be BEBEhO cmavo

sumti link to attach sumti (default x2) to a selbri; used in descriptions.

On gloss:

jinmrberilo in sense "chemical element"
x1 is a quantity of/contains/is made of beryllium [Be]

On grammatical class:

sumti link to attach sumti (default x2) to a selbri; used in descriptions.

In definition:

x1 is bound/obliged to/has the duty to do/be x2 in/by standard/agreement x3; x1 must do x2.
x1 vanishes/disappears from location x2; x1 ceases to be observed at x2 using senses/sensor x3.
x1 is a road/highway to x2 from x3 with route x4 (x2/x3 may be unordered).
x1 shows audacity/chutzpah in behavior x2 (event/activity); x1 dares to do/be x2 (event/ka).
x1 (portal/passage/entrance-way) is closed/shut/not open, preventing passage/access to x2 by x3 (something being blocked).
x1 is able to do/be/capable of doing/being x2 (event/state) under conditions x3 (event/state).
x1 (agent) counts the number in set x2 to be x3 [number/count] counting [off] by units x4.
x1 is slow/sluggish at doing/being/bringing about x2 (event/state).
x1 is dead/has ceased to be alive.
x1 is spiritual/pertains to the soul in nature [either energy or being]; x1 is ghostly/ethereal.
x1 is a human/human being/man (non-specific gender-free sense); (adjective:) x1 is human.
x1 (set) has members who mutually/reciprocally x2 (event [x1 should be reflexive in 1+ sumti]).
x1 is/appears to be of color/hue x2 as perceived/seen by x3 under conditions x4.
x1 errs in doing/being/making mistake x2 (event), an error under conditions x3 by standard x4.
x1 has a talent/aptitude/innate skill for doing/being x2.
x1 relaxes/rests/is at ease in/by doing/being x2 (activity).
x1 is fast/swift/quick/hastes/rapid at doing/being/bringing about x2 (event/state).
x1 (agent) asserts/claims/declares x2 (du'u) is true [can be used for epistemology of authority].
x1 is free/at liberty to do/be x2 (event/state) under conditions x3.
pro-sumti: remote future utterance; "He'll tell you tomorrow. IT will be a doozy.".
pro-sumti: a remote past utterance; "She couldn't have known that IT would be true.".
klani modal, 1st place (amount) quantifying ...; being a quantity of ...
start questionable/out-of-context quote; text should be Lojban words, but needn't be grammatical.
start grammatical quotation; quoted text should be grammatical on its own.
n-ary mathematical operator: operands are vectors to be treated as matrix rows.
n-ary mathematical operator: operands are vectors to be treated as matrix columns.
left parenthesis; start of parenthetical note which must be grammatical Lojban text.
forethought nonce-word indicator; indicates next word is nonce-creation and may be nonstandard.
abstractor: state (event) abstractor; x1 is continuous state of [bridi] being true.
time tense: will be going to; (tense/modal).
time tense: will be then; (tense/modal).
cu'u ko'a (comp!)
tagged sumti: can be used for embedded: it-1 said, "...", with editorial unquote and insert.
li'i ze'ei ka
abstractor: experience of being: x1 is x2's experience of being [bridi] (property of x2; with {ce'u} referring to x2's position)
nomei (comp!)
x1 is a 0-some / empty mass / 0-tuple, with members x2 (must be the empty set).
pisoi'au (comp!)
almost none of/almost 0/almost never/almost certainly not/nearly nothing of (technical sense) but technically being non-empty or possible in theory (not impossible).
pisu'esoi'au (comp!)
digit/number: at most almost-none of (0%, taken as a fraction of a whole); the referent set is null and may even be empty.
su'esoi'au (comp!)
digit/number: at most almost-none/at most almost-no/at most almost-nowhere; the referent set is null and may even be empty.
su'osoi'ai (comp!)
digit/number: at least almost-all/at least almost-every/at least almost-everywhere; the complementary set is null and may even be empty.
tepu'a (comp!)
pluka modal, 3rd place pleasingly; being pleasing under conditions ...
x1=g1 makes x2=b1 be sick from disease x3=b3; x1=g1 sickens x2=b1; x1=g1 is a pathogen
x1=c1 (zo) is a cmavo with a predicate role or semantic structure which expresses predicate x2=b1 (quote/du'u) between arguments x3=b3 (ordered list), the said cmavo being of form or in category/class x4=c2 in/and belonging to language/dialect x5=c3.
x1=c1=s1 (quoted word(s)) is a name of x2=c2 used by x3=c3 that morphologically [loose] evokes/is similar to/is a brivla x4=v1=s2 (text; may be multiple words), similar in property/quality[/amount?] x5=s3 (ka/ni), in language x6
x1 is a Rubik's toy, being of shape/solid x2 with sides x3 and degrees of freedom x4, made from/composed of x5.
x1 is a Rubik's toy, being of shape/solid x2 with sides x3 and degrees of freedom x4, made from/composed of x5.
x1 is a form of ornamentation arranged cylindrically and which is meant to be viewed so that its axis is collapsed to a point (in perpendicular cross-section), which adorns x2
x1 is an eligible/potential voter in issue (list of options) x2, (with x1) being a voting member of group x3.
x1 makes x2 be in some unspecified relation with x3; x1 assigns / pairs up x2 and x3.
g1 causes c1 to [rest on]/[be on top of]/[lie on] c2 in frame of reference c3.
x1 is trying to choose which of x2 (plural) to be in relation x3 with
x1 encourages x2 to do/be x3.
x1 enjoys x2 being bad for/harming/being inflicted upon x3
x1 is the excess money/change (that should be) returned for/after/with the purchase of x2 by purchaser x3 from vendor x4.
x1 is a mark on x2 showing their destinity to be x3 (ka)
x1=cr2 is a crop/harvest, harvested by x2=cr1, for use as food x3=ci1, to be eaten by x4=ci2.
x1 (li; often but not necessarily an integer) is a multiple of x2 (li; often but not necessarily an integer) by some integer, namely x3 (li; MUST be an integer in the structure; possibly, more than one input may be valid), in algebraic structure x4.
x1 is joined to x2 at/by joint/location x3 such that it is backward from/relative to what should be the case x4; x1 is on/joined backward.
s1 is/appears to be of ash color/hue as perceived/seen by x2=s3 under conditions x3=s4.
j1 shows the direction of f2 (object/event) to audience j3, that direction being f1
s1=f3 non-agentively/inanimately points at/indicates the direction of s2=f2 to observer s3 as being in the direction f1.
f1 = k1 [sequence] is able to be / capable of being reversed from / into sequence f2 by event k2 under conditions k3 (event / state).
c1 is intended to be disposed of after use; c1 is disposable.
t1 is a disposable tool/utensil/resource used for doing t2; t1 is intended to be thrown away after doing t2.
f1=b1=m1 is a huge/enormous/very big female being in property/dimensions b2 as compared with standard/norm b3. f1=m1=b1 is a giantess.
g1 [person/agent] causes f1 to be easy for f2 under condition(s) f3.
r1 [event/state] causes f1 to be easy for f2 under condition(s) f3.
x1 = cuxna3 (set) is the collection of options/settings that can be chosen by user x2 = cuxna1 ~ galfi1 for purpose x3.
x1 and x2 both have had/are having (not necessarily simultaneously) sexual intercourse with x3, with the relevant difference(s) between x1 and x2 being x4.
x1 is an England of peoples x2 with territory x3, being English in aspect x4.
x1 (node in graph) is among the very nearest nodes to x2 (node in same graph), such that they are path-connected, along path(s) or paths of type x3 (default: directed graph geodesics from x2 to candidate other nodes, such that each of these candidates (plus x1) are pairwise distinct from x2) according to edge weighings x4 in connected graph component x5, with nearness standard/satisfying other conditions x6, the extreme x7 (default: ka zmadu, implying most-near) being amongst set/range x8 of candidate nodes.
x1 = t1 is the elapsed time required for decaying/diminishing/reducing/shrinking population x2 = g1 to decrease in number by a factor of exactly/approximately 1/e^(x3) from that which is considered to be the initial population size, where e is the natural exponential base and x3 [li; default: 1] is a real number, according to standard/under condition/by model/in experiment x4; x1 is the one-(e^(x3))-th-life of population/sample x2; the (approximate) (x3)-th one-e-th-ing/e-fold decrease(/increase) of population x2 takes approximately x1 (time).
x1 = t1 is the elapsed time required for decaying/diminishing/reducing/shrinking population x2 = g1 to decrease in number by a factor of exactly/approximately 1/(x3) from that which is considered to be the initial population size, where x3 [li; default: 1] is a positive real number, according to standard/under condition/by model/in experiment x4; x1 is the (x3^(-1))-th-life of population/sample x2; the (approximate) one-x3-th-ing/(x3)-fold decrease(/increase) of population x2 takes approximately x1 (time).
x1 gleams/shines on to x2, the light source being x3.
d1 extinguishes light g1 illuminating g2, the light source being g3.
x1=t1 is an aquarium(container for aquatic beings)/fish tank for x2=t2=jm1
x1 makes x2 (du'u) true by expressing it (performative act); x2 is true because x1 claims it to be so
x1 seems to be the case to cognizer x2.
x1 pretends x2 is true; x1 behaves as someone would behave if they knew x2 to be true
x1 = r1 is an organelle [cellular 'body-part'] of x2 = r2 = s1 \approx j which is or ideally should be performing function(s) x3 = r3.
x1 pretends to be/do x2 (ka) in order for x3 to falsely believe untruth x4 (du'u), false by standard/epistemology/metaphysics x5
x1 (du'u) seems to be false to x2 by epistemology x3
x1 does not know that fact(s) x2 (du'u), which are about subject x3, are false by epistemology x4 / it is consistent with x1's knowledge that x2 may be true
s1 is a zing/clang produced by metal j1=d2=s2 being hit.
g1 (agent) causes j1 to be joined to/connected to/united with j2 at common locus j3.
x1 (living being) belongs to species/taxon x2
x1 is the dust at the bottom of the cereal box, thereby illustrating the principle that the definition of a lujvo need not be constrained by that of its constituent selrafsi
c1=s1 (quoted word(s)) is a name of c2 used by c3 that morphologically [loose] evokes/is similar to/is Lojbanic lujvo l1=s2 (text; may be multiple words), similar in property/quality[/amount?] s3 (ka/ni)
x1 (agent) count-measures/evaluates x2=m2 [quantity] as x3=k3=m3 [number counted] items/units of/in/pertaining to set x4=k2, on scale x5=m4 (si'o; default: from 0 representing nothing/no instances of the item, and by (units of) 1 for each additional occurrence if the item is quantized) with accuracy x6=m5 (ideally should be exact/perfect). x2 is countably measurable.
x1 is more capable than x2 of doing/being x3 (ka) by margin x4
x1 wants to be/do x2 (ka) for purpose x3
x1 is far from being x2 (ka)
x1 considers x2 to have quality x3 (ka) ; x2 qualifies as / counts as being x3 according to x1
being x1 (ka) is part of being x2 (ka)
x1 needs to be/do x2 (ka) for purpose x3
k1 is quality/property exhibited by b1 of being foolish/silly/stupid in event/action /property (ka) b2.
x1 is the life (property of being alive) of x2.
k1 is the majesty of t1=n1 being a regent/monarch of t2 by standard n2.
k1 is the fatigue of t1 in being/doing t2 (event).
c1 is the childhood (state of being a child) of v1.
x1 = ka1 is handedness/chirality/stereoisomerism/property of being chiral which is exhibited by x2 = xansa1, the chirality having type/signature/manifestation x3 = xansa2, according to standard/rule/consideration x4 = xansa3 and under conditions x5 = xansa4.
x1 exhibits extremis/the property of (pertaining to) both being near and approaching the death of x2.
x1 is the quality of whom/what is free to do/be x2=z2; x1 is freedom/liberty of x2=z2
x1 looks forward, is in joyful anticipation of x2 (proposition) being the case.
x1 makes x2 and x3 be related by binary relation x4.
x1 is old enough to be entitled to x2 (abstraction), according to x3
x1 likes to do/be x2 (ka); x1 enjoys doing/being x2 (ka).
g1 (agent) causes l1 to be a quantity of liquid of composition l2 under conditions l3.
r1 causes l1 to be a quantity of liquid of composition l2 under conditions l3.
lr1=xa1 is / are the earliest person(s) to dwell/live/reside/abide at/inhabit/be a resident of location/habitat/nest/home/abode xa2 among set / range lr2.
n1 is in character (actions or speech to be interpreted as part of a story/role-playing game)
b1 is out of character (actions or speech not to be interpreted as part of a story/role-playing game)
x1 is the subjective conscious experience of being x2; x1 is what it's like to be x2
mas1 is sluggish at doing/being/bringing about mas2 (event/state) according to mab3.
x1 is being a jerk/an asshole/very or offensively rude about x2 according to standard/custom x3.
n1 needs n2 to be satisfied for reason x3.
x1 qualifies as / counts as being x2 (ka) by standard x3
x1=g1 makes x2=m1 match/fit/be compatible with x3=m2 in property/aspect x4=m3.
x1 considers/opines x2 to be among x3
x1 is related to medical treatment/science/practice, or is medicinal, or is medical, or is related to healthcare, or is related to the practice/occupation of medicine or being a medical practitioner (doctor, nurse, midwife, pharmacist, technician, etc.; also: psychologists, psychiatrists, physical therapists, physicians, veterinarians, hospital administrators, vel sim.), or pertains to hospitals or caregiving, concerning general class of subjects/patients x2 or ailment/body-part x3 or form of treatment/care x4.
tu1=m2 is a bug used by ti1=m1 to listen to ti2 without mi3 being aware.
x1=p1=m1 hides/conceals x2=p2 from x4=m3 on/at surface/locus x3=p3=m1, the location being kept secret by method x5=m4.
x1 is famous/well known for being/having property x2 (ka) among x3 (mass).
s1=m1 seems to be the same as m2 by standard m3 to observer s3 under conditions s4.
m1 is alive after being dead/ceasing to be alive; m1 is a zombie.
x1 is a standard of x2 (x2 can be anything used for measurement or comparison)
k1 is unable to do/be/uncapable of doing/being (event/state) k2 under conditions k3 (event/state)
x1=j1 thinks that x2=n1 and x3=n2 (du'u) may both be true about x4=j3, on grounds x5=j4; x1 thinks that x2 and x3 are logically compatible.
k1 is unable to do/be/uncapable of doing/being k2 (event/state) under conditions k3 (event/state).
x1 (unitless/dimensionless number; li) is the specific gravity (density or concentration ratio) of x2 (substance) with respect to/by standard/per unit of density/concentration of x3 (substance), where density/concentration of each substance is being taken per unit x4 = nildenmi3 at locus x5 = nildenmi4 of density/concentration type x6 = nildenmi5.
n1 is the speed / amount of fast-ness measured on scale n2 of thing / agent s1 in / at doing / being / bringing about s2 (event / state).
x1=v2=n1 finds it important to be alone in doing/being x2=n2 (event/state/action) for purpose x3=v3; x1 is introverted
if x1 never happens again, it would be too soon
j2 (du'u) is a mystery for j1, the subject being j3.
p1 expects/looks for the occurence of p2 (event), expected likelihood p3 (0-1); p1 subjectively evaluates the likelihood of p2 (event) to be p3.
n1 is an event of b1 being foolish/silly/stupid in event/action /property (ka) b2.
x1 is the state of x2's lack of x3; x1 is the event/situation in which x2 lacks x3; x1 is the state/event of x3's absence (being absent from) x2.
x1=n1 is an event of x2=c1 being grateful/thankful of/appreciative of x3=c2 for x4=c3 (event/property)
n1 is order (state of being well arranged) of c1 with orderliness c2.
n1 is an event of m1 being dark/lacking in illumination
n1 is the death (state of being dead) of m1 (person).
n1 is the event of proposition x2 (du'u) being declared/asserted by x1 (agent).
d1 desires the event of s1 being a soldier of army s2, for purpose d3
n1 is an event of c1 being rude in matter c2 according to standard/custom c3.
n1 is the event of n1 being a man.
g1 [person/agent] rescues/causes s1 to be secure/safe from threat s2.
t1 is a hell (evil-superlative-site) of evil being(s) p1=r1, most evil among r3, evil by standard p2.
xl1 (agent) tempts xl2 into evil xl3=p1 by influence/threat/lure xl4, said act being evil by standard p2.
x1 and x2 have or had (not necessarily simultaneously) the same relationship to x3, that relationship being x4, with the relevant difference(s) between x1 and x2 being x5.
x1 is x2=d2 (default: 1) first days of a set of days (week, month, year) x3=m2 ordered by rule x4=m3 and being a day by standard x5=d3
x1 is path-connected to x2 via the (non-gendered/absolute) first-born progeny/primogeniture relation; x1 is the first-born offspring of the first-born offspring of ... the first-born offspring of x2, connected by a graph-path passing through intermediate relations/steps (successive first-born offspring) x3 (ce'o; ordered list), "first" being according to ordering rule x4 (default, as used in this definition: chronological order of birth; restrictions on legitimacy etc. may also be included here).
x1 is any child of the first child of the first child of ... the first child of x2, where the graph geodesic through the ancestorship-directed family tree from x1 to x2 is of length (x3) + 1 (li; x3 must be a nonnegative integer or positive infinity), and where "first" is according to (partial) ordering rule x4 (default: chronological order of birth per successive generation within the given lineage; other restrictions on legitimacy etc. may be specified here as well).
x1 is any child of the first child of the first child of ... the first child of x2, with intermediate steps x3 (complete ordered list, "ce'o"; should include the relevant parent of x1), where "first" is according to (partial) ordering rule x4 (default: chronological order of birth per successive generation within the given lineage; other restrictions on legitimacy etc. may be specified here as well).
x1 a single-use tool/implement/implement for doing x2; x1 is designed to be discarded after the first use.
x1 miscarries after being pregnant with x2
x1 is a rule that can be used in a Parsing Expression Grammar (PEG)
d1=p2 has the same feathers/plumage as d2, the feathers/plumage being p1.
x1 is a quill/plume/feather-pen using ink x2, applied by process x3, with feather being from individual/species x4
x1=p2 is useful/good for x2=p1 by the standard of being usable for purpose p3.
x1 is a fossil, a mineralized remain of x2 (not necessarily of a living being)
x1 looks forward, is in joyful anticipation of x2 (proposition) being the case.
x1 beats x2 to doing/being x3 (ka). x1 did/was x3 before x2 did, who was trying to do the same thing.
d1 is a warehouse storing/distributing r2 to be distributed among f2
z1=r1 is a natural right for z1 to do/be z2 (event/state).
z1 is a house for human being z2=r1.
c1=r1 (human being) kills c2=r1 (human being) by action/method c3; c1=r1 commits murder/is murderer.
s1=r1 (human being) is killed by s2=r1 (human being) by action/method s3; s1=r1 is victim of murder.
x1 appears to be in the human-visible band of light, with specific color/hue/shading x2 as perceived by x3 under conditions x4.
c1=t1=p1 is a little people [mythological being] of mythology c2 .
t1=b1 contains b2 wrapped with b3 to be hauled on the back of t2.
x1 becomes incapable of writing characters x2 of alphabet/writing system x3, which is reflects chinese culture/languge/etc. in aspect x4 and which represent x5, on writing surface/medium x6 with writing implement x7 under conditions of being incapable x8 under conditions of becoming incapable x9, as a result of x1 making excessive use of x10 which is a computer for purpose x11 or x12 which is a phone connected to network x13, used for purpose x14, excessive by amount x15.
k1 is portable/can be carried under conditions x2=k3 (event/state).
x1 is a term in binary metaphor/tanru x2 (text) with other element (modifying or being modified by) x3 so as to produce meaning x4 in context/usage/instance x5
k2 (event/state] [can be done]/[is capable of being done] by k1 under conditions of k3 (event/state).
g1 collars/has a band put on k2, the collar/band being k1 made of material k3.
x1 is an ordered series of podcast episodes/podcast serial, ordered by conparison rule x2 (contextless default: production order or intended listening order, or reverse of these), and being entirely composed of all of the individual episodes belonging to set x3.
x1 is ready for being used by x2 for purpose x3
x1 prepares x2 for being used by x3 for purpose x4
j1 (text) is a declarative sentence in which proposition j2=x2 (du'u) asserts/claims/declares to be true by x1 in language j3.
x1 (metric space/set/class/structure) is a metric subspace/subset(/subclass) of x2 (metric space/set/class) which is closed therein. x1 is an closed subset of x2, where closedness is taken to be understood as being considered within x2 and under the metric shared by x1 and x2
x1 (du'u) seems/appears to be a paradox / self-contradictory under rules/logic x2 to observer x3
t1=s1 is underwear worn/intended to be worn on/by t2 serving purpose t3
x1 is a paradoxical problem in which the key to solution can only be obtained by overcoming/solving the problem first
siml1=sims1 resembles/looks like/appears to be similar/parallel to sims2 in property/quantity sims3 to observer siml3 under conditions siml4
sk1 is/appears to be colorful/many-colored as perceived/seen by sk3 under conditions sk4.
x1 is an error/wrong/improper lujvo with error x2 considered to be an error by standard x3
x1 makes x2 remain/stay being/doing x3 (ka); x1 maintains x2 having property x3
x1=m1 (non-agentively) suddenly moves/teleports/abruptly relocates/'jumps' in location to destination x2=m2 from origin x3=m3 by path (if applicable) x4=m4 (default: linear/projective/geodesic path connecting endpoints is implicitly assumed by speaker, but actual movement over this path is not necessary and may not even actually be true)
x1 is an object (may or may not be material); any object that can be the subject of a noun or sumti; "object" in object-oriented programming
g1 hurries/rushes/speeds s1 to do/be/bring about s2.
z1=s1 accelerates/[speeds up] at doing/being/bringing about s2 (event/state) by amount z3.
c1=t1 is practical, likely to be applicable to event c2=t2.
c2 is an extrinsic property of c1=n1 that is dependent on necessity n2 to be manifest.
g1=s2 is locked, preventing access to g2 by g3, the lock being s1 using mechanism s3.
x1 takes/needs x2 amount of time to be/do x3
x1 (li) is the arity of predicate relationship x2; selbri (not restricted to Lojban) is x1-adic; x2 is a predicate with x1(-many) sumti/argument slots that may be filled.
c1 is a farmer/rancher, c2 being the location of farm/ranch c1, raising/producing c4.
x1 is an opinion about/considered to be x2 by x3 with grounds for opinion x4.
x1 is a trap/restraint with x2 being captured/restrained by x3 (object/event).
x1 (agent) convinces / persuades / motivates x2 (agent) to do/be x3 (ka/nu/zu'o) by means/motivation x4 (nu)
x1 is a reporter / journalist / source of news about x2 being x3 (proposition) to observer x4
x1=j2=p3 (ka; jo'u/fa'u term) is the minor difference in/between x2=p2 and x3=p1 that is to be ignored, their similarity being by standard/in geometry x4; x2 is the same as/similar to/parallels x3 in standard/geometry x4 up to/modulo/except for/ignoring unimportant difference x1;
tP3 is a translation of tP2=tZ3 by tP1, the source being a translation of tZ2 by tZ1.
x1 is a headphone/earphone/earbud/hearing aid/hearing device for hearing x2 against background noise x3, the device being of form x4.
x1 is timid/shy/abashed/reluctant to do /be x2.
x1 discourages x2 from doing/being x3.
x1 releases x2 from restraint/binding x3 to do/be x4 .
k1 subitizes (effortlessly/immediately/instantly counts the number in/recognizes the cardinality of) set k2 to be k3 [number/count], counted by/in terms of units k4
s1 expends effort/is actively/effortfully involved in doing/being s2 (activity)
x1 (entity) is disinclined to do/be x2 (ka)
x1 is the geodesic path from x2 to x3 via or through points including/on connected manifold component/in connected graph component x4, with distance being measured by standard/metric/weighting x5.
x1 is the eventually-to-be ex-spouse/divorcee of x2.
j4 is the birthplace, the parent(s) being j2, the birthdate being j3, of j1.
c1 is the childhood (time of being a child) of v1.
x1 prevents x2 from being seen by x3; x1 covers/obstructs view of/blocks x2.
x1 is the similarity relation between all members of set x2 (set of quoted words) such that they all mean esentially one common thing x3 and are considered to be identical in any meaningful way in language x4.
x1=v1=s1 is a word/set of words (able to be) recalled by x2=s2 about subject x3=s3; x1 is the vocabulary retrieved by x2.
s1=v1 (quote) is a linguistic/conceptual lexeme for word/concept v2, being the most basic subunit of s2, in language v3
x1 (nu) might damage / may be harmful / is a risk to victim x2 in property x3 (ka) resulting in injury x4 (state)
x1=d1 is anxious/earnestly desirous for x2=d2 (abstract), the purpose being d3.
x1=t1=s1 acts like/pretends to be fictional/imaginary character x2=t2=s2=xa1=p1 imaginary to x3=xa2, in property/way x4=s3 under conditions x5=t3.
x1 is allegedly true/claimed to be true but has not been proved
x1 is infrared or infrasound vel sim. (sensu lato; having too large of a wavelength to be visible, audible, or relevantly sensed/detectable) for sense/sensory device/by standard x2 in medium/under conditions/in frame of reference x3.
x1 is housework, to be done by x2, in order to clean/maintain house x3
z1=b1 becomes free to do/be x2 (event/state) under conditions x3.
x1 feels free to do/be x2
x1 releases x2 to do/be x3 under conditions x4.
x1 is is a free word (word which can be freely inserted into or deleted from a sentence without making it ungrammatical), with meaning/function x2 in usage (language) x3
x1 is is a free modifier (word or construct which can be freely inserted into or deleted from a sentence without making it ungrammatical)
x1=l2 is a formal character-set/alphabet containing letter(s)/characters/digits/terms x2=l1; x2 is a letter in formal alphabet x1 and is treated formally (it has no meaning, other than possibly being distinct from other letters in x1)
being aware that x1 is the case motivates x2 to do x3 (irrealis).
c1 requests/invites z1=c3 [to attend]/[be present at] z2 (event/location) in manner/form c4.
x1 needs to be present at location x2 for purpose/action x3
x1 dons metaphorical asbestos suit x2 to guard against flames x3 on topic x4 from x5, who disagrees with post x6 for reason x7, not realizing that the post was meant to be sent to x8 rather than all of mailing list x9 (default jboste) where it was posted in response to email x10, whose author wishes selma'o x11 (default SE) were extended to concisely express place x12 of brivla x13 (default besto) which has place structure x14 and too many places because of sadistic whim x15 of brivla-maker x16, who also created brivla x17 which has place structure x18, and so winds up using too many of cmavo x19 (default zi'o) in order to make the brivla ( x13) more usable by standard x20 and wishes they had never heard of the word besto for reason x21, not realizing for reason x22 that it was suggested sarcastically due to boredom x23 of person x24, who is proposing it against better judgement x25 because it is fun by standard x26, but still wishes it had as many places as x27 (default du) for reason x28, and feels like throwing in epistemology sumti x29, because he/she knows both that gismu x30 (default besto) has its place structure defined by run-on sentence x31 and that epistemology sumti are used in gismu x32 by epistemology x33, notwithstanding the fact that x34 actually has a use for besto places x35 (default 1) through x36 (default x7) and wishes this weren't an extremely long and stupid joke, longer than joke x37 and stupider than joke x38 but still appreciated by x39 - a fact which says x40 about them in the opinion of x41 - but not seen as even remotely amusing by x42, who is aware that x43 has a use for the gismu besto because of x45
x1 (abstraction) should/(of right) ought to be true/happening under conditions/in the case of x2 being true/happening, as believed by/by standard/under consideration of x3. If the world were proper/correct/just/ruled perfectly and strictly according to x3 and if x2 were true, then x1 would be true as well.
x1 is meta to/an example of x2 that describes such an object/concept/notion/system/topic/etc., being meta in property/aspect x3, and which has features x4, governed by/considered in system/considerations/epistemology/theory x5; x1 is meta (a particular type of abstraction of x2 so as to apply to itself in some sense); x1 is an/a piece of/an example of x2 that applies fractally thereto
x1 practices/exercises/studies/improves at doing/being x2 by doing/being x3
x1 has the opportunity to do/be x2 (event/property) under conditions x3; x1 gets to do x2
x1 expects/looks for the occurence of x2 (event), expected likelihood x3 (0-1, default {li} {so'a} i.e. near 1); x1 subjectively evaluates the likelihood of x2 (event) to be x3.
x1 is orthogonal/perpendicular/right/at right angle/rectified/square/normal to x2, where they (are projected to) intersect orthogonally at locus/on set x3, otherwise being utterly distinct (and not even on the same axis/scale) in sense x4
x1 (proposition) is data/information being an example of deep formalization of subject x2 gathered by method x3 (proposition)
x1 is a waterfall (geological and hydrological, semi-permanent feature) with source/flowing fluid x2 (fluid need not be water), with rock/terrain characteristics/grade (slope)/features x3 in potential (gravitational well/field) x4; mass/quantity of fluid x2 flows over feature x3 so as to fall /tumble down it (continuously)
x1 is a logical statement that x2 (du'u) is true regardless of/irrespective of/independent of/whether or not x3 being/is true.
x1 is realistic/sane (colloquial sense)/pragmatic/practical/typical/frequent/fairly probable/deemed to be likely to actually happen in real-life (as opposed to in a flight of fantasy or being merely possible but unlikely/abnormal) according to judge x2 and under external conditions/rules for judgment/considerations x3
x1 is a rodent [can be a member of eutherian mammal Rodentia; semantic broadening might subjectively generalize the concept somewhat] of subtaxon/type/genus/species/breed/variety x2.
x1 is the differintegral of x2 with respect to x3 of order x4, with differintegration being according to definition/specification or of type x5.
x1 is a material conditional/'IF' statement (logical statement) saying that x2 (du'u) logically implies x3 (du'u) ("x3 is true if x2 is true; if x2, then x3; x2 being true is sufficient to guarantee the truth of x3").
x1 is a logical XOR/mutual-contradiction/exclusive disjunction statement saying that only/exactly one of x2 and x3 can be true at any given time.
x1 (ka) property of x2 is metaphorically sufficient as to be equivalent to x3 (ka).
x1 (abstraction) bores x2 in manner x3; x2 is bored by/experiences boredom about x1, the boredom being of type/form x3.
x1 is a logical statement of proposition-equivalence/is a biconditional/'IFF' statement saying that x2 (du'u) is true if and only if x3 is true ("x2 is logically equivalent to x3; x2 being true is sufficient and necessary for guaranteeing the truth of x3; x2 iff x3").
x1 is willing to do/be x2 (property)
x1 is a deliberately placed sign meaning x2 to x3 (x2 being relevant to x3's situation when perceiving x1)
x1 returns to being the case.
x1 (person, being, entity) is in an altered and (medically/legally) abnormal state of mind due to substance/factors x2, being in state (with characteristics) x3, classification as such according to/by standard x4
x1 (abstraction) should/(of right) ought to be true/happening under conditions/in the case of x2 being true/happening, as believed by/by standard/under consideration of x3. If the world were proper/correct/just/ruled perfectly and strictly according to x3 and if x2 were true, then x1 would be true as well.
x1 persuades/convinces x2 to do/be x3 (event/property) with action x4
bai'i (exp!)
mekso string operator (ternary): find-and-replace; in string/text/word/sequence X1 formally replace X2 (ordered tuple of terms to be replaced) with X3 (ordered tuple of terms to be respectively substituted)
Sumtcita indicating that the bridi must be true under the conditions indicated by the tagged sumti.
abstractor: abstractor to create logically quantified selbri variable to be used in predicate logic of third or higher order.
Refers to what is usually assumed to be the argument of tense tags when no explicit argument is given
ca'e'ei (exp!)
Evidential: "because I say so"/"because I assert it to be true"/"it is known".
ci'e'u (exp!)
quotes an emoji name surrounded by pauses; can be non-Lojban
ci'i'oi (exp!)
transfinite ordinal little-epsilon; if followed by a number, in English notation, the following number would be denoted by a subscript
coi'o'e (exp!)
asks the listener to provide a word matching the preceding description being the seltau
variable identifier article: refer to the referents of the variable having the following predicate as its name; such a variable may be implicitly bound by {PA broda} or {LE broda} phrases; if no such variable has been previously bound, the referents are left to the context to determine; the referents are not claimed to actually satisfy the predicate after which the variable is named.
pro-sumti whose referent's identity may be chosen by the listener
ei'u (exp!)
Attitudinal: advice/posit/well-considered idea - spitballing/proposal (no investment or confidence in it being a good idea) - rejection of suggestion/idea
fai'i (exp!)
Pendent preposition. Introduces a dangling argument that doesn't take part in the surrounding argument structure; similarly to {zo'u}, it may be used for pre-declaring a quantification, or for introducing an argument that will be later referred to anaphorically. The pronoun {zoi'i} is automatically bound to the argument introduced by {fai'i}.
Convert operator to being entrywise.
two-tier function map/assignment writer notation: X1 (ordered list, no repetitious terms) maps termwise-respectively to X2 (ordered list; may be repetitious but must have exactly as many terms as X1)
fau'i (exp!)
mekso ternary operator: inverse function of input function X1 with respect to its input X2, taken on branch or restricted domain X3 ("domain" being of X1).
Creates a predicate abstraction sumti out of a full bridi clause, binding all the necessary lambda variables to the ko'a-ko'u pronoun series. The number of bound variables must be indicated by appending {xi} followed by that number to the word {fo'ai}, unless only one variable (namely {fo'a}) is bound, in which case the {xi} marking is optional.
GOI attachment modifier: allows a cmavo of selma'o GOI (which must follow immediately) to be attached to a selbri
go'au (exp!)
marks the tagged sumti as being scope-wide within the immediate parent (text-wide by default) specified in the argument of the vocative
grammatically converts LAhE to SE; semantically the result tags the x1 of the selbri as being LAhE the supplied x1. Can be converted to other than x1 with SE.
ji'i'u (exp!)
mekso, at-most-5-ary operator: a rounding function; ordered input list is (x,n,t,m,b) and the output is sgn(x) bt roundn (b(-t) abs(x)), with rounding preference n and where the fractional part of b(-t) abs(x) being equal to 1/2 causes the roundn ( ) function to map b(-t) abs(x) to the nearest integer of form 2Z+m, for base b (determined by context if not explicitly input) and some integer Z (determined by context).
non-logical connective: to be in a (nontrivial) superposition of (states); mixture
joi'i (exp!)
mekso string operator (n-ary): formal right-concatenation; X1 + X, where Xi is a string/word/text/character/letteral/lerfu/quoted utterance (quote appropriately iff necessary; preserve and be careful about the use-vs.-mention distinction) for all i.
Predicate to variable-binding binary quantifier. The first slot of the predicate must be a property.
la'au (exp!)
start grammatical name quotation; the quoted text is an identifier and must be grammatical on its own.
article: "the thing(s) I have in mind and which I believe appear(s) to you to be…"
li'oi (exp!)
marks word/construct as being optional, i.e. the bridi would still be both grammatical AND reflect the speakers opinion/intention would the marked construct be left out
start quote of recent mistakenly uttered text to be replaced
generic essentialistic article: «loi'a broda cu brode» = a broda typically is/does brode; being/doing brode is a typical trait of broda-hood.
strict essentialistic article: «nei'i broda cu brode» = being a broda necessarily entails being/doing brode.
incidental/non-restrictive adverbial: converts selbri to bridi adverbial term. The first place of the converted selbri is claimed to be such that the outer bridi satisfies it, and the outer bridi is claimed. {broda noi'a brode} means {lo nu broda ku goi ko'a cu fasnu .i ko'a brode}.
no'oi (exp!)
Selbri incidental relative clause; attaches to a selbri with the ke'a being 'me'ei the attached selbri'
pau'i (exp!)
discursive: marks the previous construction as a question, with valid responses being any construction which could replace it without changing the grammar of the overall utterance.
po'oi (exp!)
selbri restrictive relative clause; attaches to a selbri with the ke'a being "me'ei the attached-selbri"
ra'ai (exp!)
quotes a single non-meaning name in lojban (Must be lojban text and sounds) delimited by pauses
rai'a (exp!)
selbri modifier: restrict the referents of the x1 slot to those belonging to the current domain of discourse, those being relevant to the present context.
quote marker: indicates that the quotation being marked has experienced exactly no change in meaning/has the original meaning and is the same in all important qualities - approximately the same meaning/having generally the same idea or effect or message - substantially changes in meaning or some important quality
si'ai (exp!)
marks a construct as being a reference/allusion - explicit marker of divorce/isolation of a construct from any external allusions that may come to mind
so'ei (exp!)
discursive: "to be honest", being frank, candid, speaking one's mind, being forthcoming and demonstrating candor - deliberately "not getting into it", saying less than is on one's mind
so'e'u (exp!)
digit/number: n (default: 1 or 1/2 atomic units as the case may be) more than half; barely a majority; a slight majority.
Initiator of subordinating adverbial relative clause with leftwards logical scope. The adverbial clause binds the resumptive pronoun {ke'a} to the outer clause, which becomes irrealis (i.e. not necessarily claimed to be true). Terminator: {se'u}.
su'ai (exp!)
digit/number: precise to within the stated sigfigs (significant figures/digits); approximately, measured to be approximately, with some error/rounding
tai'i'au (exp!)
8-ary mekso operator: the X1th nonnegative sum of X2 mutually-distinct perfect X3th-powers (i.e.: of integers) in X4 mutually truly-distinct ways, requiring exactly X5 terms to be negative in each sum (counting with(out^X6) multiplicity), requiring exactly X7 terms to be repeated between sums (counting with(out^X8) multiplicity), according to the usual ordering of the integers.
placed before a selbri, merges x1 and x3 places (with the new x1 being equivalent to the result of this merging).
makes a new selbri, the first two places of which are to be filled with sumti from the first two abstraction places of the selbri following this word
vocative marker: identifies the station(s) to which a message is to be sent and at the same time prepares a universe of discourse by filtering from a stream of messages only those said by that station(s)
binary mekso operator: Let the inputs X1 and X2 be sets in the same universal set O; then the result of this operator applied to them is X1^c \cup X, where for any A \subseteq O, Ac = O \setminus A.
binary mekso operator: Let the inputs X1 and X2 be sets in the same universal set O; then the result of this operator applied to them is X1^c \cap X, where for any A \subseteq O, Ac = O \setminus A.
reattaches the following attitudinals to the containing bridi; precedes free-floating attitudinals to be understood as modifying the bridi they are contained in
reattaches the following attitudinals to the containing sentence; precedes free-floating attitudinals to be understood as modifying the sentence they are contained in
za'au (exp!)
evidential: mark the sentence as being an observation sentence, i.e. a statement that is not based on the truth of another statement but is instead taken from direct observation.
zai'u (exp!)
Quote conversion: the sentence(s)/bridi (possibly plural) is/are syntactically correct and semantically intended by the utterer if the outermost layer of quotes (markers) which immediately follows were to be omitted/removed, but the quoted text is in fact a quote (of the indicated type) from some source.
selbri conversion: permute all terbri so as to be exactly backward.
zi'a (exp!)
nonce-word indicator; indicates previous word is nonce-creation and may be nonstandard
Something associated with; equivalent to “zo'e pe” or "lo co'e be".
shows mutual activity between this place and the first place of the current bridi; members participating in the activity are put into the first place (that e.g. can be formed by connecting sumti with {ce} or {jo'u})
Adverbial, metacommentary-introducing, and complex discursive: I express this utterance/construct/(rest of the) bridi which has been tagged for the purpose or goal of enacting, causing, enabling, implementing, actualizing, manifesting, enhancing, yielding, or rendering applicable the immediately following and enclosed bridi or in order to make the immediately following and enclosed bridi be true (or closer to the truth or more true or more strongly true) in application to the utterance/construct/rest of the bridi which has been tagged by this marker; the tagged expression/construct is for the benefit or sake of making the immediately following and enclosed bridi true.
x1 is not far from and can be pointed to (or described as being pointed to) by the speaker
x1 intends to do/be x2 (ka).
x1 is an eigenvalue (or zero) of linear transformation/square matrix x2, associated with/'owning' all vectors in generalized eigenspace x3 (implies neither nondegeneracy nor degeneracy; default includes the zero vector) with 'eigenspace-generalization' power/exponent x4 (typically and probably by cultural default will be 1), with algebraic multiplicity (of eigenvalue) x5
x1 is ambiguous, possibly being x2 (ka) or x3 (ka), this being hard to x4 (2-place ka)
x1 (node in a tree graph) and x2 (node in the same tree graph) have an essentially-unique most recent (graph-nearest) common ancestor node A such that x3 [nonnegative integer; li] is d(A, x1) and such that x4 [nonnegative integer; li] is d(A, x2), where d is the graph geodesic distance (defined to be infinite if nodes are not connected in the correct direction).
x1 is an arahant, a Buddha-to-be in Theravāda Buddhism, of type/variety x2
x1 wants to do/be x2 (property of x1)
x1 wants x2 to do/be x3 (property of x2)
x1 (system) can occupy/be in any of the states in exactly x2 (complete set of all possible states).
x1 finds/emotionally feels x2 to be cute; x1 feels the cuteness emotion about x2
x1 is an executable/binary file to be run in system/runtime environment x2.
x1 is a bodhisattva, a Buddha-to-be of Mahāyāna Buddhism, of type/variety x2
x1 is arranged and to be traced/read in boustrophedon manner, starting at point x2, turning at points x3 (ordered list), and ending at point x4.
x1 defines x2 (nu/du'u) to be true / to happen // x2 is true because x1 says so or thinks so.
Define x1 to be a named dummy symbol (having a name heretofore unassigned) such that, if it were to exist, it would satisfy condition/have property x2 (condition/ka); let x1 be such that it satisfies/is described by x2.
x1 has/is property x2 (ka) even amongst/according to/by the standards of/even more than those who are renowned for having/being that same property.
x1 is emitted/reflected light that measures to be x2 magnitudes in luminous brightness, on scale (si'o)/using reference value/under system/according to definition x3, in logarithmic base x4 (default: decimal (10))
x1 is the selma'o "BE".
x1 is (being/acting as) a kitty (diminutive or term of affection), of species x2, by action/behavior/appearance x3, according to x4.
x1 is the generalized arithmetic-geometric mean of the elements of the 2-element set x2 (set; cardinality must be 2) of order x3 (either single extended-real number xor an unordered pair/2-element set of extended-real numbers).
x1 is a Smurf [ficitional being] characterized by significant property/feature/trait/aspect/dimension x2 (ka); x1 is/are smurf/smurfing in aspect x2 [corresponds to the undefinable word
x1 is involved in predicate x2; the latter being true of some argument structure syntactically entails something about the former.
x1 is aware that x1 can be in relation x4 with all of x3 (plural) and choose to be in relation x4 with x2 (which is among x3)
x1 is a property satisfied by too great a number for x2 to be the case.
x1 is too much in x2 (ka) to be/do x3 (ka)
x1 satisfies property x2 too much for x3 to be the case.
x1 and x2 are mutual sibling nodes in a directed tree graph x6 such that their shared parent node(s) x5 is/are the most-recent common direct ancestor of x3 and x4, such that x1 is a direct ancestor of or simply is x3 (as the case may be), and such that x2 is a direct ancestor of or simply is x4 (as the case may be), all according to tree ordering relation x7.
x1 asks permission to do/be x2 (ka) from x3
x1 grants permission to/gives their consent to x2 to do/be x3 (ka)
x1 practices/exercises/studies/improves at doing/being x2 by doing/being x3
x1 exhorts/encourages x2 to do/be x3
x1 is a former/previously was but no longer is/used to be (a) x2 as of time x3 according to standard x4; x1 is an ex-x2.
x1 (du'u/nu) should (moral obligation) be true/happen by standard x2
x1 instructs/indicates to x2 to do/be x3
x1 (agent) thinks x2 (du'u/nu) should (moral obligation) be true/happen about subject/issue x3 on grounds x4
x1 asks/requests x2 to do/be x3
x1 suggests/advices x2 to do/be x3
x1 is a mathematical object for/to which operator x2 is defined/may be applied when under conditions x3 under definition (of operator)/standard/type x4
x1 (event) is a random pattern of punctual occurrences (like a sentence being typed out on a keyboard).
x1 (event) is an event repeating itself as a series of non-point events (like a car horn steadily being honked).
x1 would be happy to discover that x2 is the case.
x1 measures to be equal to x2 (li; default: 1) g of acceleration according to standard x3 (default is as in notes).
x1 (property of x3) is the grammar of language x2 for construct x3 that can be optionally added changing the meaning of the initial construct without it
x1 is emitted/reflected light that measures to be x2 magnitudes in luminous brightness, on scale (si'o)/using reference value/under system/according to definition x3, in logarithmic base x4 (default: decimal (10))
x1 moans expressing about x3 emotions/cognitive [psychological] phenomena that can be otherwise expressed by indicators x2 (text)
If x1 (proposition) is true, then x2 (proposition) is logically guaranteed to be true too, and x1 is indeed true.
x1 is near and can be pointed to (or described as being pointed to) by the speaker
x1 (brivla/selbri) is used by place x2 (number/me'o+FA+bu) being filled with (a description of / symbol for) x3, in the usage of x4, according to rule(s) x5.
x1 (du'u: proposition or kau-question) can be assigned a definite truth-value or answer
x1 is an eventual extremal bound/asymptote (one sense)/limsup (limit superior/limit supremum)/liminf (limit inferior/limit infimum) of x2 (set, or ordered pair of a sequence or a function as the first term and the dummy variable (/input (slot)) thereof being considered as the (sometimes elidable) second term) in direction x3 (li) in ordered structure x4.
x1 learns how to do/be x2 (ka); x1 acquires ability x2 (ka)
x1 (ka) is the property/state of being x2
x1 is a fellow man/compatriot/mate/comrade of x2, being united in x3 (ka)
x1 (set, group, structure, category, class, etc.) has cardinality less than or equal to aleph-null; x1 is mathematically countable (including the option of being finite).
x1 and x2 are elements of the same partially-ordered set x3 (see notes) such that x1 and x2 cannot be meaningfully compared via said relation/in said property.
x1 is a candidate for x2 (ka) to be considered/approved by x3
x1 measures to be x2 [li; number] Joule-seconds by standard x3
x1 measures to be x2 [li; number] kilogram-meters-per-second by standard x3
x1 orders/commands/exhorts/pleads/hopes/suggests to x2 to be/do x3 (property)
x1 is a document containing compromising/blackmailing content x2 (real or fabricated evidence that a participant of x2 doesn't want to be revealed)
x1 is a non-polyplet polyform/polyomino/polyabolo/polyiamond (etc.) composed of parts/'tile' polytope x2 arranged in (finite) unified shape/pattern x3 (in which the entirety of sides of polytopes are shared or are not shared at all) in ambient space x4 and subject to rules/restrictions/conditions x5 (implicitly includes the condition of whole sides being shared)
x1 (abstraction) is/should be a legal/moral right/entitlement/guarantee, normative principle, protection, privilege, power, trait, treatment, duty/obligation, opportunity, freedom, dignity/point of respect, ability, point of equality, natural guarantee, natural ability, inherent property of x2 according to judge/norm/standard x3.
x1 is a specific kind of bad weather characterized by large dark rain clouds that block out most of the daylight, large, cold rain drops and an overall dark, uncomfortable and unsettling atmosphere, optionally accompanied by icy wind, such that a change in the weather conditions would be a relief to anyone present, both physically and emotionally.
x1 (parser) parses text x2 using grammar x3, the parser being mental, in the mind of x4.
x1 is too little/insufficient in x2 (ka) to be/do x3 (ka).
x1 (du'u: proposition or kau-question) cannot be assigned a definite truth-value or answer
x1 is x2 (li; no default value assumed, but - unless explicitly overridden - assumed to be expressed with significant figures) years old according to standard of measurement x3; colloquial form: x1 is/has x2 (years (of age)).
x1=v2=n1 finds it important to be alone in doing/being x2=n2 (event/state/action) for purpose x3=v3; x1 is introverted
x1 (live being) manifests, supports its homeostasis in aspect x2 (property of x1)
x1 is covered in shingling (which may or may not be open) in the form reminiscent of that of a pine-cone/piñata/pineäpple, with shingles x2.
x2 is the Valentine (date/lover for the eponymous holiday) of x1; x1 is to go out on a Valentine''s Day date or otherwise be (ceremonially) associated with x2 for the holiday and festivities of Valentine's Day.
x1 is precocial, young live being soon after birth that doesn't require special care due to being relatively mature
x1 is a reader/'ghost' to (experiencing or watching, but not being able to influence or interact with/in) events x2, able to experience/access world-internal/event-internal information x3 in addition to any external stimuli which they can directly perceive from the event itself (if they can perceive it), bringing with them their own event-external thoughts/memories/experience/habits which include x4, accessing this experience/event via means x5.
x1 is the case to a sufficient amount for x2 to be the case.
x1 is a rodent [can be a member of eutherian mammal Rodentia; semantic broadening might subjectively generalize the concept somewhat] of subtaxon/type/genus/species/breed/variety x2.
x1 is sufficiently x2 (ka) to be/do x3 (ka)
x1 is the differintegral of x2 with respect to x3 of order x4, with differintegration being according to definition/specification or of type x5.
x1 (individual/entity/result) abruptly (re)spawns/appears/becomes/comes into being/existence/life by mechanism/under conditions x2; x2 spontaneously generates x1
x1 belongs to our current domain of discourse, being relevant to the present context.
x1=taxfu1 is a turban (head/hair-covering garment which is wrapped and often built into a somewhat prominent three-dimensional structure) to be worn by x1=taxfu2 for purpose x3=taxfu3.
x1=taxfu1 is a turban (head/hair-covering garment which is wrapped and often built into a somewhat prominent three-dimensional structure) to be worn by x1=taxfu2 for purpose x3=taxfu3.
x1 is a totoro [beings from tonari no totoro]
x1 is arranged and to be traced/read in the manner of reading modern Latin script for English (from side to side along a line segment, then suddenly jumping back to the original side but on a nonintersecting coparallel line segment and proceeding in the same direction, with gross movement being perpendicular to each of these line segments and in a constant direction), starting at point x2, jumping at points x3 (ordered list of pairs, the first term of which is the end point of one line segment and the second term of which is the starting point of the immediately following line segment), and ending at point x4.
x1=traji1 is superlative in property x2=traji2, the x3=traji3 extrema (ka; default: ka zmadu), among set/range x4=traji4, and -- moreover -- (there exists at least one member of) the x52th (li; must be 1 or 2) argument [see note] of this selbri (which) actually has/is/attains said property x2 according to standard x6.
x1 (humanoid body) is in (reverse) Trendelenburg position with the feet higher than the head by x2 (angle measurement, measured relative to the horizontal; units must be specified).
x1 is a tropic of area/latitude x2; x1 is a parallel of latitude 23°27′ (north / south) of the equator; x1 is the farthest point at which the sun can be directly overhead; x1 is the boundaries of the torrid zone or tropics.
x1 (node in a tree graph) and x2 (node in the same tree graph) have an essentially unique most recent (graph-nearest) common ancestor node A such that x3 [nonnegative integer; li] is the minimum element of the set consisting only of d(A, x1) and of d(A, x2), and such that x4 [integer; li] is d(A, x1) - d(A, x2), where d is the graph geodesic distance (defined to be infinite if nodes are not connected in the correct direction).
x1 is a future but not current/eventual x2 as of time x3 according to standard x4; x1 is a soon-to-be-x2; x1 is an example of an x2-apparent.
x1 is far from and can be pointed to (or described as being pointed to) by the speaker
x1 is a tool for communication with spiritual beings
x1 (property of x2) is urgent / needs to be immediately done by x2 for x3 (event) to happen
x1 lets, allows x2 to be the case.
x1 and x2 are path-linked by directed binary predicate x3 (ka) via intermediate steps x4 (ordered list; ce'o), such that no other node exists in the graph (x5) to which x2 is connected in the same way/direction as x1 is (possibly-indirectly) connected to x2 via x3 (id est: as being such that x2 is the first argument of the x3 and the hypothetical other node is the second argument thereof).
x1 is utility, the total subjective well-being/pleasure/happiness (or reduction in suffering) generated by action/event/state x2 according to psychological/philosophical/economic theory x3.
x1 chooses x2 out of x3 for being the thing x1 will be in relation x4 with.
x1 is virtually / practically / essentially x2 (ka) for purpose x3 (nu/zu'o); for the purpose of x3, x1 might as well be x2
x1 (live being) is hypnotized, in hypnotic state
x1 appears with/to have chroma/chrominance value x2 (may be multi-componented)
x1 is an instance of beryllium (Be) with purity x3.
x1 is an excellent environment/condition for x2 to be able to do x3
x1 is decreasingly the case; x1's being the case decreases by amount x2.
x1 is as if it were (and it might be) in relation x2 with something.
x1 is increasingly the case; x1's being the case increases by amount x2.
akua (Hawaiian), god(ess), divinity, spirit, ghost, devil, supernatural being
arahant (Buddha-to-be) in Theravada Buddhism
bodhisattva (Buddha-to-be) in Mahāyāna Buddhism
ka'o'ai zei namcu
x1 is a strictly imaginary number (possibly being 0 = 0×i), not necessarily understood as a complex number as well.
uaigri zei eikse
x1 is a not yet but soon to be former x2 as of time x3 according to standard x4.
x1 is a rodent [can only be a member of eutherian mammal Rodentia] of subtaxon/type/genus/species/breed/variety x2

In notes:

x1 arches/curves over/around x2 and is made of x3; x1 is an arch over/around x2 of material x3.
x1 is a quantity of/is made of/contains ice [frozen crystal] of composition/material x2.
x1 is a/the bone/ivory [body-part], performing function x2 in body of x3; [metaphor: calcium].
x1 is x2 (def. 1) local weight unit(s) [non-metric], standard x3, subunits [e.g. ounces] x4.
x1 is apparatus/mechanism/device/equipment for function x2 controlled/[triggered] by x3 (agent).
x1 exchanges/trades/barters commodity x2 for x3 with x4; x1, x4 is a trader/merchant/businessman.
x1 launches/fires/shoots projectile/missile x2, propelled by x3 [propellant/propulsion].
x1 is an era/epoch/age characterized by x2 (event/property/interval/idea).
x1 is an heir to/is to inherit x2 (object/quality) from x3 according to rule x4.
x1 repairs/mends/fixes x2 for use x3.
x1 (person) explains x2 (event/state/property) to x3 with explanation x4 (du'u).
x1 in activity/state x2 exhibits sexuality/gender/sexual orientation x3 (ka) by standard x4.
x1 (process/event) is a test for/proof of property/state x2 in subject x3 (individ./set/mass).
x1 loses person/thing x2 at/near x3; x1 loses property/feature x2 in conditions/situation x3.
x1 is a season/is seasonal [cyclical interval], defined by interval/property x2, of year(s) x3.
x1 has/is characterized by property/feature/trait/aspect/dimension x2 (ka); x2 is manifest in x1.
x1 is a key fitting/releasing/opening/unlocking lock x2, and having relevant properties x3.
x1 is a structure word of grammatical class x2, with meaning/function x3 in usage (language) x4.
x1 is a member/element of set x2; x1 belongs to group x2; x1 is amid/among/amongst group x2.
x1 (agent) rewards x2 [recipient] for atypical x3 (event/property) with reward/desserts x4.
x1 is upon/atop/resting on/lying on [the upper surface of] x2 in frame of reference/gravity x3.
x1 requests/asks/petitions/solicits for x2 of/from x3 in manner/form x4.
x1 is made of/contains/is a quantity of smoke/smog/air pollution from source x2.
x1 wears/is robed/garbed in x2 as a garment of type x3.
x1 is x2 (default 1) local volume unit(s) [non-metric; e.g. bushel], standard x3, x4 subunits.
x1 is a quantity of/contains/is made of dirt/soil/earth/ground from source x2 of composition x3.
x1 is the date [day,{week},{month},year] of event/state x2, at location x3, by calendar x4.
x1 is electricity [electric charge or current] in/on x2 of polarity/quantity x3 (def. negative).
x1 is a nail/tack [pointed driven/frictional fastener] of type/size x2 (ka), made of material x3.
x1 is dear/precious/darling to x2; x1 is emotionally valued by x2.
x1 is a drama/play about x2 [plot/theme/subject] by dramatist x3 for audience x4 with actors x5.
x1 is a roof/top/ceiling/lid of x2.
x1 [donor] gives/donates gift/present x2 to recipient/beneficiary x3 [without payment/exchange].
x1 is equal/congruent to/as much as x2 in property/dimension/quantity x3.
x1 sews/stitches/sutures materials x2 (ind./set) together with tool(s) x3, using filament x4.
x1 is measured in kopeck/cent money-subunits as x2 [quantity], in monetary system x3.
x1 offers/proffers x2 [offering] to x3 with conditions x4.
x1 [observer] senses/detects/notices stimulus x2 (object/nu) by means x3 under conditions x4.
x1 organizes x2 [relative chaos] into x3 [ordered/organized result] by system/principle(s) x4.
x1 (person/object/event) guides/conducts/pilots/leads x2 (active participants) in/at x3 (event).
x1 [person] labors/works on/at x2 [activity] with goal/objective x3.
x1 is x2 (default 1) short local distance unit(s) [non-metric], standard x3, x4 subunits.
x1 [amount] is the price of x2 to purchaser/consumer x3 set by vendor x4.
x1 is x2 weeks in duration (default is 1 week) by standard x3.
x1 (agent/person) earns/[deserves/merits] wages/salary/pay x2 for work/service x3 (activity).
x1 is an angle [2-dimensional shape/form] from vertex x2 subtended by lateral [segment] x3.
x1 is a basis/foundation/underlying or fundamental principle of x2; x1 is at the bottom of x2.
x1 (person/team) wins/gains prize x2 from/over x3 [competitors/losers] in competition x4.
x1 competes/vies with opponent x2 in contest/competition x3 (event) for gain x4; x1 rivals x2.
x1 (property - ka) is common/general/universal among members of set x2 (complete set).
x1 (object/commodity/property/event) is costly/expensive/dear to x2 by standard x3.
x1 is a journal/periodical/magazine/[newspaper] with content x2 published by x3 for audience x4.
x1 is a corner/point/at-least-3-dimensional [solid] angle [shape/form] in/on x2, of material x3.
x1 is x2 local area unit(s) [non-metric] (default 1) by standard x3, x4 subunits.
x1 is a quantity of/contains/is made of crystal of composition x2 in form/arrangement x3.
x1 is made of/contains/is a quantity of cream/emulsion/puree [consistency] of composition x2.
x1 [container] is empty/vacant of x2 [material]; x1 is hollow.
x1 (force) lifts/applies raising/supporting force to x2 at locus x3 in gravity well x4.
x1 (agent) fastens/connects/attaches/binds/lashes x2 to x3 with fastener x4.
x1 is a lens/glass [focussing shape/form] focussing x2 to focus/foci x3 by means/material x4.
x1 is a story/tale/yarn/narrative about plot/subject/moral x2 by storyteller x3 to audience x4.
x1 (physical object) is a list/catalog/register of sequence/set x2 in order x3 in medium x4.
x1 is a temple/church/sanctuary/synagogue/shrine of religion x2 at location/serving area x3.
x1 is a frame of reference/standard for observing/measuring/determining x2, with/by rules x3.
x1 are the ethics/morals/moral standards/ethical standards of x2 (ind./mass) about situation x3.
x1 doctors/treats/nurses/[cures]/is physician/midwife to x2 for ailment x3 by treatment/cure x4.
x1 is x2 (default 1) long local distance unit(s) [non-metric], x3 subunits, standard x4.
x1 reflects/mirrors/echoes x2 [object/radiation] to observer/point x3 as x4; x2 bounces on x1.
x1 (person/object/event) is famous/renowned/is a celebrity among community of persons x2 (mass).
x1 is to the side of/lateral to x2 and facing x3 from point of view/in-frame-of-reference x4.
x1 mails/posts [transfer via intermediary service] x2 to recipient address x3 from mailbox/post office/sender address x4 by carrier/network/system x5.
x1 (action/event/state) motivates/is a motive/incentive for action/event x2, per volition of x3.
x1 is a canal/channel to x2 from x3 with route x4.
x1 is in/inside/within x2; x1 is on the inside/interior of x2 [totally within the bounds of x2].
x1 hopes/wishes for/desires x2 (event), expected likelihood x3 (0-1); x1 hopes that x2 happens.
x1 is a pump/injector [tool/apparatus] pumping/inserting fluid x2 to x3 from x4 by means x5.
x1 parallels x2 differing only in property x3 (ka; jo'u/fa'u term) by standard/geometry x4.
x1 is a poem/verse about plot/theme/subject/pattern x2 by author x3 for intended audience x4.
x1 is paste/pulp/dough/mash/mud/slurry [soft, smooth-textured, moist solid] of composition x2.
x1 (agent) plans/designs/plots plan/arrangement/plot/[schematic] x2 for state/process x3.
x1 pays/compensates/remunerates/[rewards] payment x2 to recipient/payee x3 for goods/services x4.
x1 (agent/object) leaps/jumps/springs/bounds to x2 from x3 reaching height x4 propelled by x5.
x1 is a route/path/way/course/track to x2 from x3 via/defined by points including x4 (set).
x1 is a profit/gain/benefit/advantage to x2 accruing/resulting from activity/process x3.
x1 is prose about plot/theme/subject x2 by author x3 for intended audience x4.
x1 avoids/evades/shuns/escapes/skirts [fate] x2 (event) through action/state x3 (event).
x1 is a quantity of/is made of/contains rock/stone of type/composition x2 from location x3.
x1 is a rose [flower - characterized by prickly stem/fragrance] of species/strain x2.
x1 is made of/contains/is a quantity of sugar [sweet edible] from source x2 of composition x3.
x1 is conscious/aware of x2 (object/abstract); x1 discerns/recognizes x2 (object/abstract).
x1 supports/holds up/is underpinning of/[helps] x2 against force/opposition x3 with/by means x4.
x1 is private/personal/privy/[secret/confidential/confined] to x2; x1 is not-public/hidden.
x1 is a skirt/kilt/dress of material x2; x1 is skirted [garment open at the bottom; not legged].
x1 is a cinema/movie/film about x2 [plot/theme/subject/activity], filmmaker x3, for audience x4.
x1 is old/familiar/well-known to observer x2 in feature x3 (ka) by standard x4.
x1 is a quantity of/contains/is made of acid of composition x2; (adjective:) x1 is acidic.
x1 adheres/sticks to x2; (adjective:) x1 is sticky/gummy/adhesive.
x1 is a store/deposit/supply/reserve of materials/energy x2 in containment x3.
x1 is an egg/ovum/sperm/pollen/gamete of/from organism [mother/father] x2.
x1 answers/replies to/responds to person/object/event/situation/stimulus x2 with response x3.
x1 pertains to/is germane/relevant to/concerns/is related/associated with/is about x2.
x1 is the edible x2 portion of plant x3; x1 is a vegetable.
x1 is a quantity of/contains/is made of ceramic made by x2, of composition x3, in form/shape x4.
x1 (event) adjusts/regulates/changes x2 (ka/ni) in amount/degree x3.
x1 is dress/a garment/clothing for wearing by x2 (gender/species/body part) serving purpose x3.
x1 is a station/node of/in/on transport/communication/distribution system/network x2.
x1 (event/experience) misleads/deceives/dupes/fools/cheats/tricks x2 into x3 (event/state).
x1 is a parcel/expanse of land at location x2; x1 is terrain.
x1 governs/rules/is ruler/governor/sovereign/reigns over people/territory/domain/subjects x2.
x1 (ni) is the equivalent value/worth of x2 [item(s) of value] to x3 for use/appreciation x4.
x1 contains/holds/encloses/includes contents x2 within; x1 is a vessel containing x2.
x1 [seller] sells/vends x2 [goods/service/commodity] to buyer x3 for amount/cost/expense x4.
x1 is funny/comical to x2 in property/aspect x3 (nu/ka); x3 is what is funny about x1 to x2.
x1 is stubborn/willfully opposing/resisting x2 about x3 (event/state).
x1 is a letter/missive/[note] to intended audience x2 from author/originator x3 with content x4.
x1 reflects Hindi language/culture/religion in aspect x2.
x1 is bad for x2 by standard x3; x1 is poor/unacceptable to x2.
x1 (agent) influences/lures/tempts x2 into action/state x3 by influence/threat/lure x4.
x1 (agent) returns x2 to origin/earlier state x3 from x4; x1 moves/gives x2 back to x3 from x4.
x1 makes/assembles/builds/manufactures/creates x2 out of materials/parts/components x3.
x1 is music performed/produced by x2 (event).
detri modal, 1st place: on date/dated ... ; attaches date and/or time.
sumti assignment; used to define/assign ko'a/fo'a series pro-sumti; Latin 'sive'.
right now
nowadays, wide sense of "now"
"anti-vocative": specifically denies that the referent is the intended listener.
fe'enau (comp!)
tense: right here; refers to current spatial reference absolutely
je'aunai (comp!)
discursive: correcting/corrective/correction - inattentive/uncaring/neutral toward the presence of possible errors - permitting (known/likely/plausible) errordiscursive: correcting/corrective/correction - inattentive/uncaring/neutral toward the presence of possible errors - permitting (known/likely/plausible) error/incompleteness/approximation
denial of dialect
ju'oinai (comp!)
evidential: I don't know that...
li'i ze'ei nu
abstractor: experience of event: x1 is x2's experience of observing or participating in [bridi] (event)
pe'ainai (comp!)
technical meaning; marks a construct as jargon/terminology/technical/precise/exact speech/text
pe'anai (comp!)
literal sense; marks a construct as literal (non-figurative/non-metaphorical/exact) speech/text
pecai (comp!)
restrictive relative phrase marker: permanently / inalienably associated with; it is impossible or near-impossible to break that relation
pesai (comp!)
restrictive relative phrase marker: semi-permanently associated to; will remain associated unless something breaks that relation
pino (comp!)
Number/digit: exactly none of (empty set as a subset of another set); in probability theory, "guaranteed impossible".
pisu'osoi'ai (comp!)
digit/number: at least almost-all of; at least almost-certain; 100%.
ri'ero'u (comp!)
release of sexual emotion - sexual emotion restraint; erotic fulfillment - impotence/abstinence.
(for the) last time
si'o ze'ei du'u
abstractor: x1 is x2's concept of [bridi] (proposition or {kau}-question)
si'o ze'ei ka
abstractor: x1 is x2's concept of the property [bridi]
si'o ze'ei nu
abstractor: x1 is x2's concept of the event [bridi]
si'o ze'ei poi'i
abstractor: x1 is x2's concept of the object bound to {ke'a} and described by [bridi]
su'ifa'uvu'u (comp!)
mekso operator: plus or minus with order important, (((a±b)±c)±...±z)
su'ijavu'u (comp!)
mekso operator: plus or minus, (((a±b)±c)±...±z)
s1=c1 is a linguistic-gesture unit/chereme [in analogy with phoneme; specifically, nonvocal] representing/that is recognized meaningful conceptual subunit underlying specific gestures/gesture-phones s2 in language b1 used by b2 in order to communicate/express b3=c2 (si'o/du'u; not quote) made using body part/utensil/tool/locus c3 by motion/action/means c4
s1 (phone/speech sounds; specifically is linguistic and vocal) is a phoneme in/of segment of utterance/speech stream s2=v1 in language b1 of speaker v2=b2 in order to communicate/express b3 (si'o/du'u; not quote(?)), produced with body-parts/tools x6 at loci/in position/manner (of articulation) x7
x1 is futureward/to the futureward side/in the future of x2 in frame of reference/according to observer or vantage point x3.
s1 is futurology/future studies of/about ideas of the future b1=s2 based on methodology s3.
v1 is an insurance premium for an insurance sold from v2=b1 to b2=v4, which is v3.
x1 is a survivor/castaway (one sense) of shipwreck (event) x2
x1 is the whole region of space which is between inner sphere x2 and outer sphere x3.
x1 ("ra'oi"-quote) is a long (unreduced) rafsi/combining form of word/concept x2 in language x3.
x1 (predicate) is true when applied to argument list x2 (sequence)
x1 is a subsentence of Lojban grammar.
v1 is a morphologically defined predicate word signifying relation b2 in language v3.
c1 (quoted word(s)) is a name of c2 used by c3 that morphologically [strict] is brivla bv1 in language x5
d1=c1=x1 is the today daytime period of c2=x2 at location n3=x3.
x1 watches the event x2 unfold before their very eyes/live/red-handed/in flagrante (delicto), using senses/means x3.
x1 (number) is the minute/minute notation of the hour, of event/state x2, in system x3.
x1 is a hostage of / is held hostage by x2
x1 is a beetle of species x2.
s1=c1 is an idea/concept/thought that is potentially harmful to c2 under conditions c3.
m1 is a bike/bicycle/tricycle/pedal vehicle carrying m2 in/on surface/medium m3, propelled by force m4 transmitted via pedal(s) c1=v1.
d1 desires/wants/wishes era d2=c1 (event/state) characterized by c2 (event/property/interval/idea) for purpose d3. d1 is nostalgic.
x1=v1=f1 is a stage 3 fu'ivla meaning x2=v2, based on word x3=f2 in language x4.
x1 kneels/genuflects with meaning x2 on surface x3 on/with limb(s) x4 of body x5.
s1 installs s2 into system s3=c1.
x1=g1 simulates universe x2=m1, testing property x3=c2 in subject x4=c3
xa1=d1=c1 is a sword / long knife weapon for use against xa2=d2 by xa3 with blade of material d3 long by standard c3.
x1 (object/dimension) is shortest among set x2 (set) in respective dimensions x3 (default: the longest for each).
x1 is a packet/small pack containing x2, held together by x3
x1 (text) is a lujvo with meaning x2 and arguments x3, and which is constructed from tanru/veljvo x4 such that each element of the veljvo is ultimately only a cmavo (including "{zei}", "{ke}"/"{ke'e}", "{bo}", etc.), gismu, or rafsi of such cmavo or gismu.
p1 is an asteroid/meteoroid/bolide (before impact or atmospheric entry)/comet/planetoid/minor planet/dwarf planet/small celestial object (which nonetheless is bigger than dust or grains of sand/particulate) revolving around p2 with planetary characteristics p3, orbital parameters p4.
x1 is an asteroid belt, generalized Kuiper belt, or other such belt in stellar/star or planet-centered/planetary ring system x2, extending over and throughout region x3, including/containing objects or points of interest x4, with other properties/orbital parameters x5.
x1 is a morphologically defined name word meaning x2 in language x3.
x1 (du'u) is an axiom/doctrine/creed/postulate about subject x2, foundational to system x3
x1 is a sign language of x2
x1 kneels/genuflects with meaning x2 on surface x3 on/with limb(s) x4 of body x5.
s1=c1 is a deep/rumbling sound produced by s2=c2 from point of reference c3.
ci1=cr1 is a heads-up display (HUD) for user s1 of machine/system s2 based on principle ci3. It is shown/visible in front of cr2, as seen from the user's viewpoint.
t1=c1 is/are the frontmost among set/range t4 which faces/in-frame-of-reference c3.
f1 is a table fork for eating c2, having tines/prongs f3 on base/support f4.
x1 is a sphincter (circular-annulic muscle)/muscular ring controlling x2 [approximately: in orifice x2] of/belonging to body x3
r1 is an unpredictable/irregular affix for word/concept r2, with form/properties r3, in language r4.
s1=j1=c1 is bacteriology of bacteria s2 based on methodology s3.
x1 is a gallows used for hanging x2 by x3
p1 (person) is a road user using road/highway/street/path/(square) d1=p2 for purpose p3.
z1=d1 is a plurality of/more than all other subgroups of z2 as separated/classified by property z3=d3 by amount z4.
x1 (currency) is change for x2 (currency), with x1 having units x3 (collection of values of currency involved).
x1=d1=t1 occurs on year x2 of month x3 of day x4 of hour x5 of minute x6 of second x7 of date/time system x8
x1 is a musical comma of size x2, a small difference resulting from the different intervallic approaches x3 and x4, in tuning system x5.
t1 is the exponential result of base 10, or t2 to power/exponent t3.
t1 is the negative exponential result of base 10, or t2 to power/exponent t3.
x1=t1 is an alveolar ridge of body x2.
x1=tr1 is postalveolar/behind the alveolar ridge of body x2
x1 is a gear/cogwheel with cogs x2, of device/vehicle x3, made of material x4
m1 is a vibrator/vibrating device for use/function m2.
x1 (number) is the number of hours (pi'e for minutes) that the timezone of location x2 is ahead (before, if x1 is negative) of location/standard x3
The date [day,week,month,year] x1=d1=k1 is recurrence/repetition of the date [day,week,month,year] of the first event x2=d2, for the x3=k3'rd time, in system x3.
d1=t1 [years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds] is the date and time of event/state d2=t2 at location d3=t4 by date/time system x4
x1 swears / takes an oath, promising/asserting x2 (abstraction), invoking fate x3 (abstraction)
x1 is related to money; x1 is monetary, fiscal, financial (personal or otherwise), pecuniary.
x1 is a common onion/bulb onion/garden onion (Allium cepa) of variety/breed x2.
x1 is the calendar day of event x2 at location x3
f1 = r1 = x1 (event; perhaps: spacetime coordinates) is an equinox for season x2 at location/of or for celestial body/object d3 = x3 with respect to orbit/sun x4.
f1 = r1 = x1 (event; perhaps: spacetime coordinates) is a solstice of extreme r3 = x2 ("ka" construct or season; default: "ka zmadu", which means "Summer solstice", unless context makes this interpretation untenable) at location/of or for celestial body/object d3 = x3 with respect to orbit/sun x4.
x1 is the temporal direction of/toward solstice x2 (event or spacetime coordinates or season (usually specify year); default: Summer solstice) from origin/in reference frame x3 at location/for body x4 and with respect to orbit/sun x5.
x1 is a quantity of/is radiation of coherent light from source x2 with additional properties x3 (ka); x1 is laser light from laser apparatus/source x2
x1 is an equal temperament dividing the interval x3 (default: octave, 2/1) into x2 (default twelve) equal parts, forming x4 (default: equal tempered semitone) as the fundamental unit.
x1 [word/text] is a noun (a word referencing a thing (generic sense) and syntactically functioning as such) with meaning/referent x2 in language x3
x1 is a subharmonic/undertone of x2; x1 is utonal with respect to x2.
x1 is a/the lower jaw of x2.
x1 = d1 = c1 is a member of the class of birds which walk/run/hop as their characteristic/primary form of locomotion, of species/taxon x2 = c2
x1 is a former but not current spouse/ex-spouse of x2 but law/norm/custom x3.
x1 is a spouse of x2's former spouse by law/custom/standard x3.
c1 is/are a/the function/activities involving persons c2 distributing f1 among/to f2; c1 is distribution
function f1 is discontinuous/abrupt/sharply changes locally (in output) on/at s2 (set), with abruptness of type x3 (default: 1)
g1=f3 aims at f1 with f2 (object/event).
x1 (me'o) is the p-adic representation of number x2 in base x3.
m1 is an example/instance of developmental/evolutionary stage/state m2=t1 of developing thing t2=f1 in its development towards/into f2 from f3 through stages f4=m3.
g1 [person/agent] annoys, by doing f1 [event], f2 [person].
x1 makes x2 angry / mad at x3 for x4 (action / state / property); x1 angers / provokes / stirs up x2.
c1 is a goddess (female deity) of people(s)/religion c2 with dominion over c3 [sphere].
x1=t1 is panties/knickers/boy shorts (female genital underwear), serving purpose x2=t3
x1 is/demonstrates/exhibits sexual orientation toward females in situation x2 by standard x3
x1 is an injective function (distinctness-preserving function) from x2 (domain) to x3 (codomain).
x1 is an African elephant (genus Loxodonta) of species/breed x2.
x1=v1=f1 is a loanword meaning x2=v2 in language x3=v3, based on word x4=f2 in language x5.
f1=z1=p1 holds the copyright for copying f2=p2 under law p3.
x1 is a harmonic/overtone of x2; x1 is otonal with respect to x2.
t1=g1=r1 is an indehiscent fruit/seed-envelope (which remains closed/sealed and whole) of organism t2 with potential to produce/containing/enclosing offspring t3=g3 preventing passage to g2 (default: external environment)
s1 is an affricate consonant with place of articulation g1=m2=m3 and phonation x3.
x1=k1 is person/agent x2=g1's reason/motivation/purpose for doing/bringing about x3=g2=k2.
n1 crochets n2 from yarn n3 using crochet hooks g1
x1 (word/quote; probably gismu) conflicts with x2 (word/text; probably gismu) according to rules x3 in language x4.
x1 (word/quote; probably gismu) conflicts with x2 (word/text; probably gismu) according to rules x3 in language x4.
x1 is a rhythmic conjugation of word x2, rhyming with word x3 in language x4, with changed final vowel/ending x5.
x1 is a rhythmic conjugation of word x2, rhyming with word x3 in language x4, with changed final vowel/ending x5.
f1 (member) exhibits aneuploidy (atypical quantity of chromosome) of type/number n1 in/with respect to chromosome gc1 which is atypical of species/set gc3=f3
x1 is a genetic-familial/'blood' ancestor of x2 by bond/tie/relation/of degree x3.
x1 is the biological/full/genetic-familial/'blood' parent of x2; x2 is the biological offspring/direct and immediate genetic-familial descendant of x1.
x1 is a biological/genetic-familial/'blood' aunt/uncle of x2 by genetic-familial bond/tie/blood relation x3; x1 is a genetically and familially associated member of x2's genetic/biological parent(s)'s generation.
x1 is a genetic-familial/'blood' descendant of x2 by bond/tie/relation/of degree x3.
x1 is a genetic/biological ancestor (or familial peer thereof) of x2 by relationship/to degree x3 through/along graph-geodesic within their shared biological family.
x1 is the warm period (season/interval) of year x2 at location x3.
x1 is a chastity device, for preventing x2 from having sex
x1 together with x2 has sex with x3
x1=v1=g1 has the power to bring about sexual activity/event x2=v2 with x3=g2 under conditions x4=v3; x1 is sexually powerful in aspect x2
x1 (node in graph) is near x2 (node in same connected graph component), such that they are path-connected, along path(s) x3 (default: at least one pairwise graph geodesic, with no restriction on which paths are considered) according to edge weighings x4 in connected graph component x5, with nearness standard/satisfying other conditions x6.
x1=k1 is a hole in x2=k2=p2 to/between x3=p3 from/and x4=p4 permitting passage by x5=p1.
x1=p1=k1 passes through portal/generically exits or enters via portal (entrance/exit) x2=p2 to destination side x3=p3=k2 from origin side x4=p4=k3 via route x5=k4 using means/vehicle x6=k5.
x1 is the product (combined multiplication result) of x2 (plurality of the same type as x1)
x1 is the sum (combined addition result) of x2 (plurality of the same type as x1)
x1 = t1 is the elapsed time required for decaying/diminishing/reducing/shrinking population x2 = g1 to decrease in number by a factor of exactly/approximately half according to standard/under condition/by model/in experiment x3; x1 is the half-life of population/sample x2; the (approximate) halving of population x2 takes approximately x1 (dimensionful number: time).
x1 is a cylindric noodle of grain species g2
r1 is abroad, located across national border r2, relative to r3 (default: the speaker).
p1 is a state/province/region (first-level administrative division) of country p2=g1.
s1 is a county/district/parish/province (second-level administrative division) of country s2=g1.
x1=z1=r1=g1 procrastinates/avoids doing work x2=r2=g2 (ka), instead doing x3=r3 (ka).
x1 (agent) invades x2 (place) for objective x3
k1 is a decorative/piercing hole in k2=j2 for ornament j1.
x1 (amount of time) is the age of x2.
x1 is recent/is in the recent past/is in the near past of x2.
x1=s1 is the science/study of the Lojban/Lojbanic language based on methodology x2=s3.
x1 is the linguistic science/study of the Lojban/Lojbanic language.
x1 is a defined Lojban word, considered as a word as per Lojban's grammar, with meaning/role x2
x1 is the difficulty of Lojban word-making.
k2 is a tabletop game played by k1 on table j1.
x1=di1=dj1 is a regularly-occurring period of days off work [weekend] lasting x2=dj2 days, recurring every x3=j2=di3 weeks (default 1), for worker x4=g1, at job x5=g2
x1 is an expanse of sanctified/consecrated land/ground in an Abrahmic faith/religion, and which is located at x2
x1 applies for job x2 to x3 in form x4.
x1 is history of x2 according to winners x3 in conflict x4.
jin1=jij1 has intuition-based opinion (hunch/suspicion) jin2=jij2 (du'u) on subject jin3=jij3
j1=f1 is a female/doe of species f2 evidencing feminine cultural trait(s) f3 (ka); j1=f1 is feminine.
j1=n1 is a male/buck of species n2 evidencing masculine cultural trait(s) n3 (ka); j1=n1 is masculine.
j1=s1 is a wire/cable of metal j2=s2
x1 is a region/room/volume of space which is shaped like a washer (or thin or flattened torus/toroid), between inner disk/sphere x2 and outer disk/sphere x3, defined by midplane x4, and containing x5.
t1=j1 is a/the horn [brass-wind/lip-reed musical instrument; default
x1 perceives concrete experience x2 synesthetically as x3 by means x4 under conditions x5
x1=j3 interprets discussion/relays messages between x2=c1 (set) about topic/subject x3=c2
x1 is joined/connected to/with something which is joined/connected to/with something which ... which is joined/connected to/with something which is joined/connected to/with x2 via intermediate things/steps x3 (ce'o), with respective points/loci of (con)juncture x4 (ce'o).
ja1=ji1 is a standard by which ja2=ji2 is true, set by community ja3
l1 is a regular/predictable lujvo (compound predicate word) with meaning l2 and arguments l3 built from phrase l4 and having an argument structure according to rule j1.
x1=m1=j2 is beautiful because it follows rule x2=j1=m3 to observer x3=m2; x1 is symmetrical (generalized sense to anything that is beautiful due to having a pattern).
r1 is a predictable/regular affix for word/concept r2, with form/properties r3, in language r4.
c1 (quoted word(s)) is a name of c2 used by c3 that morphologically [strict] is a Lojbanic lujvo built from predicates metaphor/tanru l4
The lujvo m1=l1 (text) is an equivalent/interchangable lujvo form of lujvo m2=l1 (text).
x1 (quote) is a lujvo/compound word(s) form which conflicts with other lujvo x2 (quote) according to rule x3 in language x4.
x1 (number) is the lujvo score of lujvo x2 (text) determined under scoring algorithm x3.
v1 decaffeinates/removes caffeine v2=x1=c1 from v3 with/leaving result/remnant/remainder v4.
x1 (agent) is an agentive entrepreneur that commences business/venture/enterprise x2 with chartering authority x3 with intention/purpose/market x4
t2 is a/the private computer network that includes nodes/computers t1=s1 whose function/purpose is s2, installed across organization k1.
x1 chooses/selects x2 from x3 (set) for purpose x4 (property).
x1's eye(s)/iris(es) is/are hazel as perceived by x2 under conditions x3
x1 is a surrounding cover/curtain that surrounds the eye structure of x2
x1 is a ray, skate, etc. (flat fish which is a relative of sharks) of taxon x2
x1=f1 is extraterrestrial/alien, from/associated with celestial body/region x2=k2
c1 is/pertains to cyberpunk genre (as a work of culture: literature/cinema/gaming/etc) having plot/theme/subject matter c2 and was created by c3
x1 is located at website / Internet resource x2
x1 is a relation space formed from elements/nodes in set x2 and relationship x3 which connects them.
x1=xa1=g1=k1 is a lance/spear/javelin/pointed-rod weapon for use against x2=xa2 by x3=xa3 of material x4=g2.
x1=s1=k1 drives x2=s2=k5 to x3=k2 from x4=k3 via route x5=k4
x1 (li) is the size of set x2 by standard/notion x3
x1 is made of/contains/is a quantity of a clear/transparent carbonated beverage/soda of sweet flavor, of brand x2.
s1=k1 is a cortex (outermost layer) of structure s3=k2.
x1=g1 sexually violates/harms/rapes/violates the sexual rights of victim x2=g2=xr2=k2, violation by sexual activity (sex used as a weapon/means of harm), in property x3=xr3 (ka) by resulting in injury x4=xr4 (state), violating right x5=k1 (event) which is morally/legally guaranteed but actually violated under standards x6=k3
x1 (text) is a grammatical article, starter, left bracket, nominalizer of word class x2
x1=v1=k1 is a word/quotation crossing other words/quotations, meaning/defined by x2=v2, located at x3=k3
ci1 is a term/semester with interval ci2 of year ci3 for school ck1.
x1=g1 works on x2=g2 with goal/purpose x3=g3 which is associated to school x4=c1 at x5=c2 teaching subject(s) x6=c3 to audience/community x7=c4 (of which x1 is a part) operated by x8=c5
x1 is ornamentation related to/composing/pertaining to/forming an element of interior design/room content arrangement/home decoration (including wall decorations, accent walls, and focus items/centerpieces) and/or structural design/blueprint for x2 (particular room/structure) in larger structure (such as building) x3, that is done for purely aesthetic (as opposed to functional) reasons
x1 is ornamentation related to/composing/pertaining to/forming an element of interior design/room content arrangement/home decoration (including wall decorations, accent walls, and focus items/centerpieces), but not a structural design/blueprint, for x2 (particular room/structure) in larger structure (such as building) x3
x1 is cloisonné ornamentation on x2 that exhibits cloisons/cloisters/compartments/cells/separated box regions (filled with/meant for) x2 and with separating barriers x3 (usually metal).
x1 is a quincunx/quincuncial arrangement/pattern formed from objects x2 according to rule/quadralateral x3 (contextless default: essentially square upon an essentially flat surface)
m1 is a check/checkerboard pattern of squares k1=m2 arranged in structure m3
z1 sits in pike position/staff position/dandasana on surface z2.
x1 is the empty character string
p1 is a crayon made from wax p2=l1, held together by p3.
c1 sculpts/carves c2=l1 from s2 using tool s1
x1 (text) is the name of family x2 (partial set/list of individuals or, better, a graph structure) by name-user x3.
v1 is a loanword meaning v2 in language v3 based on foreign-language word l2.
s1 is the taxonomy of s2=k2 based on methodology s3.
l1 (quoted letteral) is the first letter of the word v1.
l1 (quoted letteral) is the last letter of the word v1.
cr1 is a dress shirt of material cr2, potentially formal by standard cl3.
l1=s1 undergoes an earthquake/an event of the ground shaking of magnitude x2.
n1=m3 is a witch/enchantress/sorcereress, using magic m1, to observer m2
x1 is magnetism (charge; possibly current) in/on x2 of polarity/quantity x3 (default: south)
x1 (number) is the supremum of set x2 under (partial) ordering x3
x1 uses reverse-psychology/psychologically-based trick x2 (abstraction; instance or idea of the trick) against x3 in order to effect x4.
s1 is a block of cipher m3
xa1 is a babirusa of species xa2
p1 is the life of j1 through stages p4.
x1 is a biological compound/biomolecule/organic molecule (one sense) of type/substance x2, originating in life-form/organism x3.
b1 is a cell wall separating cell j1=s1=b2 from extracellular environment b3.
x1=r1=va1 is a rock cobtaining trace/remnant/fossil x2=vi4=va2 of biological entity/organism x2=j1=vi3, with rock composition x4=r2 and from location x5=r3; x2 is the fossilized trace of organism x3 preserved in rock x1
x1=s1=j1 is a soft-boiled egg of/from organism x2=s2.
x1 (du'u) is a memory in the mind of x2
m1=j1 is the mandible of arthropod m2=j2
x1=traji1=moi1 is the x2=moi(-1)th (li) most extreme member of set/range x5=traji4=moi2 (set; possibly ordered) in property/ordered according to measure of property x3=traji2 \sim moi (ka) measuring from the x4 = traji3-est/utmost (ka; default: ka zmadu) member, which/who has a similar ordinality count of x6 (li) in the same set by the same ordering.
x1 (event) is the funeral (death celebration) held or hosted by/wherein x2 honors the conpleted life of x3 via activities x4.
x1 is an ex-spouse of x2 who later died, who was divorced from them by law/custom x3.
d1 is d2 (default 1) tablespoon(s)/tablespoonful(s) [volume-unit], standard d3=m1 (default 1=15 mL),d4 dessertspoon(s),d5 teaspoon(s), d6 one ml measuring spoon(s).
d1 is/are tablespoon(s) [measuring instrument] containing/holding/enclosing v2, of volume d2 (default 1) tablespoon(s)/tablespoonful(s) [volume-unit], standard d3=m1 (default 1=15 mL).
d1 is/are dessertspoon(s) [measuring instrument] containing/holding/enclosing v2, of volume d2 (default 1) dessertspoon(s)/dessertspoonful(s) [volume-unit], standard d3=m1 (default 1=10 mL).
d1 is/are teaspoon(s) [measuring instrument] containing/holding/enclosing v2, of volume d2 (default 1)teaspoon(s)/teaspoonful(s) [volume-unit], standard d3=m1 (default 1=5 mL).
m1=d1 is the little finger/toe/digit of d2.
x1=f1 mathematically(/experimentally?) finds/solves for the value of x2=f2
x1 (number) is the least element/minimum of the set (of numbers) x2 under (partial) ordering x3
x1 (number) is the greatest element/maximum of the set (of numbers) x2 under (partial) ordering x3
x1=n1=g1=c1=ka3 is a baby-cut carrot, which is small in property/dimension(s) x5=c2 as compared with standard/norm x6=c3, cut by tool/blade x2=ka1 from carrot x3=ka2=n1, which is of variety x4=g2.
c1 is a god (specifically, male deity) of people(s)/religion c2 with dominion over c3 [sphere].
x1=t1 is boxer shorts/boxer briefs/briefs/jockstrap (male genital underwear), serving purpose x2=t3
x1 = t2 is attracted to males in property/manner/capacity x2 = t3 (ka), where maleness is determined by evincing masculine traits/according to standard x3 = n3 (ka).
x1 is/demonstrates/exhibits sexual orientation toward males in situation x2 by standard x3
x1=d1 is a period of x2=d2 non-working days/vacation days/holidays for worker x3=g1 at job x4=g2
d1 does not knows fact(s) d2 (du'u) about subject d3 by epistemology d4
x1 (event/person) is unimportant/insignificant to x2 (event/person) due to/in aspect x3; x2 doesn't care about x1's x3-ness.
x1 is any referent of x2 ; x2 has a set of referents, but the difference between the members of the set is not important
Computer j=1=s1 is disconnected from [not connected to] computer j2=s1 via medium j3.
g1 (agent) disconnects computer j=1=s1 from computer j2=s1 in medium j3.
x1 [possibly dimensionful number] is the local density/concentration of/in x2 (object) per unit x3 at locus x4, of density type x5; x2 measures x1 units of x5 per unit x3 at locus x4.
x1=n1 (quantity/amount) is the physical work performed on object x2=m1=b2 (object), due to/applied by x3=b1 (force; ka?), in its (x2's) movement to destination x4=m2 [away] from origin x5=m3 along(/by/in/on) path/route x6=m4
p1 is a/the penis of p2=n1 (female).
x1=g1=c2 renovates/renews/updates x2=c1, making it new in property x3=c3 by standard x4=c4.
c1=p1 is a stranger to c2 in aspect c3 by standard c4
x1 is a monarchal territory/noble territory/regency (territory)/kingdom (territory)/queendom (territory) of ruler x2
x1 is the zero(-like)/additive identity of structure/ring x2; often is denoted by ' 0R ' (for structure/ring R, specified by x2) or by '0' when context is obvious
x1 is a zero-divisor partnered with element(s) x2 in structure/ring x3
x1=t2 is an element in the set that underlies structure/ring x2≈s3 that is nilpotent in that structure with nilpotency x3=t3 (nonnegative integer according to the typical rules)
x1 is a singularity of function/object x2 of type/with properties x3; x2 has a singularity of type/severity x3 at (locus) x1
xa1 is neither sated from nor hungry for food/fuel xa1.
l2 is blurry/indistinct/unfocused at location l3
x1=s1=j1 is a coddled/mollet egg of/from organism x2=s2.
x1=g1 (agent) is the agentive cause/intentionally (limited sense) in shipwreck x2=nbp1 (event); x1 shipwrecks/wrecks ship in event x2
x1 orders the impeachment trial of x2 over issue x3 within body/by judge/in system/via proceedings x4; x1 formally impeaches (pseudo-legalistic political process) authority x2 for alleged inadequacies x3.
x1 (event) is the event of cosmic/spatial inflation of universe/space x2
n1 is a trial of dispute j2 involving people f3.
x1 orders the trial of x2 over issue x3 involving parties x4, with court/judge/in legal system x5; x1 formally indicts x2 for alleged crimes x3.
n1 is fishery (fish industry) of product c2 (aquatic animals) from source/area c3=t1 (ocean/sea/coast/lake/river) by fishermen c1.
n1 is the life (event or process of living) of j1.
n1 is an established connection between j1 and j2 at common locus j3.
n1 is a condition of ku1 managing the health of ka1.
x1 is a digraph in alphabet/character-set x2 representing x3 in language x4
x1 is an evil counterpart to x2 by moral standard x3, in contrast to x2 having property x4.
pi1 is a cross section/tomogram, a picture of slice pa1=pi2 of pa2 made by pi3 in medium pi4.
x1 is path-connected to x2 via the male-only first-born progeny/primogeniture relation; x1 is the first-born son of the first-born son of ... the first-born son of x2, connected by a graph-path passing through intermediate relations/steps (successive first-born sons) x3 (ce'o; ordered list).
x1 is path-connected to x2 via the female-only first-born progeny/primogeniture relation; x1 is the first-born daughter of the first-born daughter of ... the first-born daughter of x2, connected by a graph-path passing through intermediate relations/steps (successive first-born daughters) x3 (ce'o; ordered list).
x1 is a nonce (one-time use) lujvo used by x2 for purpose x3
x1 is a single-use/one-time tool/utensil/resource/implement used for doing x2 (and discarded afterward).
x1=v1=f1 is a stage 1 fu'ivla meaning x2=v2, based on word x3=f2 in language x4.
x1 is the one(-like) element/multiplicative identity of structure/ring x2; often is denoted by ' 1R ' or ' IR ' or by (when context is obvious) '1' or 'I', for structure/ring R (given by x2).
x1 (individual, mass, or population (set?)) and x2 (individual, mass, or population (set?)) are capable of mutually interbreeding/producing offspring with one another.
x1 (set) is composed of members which interbreed with one another.
x1=c1 is "woke" to/aware of x2
x1 is like an island in a sea of x2; x1 is very distinct/foreign (in appearance, composition and/or behavior) from surroundings/environment/background x2.
x1 is the part-of-speech / grammatical class of word x2, which means or has function x3 in language x4.
d1 is in the same row(s) as d2, row(s) pa1=pi1 is a part of whole/mass pa2 in frame of reference pi2.
j1=p2 is a policy by p1 policy maker regarding j3 subject of policy, j1 is political
x1=p1 uses/employs x2=p2=k1 (reason/justification/explanation/pretext/excuse) for/causing/permitting x3=p3=k2 (event/state); p1=x1 justifies x3=p3=k2 (event/state) via justification x2=p2=k1; x2=p2=k1 is the reason/justification/explanation/pretext/excuse for x3=p3=k2 (event/state) used by x1=p1 (justifier).
x1 gives/exchanges/spreads contagion x2 to x3 via means x4; x1 infects x3 with x2.
x1 infects a recipient who infects a recipient who infects ... who infects recipient x2 with contagion x3 via means of infection/contamination x4 and through intermediaries x5 (ce'o list).; x1 spreads contagion x3 through a network such that they indirectly infect x2 via a route through finitely-many intermediary nodes x5.
x1 (event/date) is before x2 (event/date) by x3 (li; integer) days; x1 is x3 days before x2.
x1=g1 (agent) makes x2=p1 (event/state) pleasant to x3=p2 under pleasantness conditions x4=p3; x1 pleases (one sense) x3 with x2 (event/state)
x1 is a/the capital of x2.
b1=r=1 is a/the cartilage/gristle [body-part], performing function b2 in body of b3.
x1 is a thermonuclear device/atomic nuclear fusion bomb with primary core/fusing material/isotopes x2.
r1=p1 undergoes nuclear fission
x1=v1=f1 is a stage 2 fu'ivla meaning x2=v2, based on word x3=f2 in language x4.
x1 (text) is a compound predicate word (lujvo) with meaning x2 and arguments x3 (ordered) which is built from a binary/two-term metaphor (tanru) x4.
x1 is agricultural chattel slavery, the ownership of people for the purpose of forced agricultural labor, according to law/custom/system x2.
x1 is a log (fallen/severed trunk) of/from a tree of species x2, belonging to individual tree (precursor) x3 and leavinf behind remainder/stump x4.
x1 is tempo of rhythmic movement x2 with the unit x3; x1 is a time interval and corresponds to the unit x3 of a form of rhythm of x2.
x1 raises/is a mentor to someone who raises/is a mentor to someone who raises/is a mentor to [...] to someone who raises/is a mentor to x2 via intermediate steps x3 (ce'o).
x1 is direct ancestor/mentorial-ancestor of x2 of order x3 (li; nonnegative integer) in graph/network of ancestry (family tree) x4 (defaults to maximal option), where x3 is the smallest possible number which is so constrained; x1 is the x3th-great-grandparent of x2.
x1 is the heart rate / heartbeat of x2 with the unit (default 1) x3
x1 pertains to/reflects the culture/geography of the British Isles/the Anglo-Celtic Isles (Insular culture), possibly including Brittany (especially in its early British history), in aspect x2.
x1=b1 becomes rock/is petrified/is fossilized/is transformed into a statue x2=r1=b2 (result) of composition x3=r2 at/from location x4=r3 under condition x5=b3
x1 is the petrified/fossilized remains/remnant/trace of (once-)biological entity/organism x2 with rock composition x3 and location x4
x1 =g1 (agent) petrifies/turns/'freezes'/fossilizes x2=b1 into rock/fossil/statue x3=r1=b2 (result) of rock composition x4=r2 and at/from location x5=r3 under conditions x6=b3.
x1=p1=l1=l2 haunts x2=l3 via spiritual connection or totem x3=l4
x1 spiritually/demonically/paranormally possesses the body of x2
c1 sucks (gets by sucking) c2=s2 from c3=s3
c1 enters textual data c2 into computer c3=s2 by means c4.
Computer j=1=s1 is connected to computer j2=s1 via medium j3.
g1 (agent) connects computer j=1=s1 to computer j2=s1 via medium j3.
j1 is an adress of / are co-ordinates of computer system / computerized thing j2=s1 in system j3; computerized thing has purpose s2.
g1=c1 logs out of computer c2 as username c3
x1=s1=p1 is a computer-person/robot with purpose x2=s2
x1=k2 is a video game on platform x2=s1.
x1 is a scalar in structure/set x2 with properties (potentially including magnitude, etc. in a given metric and coordinate system) x3; x1 is a simple number; x1 is a number that lacks
x1=s1=s2=t2 is harmonious in its form in property x2=s3; x1 is symmetrical (mathematical sense) exhibiting symmetry x2.
x1 commits murder-suicide, killing themself and x2 via means/method x3
x2=b1 is sad/depressed/dejected/[unhappy/feels sorrow/grief] about x1=b2 (abstraction).
x1 is a stirred/scrambled egg (cooking not implied) of organism x2=s2 stirred by x3=j1
x1 is a celestial body/object with associated space/region x2.
x1 (ind./mass) has the ethics/morals/moral x2 about situation x3.
r1=s2 is a quantity of puffed rice from unpuffed rice s1.
p2 is the personality/persona exhibited by p1.
x1 is infected/contaminated by something which was infected/contaminated by something which was infected/contaminated by ... which was infected/contaminated by x2, regarding/pertaining to contagion x3 and via means of transmission x4, through intermediary nodes x5 (ce'o list).
x1=t2 snugly sleeps, wrapped in x2=t1, which is snug in direction x3=t3 at locus x4=t4
x1 is a word with mutually incompatible definitions/meanings/effects x2 (plural; use connectives) by/in/between rules/standards/dictionar(y/ies) x3 in or for language x4.
x1 is a character in story x2
x1 (data-set, sequence, list) is heteroskedastic by standard x2.
c1 is an autonym (self-given name) of c2=c3.
x1 is an open set in the topological space x2.
n1=s1 (agent) punishes n2=s2 [recipient] for atypical infraction n3=s3 (event/state/action) with punishment n4=s4.
x1 metaphorically translates/transfers/extends/applies concept x2 to new context x3 from prior context x4; x1 uses concept x2 in new way x3, derived from prior way x4.
x1 (agent) aligns/arranges linearly objects x2 into organized arrangement x3 by rules x4
x1 = sitna1 = utka1 cites/quotes/refers to/makes reference to a source, which itself/who themself cites/quotes/refers to/makes reference to a source, which itself/who themself in turn cites/quotes/refers to/makes reference to source, ..., which itself/who themself cites/quotes/refers to/makes reference to source x2 = sitna2 = utka2, via intermediate path-connecting steps x3 = utka3 (ordered list; ce'o), all for the same information/statement x4 = sitna3 (du'u).
x1 is the concept/idea of lujvo-equivalence, as held by x2
x1 is death/the idea of death according to x2
x1=c1 is a bow/crossbow/ballista for shooting ammunition x2=c2 [arrow/quarrel/crossbow bolt] by flexing and releasing bow/prod/lath x3=g1 of material x6=g3, to whose two ends are tied bow string x4=g2=s1 of material x5=s2.
p1 is a mora [linguistics]/component of syllable p2=s1 in language s2.
x1=pagbu1=selci1 is an irreducible/fundamental/indivisible part or constituent or unit which partially composes whole x2=pagbu2.
x1 is an onomatopoeic word meaning x2 in language x3, based on sound x4 emitted by x5
x1=k1=s1 is a closet/storeroom for materials x2=s2 in containment x3=s3 in home/building/structure x4=k2 surrounded by partitions/walls/ceiling/floor x5=k3 (mass/jo'u)
x1 is in the state of general unconsciousness/unawareness.
x1 is a mucube
d1 is a dormitory (building/place) where people x2 (complete mass) sleep.
x1 = tai1 is a constellation of stars x2 = tar1 (set, quantity, region), according to standard x3.
d1=b1 is a stripe on surface b2 of material d2=b3
s1=b1 is a rib of s2=b2.
x1 is an abstraction involving x2
d1=k1 is a myriad/at least ten thousands (10000) of d2=k2 in dimension/aspect d3=k3 (default is units).
x1=k3 is the relationship between x2=k1, x3=k2, x3...; x1 is a property of x2.
j1=t1 is a/the horn [primitive type/predecessor of brass-wind/lip-reed musical instrument] cut from j2.
c1 chooses/selects method/technique/approach c2=t1 from set/sequence of choices/options/alternatives c3 (complete set/sequence).
x1 is a way to bring about x2, and x2 is in fact an example of x1 bringing about x2
x1 is a laundry machine/washing machine
x1 is the conceptualized/ideal/abstract shape of a biconvex lens formed by/manifested from the intersection x2 (parameters) of two-dimensional circular disks immersed (embedded) in geometry/defined by metric x3; x1 is the convex-only region bounded by intersecting circular arcs given by x2
x1 is the conceptualized/ideal/abstract shape of a crescent/concave 'horned' (then convex rounded) form/geometric partially-concave lune formed by/manifested from the intersection x2 (parameters) of two-dimensional circular disks immersed (embedded) in geometry/defined by metric x3
k2 is a board game played by k1 on board t1.
x1=s1=j1 is a hard-boiled egg of/from organism x2=s2.
x1 is the default in/of function x2 pertaining to x3 when no option is chosen/specified from potential/candidate pool (set, list) x4 under additional/other conditions x5
m1 is a polynomial function in variable t2=s2 of degree (maximum power with nonzero coefficient) t3 interpreted by rules m2
The elapsed time/duration between x1 (nu, or time-/date-stamp) and x2 (nu, or time-/date-stamp) is equal to the elapsed time/duration between x1 and x3 (nu, or time-/date-stamp), such that x2 occurred no later than x3 (thus, x1 is also a temporal midpoint between them), in frame of reference x4.
x1 is a point on time axis, of event/state x2, in system x3.
x1 is the gradient of values x2 in direction x3
d3=g1 is a baton of material g2.
x1 (letteral: la'e zo BY/word-bu) is a hyphen/joining letter(al) in language x2 with function in/context of use/with rules for use/with properties x3, joining prefixed unit/lexeme/morpheme/string x4 (quote) to postfixed unit/lexeme/morpheme/string x5 (quote) in construct (full word) x6 (quote)
x1 is a member of the stem group of crown group/clade x2 according to classification/methodology/graph/scheme/rule x3.
x1 is a pen tip/nib with thickness/width x2; x2 is the kulmusim/width of the tip of pen/quill x1
x1=m1 is shade-darkened/has shadow x2=c1 cast upon it by obfuscating/blocking/(at least semi-)opaque object x3=c2 from energy/light/transmission source x4=c3; x2 is the shadow-eclipse caste upon x1 by x3, blocking radiation from x4
x1 is a balloon (general sense) of material x2
k1=m2 uses wheelchair s1=m1=k5, which is in/on surface/medium m3 and is propelled by m4, to come/go to destination k2 from origin k3 via route k4.
j1 is a butterfly net for catching butterfly/moth of species t2
x1 (object/medium) is unclear/murky/obfuscating/(at least somewhat/semi-)opaque/impeding/with obstacle/fogs with regard to transmission x2
x1 (event) is prematurely ends without completion.
x1 contrasts-with/is-distinguished-from/is-set-apart-from x2 in property/aspect x3
x1=r1 (action/activity/behavior) is irrational by standard x2=r2
t1=p1 is a dwarf/midget [short in stature resulting from a medical condition; not not necessarily human] by standard t3.
x1 is of the same rank/generation in hierarchical structure x2 by standard/partial ordering/relationships x3.
x1 is a railway; x1 is a railway between x2 and x3; x1 is a railway between x2 and x3 via x4
t1=zb1 is a lap [body part] of t2=zu1 supporting zb2.
b1 = t1 is a tentacle / tube-shaped arm [body part] of b2.
p1 is an organ/pipe organ/mechanical organ (keyboard musical instrument).
x1 is the future (but not current) regent of x2 by standard x3.
x1=k1=vr4 is a stored-value/gift/pre-paid card with stored value x2=va1=vr1 for usage x3=va4=p4, accepted by payee/merchant x4=va3=p3
x1 is an air brake (control surface) of vehicle x2 in atmosphere x3; x1 slows the motion of vehicle x2 by increasing drag in atmosphere x3.
x1 is familiar to the memories of x2 in feature x3 (ka) and by standard x4; x2 knows/is familiar with/has lived memory of x2.
x1 is a metaphor [of affix compound] with meaning [of affix compound] x2 with argument [of affix compound] x3 with affix compound x4; x1 is the tanru/metaphor construct of complex word/affix compound/lujvo x4
x1 is the x2th-order time-differintegral of the cost/fee/debt or revenue ((possibly: monetary) charge/value) of or at which x3 is sold to/bought by customer x4 from vendor/seller x5, with differintegral starting point x6.
x1 makes x2 see (perceive visually) x3 under conditions x4
x1 is the part-of-speech / grammatical class of word x2, which means or has function x3 in language x4.
x1=p4 is the locus/place of (vocal) articulation of sound/vocal product x2=v1=c2 made by instrument/locus/vocalization tool x3=p3 in individual speaker x4=v2=c1=p1
x1=v1=f1 is a stage 4 fu'ivla meaning x2=v2, based on word x3=f2 in language x4.
x1 is medial.
m1 is a hog deer of species m2
x1 is linear logic, used to deduce/infer x2 (du'u)
p1 = x2 imagines / visualizes imaginary subject / concept p2 = x1.
x1 is is made of/contains/is a quantity of a black/very-dark colored carbonated beverage/soda of cola-flavor, of brand x2.
c1=xi3 is a wheel tyre/tire.
v1=x1 is a rotavirus of species/breed/defining property v2 capable of infecting [at] v3.
xl1=c1 is bad food/junk food (in one sense) for xl2=c2, bad by standard xl3.
x1 is a bad/poorly-made lujvo with issue x2, bad according to x3 and by standard x4
x1=p1=xl1 is a bad/poor performing person for task x2=xl2 by standard x3=xl3
x1 is an improperly-created/wrongly-proposed/illy-proposed lujvo with intended meaning x2 but actual interpretation/built from metaphor x3, due to/with error x4 in its rafsi x5, which is unacceptable to x6 by standard x7, in language x8
x1 is a foster parent of x2 instead of previous parent/rights holder x3 until x4
x1 trespasses (illegally enters) into x2, which is a crime according to x3
l1 zooms out l2(object) to focus/magnification l3 by means l4
x1 is a lujvo with irregular rafsi, meaning x2, with arguments x3, built from tanru/compound-phrase x4
x1 (quote) is a zi'evla/fu'ivla categorizer particle/morpheme/unit with meaning/indicating category x2, having properties x3, and that is appended in zi'evla (full word) x4, in language x5
x1 (quote) is the non-categorizer and non-hyphen remainder of zi'evla/fu'ivla x2 (quote), with properties/form x3 in language [of zi'evla] x4
x1 (predicate) is true when applied to argument list x2 (sequence)
x1 = m2 [quantity] is x2 = k3 = m3 [number counted] items/units of/in/pertaining to set x3 = k2, on scale x4 = m4 (si'o; default: from 0 representing nothing/no instances of the item, and by (units of) 1 for each additional occurrence if the item is quantized). x1 is countably measurable.
x1 returns to x2 from x3; x1 moves/gives back to x2 from x3.
x1 (number) is the infimum of set x2 under (partial) ordering x3
l1 zooms in l2(object) to focus/magnification l3 by means l4
x1 is a consonant cluster of type x2
x1 is the 'back', dorsum of body x2
x1 is the "beneficiary"/intended-recipient of x2 (event/action), as intended by x3 // x2 is done for x1
x1 [dimensionful number] is the (relative) phase (difference) in oscillatory system x2 relative to zero mark x3 under conditions/by standard x4
x1 is an axis/center curve/extended center (or, possibly metaphorically, focus 'point') of x2 in sense x3
x1 is a morphologically defined name word meaning x2 in language x3.
x1 is a gesture/facial expression/body part motion/body language/expressive (nonverbal or nonvocal) feature/microexpression/stature/posture/sign/body signal [nonverbal expression made using only one's body parts and items on one's immediate person as extensions of the body in order to communicate; possibly nonlinguistic/extralinguistic] that conveys/expresses thought/emotion/command/idea x2 (nu/si'o; possibly text and other types) made using body part/utensil/object/at locus x3 in/by motion/action/means x4
x1 is a mythological/fantastic creature [mythical organism] of mythos/religion/story/culture x2.
x1 is the spacial interval/geodesic segment (or line segment/ray/line) from location/point x2 to location/point x3 in geometry/frame of reference x4.
x1 examines/checks/investigates x2 for x3 (ka/ni)
x1 (amount/value (li/ni) or labelled entity) is the (mutual) difference between/change in (states/realizations of/output from) general and relevant idea/object or subject of interest or function/aspect/property/topic/dependent parameter/dependent variable x2 under or due to a change in (independent) parameter/variable/index/identification/ownership/property/aspect x3 (generic name) to (later) specific state/realization/value/person/entity/meaning x4 (type and dimensions match those of x3) from (earlier) specific state/realization/value/person/entity/meaning x5 (type and dimensions match that of x3), under circumstances/conditions/with(in) scope/with caveats x6.
x1 is aligned diagonally along/between nonadjacent vertices x2 as in polytope x3; x1 is a diagonal line segment/linear manifold of lower dimension as viewed in frame of reference x3; x1 is crooked (one sense), skew (one sense, see notes), off-kilter (one sense), away from center/off-center, non-orthogonal/not perpendicular nor parallel, at an angle, perhaps non-vertical and non-horizontal, diagonal to x2 in figure/coordinate system x3.
x1 is a 'dinosaur' [very general: any ancient quasi-reptilian vertebrate or, possibly but probably not, modern bird] of type x2 living in era x3.
x1 is medicine used to treat illness/disease x2 ({bilma}/ka/state) via mechanism of action x3 (event) at dosage x4 (ka))
x1 is clockwise/right-turn-direction of[/to] x2 along/following track x3 [path] in frame of reference x4 (where the axis is within the region defined by the track as the boundary, as viewed from and defined by view(er) x4; see notes); x1 is locally to the right of x2, according to x4, constrained along x3; x1 is along a right turn from x2 along path x3, as viewed in frame x4.
x1 is recursively related to x2 by applying x3 (number) levels-of-recursion of the predicate-relation x4 (ka with two ce'u)
x1 is an n-ary operator/map which is distributive/linear/homomorphic in or over or from space/structure x2, mapping to space or structure x3, thereby producing a new space/structure x4 which is the 'union' of x2 and x3 endowed with x1; x1 distributes over/through all of the operators of x2.
x1 awaits for x2 (event) with bated breath; x1 waits for the occurrence of x2 excitedly/impatiently/restlessly; colloquially: x1 just cannot wait for x2 to happen; x1 is eager for event x2.
x1 is (a) philosophy/ideology (one sense) about/of/pertaining to topic/subfield (one sense) x2 with subfield (different sense)/features/details/specifics/specific idea(s) x3, with methodology x4, followed/thought/considered by x5 (thinker/philosopher/individual); philosophy x1 is characterized by values/thoughts/opinions/ruminations x3 about topic/subject x2.
x1 is the graph on vertices/nodes x2 (set) and edges x3 (set of ordered or unordered 2-tuples of vertices in x2) and with additional properties x4.
x1 is a (set/pair) of scissors/shears/clippers/(hedge) trimmers/tongs [tool] with parts/blades x2 (scissor) and used for purpose x3
x1 is a physical interaction [colloquially: force] between x2 (interacting participants/objects; symmetric) with characteristics/of type x3
x1 consists of the economic system (production and distribution and consumption) of sector components x2; x1 is economic.
x1 is the ISO designation/result/standard/code for topic x2 applied to specific case/individual/group/thing x3 according to rule/ISO specification x4 published by/according to mandating organization x5 (default: ISO)
x1 (li) is the cardinality of set x2 (set)
x1 (state/event/fact) is fair/just/righteous to x2 according to x3
x1 (set/space) is closed under(/wrt) operator/relation x2; x2 has closure in x1.
x1 (set/shape) is convex in sense x2.
x1 is a lantern/flashlight/portable light source illuminating x2, in style/with properties x3
x1 is/pertains to/reflects some version of Loglan or Lojban, or the derivatives thereof (or any language, project, thing which is path-connected thereto by derivation), in aspect/property x2 (ka).
x1 (person(s)) is/are adopted by x2 (individual, family, tribe/clan, community, team, institution, etc.) into the latter's overarching family/clan/tribe/community/team/institution/etc. x4 in(to) role/relation x3 or an analog thereof via means/law/norm/socio-cultural or other mechanism x5; x2 adopts x1 into x2's family11.
x1 is a quantity of fluff of composition/structure/characterization/substance x2; x1 is fluffy/airy/soft/fuzzy in texture
x1 is magnetism/magnetization (or magnetic charge or magnetic current; or part of a magnetic dipole) in/on/of/produced by/evinced by/associated with x2 (monopole or a dipole, taken in whole or just as a single side/part/pole thereof) of polarity/quantity x3 (default: positive, which indicates magnetic-south in English).
x1 reflects Mesopotamian geography/chronology/culture/language/identity in aspect x2
x1 is localized public transport system for city/metropolitan region/locale/region x2 using infrastructure/facilities/means of transportation x3.
x1 (li; number) is congruent to x2 (li; number; see description for canonical/traditional/contextless default usage) modulo x3 (li; number); \frac(x1 - x is an integer.
x1 is a nerd/geek (demonstrates esoteric intense interests at the cost of social acceptance) according to standard/within culture x2 with nerdy/geeky interests x3
x1 (vector) is the displacement of x2 (object/point) relative to x3 (object/point; contextless default: origin) in coordinate system/frame of reference/as measured by x4 according to definition/standard/(meta)physics x5
x1 (partially) occupies/fulfills niche x2 (this is a specific assemblage of roles, purposes, strategies, characteristics, behaviors, physical forms or traits, interactions with an environment, etc.) via particular method/mode/trait x3, in evolutionary or interaction or social or ecological or conceptual or strategic or physical environment x4; the x2 niche is occupied by x1 in way or via form/fashion x3; x2 is a niche in evolutionary system x4.
x1 is a cross-section (substance viewed cross-sectionally) of object x2 made from perspective/side/orientation/along (and perpendicular to) axis x3 (this determines the shape) and made in hyperplane/at depth/to contain/consisting of particular slice x4 (this determines the size and content), of dimensionality x5 [li; integer greater than -2, less than or equal to the dimensionality of x2]; x1 is the result and arranged content of the intersection of x2 with an (x5) -dimensional hyperplane that is perpendicular to axis x3 and along it such that it has a depth (approximately x4) in x2 that allows it to contain a particular slice (of) x4
x1 is a non-binary offspring/child of parent(s) x2 [not necessarily biological]; x1 is filial (but not a son or daughter).
x1 orbits a (common) barycenter with x2, with orbital characteristics/parameterz x3.
x1 poses deflated and derided morally worthless, cheap, vulgar, commonplace, banal qualities according to x2 in aspect x3
x1 is a non-binary parent of x2 [not necessarily biological].
x1 is an atomic element in group x2 [usually, vertical column; denotes electron configuration and, thereby, chemical similarity with vertical neighbors] and period x3 [usually, horizontal row; denotes similarity in size with horizontal neighbors, as well as having the same number and type of electron shells as them] and belonging to other 'class'/'category'/'type'/having other properties x4 according to scheme/organization pattern/standard/periodic table x5.
x1 is an elephant shrew/jumping shrew/sengi (member of Afrotherian mammal order: Macroscelidea) of subtaxon/type/genus/species/variety/breed x2
x1 (person) refers to/checks out/confers/looks at/looks up/consults reference or citation x2 for purpose x3.
x1 (agent) expresses/says x2 (sedu'u/text/lu'e concept) for audience x3 via expressive medium x4.
x1 expresses meaning x2 (du'u/si'o) to addressee/audience x3 by doing x4 (property of x1)
x1 is a fucked up/snafu/gaffe/messed up (wrong) event/situation caused by x2 by standard x3; x2 fucks up in doing or by causing x1.
x1 is an x2 of species/cultivar/breed/taxon x3.
x1 [body-part] is the upper/normally exposed part(s) or region(s) of a plant or sedentary organism (stalk/stem/trunk, branches, leaves, flowers, fruit; not root, bulb, or burrowing parts), belonging to plant x2.
x1 is the way or manner in which activity/event x2 is done/happens
x1 (object) has charge x2 (number) in units x3 for interaction/of type x4 and in/by/using convention x5
x1 is a sibling of a direct ancestor/elder of x2 by bond/tie/relation/standard x3 (not necessarily genetic/biological nor necessarily directly ancestral); x1 is an associated member of one of x2's ancestor's generation; x1 is an (great-(great-(...)))uncle/aunt of x2.
x1 is the audience/enjoying or partaking party of work/performance/program/entertainment/transmission/experience/story/presentation/act x2 (concrete or abstract), via means/mode/expressed in format/using senses x3; x1 watches/listens/reads/experiences x2.
x1 is a limb/appendage/extremity of body/entity x2 used for purpose x3
x1 is the ventral part of body x2
x1 is the video/(possibly changing) visual content to/of recording/broadcast x2 displayed/produced by medium/device x3
x1 (user/consumer) is an addict of/is addicted to substance/entity/experience x2 by standard x3
x1 returns to x2 from x3; x1 moves/gives back to x2 from x3.
x1 is the subtraction-difference of x2 and x3 (and x4 etc.); x1 = x2 - x [ - x4 etc.]
x1 reflects Irish/Hibernian culture/geography/nation/history/language in property x2
x1 reflects/relates to/pertains to xorlo (Lojbanic) grammatical standards in manner/aspect x2, specific to version x3 (contextless default: the most recent version that has been officially accepted by the Lojban language's governing body (presently, the BPFK))
x1 pertains to/relates to/happens in real-life (IRL) in aspect x2; x1 is (in one sense each, possibly philosophically) not virtual/not via the Internet/not cyber/not simulated/outside of the Matrix/not fantasy/real/realistic
x1 is counterclockwise/left-turn-direction of[/to] x2 along/following track x3 [path] in frame of reference x4 (where the axis is within the region defined by the track as the boundary, as viewed from and defined by view(er) x4; see notes); x1 is locally to the left of x2, according to x4, constrained along x3; x1 is along a left turn from x2 along path x3, as viewed in frame x4.
bai'i'i (exp!)
mekso operator: in ordered tuple/list/vector/sequence X1, replace the X2th entry with term X3 of appropriate type, and leave all other entries untouched (optional: where the index for the very first/leading/header entry is X4).
be'ei'oi (exp!)
ternary mekso operator: x1th Bergelson multiplicative interval with exponents bounded from above by function x2 and with sequence of shifts x3, where exponents belong to set x4
Multiple sumti link; open-ended sumti-linking.
Tag linkarge 2
bei'u'i (exp!)
unary mekso operator: nth Bernoulli number Bn of the second kind (B1 = +1/2 = >0).
Tag linkarge
non-logical interval connective: ordered interval with specified endpoint/terminus x1 and signed measure/length/duration x2; interval between x1 and x1 + x according to the ordering of the space.
bi'oi'au (exp!)
digit/number: interval/range indicator for significant digits (determined by lesser endpoint).
bo'a (exp!)
pro-sumti: definitional terbri variable 1; x1
bo'e (exp!)
pro-sumti: definitional terbri variable 2; x2
bo'i (exp!)
pro-sumti: definitional terbri variable 3; x3
boi'e'u (exp!)
mekso operator/function terminator (in Polish notation): inserts exactly enough "{boi}"'s consecutively so as to terminate the most recently uttered operator/function in a mekso expression
explicit "mu'o'u"-orientation marker
bo'o (exp!)
pro-sumti: definitional terbri variable 4; x4
bo'oi (exp!)
attitudinal: silliness - maturity
bo'u (exp!)
pro-sumti: definitional terbri variable 5; x5
bu'a'a (exp!)
naturalistic interjection: used to express a fit of overwhelming or uncontrollable laughter; the stereotypical 'evil laugh'
elliptical/unspecified/vague letteral/symbol
ca'o'e (exp!)
mekso 4-nary operator: spherical harmonics on colatitudinal/polar angle a and azimuthal/longitudinal angle b of unassociated order c and associated order d.
begin lines of serial dialogue
cau'o'e (exp!)
elliptical/vague/indecisive scalar affirmer/negator; true neutral/non-committed/uninvolved scalar truthfulness/assertion.
lambda variable prenex; marks the end of introduction of lambda-scope variables.
Formulates periodic ordered list of exactly the connectands in the order presented.
BIhI argument modifier: indicates dimensionality/length of tuple
define following selbri with sentence or tu'e...tu'u clause
extracts an element from a set, category, class, group, collection, organization, system, etc.
argument list separator: acts as a comma between arguments in an argument list supplied to a function.
ci'o'au (exp!)
mekso operator (binary): projection function; the Bth term/entry ("element") of tuple A
placed after a tanru with CO, following sumti return to the place structure of the left tanru unit.
interval event contour: at the restarting/renewal point of...
trivial selbri inversion: does not invert tanru (seltau first/left, tertau second/right).
elliptical/vague/unspecific/generic tanru inversion
universal famyma'o: terminates the most recently opened construct or clause.
cu'au'ei (exp!)
mekso binary/unary operator: multinomial coefficient/binomial coefficient/choose
other than me
da'ai'a (exp!)
"da'avni" modal: except under condition ...; unless ...; excepting/exempting (condition) ... .
pro-sumti: forgetful something/memory-less da
attitudinal modifier: supposed emotion - factual emotion
dau'a (exp!)
gafyzmico: Reset all default specifications of immediately previous word to official definition specifications hereinafter (permanently)
Quantifier modifier: endowment of existential import - repeal of existential import/abstention from claiming existence - assertion of non-existence
default value (re)specification/(re)assignment/(re)definition/over-write; set new default value (terbri-specific; permanent)
de'au (exp!)
gafyzmico: Cancellation (permanent) of all defaults in immediately previous word
de'au'u (exp!)
mekso ternary operator: positive super-logarithm; the super-logarithm (inverse operator of hyper-operator with respect to "height" of power tower) of a with base b and of order c-2.
dei'au'o (exp!)
mekso binary operator: Lambert product-log W function; W(a, b)
dei'i'u (exp!)
Attaches date and time starting with years and ending in seconds.
de'oi (exp!)
Cancellation (instant-/usage-wise; temporary) of all defaults in immediately previous word
doi'a (exp!)
gafyzmico: Reset all default specification of the immediately previous word to their respective discourse-external/official definition specifications for this instance/usage only.
question word: which utterance?
du'a'e (exp!)
mekso n-ary ordered operator: structure creator/ordered tuple, 'endow'; the structure formed by underlying set X1 (as) endowed with element, order, quoted operator, etc. X2, X3, ...
du'a'o (exp!)
mekso binary operator: extract substructure/underlying set/endowing operator; the substructure (general sense; includes just operator, order, set, etc.) of X1 (structure; explicitly given by {du'a'e}) which is formed by collecting the ith entries of that {du'a'e}-tuple in order together into their own {du'a'e}-tuple (or by extracting them naked into the ambient environment if X2 is a singleton) for all i in set X2
du'ei (exp!)
mekso binary operator: left-handed vectorial cross product (ordered input), -a \times b = b \times a (if using right-hand convention - notice the negative sign/operator or order).
e'u'a (exp!)
logical connective: sumti afterthought always true.
fa'ai (exp!)
mathematical ordered n-ary operator: (pointwise) functional left composition; X1 \circ X.
fa'ai'ai (exp!)
mekso k-ary operator, for natural k and 1 < k < 5: ordered input (f, g, S, m) where f and g are functions, S is a set of positive integers or "ro" (="all"), and m is 0 or 1 (as a toggle); output is a function equivalent to the function f as applied to an input ordered tuple with g applied to the entries/terms with indices in S (or to all entries/terms if S="ro") if m=0, or g left-composed with the same if m=1.
fa'au (exp!)
mathematical unary operator: map notation
fai'a (exp!)
translation marker - original/native version: marks a construct as having been translated and therefore particularly (possibly, but not necessarily) susceptible to the errors or limitations associated with translation (especially if the translator is unsure of the best result/option)
end of all Lojban text, forever.
Iteratively applies "fau'a" to each resultant operator until all operators resolve.
fau'e (exp!)
iterated function left-composition with self: f∘f∘...∘f, n times.
fe'au'u (exp!)
mekso ternary operator: positive super-root; the bth super-root (inverse operator of hyper-operator with respect to base) of a of order c-2.
fe'ei (exp!)
binary mekso operator: divided by (fraction): a/(b...)
fei'i (exp!)
mekso variable-arity (at most ternary) operator: number of prime divisors of number X1, counting with or without multiplicity according to the value X2 (1 xor 0 respectively; see note for equality to -1 and for default value), in structure X3.
Prefix division by following unit selbri
Vocative: Fin, the end, you may applaud now, conclusion; story ending or punchline marker
marks end of prenex in stack-based dialect
mekso operator: continued fraction, Kettenbruch notation; for ordered input (X1, X, where: X1 is an ordered pair of functions and X2 is a free or dummy variable/input/index which ranges through set X3 in order(ing) X4, the result is K(X for Kettenbruch notation K.
fu'ei (exp!)
begin within-context quote.
ga'ai (exp!)
unary mekso operator: Lorentz-Einstein gamma factor +1/((1-(|X|2)) for input X.
abstractor: sensation / qualia abstractor; x1 is the sensation / qualia associated with objects with property [bridi, bound to ce'u], via sense x2, as sensed by x3
gai'i (exp!)
zgadi/cadga modal; 1st place: with just/expected result ...; should/ought to result in ...
gau'a (exp!)
mekso (no-more-than-4-ary) operator: Gaussian function f(x, a, b, c) = c e-((x-a).
mekso n-ary operator: append contravariant (upper) indices to tensor
metasyntactic variable prenex
ge'ei (exp!)
metasyntactic variable marker
gei'au (exp!)
mekso 7-ary operator: for input (X1 = z, X2 = (ai)= (bj)= p, X5 = q, X6 = h1, X= h2), this word/function outputs/yields \sumn=0^\infty (((\prodi = 1p (ne'o'o(ai,n,1,h= 1q (ne'o'o(bj,n,1,h; by default, X6 = 1 = X7 unless explicitly specified otherwise.
mekso unary operator: converts a string of digits which includes {pi} to the same string of digits without {pi}; if {pi} is not present in the original/input string, the output is identical
ge'u'a (exp!)
logical connective: forethought all but tanru-internal always true (with gi).
gi'a'a (exp!)
logical connective: forethought all but tanru-internal always false (with gi).
gi'e'u'a (exp!)
logical connective: bridi-tail afterthought always true.
gi'i'a'a (exp!)
logical connective: bridi-tail afterthought always false.
pro-bridi: in the second half of a bridi forethought connective expression, refers to the first half.
last bridi (with its modifiers)
repeat (copy-and-paste) the recontextualized content of the most-recent or indicated NOI relative clause.
gu'ai (exp!)
binary operator: left group action g.x
gu'au'i (exp!)
mekso operator, variable arity - algebraic structure order of X1; OR: order of/(size of) period of element X1 in algebraic structure X2 under operator/of type X3
logical connective: tanru-internal forethought always true (with gi).
logical connective: tanru-internal forethought always false (with gi).
i'a'a (exp!)
logical connective: sumti afterthought always false.
reset bridi-level to zero
ie'e (exp!)
attitudinal: finding something reasonable - unreasonable
ie'i (exp!)
attitudinal: disgust - attraction
jai'e (exp!)
elliptical presence or absence of "jai".
permutation cycle writer notation start
ja'u (exp!)
na'e fancuka modal: no matter (indirect question)...
jau'au (exp!)
unary mathematical operator: length/number of components/terms of/in object/array/formal string/sequence/word/text in some alphabet/base/basis which includes each digit; number of digits/components/entries
jau'i (exp!)
attitudinal modifier: extra properly, primly, "by the book" - rushing things, half-assing.
Break in speech in order to demonstrate something in a nongrammatical or nonlinguistic way.
logical connective: tanru-internal afterthought always true.
logical connective: tanru-internal afterthought always false.
attitudinal scope modifier: marks following attitudinal/UI-cluster as applying to the last lexical unit
ji'e'ai (exp!)
mekso unary operator: determinant, det(A)
ji'i'u'u (exp!)
mekso, at-most-5-ary; rounding function. (See notes).
connective: elliptical/generic/vague
jo'ai (exp!)
convert a selbri tag followed by a tanru unit to a tanru unit; differently from {jai}, it does not change the first place of the tanru unit.
ju'ai (exp!)
Default number radix modifier: changes the value of the default radix assumed for any numeral lacking an explicit radix within the following text, until another {ju'ai} appears.
ju'au (exp!)
semi-mathematical binary operator: named number base operator/interpreter
ju'oi (exp!)
evidential: I know that...
long-digit interpretation specifier; macrodigit named base specifier
ka'au (exp!)
mekso unary operator: cardinality (#, | |)
abstractor: predicate abstractor. x1 is the predicate expressed by [bridi], using bo'a, bo'e, etc for variables.
kai'a (exp!)
evidential: by definition... / essentialistically...
Adverbial, metacommentary-introducing, and complex discursive or attitudinal: I express this utterance in a manner or with mental state which is described by the immediately following and enclosed bridi in reference to the tagged construct, or assert that the said immediately following and enclosed bridi is true in application to the tagged construct in a metacommentary style.
kai'e (exp!)
evidential: I expect - I deny expecting
abstractor: x1 (x2, ...) are such that they satisfy [bridi], using bo'a/bo'e/etc for variables
Property relativizing determiner / unary quantifier constructor. {kai'i} introduces a predicate whose first argument slot becomes filled by the property made by taking the bridi in which this {kai'i} appears and putting {ce'u} into the argument slot in which this {kai'i} argument was located. Put formally, "kai'i brodi cu brodu" = "lo ka ce'u brodu cu brodi". Additionally, a {kai'i} term has a rightward logical scope, like quantifiers and adverbials.
kai'o (exp!)
quaternion i
ka'o'ai (exp!)
imaginary i (non-comma)
ka'o'ei (exp!)
imaginary i, comma - spherical coordinates: first coordinate gives magnitude (complex modulus/radius) of the number, the second number gives the angle from the positive real axis measured counterclockwise toward the 'positive' imaginary axis (default: in the primary branch/Arg) as measured in some units (which that number should contain; the contextless default will suppose radians); the angle is not normalized.
kau'ai (exp!)
Microdigit-spanning endianness binary-toggle.
kau'au (exp!)
Macrodigit-spanning endianness binary-toggle.
kau'o (exp!)
generic algebra unit en
Attaches all of the following words to the next explicitly mentioned sumti as seltau of that sumti or selbri which is explicitly marked with "cu" (under left-grouping by default).
Locks tanru modification order reversal (does not affect lujvo). {ke'e'unai} restores regular order
mekso style converter: elementwise application of operator
mekso operator: finite result set derived from/on set A with/due to operator/function B under ordering of application C
non-logical connective/mekso operator - of arity only 1 xor 2: set (absolute) complement, or set exclusion (relative complement). Unary: X2 ^C; binary: X1\setminusX.
ki'au (exp!)
evidential: I reason - I think impulsively.
Creates a predicate abstraction sumti out of a full bridi clause, binding all the necessary lambda variables to the ko'a-ko'u pronoun series.
Pro-sumti: references a previously mentioned sumti, but which one is not specified.
ku'ai (exp!)
ku'i modal: in contrast to...
empty/vacuous selbri
ku'i'a (exp!)
PA: blank/empty digit
otherwise lojbanic name, ending in a vowel; multiple names delimited by pauses.
the specific referent of [following sumti] defined/specified by the grammar
lai'i (exp!)
evidential: I experience - I deny experiencing
lau'au (exp!)
mekso unary operator: for input X, this outputs X/(1+X).
replace recent mistakenly uttered text
ma'au (exp!)
Binary mekso operator: uniform probability A(X2)u(X for input (X1,X where X1 is a number and X2 is a set or space. (See notes for details).
"True, but not the answer that I expected/desired"
pro-sumti: the universal argument/value; syntactically-contextually and type-permitted maximally generic in its typing
mai'u (exp!)
unary mekso operator: signum function
mai'u'au (exp!)
unary mekso operator: parity of function; if the input is a unary real-valued function X1 which is defined on a subset of the reals, then the output is 1 is X1 is even, -1 if X1 is odd, and 0 otherwise.
mai'u'ei (exp!)
mekso unary operator: Levi-Civita symbol; for input n-tuple (a1, a ... , an), where n is a strictly positive integer, the output is \varepsilona, where \varepsilon is the Levi-Civita symbol under the convention of mapping (1, 2, ..., n) to 1.
ma'oi (exp!)
selma'o quote; quotes a word (a cmavo) and uses it to name a selma'o.
mekso: conversion of operator/function to operand
UI conversion start quote; converts grammatical Lojban text to cmavo of selma'o UI
UI conversion end quote (elidable terminator); converts grammatical Lojban text to cmavo of selma'o UI
mi'i'au (exp!)
digit/number: interval/range indicator for significant digits (determined by midpoint).
moi'i (exp!)
evidential: I remember - I don't remember (fact ; that/whether something is true)
moi'u (exp!)
x1 is (n)th member of alphabet/set x2 ordered by rule x3, where the count begins at x4.
mu'ai (exp!)
munje modal: 1st place; in universe...
mu'ai'au (exp!)
mathematical/logical/mekso ternary operator: μ (mu) operator: outputs the most extreme extended-natural number that satisfies relationship/predicate A, where extremeness is bounded by B and of a version determined by C; error output is -1
mu'au'oi (exp!)
Discursive: resuming/continuing example - start new example
mu'e'ei (exp!)
Specifies the universe of consideration/all possible referents (for the present discourse); specifies the universal set/class/structure.
Marks an endpoint of a quote/string/expression and specifies that (relative to the original) the quote/string/expression so marked is complete, accurate, and well-portrayed by the quote/string/expression on the relevant side of the excerpt, including wrt all relevant information and when factoring in the content and context of the quotation-external discourse in which said quote/string/expression appears; indicator that quote mining or cherry-picking did not occur and that the excerpt which is quoted is not deceptive.
na'au (exp!)
converts an unevaluated mekso expression into a sumti referencing its evaluated result (if sensible/defined)
na'ei (exp!)
Contradictory negation of a predicate
double-negative toggle: every odd-counted explicit usage makes negation additive; unmentioned or every even-counted explicit usage makes negation multiplicative.
nei'au (exp!)
unary mekso operator: (-1)x
ne'o'au (exp!)
mekso quaternary operator: polygamma function; for input X1, X, outputs the (-X2)th derivative of Log(ne'o'a(X1, X)) with respect to X1.
ne'o'o (exp!)
mekso quaternary operator – Pochhammer symbol: with/for input (X1, X, this word/function outputs \prodk = 0^X2 - 1 (X; by default, X4 = 1 unless explicitly defined otherwise.
mekso n-ary operator: append covariant (lower) indices to tensor
no'au'au (exp!)
mathematical/mekso binary operator: the zero/identity-element/(primitive (-))constant operator; outputs the identity-element of structure A (contextless default: the additive group of integers) regardless of the input value of B (except blank or ill-defined values)
PA nonrestrictive/incidental relative clause; attaches to a PA number/numeral/digit with the ke'a referring to that PA number/numeral/digit.
connective modifer/limiter
sentence link/continuation; continuing sentences on same topic with the observative sumti filled with {la'e} {di'u}
pai'e (exp!)
scalar question: how very...?
pai'i (exp!)
Digit/number: pi (denoted "π"; approximately 3.1416...); the constant defined by the ratio of the circumference to the diameter of all circles in Euclidean space.
pau'ai (exp!)
rhetorical construct marker - genuine/serious/literal assertion/question/command marker
pau'a'u (exp!)
mekso operator: part of number/projection (one sense); the X2 part of X1
pau'au (exp!)
ternary mekso operator: p-adic valuation; outputs (positive) infinity if x1 = 0 and, else, outputs sup(Set(k: k is a nonnegative integer, and ((1 - x3)x divides x1)), where pn is the nth prime (such that p1 = 2).
pau'ei (exp!)
mekso operator: power set - produces the set of all subsets of set X1 that are of (any) size (that is) X2 [a nonnegative integer or transfinite/infinite number; default: su'o no].
pe'ai (exp!)
discursive: layperson/laïc meaning; marks a construct as layperson/common/non-technical/non-jargon speech/text
scalar / attitudinal question: how very...?
pei'e (exp!)
evidential question: how do you know that?
pei'e'a (exp!)
at-most-3-ary mekso operator: "integer exponent" for X1 divided by X2 in algebraic structure X3
pei'o (exp!)
attitudinal category question: what is the category (UI4) of attitudinal?
pi'au'e (exp!)
mekso ternary operator: extract digit from number; X2nd macrodigit/term of number/tuple X1 when X1 is expressed in base/basis X3.
pi'ei (exp!)
mathematical/mekso binary operator: vector or function inner product over a field; the inner product of A and B over field C
pi'ei'oi (exp!)
mathematical ternary operator: prime-generating function.
pi'u'e (exp!)
mekso n-ary operator: generate ordered tuple/list from inputs; pi'u'e(x1, x= (x1, x, pi'u'e(x1, x= (x1, x, etc.
PA restrictive relative clause; attaches to a PA number/numeral/digit with the ke'a referring to that PA number/numeral/digit.
po'i'ei (exp!)
n-ary mekso operator: for an input of ordered list of ordered pairs ((X1, Y, it outputs formal generalized rational function (x - X1)^Y in the adjoined indeterminate (here: x).
po'i'oi (exp!)
mekso at-most-3-ary operator: convert to polynomial; X1 (ordered list of algebraic structure (probably field) elements) forms the (ordered list of) coefficients of a polynomial/Laurent-like series with respect to indeterminate X2 under ordering rule X3 (default for finite list: the first entry is the coefficient of the highest-degree term and each subsequent entry is the next lesser-degree coefficient via counting by ones and wherein the last entry is the constant term)
ra'ei (exp!)
semi-discursive: and so forth, and so on, et cetera, continuing similarly
ra'i'e (exp!)
ternary mekso/mathematical operator: radical; for input (x,y,z), it outputs the largest y-th-power-free product of prime divisors of x in structure (ring) z.
rai'i (exp!)
mekso (2 or 3)-ary operator: maximum/minimum/extreme element; ordered list of extreme elements of the set underlying ordered set/structure X1 in direction X2 of list length X3 (default: 1)
rau'o (exp!)
flag a quote/sedu'u statement in order to indicate that the text is substantially the same in all relevant important aspects (usually including content), translated with this meaning, "to this/that same effect" - - (nai:) untranslated, original and exact wording
free conversion
pro-sumti: the next/immediately following sumti (as determined by back-counting rules applied forward)
ru'ei (exp!)
n-ary operator: n-ary magma/group/ring operator a*b = ab`
sai'ei (exp!)
turns PA into CAI; intensity attitude modifier expressed by a mekso.
sau'au (exp!)
mekso binary operator: del, nabla, quabla, partial-derivative vector/tensor operator; outputs the functional-valued formal-covector (or analog thereof) of partial derivatives with respect to X1 (tensor in the same format and order), each degree X2 (default: 1).
topicalizer (sumtcita/discursive; somewhat meta): the following discourse is about/relates to/has topic/concerns
(n, 1, 2, \dots, n-2, n - 1)st conversion.
se'au (exp!)
mathematical quinary operator; big operator: left sequence notation/converter - operator a, sequence b defined as a function on index/argument/variable/parameter c, in set d, under ordering e
(2, 3, \dots, n-1, n, 1)st conversion.
terbri editor: passes the terbri value through the quoted function so that the sumti that fills it really is filling the output of the function
evidential builder: I know by means ...
vocative: "you're welcome / happy to help / no problem" - "just this once / you owe me"
elliptical/generic/unspecific/vague selbri conversion
Conversion: Switch n and x1 in MOI (or MOI*) cmavo so that the submitted value (previous x1) outputs the number(s) (previous n) associated with it.
selbri conversion question
si'ei (exp!)
numeric suffix: indicates that the number refers to portionality instead of cardinality
si'i'ai (exp!)
digit/number: a finite/bounded number, finitely many.
story time toggle.
Marks discontinuity in story time.
erases a SI, SA or SU cmavo; is to "redo" as SI/SA/SU is to "undo".
so'e'i (exp!)
number/digit: a qualifying majority or a defined/relevant supermajority.
soi'ai (exp!)
almost all/almost every/almost everywhere (technical sense): there is a non-universal conull subset (the complementary (sub)set of which is non-empty but of measure 0, where complement is taken with respect/relative to the universal set) of such things that are satisfactory.
soi'au (exp!)
almost none/almost no/almost nowhere (technical sense): the subset of satisfactory such things is null but non-empty.
so'i'i (exp!)
digit/number: complement of "{so'e'i}"; a qualifying, controlling, or decision-making minority; a subminority.
su'i'e (exp!)
mekso unary operator: digital addition.
su'i'o (exp!)
mekso unary or binary operator: ordered inputs (n, b) where n and b are nonnegative integers and b > 1; output is the ultimate digital root of n in base-b.
su'o'o (exp!)
digit/number: strictly greater (more) than 0 but strictly less than all (jbo.: "ro").
ta'ei (exp!)
discursive: reconsideration of statement - continuing (on) in that line of thought/discussion
tai'e'i (exp!)
mekso unary operator: basic Schlafli symbol composer (defined only on ordered lists)
explicit indicator that the speaker is completing/continuing a previously uttered bridi in the discourse
Copy and paste the overall seltau of immediately preceding sumti at this location.
Copy and paste the overall tertau of immediately preceding sumti at this location.
te'a'a (exp!)
tekla modal: with key/button... (computer game context)
te'ai (exp!)
Exponentiation of unit selbri
te'au'u (exp!)
mekso ternary operator: Knuth up-arrow notation: a \uparrow \dots \uparrow b of order/with c-2 arrows ("\uparrow") initially, evaluated from right to left; the cth hyperoperator on a by b.
te'i'ai (exp!)
6-ary mekso/mathematical operator: Heaviside function/step/Theta function of a, of order b, in structure c, using distribution d, within approximated limit e, with value f_b at 0
tei'au (exp!)
4-ary mekso operator: Taylor expansion/polynomial term; for ordered input (X1, X, output is the X3th Taylor polynomial term of at-least-X3-smooth function X2 which was expanded around point X4 and which is evaluated at point X1, namely (1/(X3!)) × (D^X.
te'o'a (exp!)
unary mekso operator: natural exponentiation operator exp, where exp(a) = ea \forall a.
te'oi'i (exp!)
mekso ordered/non-commutative n-ary operator: tensor product/exterior product (of tensors); letting "@" denote the tensor product, A1 @ A2 @...@ An .
ti'u'e (exp!)
at the minute N of the hour.
start UI-applicative metalinguistic UI-parenthetical
end connective string, set, list such that the set of terms provided is exhaustive.
uau (exp!)
Attitudinal: impressed/amazed - unimpressed (neutral)/blasé/bland/commonplace - unimpressed (negative)/disappointed/bored
uau'o (exp!)
Attitudinal: encouragement - (not engaged) - discouragement
ue'e (exp!)
discursive: counter-expectational – – aligning with expectations
ui'i (exp!)
Attitudinal: feel like laughing - neither laughing nor crying - feel like crying
uoi (exp!)
discursive: marks question construct as allowing filling it with answers that are non-referential constructs only
uo'o (exp!)
savoring the now (wishing time would stand still) - patience/indifference toward time passing - impatience (wishing time would move faster)
va'au'au (exp!)
Binary mekso operator: group-theoretic conjugation (group action): maps inputs (X1, X to X2^(-X= \phi(X. Default: X3 = 1.
vei'e (exp!)
mekso binary operator – quotient from integer-division: sgn(X1) sgn(X2) ((abs(X1) - (abs(X1) \% X.
vei'i (exp!)
evidential: I remember (experiencing) - I deny remembering
vei'o (exp!)
binary mekso operator: form quotient space X1/X.
vei'u (exp!)
binary mekso operator: mod(ulus)/remainder; X1 \% X2, \,\,\, X1 (mod(X2)).
vo'au'u (exp!)
quaternary mathematical operator: (left) convolution (a★b)(c) in structure d
brisni/statement terminator.
xa'a (exp!)
naturalistic interjection: laughter
xa'e (exp!)
location tense distance: too far to interact with; subjective
interval endpoint status (exclusive/inclusive) marker: independent of the other, all options satisfy
symbol string to number/variable
mekso convention default specification/definition (explicit)
text to number/variable
mekso convention cancellation
elliptical/vague interval endpoint status (exclusive/inclusive) marker
mekso clausal referent bracket initializer
interval endpoint status (exclusive/inclusive) marker: dependent and coincident/matching with other
xe'o (exp!)
discursive: simply/merely/just, "all there is to it" - not simply, not just, "there's more to it"
Abstraction variable indicator selbrisle.
binary mekso operator: for ordered list X1, this word outputs the same ordered list except the indices/subscripts have been relabelled/redefined/reindexed according to rule X2 (see notes).
xi'oi'ei (exp!)
UI discursive: litotes - - anti-litotes
xo'au (exp!)
pro-numeral: the most-recently mentioned full/complete numerical or mathematical string/expression.
xo'ei (exp!)
unary mekso operator: produces a string of n consecutive "xo'e"'s, treated as digits (concatenated into a single string of digits)
Toggles grammar so that every mention of a number n is interpreted as "at least n".
interval endpoint status (exclusive/inclusive) marker: dependent and contrary/contraposed with other
xy'y (exp!)
naturalistic interjection: in thought/contemplation
connective: elliptical/generic/vague
time tense distance: an unspecified distance in time
zai'a (exp!)
attitudinal modifier: observed emotion; preceding attitudinal is observed on listener
jargon word indicator; indicates next word is a jargon word
pro-sumti: the empty argument/value; syntactically-contextually and type-permitted maximally generic in its typing
text affirmation/negation mode toggle
unary mekso operator: reverse ordered list/tuple X1.
last-th conversion: switches the last terbri with the first one.
n-Merge Conversion: placed immediately before a selbri, merges x1 and all xa places.
time tense interval: for some length of time.
begin quote that is converted into rafsi
begin quote that is converted into rafsi, distributing lujvo-glue between quoted words
Delete all sumti slots of the immediately preceding word which are not explicitly filled excepting the first n (specified by subscript; contextless default: n=0).
zi'ai (exp!)
jargon word indicator; indicates previous word is a jargon word
nonexistent/undefining it; the selbri is not applicable when the other terbri are filled in the manner in which they are in this utterance/bridi.
converts a following bu-letteral into a sumti representing the musical natural note with that name.
fills and deletes (in the manner as "{zi'o}") all terbri sumti slots of immediately previous (id est: tagged) word that are not explicitly filled with a sumti.
Delete subsequent sumti slots.
the referent of itself; guards the scope of the sumti
non-mekso quote/name substitution for ordered collection of prescriptions, descriptions, definitions, etc.
empty string/text/word
zoi'u (exp!)
tags a topic or prenex; scopes over the entire bridi (unless there is already a {zo'u} clause).
typically what?
zu'oi (exp!)
mekso; binary operator: z-score for the X1 quantile; X2 (default: 1) acts as the descriptor toggle (see notes).
x1 (text, entity) is a palindrome in retaining x2 (by default x1) via rules x3 (property of x1)
x1 is the action (physics quantity) of system x2 during the course of evolution/history/over path/within spacetime region x3 under conditions x4
x1 is a knockoff/off-brand version of product x2.
x1 pertains to/reflects Levant/Mashriq/al-Shaam/Shumm (eastern Mediterranean, northeast African, western Asian, western Middle Eastern; Mediterranean littoral region, Fertile Crescent subregion) culture/nationality/geography/history/character in aspect x2
x1 is a plant symbolizing the idea of love, to x2.
x1 (quoted text) is a fragment/incomplete statement/question/utterance/proposition/text with intended meaning x2 in the context/under conditions x3 (default: the currently relevant context)
x1 is altricial, requires nourishment, a baby, infant
x1 is extremely awe-inspiring/amazing and possibly humbling to experiencer/observer x2
x1 (agent) consigns (by thought, word, or deed) x2 (patient) to fate x3 (abstraction)
x1 shows/demonstrates x2 (object/event) to audience x3
x1 is a grammatical abstraction of type x2
x1 is an auxetic structure/material with Poisson ratio x2 (li) composed of physical material/substance x3, having geometry or other properties x4.
x1 (usually Lojban word) is the BAI cmavo corresponding to root word/gismu x2.
x1 (text, image, page element) is infra/later-mentioned/subsequently mentioned/later/following/below/toward the bottom of the page/screen (flat and primarily two-dimensional display) relative to x2 (text, image, page element) on page/screen/in work x3 according to cultural convention x4.
x1 is the learning process / overall learning event of [learner] x2 on topic x3, including facts / subtopics x4.
x1 pertains to the Laurasian supercontinent/large subcontinent in aspect x2, more specifically associated with time period or arrangement x3
x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'linkargs' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
c1 is dragon's blood [bright red resin] of plant species c2 (genus Croton/Dracaena/Daemonorops/Calamus rotang/Pterocarpus).
x1 is a brochure about x2; x1 is paper document informing about x2
x1 exhibits spina di pesce/Brunelleschi herringbone (zigzag) pattern/design with features x2
x1 is x2 shekels/tolas in mass by standard x3
x1 is an emu of variety/species x2.
x1 is a secretarybird (bird of family Sagittariidae) of subtaxon/genus/species/breed x2.
x1 (system) is a deterministic dynamic system displaying chaotic/extreme input-sensitivity in property/aspect x2 with characteristics (parts, relations, manner, output, etc.) x3
x1 is the total-order(ing) '<' on the cardinals.
x1 is a mathematical structure defined on underlying structure/set/parts x2 with properties/rules/relations/operands/functions/substructures x3 in mathematics x4.
x1 (mass/group/set) is the (primary) out-group counterpart to in-group x2 (mass/group/set) with respect to characteristic x3 (ka; truth/proposition), which is possessed/satisfied by x2, where both x1 and x2 are nonempty, strict, mutually disjoint subdivisions of supergroup/superset x4 (mass/group/set), with the othering performed (mentally; not necessarily in a way externally manifested) according to the psyche of x5; x5 others x1 from x2 around focal issue/property x3
x1 (li; number/quantity) is the weighted quasi-arithmetic mean/generalized f-mean of/on data x2 (completely specified ordered multiset/list) using function x3 (defaults according to the notes; if it is an extended-real number, then it has a particular interpretation according to the Notes) with weights x4 (completely specified ordered multiset/list with same cardinality/length as x2; defaults according to Notes).
x1 is the mean-value theorem mean/forward-difference-quotient mean of the elements of (multi)set x2 (1-element or 2-element set) under/for function x3.
x1 s the Heronian mean of the elements of the ordered multiset/list x2.
x1 (person(s)) is/are adopted by x2 (individual, family, tribe/clan, community, team, institution, etc.) into the latter's overarching family/clan/tribe/community/team/institution/etc. x4 in(to) role/relation x3 or an analog thereof via means/law/norm/socio-cultural or other mechanism x5; x2 adopts x1 into x2's family11.
x1 gives/donates/pays/remunerates/exchanges/vel sim. x2 (money, remuneration, payment, bartered good, kind, specie, item, gift, vel sim.) to x3 (recipient, seller, vel sim.).
x1 is a formal polynomial with coefficients x2 (ordered list) of degree x3 (li; nonnegative integer) over structure/ring x4 (to which coefficients x2 all belong) and in indeterminant x5.
x1 is such that its directed axis or primary 'face' is oriented/faces/aimed in the direction of/toward point x2 according to convention x3
x1 is a value / proof of type / proposition x2 under context x3 in (type / logical) system x4.
x1 (condition) is the condition for an exception/'else' case of rule x2 with its own rule/outcome/consequent x3.
x1 (ordered list) is a sampling of entries of matrix/tensor x2 in which exactly one entry is sampled from each row and/or column (etc.) between entries x3 (list; default: the largest 'square'/'hypercubic' sampling possible in the entire tensor starting with the first entry, see notes) inclusively following selection procedure/rule/function/order x4 (default: diagonally, see notes), where the tensor/matrix is expressed in basis/under conditions x5
d1 (individual, mass) dances jazz dance to accompaniment/music/rhythm d2.
d1 (individual, mass) dances polska to accompaniment/music/rhythm d2.
x1 is a makefile designed to produce output files / data / event x2 from rules x3.
d1 is a pea from plant [legume] of species Pisum sativum of variation/variety/cultivar d2.
x1 has experienced x2 (timestamp-style expression of dimensionful measure of time) units of time of existence/life according to standard x3
x1 pertains to the Gregorian calendar.
x1 is an electric charge which measures x2 (li; default: 1) coulombs by standard/under convention x3 (default: SI definition, except the charge of the proton is negative).
x1 (li) is congruent to x2 (li) modulo x3 (li)
x1 is a mosasaur [member of family Mosasauridae] of subtaxon/type/genus/species/variety/breed x2.
x1 is a bagel of type x2 (ka)
x1 is an object described as x2, x3, ... (termset representing serializable tree structure compatible with JSON format of attribute-value pairs).
x1 gives x2 (number) votes (upvotes) to x3
x1 is a red bean plant (Vigna angularis) of cultivar/variety/subtaxon x2.
x1 is recursively related to x2 by applying x3 (number) levels-of-recursion of the predicate-relation x4 (ka with two ce'u)
x1 is the return value of a function without body (with possibly more arguments)
x1 (set, list) excludes/does not contain x2.
x1 is a unit of x2
x1 is a gun for use by x2 against x3, launching material x4
x1 (digit string/byte, storage system, convention) has endianness x2 ("ce'o" sequence of numbers (li); description (ka?)); x1 is x2-endian.
x1 abstractly pertains to an exponential/root/logarithmic relationship between the elements of x2 (ordered pair) which are related via concrete relationship x3.
x1 happens in universe-of-discourse x2
x1 is an (arbitrary) x2-set (li) of superset x3; x1 is subset/subgroup/subcategory/subclass/vel sim. of x3 with cardinality/size x2.
x1 (text) is written in a dialect where every bridi has arguments expressed in content/patient/recipient/stimulus semantic cases schema
x1 (amount) is the entropy of system x2 under conditions/in macrostate x3, where the entropy is of type/calculated via formula x4.
x1, in aspect x2, reflects the culture/lifestyle/people of a non-native (immigrant/invading/alien) population/culture x3 which at least partially but significantly and somewhat permanently (having established itself) locally supplanted, displaced, or dominated the indigenous/native culture x4 in region x5 (location)
x1 is the (x2 + 1)-оюродный (li; integer) kin member/relative of x4 defined from base relation x3 (si'o; generic term, applied with respect to x4) in directed, connected tree graph/network/hierarchy x5.
x1 exists/is real in universe-of-discourse x2
x1 reflects Irish/Hibernian culture/geography/nation/history/language in property x2
x1 (abstraction) is the purpose of x2 (object or event)
x1 is skilled at satisfying property x2, relatively to x3.
x1 is the value (sumti-object) associated with x2 (label or description), from compound object x3, in interpretation rules/system x4
x1 (record, movie) has the dimension x2 (ka)
x1 (person/computer/agent) finds the result of applying mathematical function/operator x2 to arguments x3 (ordered list)
x1 is the result of evaluating mathematical object x2 at point/with input value x3 (ordered tuple)
x1 (function) is the restriction of function x2 to domain set x3
x1 (nu) happens together with x2 (nu); x1 happens while x2 (one sense)
x1 does not exist/is not real/is not actual/is not reality/is fake for x2 under metaphysics x3; x1 is a fakester/huxter (no intention of tricking, because it does not exist).
x1 takes a fika [social institution]/coffee break together with x2 consuming food/beverage x3.
x1 is a quantity of dark matter/dark gravitation [unknown thing with gravitational consequences] with properties x2
x1 is a frustum/cone/cylinder/pyramid made of material x2 with larger base x3 and at-most-as-large base x4, with other characteristics x5.
x1 (plural of ordered pairs) is an exhaustive set (possibly infinite) of inputs/outputs defining a unary function which yields result x3 when given input x2; x1(x2) = x3
x1 (text, image, page element) is supra/aforementioned/previous/earlier/preceding/above/toward the top of the page/screen (flat and primarily two-dimensional display) relative to x2 (text, image, page element) on page/screen/in work x3 according to cultural convention x4.
x1 is the sensation/qualia (abstract) associated with objects with property x2 (ka), via sense x3 (ka), as sensed by x4
x1 is the declined form of base noun x2 according to case x3 in language x4.
x1 is pickle-/cucumber-shaped
x1 gives x2 (li) fucks about x3.
x1 (text / virtual-text-object) is a variable representing x2
x1 pertains to the Gondwana/Gondwanaland supercontinent/large subcontinent in aspect x2, more specifically associated with time period or arrangement x3
x1 is the graph on vertices/nodes x2 (set) and edges x3 (set of ordered or unordered tuples of vertices in x2) and with additional properties x4.
x1 is a 'quipyew' tree graph with special node x2, on nodes x3 (set of points; includes x2), with edges x4 (set of ordered pairs of nodes), and with other properties x5.
x1 is a public transit system serving x2 and offering services x3 (ka).
if x1 (proposition) is true then x2 (event) happens else x3 (event) happens
x1 is a doctrine/theory/system/philosophy/practice/action/habit/mindset/ism characterized by belief/tendency/action/idea x2 (abstraction), and incidentally is practiced by x3 (and possibly others).
x1 (text) is written in a dialect where every bridi has arguments expressed in Lakoff's image schemata
x1 is the momentum [vector] of x2 in frame of reference x3
x1 (proposition) is a clause expressing adverbial relation x2 (property of nonce place, has places for ce'u referring to members of x3) and connecting members of x3 (ordered group)
x1 (text) is a clause with adverbial x2 (text) and connecting members of x3 (ordered group of text)
x1 (event/state) implies / suggests / is circumstantial evidence for x2 (du'u); the probability that x2 is true, given x1, is greater than the probability without x1
x1 reflects/pertains to the regions which are approximated by the Indian subcontinent, or cultures vel sim. thereof, in aspect x2.
x1 is an inflammation experienced by/in body(-part) x2 of type/characterised by x3; x1 is a medical condition of x2 (part of body), consisting in congestion of the blood vessels, with obstruction of the blood current, and growth of morbid tissue; x2 [if it is a body part rather than a whole person/organism] is inflamed
x1 (loi; result) is a quantity of a herbal infusion meant for consumption, from sources/herbs x2 (list of primary ingredients), extracted and introduced to substrate liquid by process x3 (default: steeping or soaking), introduced to substrate x4 (default: liquid water).
x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'text' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
x1 is the ISO designation/result/standard/code for topic x2 applied to specific case/individual/group/thing x3 according to rule/ISO specification x4 published by/according to mandating organization x5 (default: ISO)
x1 (event/state) is on Sunday or the zeroth day of a week x2 in system x3.
x1 (event/state) is on Tuesday or the second day of a week x2 in system x3.
x1 (event/state) is on Wednesday or the third day of a week x2 in system x3.
x1 (event/state) is on Friday or the fifth day of a week x2 in system x3.
x1 (event/state) is on Monday or the first day of a week x2 in system x3.
x1 (event/state) is on Tuesday or the second day of a week x2 in system x3.
x1 (event/state) is on Thursday or the fourth day of a week x2 in system x3.
x1 (event/state) is on Saturday or the sixth day of a week x2 in system x3.
x1 (event/state) is on Sunday or the seventh day of a week x2 in system x3.
x1 pertains to the geography/culture/history(/diaspora/descendents) of the Abrahamic Holy Land in property/aspect x2
x1 is a trefoil knot (shape/object) with characteristics x2
x1 is near to/close to/approximates x2 in property/quality/aspect/characteristic/quantity x3, and the argument(s) which fill the x4th (li; 1 or 2) sumti slot(s) of this word actually has/attains property (vel sim.) x3 according to standard x5.
x1 (mass/set) do orienteering in competition of type x2 [property of the event] with (other) rule(s) x3 [property of each participant].
x1 is the result of applying logical connective/conjunction x2 to the terms of the ordered list x3 in the order given, in system x4
x1 is the port number of process x2 running in computer x3, port number used by protocol x4.
x1 blanches/cooks/prepares food-for-eating x2 by sitting it in boiling liquid x3 for a short time-duration/interval x4 and then plunged into/placed under running liquid x5, blanched at boiling temperature x6 and pressure x7.
x1 is the ISO designation/result/standard/code for topic x2 applied to specific case/individual/group/thing x3 according to rule/ISO specification x4 published by/according to mandating organization x5 (default: ISO)
x1 (contestant) comes in x2th (integer; typically positive but no more than the length/cardinality of x4; lesser values represent better performance) place in contest x3 against opponents x4 (complete list (not mecessarily ordered) or set of all qualifying competitors); x1 has rank x2 in contest/conpetition/game/tournament/campaign x3.
x1 is the IATA (International Air Transport Association) designation/result/standard/code for general subject type x2 (contextless default probably: airports) applied to specific case/entity/procedure/group/hub/terminus/location x3 according to rule/IATA specification/publication x4 published by/according to mandating organization x5 (default: IATA)
x1 is the ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization; French: Organisation de l'aviation civile internationale, OACI) designation/result/standard/code for general subject type x2 (contextless default probably: airports) applied to specific case/entity/procedure/group/hub/terminus/location x3 according to rule/ICAO specification/publication x4 published by/according to mandating organization x5 (default: ICAO)
x1 reflects Caucasian culture/politics/language(s)/geography in aspect x2.
c1 is made of/contains/is a quantity of Kentucky coffee from source/bean/grain c2.
x1 is black cumin (Bunium) of species/variety x2
x1 is a real number which belongs to the interval (0, 1), or it belongs to the set x2 (contextless default: empty set), exactly.
x1 (collection, body, set, mass, tuple, n-some, etc.) is x2 (li; default: 1) indivisible/atomic/elementary/basic discrete entities (or particles) of type x3 in composition/content, by standard x4; the count of instances of x3 in x1 is x2 by standard x4.
x1 (quantity) is a hair cleaning/care/maintenance/styling substance/product for purpose x2 of composition x3; x1 is a quantity of hair product
x1 is (a) classic in/of genre/type x2 in aspects/features x3 by standard/judgment of x4
x1 is blackseed/nigella of species/variety x2
x1 is a clade/cladus/monophyletic class formed by most-recent common ancestor(s) x2 and all lineal descendants thereof in family/directed tree structure/according to relationship or standard x3.
x1 is a fruit tea made of x2
x1 (set/shape) is convex in sense x2.
x1 is a corpus of/a large collection of texts x2.
x1 is reflects/pertains to creole language/culture x2 in aspect x3, which has influences/history/origin/ancestry x4
x1 is queer in aspect x2 (ka)
x1 reflects Caucasian culture in aspect x2.
x1 is directly or indirectly touching x2 via intermediate steps x3 (ce'o list); x1 and x2 belong to the same connected component.
x1 is a moiety (descent group) in society x2 with counterpart/other moiety x2.
x1 is a relative of x2 such that they both share an effective family tree which includes a common relative x3; x1 is a relative of x2 on x3's side of the family.
x1 is/are the thing(s) described/named with property x2 by the speaker, who thinks this is contextually enough information for the listener to understand what are x1's referent(s)
x1 is a language used by x2 to express x3 (du'u, not quote)
x1 is a lingonberry of species/variety x2
x1 (quote) is a text/word/sequence wherein the characters/phonemes are taken over alphabet x2 (set)
x1 is an absent or deadbeat co-parent of x2, the 'primary' parent of whom is x1.
x1 judges/rates/opines x2 [abstraction] to have morality score x3 [number; default: 1] in respect/according to standard/judged according to or in system x4; x1 believes in (the (im)morality of) x2
x1 (event/state) is in the eighth month/August of a year x2 in system x3.
x1 (event/state) is in the third month/March of a year x2 in system x3.
x1 (event/state) is in the tenth month/October of a year x2 in system x3.
x1 (event/state) is in the eleventh month/November of a year x2 in system x3.
x1 (event/state) is in the twelfth month/December of a year x2 in system x3.
x1 (event/state) is in the thirteenth month/Undecimber of a year x2 in system x3.
x1 (event/state) is in the fifth month/May of a year x2 in system x3.
x1 (event/state) is in the first month/January of a year x2 in system x3.
x1 (event/state) is in the second month/February of a year x2 in system x3.
x1 (event/state) is in the fourteenth month/Duodecimber of a year x2 in system x3.
x1 (event/state) is in the ninth month/September of a year x2 in system x3.
x1 (event/state) is in the fifteenth month of a year x2 in system x3.
x1 (event/state) is in the fourth month/April of a year x2 in system x3.
x1 (event/state) is in the sixth month/June of a year x2 in system x3.
x1 (event/state) is in the fourteenth month/Duodecimber of a year x2 in system x3.
x1 (event/state) is in the seventh month/July of a year x2 in system x3.
x1 and x2 are indistinguishable from each other, they seem to share all their properties except maybe their location and identity, as perceived by observer x3
x1 is the x2 (designation) Lagrange point for orbital system x3 under coordinate-determining convention and naming convention and calculation method x4.
x1 is morganatic in property x2 according to rule/law/custom/culture x3.
x1 is the/our actual physical universe in its entirety.
x1 is so extreme in property x2 and in direction x3 that it is not actually of the same type or kind, by standard or in set of options x4.
x1 [body-part] is the male genital cavity of individual x2
x1 (mass) is population/ethnic/racial group that is scattered/separated from their original homeland x2 for reason x3; x1 is diasporic
x1 is the linear-momentum-energy-mass [four-vector] of x2 in frame of reference x3
x1 is a flower nectar of organ/plant x2; x1 is a liquid secretion that is attractive to pollinators
x1 (ni) is a quantity
x1 wears 'on' (Japanese term) on x2 due to x3; x1 is thankful/feels obligation/owes to x2 due to x3; x2 is kind/grants favor/offers 'on' to x1 in x3; x1 has unpayable debt to x2 for x3; x2 is an 'onjin' (benefactor, Japanese term)
x1 is a kanji (Japanese logograph) with kun'yomi (native, Sino-Japanese reading) x2, on'yomi (compound, Chinese reading) x3, with etymology/meaning/radical/s x4.
x1 is an ordered tuple/sequence of x2 (li) members, namely x3, x4, x5 ...
x1 pertains to the Pangaea supercontinent in aspect x2, more specifically associated with time period or arrangement x3
x1 is 1337/leet in aspect/property x2 (ka) by standard x3.
x1 (plural) each satisfying x2 (ka), one by one, is how x3 (nu) is brought about.
x1 (the acidity/hydrogen activity of a solution) measures x2 in pH according to scale (si'o) x3 using logarithmic base x4 (default: ten)
x1 is Pinkie Pie from My Little Pony
p1 (agent) drinks/imbibes latte refreshment p2 [caffelatte/(masala) chai latte/mate latte/matcha latte] from/out-of container/source p3.
x1 is a playground for people including x2 with equipment including x3, situated in ambient/surrounding area x4.
x1 is a polyform/polyplet/polyomino/polyabolo/polyiamond (etc.) composed of parts/'tile' polytope x2 arranged in (finite) unified shape/pattern x3 in ambient space x4 and subject to rules/restrictions/conditions x5
x1 is something which is (relatively, but immensely) strong in domain/in doing x2 but which is (relatively but extremely) restricted (thus weakened and vulnerable) in domain/doing x3
x1 is a strict/proper sub-x2 [structure] in/of x3; x2 is a structure and x1 and x3 are both examples of that structure x2 such that x1 is entirely contained within x3 (where containment is defined according to the standard/characteristics/definition of x2; but in any case, no member/part/element that belongs to x1 does not also belong to x3), but there is some member/part/element of x3 that does not belong to x1 in the same way.
x1 reflects Prussian culture/nationality/geography in aspect x2.
x1 (curling angular-direction) is a quantity expressed angularly with direction (counter)clockwise and which maps to (pseudo)vector x2 (Cartesian direction) via rule/convention x3
x1 is an atomic element in group x2 [usually, vertical column; denotes electron configuration and, thereby, chemical similarity with vertical neighbors] and period x3 [usually, horizontal row; denotes similarity in size with horizontal neighbors, as well as having the same number and type of electron shells as them] and belonging to other 'class'/'category'/'type'/having other properties x4 according to scheme/organization pattern/standard/periodic table x5.
x1 is a man/human/humanoid/android (one sense)/person.
x1 is recursively related to x2 by applying x3 (number) levels-of-recursion of the predicate-relation x4 (ka with two ce'u)
x1 pertains to the Commonwealth of Nations/Commonwealth Realms/(second) British Empire (culture, populations, supranational/international organizational government, national governments, events, etc.), or perhaps any part thereof or any of them, in property x2.
x1 is a regular expression / regex with match string x2 and replacement string x3 (default: zi'o) governed by rules x4
s1 is a cassia tree (genus Cassia) of species/strain/cultivar s2.
c1 is a dwarf [mythology/fantasy] of mythology c2.
x1 is a file compiled from sources / resources x2 by compiler x3.
x1 is an image file representing x2 in format x3 and attributes (e.g. size) x4 (ka).
x1 is a Dedekind cut associated with number/point x2 of totally ordered set x3
x1 is a mathematical set, containing members x2
x1 (predicate, relation, function, set of n-tuples) is the converse/conversion/complement/transpose/commutation/functional-'permutation' of x2 (same typing as x1), as defined on set/object/space/graph x4, with argument/input slots permuted via function/operator/marker/permutation/(group) action x3.
x1 (value, state, form) is the asymptote/limit [Calculus sense] of function/dependent variable/limitand x2 as independent variable(s) x3 tend(s) toward point/respective value(s)/tuple x4 along path/from direction x5.
x1 is similar to/appears like/seems like x2 in quality/property/aspect x3 (ka), and the argument(s) in the x4th (li; 1 or 2) sumti slot(s) of this word actually attains/has the said quality (vel sim.) x3 according to standard x5.
x1 (line segment) is a neuein/neusis line segment (line element) constructed from directrix x2 (curve; not necessarily linear) to catchline x3 (curve; not necessarily linear, despite the name) which is inclined toward pole x4 (point) such that it has diastema (length) x5 (li; nonnegative extended-real number).
x1 is the [probably spatial] linear momentum [vector] of x2 in frame of reference x3
x1 is a binary operator in structure x2 which exhibits the Jacobi property with respect to binary operator x3 (which also endows x2) and element/object x4 (which is an element of the underlying set which form x2).
s1 is an orchid of genus Leptotes of species/strain/cultivar s2.
s1 is a daisy (genus Buphthalmum) of species/strain/cultivar s2.
x1 is an indentation/dent/impression/well/hole/bowl/pocket/invagination/sheath/divot in body x2.
x1 is a radish-turnip hybrid of species/variety x2
s1 is the edible portion s2 [default: head] of artichoke s3.
x1 is a steppe (region/biome).
x1 is the predicate abstraction described by text x2, and is of type x3
x1 is the conceptualized/ideal/abstract shape of a crescent/concave 'horned' (then convex rounded) form/geometric partially-concave lune formed by/manifested from the intersection x2 (parameters) of two-dimensional circular disks immersed (embedded) in geometry/defined by metric x3
Target node x1 and primary subject node x4 belong to the same (single) strictly-directed, connected tree graph/network/hierarchy or are related by relation scheme x5 such that x1 has coordinates (x2, x and x4 has coordinates (0, 0) according to the labelling scheme which is described in the notes hereof.
x1 is a selskiski-style (noun-adjective) / military-style tanru with x2 modifying x3, giving meaning x4 in usage/instance x5
x1 is directly/linearly proportional to x2 via coefficient/constant of proportionality x3 and background/constant offset x4; there exists constants x3 and x4 such that x1 = x3×x.
x1 poses deflated and derided morally worthless, cheap, vulgar, commonplace, banal qualities according to x2 in aspect x3.
x1 is a bikin/two piece skimpy woman's garment of material x2 consisting of top x3 and bottom x4
x1 (node/vertex/station) is forward of/along from x2 in oriented graph x3 (graph with orientation) using oriented edge path x4 (ordered sequence of ordered pairs). The path from x2 to x1 runs along/is coparallel with/downstream of the orientation on x3 along path x4.
x1 (node/vertex/station) is backward of/along from x2 in oriented graph x3 (graph with orientation) using oriented edge path x4 (ordered sequence of ordered pairs; oriented edges). The path from x2 to x1 along the (now-unoriented version of the) edges used in x4 is counter/against/upstream of the orientation of x3 (and/or given by the oriented version of x4).
x1 (nu) is a conversation/dialogue/exchange/scene/series of communicative responses/series of expressions/series of messages/exchange of information event between participating speakers x2 (ordered list; ce'o) and passive or active audience members x3 (set; may repeat elements of x2) in languages x4 (use "fa'u" if desired) and via expressive media x5 (use "fa'u" if desired) in which the following utterances/messages/expressions are, in/according to frame of reference x6, made/sent or received in approximately the following chronological order: x7 (sedu'u/text/quote/lu'e concept vel sim.), x8 (sedu'u/text/quote/lu'e concept vel sim.), x9 (sedu'u/text/quote/lu'e concept vel sim.), ... (open-ended terbri structure of arbitrarily many sumti slots).
x1 is the formatted address for something - (with format) starting with x2, which is an address/locality/administrative subunit/region which belongs to slightly broader address/locality/administrative subunit/region x3, which in turn itself belongs to a slightly broader address/locality/administrative subunit/region x4, \dots (etc.).
x1 is the "ce ki tau jau" dialect of Lojban, used by x2 to communicate x3 (si'o/du'u)
x1 is the 'ce ki tau jei' dialect of Lojban, used by x2 to communicate x3 (si'o/du'u)
x1 is a chia/Salvia of species x2
x1 reflects Chilean culture/nationality/language in aspect x2.
x1 (lu; quote) is said/expressed by x2, followed by expression x3 (lu; quote), via expressive medium x4, and then continuing on/proceeding/serially resuming to express/say x5 (lu; quote), and then x6 (lu; quote), and then x7 (lu; quote), ... (open-ended terbri structure of arbitrarily many sumti slots).
x1 feels cold chill (chills, thrills, frissons, skin orgasm) at locus x2
x1 feels tingling/pins and needles sensation/paresthesia/formication/limb falling asleep sensation/prickling/numbness at locus x2
x1 is a tube/hole/tunnel through (topological) torus x2.
x1 is a torus of genus x2 (li; nonnegative integer), having x3 (li; nonnegative integer) distinct cusps, and with other properties/characteristics x4, by standard/in sense x5; x1 is an x2-fold torus.
x1 translates x2 (source) into x3 (result/product)
x1 (li) is an extremal bound (supremum/infimum/possibly-unattained extremum (loose sense in English)/asymptote (one sense)/best possible bound (one sense)) on set x2 (set) in direction x3 (li) in ordered structure x4; x1 bounds x2 tightly/maximally-strongly from the x3 side in x4; x2 is bounded from the x3 side by x1 and any other bound on that side is worse than is x1.
x1 is cool/trendy/fashionable/in style/hip/chic/sophisticated-and-socially-desirable to x2 (observer) by standard x3.
x1 has an hourglass form [shape] and is composed of material x2 with narrow region x3 and bulbs/wider regions x4
x1 is cumin (cuminum cyminum) of species/variety x2
x1 performs workout/exercise/training x2 (ka) using equipment/accessories x3.
x1 (linear manifold, vector, etc.) is/lies secant to x2 (object, surface, curve, manifold, etc.) passing through or toward points/loci x3 (set of intersected points), by standard/definition/in system x4.
x1 reflects the geography/culture/history of the region constituting central Eurasia, including/especially former Eurasian territory of the Persian Empire, the Eurasian steppes, and regions near the Black and Caspian Seas (such as the modern regions/countries ending in "-stan" (and several others)), in property/aspect x2
x1 masturbates, by action/stimuli x2 (property of x1).
x1 (event) is impressive, awesome/awe-inspiring, wicked, really good, wonderful (either sense), acceptable (downplaying the intensity of the word) to x2 by standard x3.
x1 is semantically regularized in x2 (property of x1)
x1 (text) is a zi'evla made of UI cmavos, optional glue, and a rafsi or piece of a gismu; meaning x2 (ka) in language x3.
x1 is/does/has characteristic/has so much of x2 (ka) in attempt (at least to the point) that it no longer actually qualifies as such by standard x3
x1 (set) is measurable and has measure x2 (li; non-negative real number or possibly positive infinity) by measure x3 in space/dimensionality/under conditions x4; x2 is the x3 measure of set x1 in space x4; x3 is a measure which is defined on some class of measurable sets in x4 such that it maps x1 to x2
x1 is an ungulate/member of clade Ungulata, of taxon/subclade/species/breed x2.
x1 is a general metropolitan area with (population, commercial, industrial, business, economic, infrastructural, vel sim.) center/focal point/downtown/main or dominating urban area x2, with supporting semi-urban/inner suburban region x3, more (outer) suburban region x4, and exurban region x5.
x1 and x2 are path-linked by binary predicate x3 (ka) via intermediate steps x4 (ce'o; (ordered) list).
x1 and x2 are path-linked by binary predicate x3 (ka; possibly non-symmetric/non-commutative) via a from-x1-to-x2-directed graph geodesic of length x4 (li; nonnegative integer or positive infinity) in graph x5 (default: maximal) which is generated by relation x3.
x1 and x2 are path-linked by directed binary predicate x3 (ka) via intermediate steps x4 (ordered list; ce'o) in graph x5, such that (in the graph x5) both (A) no other node exists to which x2 is connected in/by the same way/direction/relation and (B) no other node exists to which x1 is connected in/by the opposite/(anti)symmetric/reversed way/direction/relation.
x1 and x2 are path-connected by ordered binary relation/predicate x3 (ka), such that all paths which satisfy condition(s) x4 (ka; default: no additional conditions) in the relevant graph (x5) linking nodes by said relation x3 in a directed manner and which contain x1 must also (later in the path) contain x2.
x1 and x2 are path-connected by ordered binary relation/predicate x3 (ka), such that all paths which satisfy condition(s) x4 (ka; default: no additional conditions) in the relevant graph (x5) linking nodes by said relation x3 in a directed manner and which contain x1 must also (later in the path) contain x2.
x1 and x2 are path-linked by binary predicate x3 (ka; possibly non-symmetric/non-commutative) via some from-x1-to-x2-directed path of length x4 (li; nonnegative integer or positive infinity) in/through graph x5 (default: maximal) which is generated by relation x3.
x1 is linked by binary predicate x2 (ka) to x3. which in turn is linked by x2 to x4, which in turn is linked by x2 to x5, ...
x1 and x2 are path-linked by binary predicate x3 (ka) via intermediate steps x4 (ce'o; (ordered) list but not necessarily fully and explicitly specified without skipping/gaps/omissions/implicit terms).
x1 pertains to Klingon/Klingonese culture/nationality/language in aspect x2.
x1 is a va'islinku'i word (a fu'ivla valid only because slinku'i words are not)
x1 is a xazdmru word
x1 is a slinku'i word
x1 is the gospel (religious teaching) testifying of x2 according to x3
x1 is remembered by someone/something which remembers ... which remembers someone/something which is remembered by x2 via intermediate nodes/steps x3 (ce'o; ordered list).
x1 is a vector (mathematical object/number/operator) representing or meaning (object/information) x2 with properties x3
x1 (set of tuples) is the x4-Winsorized data formed from data set x2 (set of tuples), Winsorizing with respect to variable x3.
x1 is a coronavirus (subfamily Orthocoronavirinae) of species/breed/defining property x2 capable of infecting [at] x3.
x1 is virtual compared to real x2
x1 flies/swims through fluid x2 using means of propulsion/lift x3.
x1 swindles x2 into state/event x3 by promising x4; x1 commits 419/advance fee fraud.
x1 is someone with a plurality of cultural identities which matter to them/for relevant purposes, including x2, x3, ...
x1 is \sqrtA = \sqrt2×5 [decimal: 1\times10+(1/2)] of x2 in dimension/aspect x3 (default is units).
x1 is / is some cocaine of purity x2.
x1 is to the red of x2; of a wave: x1 (wave, color, etc.) has greater wavelength/lesser frequency than x2 (wave, color, etc.) in medium/under conditions/in frame of reference x3.
x1 is conscious, aware, capable of understanding experiences to some degree, and capable of forming new and lasting experiential memories, and has some sense of defined and stable self/identity/personality according to standard x2.
x1 properly (in a good sense) simplify x2 in x3 (ka); x1 minimize x2
x1 is the Dirac delta function (generalized), defined on structure x2 (contextless default is probably the field of real numbers), yielded by family of distributions x3 (contextless default is probably Gaussians centered at 0 and which enclose unit area)
x1 is a Kronecker delta function defined on structure x2 which evaluates to one for any argument belonging to subset x3 and which evaluates to zero otherwise
x1 (experiencer/function) increases/gains/is incremented/augmented in property/quantity x2 such that it achieves/had achieved having that property at 'time' x3 (abstraction, number) according to standard x4
x1 is to the violet of x2; of a wave: x1 (wave, color, etc.) has lesser wavelength/greater frequency than x2 (wave, color, etc.) in medium/under conditions/in frame of reference x3.
x1 (li) is a bound on set x2 (set) in direction x3 (li) in ordered structure x4; x1 bounds x2 from the x3 side in x4; x2 is bounded from the x3 side by x1.
x1 (linear manifold, vector, etc.) is/lies tangent to x2 (object, surface, curve, manifold, etc.) at point/locus x3, by standard/definition/in system x4.
x1 (entity) takes action x2 (property of x1) or x2 (entity) takes action x1 (property of x2) in order to x3 (clause)
the alphabetic order used in Latin and basic derivative alphabets.
the Kuiper belt of Sol system
the Oepik-Oort Cloud of Sol system.
x1 is Sagittarius [astronomical constellation/astrological sign].
Holy Roman Empire (of the German Nation)
Eleanor, Eléanor, Éléonore, Aliénor (as of Aquitane)
Cuyahoga county, Ohio
Pertaining to the Miami Valley of Ohio (which drains into the Ohio River near Cincinnati)
Name: The Moon / Luna. Earth's primary natural satellite.
Sedai (honorific/title/name/rank/organization)
Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S.A.
Mount Everest
the order of characters/code points in Unicode.
name: UTC, Universal Coordinated Time (time standard)
gi bu
pro-sumti: in the second half of a sumti forethought connective expression, refers to the first half.
.a zei .u
(x1; undefined grammatical construction: a connective of some sort, but possibly acting as a brivla).
ciska zei uidje
c3=u1 is a text field with text c2 in user interface u2.
mekso 4-nary operator: spherical harmonics on colatitudinal/polar angle a and azimuthal/longitudinal angle b of unassociated order c and associated order d.
x1 exhibits spina di pesce/Brunelleschi herringbone (zigzag) pattern/design with features x2
x1 pertains to the Gondwana/Gondwanaland supercontinent/large subcontinent in aspect x2, more specifically associated with time period or arrangement x3
x1 is the IATA (International Air Transport Association) designation/result/standard/code for general subject type x2 (contextless default probably: airports) applied to specific case/entity/procedure/group/hub/terminus/location x3 according to rule/IATA specification/publication x4 published by/according to mandating organization x5 (default: IATA)
x1 is a rodent [member of eutherian mammal Rodentia] of subtaxon/type/genus/species/breed/variety x2
s1 is a cassia tree (genus Cassia) of species/strain/cultivar s2.
c1 is a dwarf [mythology/fantasy] of mythology c2.
g1 is a carob pod (genus Ceratonia) of variation/variety/cultivar g2.
v1 is made of/contains/is a quantity of carob syrup from carob pods x2, thick under conditions v2.
x1 emits light characteristic of/is of the color that is described by/(as) arising from/associated with the approximately twenty-one centimeter wavelength, hydrogen hyperfine proton/electron spin-flip transition (from parallel to antiparallel configuration, id est: from the higher energy state to the lower energy state), electromagnetic radiation