/(4 pi)] expressed in units x2 (default: unitless/dimensionless and so that it is equal to 1) in paradigm/system/metaphysics/universe x3 (default: this, our actual, physical universe)
- pletomino
- x1 is a polyform/polyplet/polyomino/polyabolo/polyiamond (etc.) composed of parts/'tile' polytope x2 arranged in (finite) unified shape/pattern x3 in ambient space x4 and subject to rules/restrictions/conditions x5
- re'amnu
- x1 is a man/human/humanoid/android (one sense)/person.
- tcasnuue
- x1 (nu) is a conversation/dialogue/exchange/scene/series of communicative responses/series of expressions/series of messages/exchange of information event between participating speakers x2 (ordered list; ce'o) and passive or active audience members x3 (set; may repeat elements of x2) in languages x4 (use "fa'u" if desired) and via expressive media x5 (use "fa'u" if desired) in which the following utterances/messages/expressions are, in/according to frame of reference x6, made/sent or received in approximately the following chronological order: x7 (sedu'u/text/quote/lu'e concept vel sim.), x8 (sedu'u/text/quote/lu'e concept vel sim.), x9 (sedu'u/text/quote/lu'e concept vel sim.), ... (open-ended terbri structure of arbitrarily many sumti slots).
- tcaudu
- x1 is the formatted address for something - (with format) starting with x2, which is an address/locality/administrative subunit/region which belongs to slightly broader address/locality/administrative subunit/region x3, which in turn itself belongs to a slightly broader address/locality/administrative subunit/region x4, \dots (etc.).
- tcelerita
- x1 (number; default: 1) is the physical speed supremum (for objects of positive masses)/celeritas/c0 expressed in units x2 (default: in terms of natural parameter c0; id est: unitless/dimensionless and equal to 1) in (paradigm/system of) physics x3 (default: this, our actual. physical universe and reality);
- trajije
- x1=traji1 is superlative in property x2=traji2, the x3=traji3 extrema (ka; default: ka zmadu), among set/range x4=traji4, and -- moreover -- (there exists at least one member of) the x52th (li; must be 1 or 2) argument [see note] of this selbri (which) actually has/is/attains said property x2 according to standard x6.
- tronike
- x1 is a device/technology which uses phenomenon x2 for power or storage/manipulation of information.
- urbe
- x1 is a general metropolitan area with (population, commercial, industrial, business, economic, infrastructural, vel sim.) center/focal point/downtown/main or dominating urban area x2, with supporting semi-urban/inner suburban region x3, more (outer) suburban region x4, and exurban region x5.
- xaudbo
- x1 is \sqrtA = \sqrt2×5 [decimal: 1\times10+(1/2)] of x2 in dimension/aspect x3 (default is units).
- zmaumce
- x1 (li) is a bound on set x2 (set) in direction x3 (li) in ordered structure x4; x1 bounds x2 from the x3 side in x4; x2 is bounded from the x3 side by x1.
- masyTCUsyts
- Massachusetts
- rirny'utka zei treicytunba
- x1 is analogous to a sibling in a rank/seniority for/of a rirny'utka of x2 by standard/in hierarchy/via partial ordering or relation(ship) x3 (this is the connection between the rirny'utka at hand and x1 which justifies the treicytunba label), where x2 and the said rirny'utka are connected via intermediate steps x4 (ce'o).
- xipfne
- x1 emits light characteristic of/is of the color that is described by/(as) arising from/associated with the approximately twenty-one centimeter wavelength, hydrogen hyperfine proton/electron spin-flip transition (from parallel to antiparallel configuration, id est: from the higher energy state to the lower energy state), electromagnetic radiation