letteral for b.
In definition:
- bakfu
- x1 is a bundle/package/cluster/clump/pack [shape/form] containing x2, held together by x3.
- bangu
- x1 is a/the language/dialect used by x2 to express/communicate x3 (si'o/du'u, not quote).
- banli
- x1 is great/grand in property x2 (ka) by standard x3.
- banxa
- x1 is a bank owned by/in banking system x2 for banking function(s) x3 (event).
- basna
- x1 emphasizes/accentuates/gives emphasis/stress/accent to x2 by (action) x3.
- bende
- x1 is a crew/team/gang/squad/band of persons x2 directed/led by x3 organized for purpose x4.
- bilga
- x1 is bound/obliged to/has the duty to do/be x2 in/by standard/agreement x3; x1 must do x2.
- bilni
- x1 is military/regimented/is strongly organized/prepared by system x2 for purpose x3.
- bloti
- x1 is a boat/ship/vessel [vehicle] for carrying x2, propelled by x3.
- bruna
- x1 is brother of/fraternal to x2 by bond/tie/standard/parent(s) x3; [not necess. biological].
- bumru
- x1 is foggy/misty/covered by a fog/mist/vapor of liquid x2.
- cabra
- x1 is apparatus/mechanism/device/equipment for function x2 controlled/[triggered] by x3 (agent).
- cacra
- x1 is x2 hours in duration (default is 1 hour) by standard x3.
- cafne
- x1 (event) often/frequently/commonly/customarily occurs/recurs by standard x2.
- cange
- x1 is a farm/ranch at x2, farmed by x3, raising/producing x4; (adjective:) x1 is agrarian.
- canlu
- x1 is space/volume/region/room [at-least-3-dimensional area] occupied by x2.
- carce
- x1 is a cart/carriage/wagon [wheeled vehicle] for carrying x2, propelled by x3.
- carmi
- x1 is intense/bright/saturated/brilliant in property (ka) x2 as received/measured by observer x3.
- catra
- x1 (agent) kills/slaughters/murders x2 by action/method x3.
- caxno
- x1 is shallow in extent in direction/property x2 away from reference point x3 by standard x4.
- cecla
- x1 launches/fires/shoots projectile/missile x2, propelled by x3 [propellant/propulsion].
- cedra
- x1 is an era/epoch/age characterized by x2 (event/property/interval/idea).
- certu
- x1 is an expert/pro/has prowess in/is skilled at x2 (event/activity) by standard x3.
- cfika
- x1 is a work of fiction about plot/theme/subject x2/under convention x2 by author x3.
- cilre
- x1 learns x2 (du'u) about subject x3 from source x4 (obj./event) by method x5 (event/process).
- cinla
- x1 is thin in direction/dimension x2 by standard x3; [relatively short in smallest dimension].
- cinse
- x1 in activity/state x2 exhibits sexuality/gender/sexual orientation x3 (ka) by standard x4.
- ciste
- x1 (mass) is a system interrelated by structure x2 among components x3 (set) displaying x4 (ka).
- citno
- x1 is young/youthful [relatively short in elapsed duration] by standard x2.
- citsi
- x1 is a season/is seasonal [cyclical interval], defined by interval/property x2, of year(s) x3.
- ckaji
- x1 has/is characterized by property/feature/trait/aspect/dimension x2 (ka); x2 is manifest in x1.
- ckasu
- x1 ridicules/mocks/scoffs at x2 about x3 (property/event) by doing activity x4 (event).
- ckini
- x1 is related to/associated with/akin to x2 by relationship x3.
- ckule
- x1 is school/institute/academy at x2 teaching subject(s) x3 to audience/community x4 operated by x5.
- cladu
- x1 is loud/noisy at observation point x2 by standard x3.
- clani
- x1 is long in dimension/direction x2 (default longest dimension) by measurement standard x3.
- clira
- x1 (event) is early by standard x2.
- cmene
- x1 (quoted word(s)) is a/the name/title/tag of x2 to/used-by namer/name-user x3 (person).
- cnano
- x1 [value] is a norm/average in property/amount x2 (ka/ni) among x3(s) (set) by standard x4.
- cnino
- x1 is new/unfamiliar/novel to observer x2 in feature x3 (ka) by standard x4; x1 is a novelty.
- condi
- x1 is deep in extent in direction/property x2 away from reference point x3 by standard x4.
- ctaru
- x1 is a tide [cyclical/periodic expansion] in x2 caused by x3.
- cteki
- x1 is a tax/levy/duty on goods/services/event x2 levied against x3 by authority/collector x4.
- ctino
- x1 is a shadow/the shade of object x2, made by light/energy source x3.
- ctuca
- x1 teaches audience x2 ideas/methods/lore x3 (du'u) about subject(s) x4 by method x5 (event).
- cukta
- x1 is a book containing work x2 by author x3 for audience x4 preserved in medium x5.
- cupra
- x1 produces x2 [product] by process x3.
- dandu
- x1 hangs/dangles/is suspended from x2 by/at/with joint x3.
- danti
- x1 is a ballistic projectile [e.g. bullet/missile] for firing by [gun/propelling launcher] x2.
- datni
- x1 (du'u) [fact/measurement] is data/information/statistic(s) about x2 gathered by method x3.
- delno
- x1 is x2 candela [metric unit] in luminosity (default is 1) by standard x3.
- detri
- x1 is the date [day,{week},{month},year] of event/state x2, at location x3, by calendar x4.
- dilcu
- x1 is a quotient of 'x2/x3' [dividend x2 divided by divisor x3], leaving remainder x4.
- dirba
- x1 is dear/precious/darling to x2; x1 is emotionally valued by x2.
- djedi
- x1 is x2 full days in duration (default is 1 day) by standard x3; (adjective:) x1 is diurnal.
- djuno
- x1 knows fact(s) x2 (du'u) about subject x3 by epistemology x4.
- draci
- x1 is a drama/play about x2 [plot/theme/subject] by dramatist x3 for audience x4 with actors x5.
- drani
- x1 is correct/proper/right/perfect in property/aspect x2 (ka) in situation x3 by standard x4.
- drata
- x1 isn't the-same-thing-as/is different-from/other-than x2 by standard x3; x1 is something else.
- dukse
- x1 is an excess of/too much of x2 by standard x3.
- dunku
- x1 is anguished/distressed/emotionally wrought/stressed by x2.
- dzena
- x1 is an elder/ancestor of x2 by bond/tie/degree x3; x1's generation precedes x2's parents.
- famti
- x1 is an aunt/uncle of x2 by bond/tie x3; x1 is an associated member of x2's parent's generation.
- fancu
- x1 is a function/single-valued mapping from domain x2 to range x3 defined by expression/rule x4.
- fendi
- x1 (agent) divides/partitions/separates x2 into sections/parts/ind. x3 by method/partition x4.
- fenki
- x1 (action/event) is crazy/insane/mad/frantic/in a frenzy (one sense) by standard x2.
- festi
- x1(s) is/are waste product(s) [left to waste] by x2 (event/activity).
- flalu
- x1 is a law specifying x2 (state/event) for community x3 under conditions x4 by lawgiver(s) x5.
- fukpi
- x1 is a copy/replica/duplicate/clone of x2 in form/medium x3 made by method x4 (event).
- funca
- x1 (event/property) is determined by the luck/fortune of x2; (note mabla/zabna not implied). x1 is determined by chance.
- ganlo
- x1 (portal/passage/entrance-way) is closed/shut/not open, preventing passage/access to x2 by x3 (something being blocked).
- ganra
- x1 is broad/wide in dimension x2 [2nd most significant dimension] by standard x3.
- ganse
- x1 [observer] senses/detects/notices stimulus x2 (object/nu) by means x3 under conditions x4.
- ganzu
- x1 organizes x2 [relative chaos] into x3 [ordered/organized result] by system/principle(s) x4.
- girzu
- x1 is group/cluster/team showing common property (ka) x2 due to set x3 linked by relations x4.
- glare
- x1 is hot/[warm] by standard x2.
- grake
- x1 is x2 gram(s) [metric unit] in mass (default is 1) by standard x3.
- gubni
- x1 is public/un-hidden/open/jointly available to/owned by all among community x2 (mass).
- gundi
- x1 is industry/industrial/systematic manufacturing activity producing x2 by process/means x3.
- jakne
- x1 is a rocket [vehicle] propelled by jet expelling x2 carrying payload x3.
- janta
- x1 is an account/bill/invoice for goods/services x2, billed to x3 by x4.
- jarki
- x1 is narrow in dimension x2 [2nd most significant dimension] by standard x3.
- jaspu
- x1 is a passport issued to x2 (person) by authority x3 allowing x4 (activity).
- jdika
- x1 (experiencer) decreases/contracts/is reduced/diminished in property/quantity x2 by amount x3.
- jdima
- x1 [amount] is the price of x2 to purchaser/consumer x3 set by vendor x4.
- jdini
- x1 is money/currency issued by x2; (adjective:) x1 is financial/monetary/pecuniary/fiscal.
- jeftu
- x1 is x2 weeks in duration (default is 1 week) by standard x3.
- jetnu
- x1 (du'u) is true/truth by standard/epistemology/metaphysics x2.
- jganu
- x1 is an angle [2-dimensional shape/form] from vertex x2 subtended by lateral [segment] x3.
- jinku
- x1 is a vaccine/immune-system stimulant protecting x2 against disease x3 introduced by method x4.
- jinsa
- x1 (object) is clean/pure of material/contaminant/dirt x2 by standard x3.
- jitfa
- x1 (du'u) is false/is an untruth by standard/epistemology/metaphysics x2.
- jmina
- x1 adds/combines x2 to/with x3, with result x4; x1 augments x2 by amount x3.
- jmive
- x1 lives/is alive by standard x2; x1 is an organism/living thing.
- jubme
- x1 is a table/flat solid upper surface of material x2, supported by legs/base/pedestal x3.
- jukpa
- x1 cooks/prepares food-for-eating x2 by recipe/method x3 (process).
- juxre
- x1 (action) is clumsy/awkward by standard x2.
- kagni
- x1 is a company/corporation/firm/partnership chartered by authority x2 for purpose x3.
- kalri
- x1 (portal/passage/entrance-way) is open/ajar/not shut permitting passage/access to x2 by x3.
- kancu
- x1 (agent) counts the number in set x2 to be x3 [number/count] counting [off] by units x4.
- kandi
- x1 is dim/dull/pale/non-intense in property x2 (ka) as received/measured by observer x3.
- kanji
- x1 calculates/reckons/computes x2 [value (ni)/state] from data x3 by process x4.
- kanro
- x1 is healthy/fit/well/in good health by standard x2.
- karce
- x1 is a car/automobile/truck/van [a wheeled motor vehicle] for carrying x2, propelled by x3
- kargu
- x1 (object/commodity/property/event) is costly/expensive/dear to x2 by standard x3.
- karni
- x1 is a journal/periodical/magazine/[newspaper] with content x2 published by x3 for audience x4.
- kelvo
- x1 is x2 degree(s) Kelvin [metric unit] in temperature (default is 1) by standard x3.
- klani
- x1 is measured by x2 (number) on scale x3 (si'o, property of x1 with kau).
- kramu
- x1 is x2 local area unit(s) [non-metric] (default 1) by standard x3, x4 subunits.
- kruvi
- x1 is a curve/turn/bend in x2, at locus x3, and defined by set of points/properties x4.
- kumfa
- x1 is a room of/in structure x2 surrounded by partitions/walls/ceiling/floor x3 (mass/jo'u).
- kurfa
- x1 is a right-angled shape/form defined by set of vertices x2, dimensions x3 (default 2).
- lacpu
- x1 pulls/tugs/draws/drags x2 by handle/at locus x3.
- lanli
- x1 analyzes/examines-in-detail x2 by method/technique/system x3 [process/activity].
- lenjo
- x1 is a lens/glass [focussing shape/form] focussing x2 to focus/foci x3 by means/material x4.
- lenku
- x1 is cold/cool by standard x2.
- lerci
- x1 (event) is late by standard x2.
- lerfu
- x1 (la'e zo BY/word-bu) is a letter/digit/symbol in alphabet/character-set x2 representing x3.
- linji
- x1 is a line/among lines [1-dimensional shape/form] defined by set of points x2.
- linto
- x1 is light in mass/weight by standard x2.
- lisri
- x1 is a story/tale/yarn/narrative about plot/subject/moral x2 by storyteller x3 to audience x4.
- litce
- x1 is x2 liter(s) [metric unit] in volume (default is 1) by standard x3.
- mabla
- x1 is execrable/deplorable/wretched/shitty/awful/rotten/miserable/contemptible/crappy/inferior/low-quality in property x2 by standard x3; x1 stinks/sucks in aspect x2 according to x3.
- makfa
- x1 is magic/supernatural/sorcery/witchcraft/wizardry to x2, performed by person/force/deity x3.
- manri
- x1 is a frame of reference/standard for observing/measuring/determining x2, with/by rules x3.
- marce
- x1 is a vehicle/mode of transport carrying x2 in/on surface/medium x3, propelled by x4.
- masti
- x1 is x2 months in duration (default is 1 month) by month standard x3.
- melbi
- x1 is beautiful/pleasant to x2 in aspect x3 (ka) by aesthetic standard x4.
- mensi
- x1 is a sister of/sororal to x2 by bond/tie/standard/parent(s) x3; [not necessarily biological].
- mentu
- x1 is x2 minutes in duration (default is 1 minute) by standard x3.
- mifra
- x1 is encoded/cipher text of plain-text x2 by code/coding system x3; x1 is in code; x3 is a code.
- mikce
- x1 doctors/treats/nurses/[cures]/is physician/midwife to x2 for ailment x3 by treatment/cure x4.
- mintu
- x1 is the same/identical thing as x2 by standard x3; (x1 and x2 interchangeable).
- mipri
- x1 keeps x2 secret/hidden from x3 by method x4; x2 is a secret; x1 hides/conceals x2.
- mitre
- x1 is x2 meter(s) [metric unit] in length (default 1) measured in direction x3 by standard x4.
- mleca
- x1 is less than x2 in property/quantity x3 (ka/ni) by amount x4.
- molro
- x1 is x2 mole(s) [metric unit] in substance (default is 1) by standard x3.
- mrilu
- x1 mails/posts [transfer via intermediary service] x2 to recipient address x3 from mailbox/post office/sender address x4 by carrier/network/system x5.
- mruli
- x1 [tool] is a hammer for/hammers x2 [target] consisting of weight/head x3 propelled by x4.
- mulno
- x1 (event) is complete/done/finished; x1 (object) has become whole in property x2 by standard x3.
- munje
- x1 is a universe/cosmos [complete and ordered entirety] of domain/sphere x2 defined by rules x3.
- nabmi
- x1 (event/state) is a problem to/encountered by x2 in situation/task/inquiry x3.
- nanca
- x1 is x2 years in duration (default is 1 year) by standard x3; (adjective:) x1 is annual.
- nanla
- x1 is a boy/lad [young male person] of age x2 immature by standard x3.
- nixli
- x1 is a girl [young female person] of age x2 immature by standard x3.
- palci
- x1 is evil/depraved/wicked [morally bad] by standard x2.
- pambe
- x1 is a pump/injector [tool/apparatus] pumping/inserting fluid x2 to x3 from x4 by means x5.
- panci
- x1 is an odor/fragrance/scent/smell emitted by x2 and detected by observer/sensor x3.
- panka
- x1 is a park/land reserve managed by community/polity/company x2 for purpose x3.
- panra
- x1 parallels x2 differing only in property x3 (ka; jo'u/fa'u term) by standard/geometry x4.
- pemci
- x1 is a poem/verse about plot/theme/subject/pattern x2 by author x3 for intended audience x4.
- penbi
- x1 is a pen using ink x2 applied by process x3.
- pilji
- x1 is the product/total/result of factors/multiplicands (x2 and x3) x2 multiplied by x3.
- pinfu
- x1 is a prisoner/captive of x2, restrained/held/confined by means/force x3.
- pinka
- x1 (text) is a comment/remark/observation about subject x2 expressed by x3 to audience x4.
- pixra
- x1 is a picture/illustration representing/showing x2, made by artist x3 in medium x4.
- plana
- x1 is plump/fat/obese [excessively thick/bulbous/swollen] by standard x2.
- plipe
- x1 (agent/object) leaps/jumps/springs/bounds to x2 from x3 reaching height x4 propelled by x5.
- plita
- x1 is a plane [2-dimensional shape/form] defined by points x2 (set); x1 is flat/[smooth].
- plixa
- x1 (agent) plows/furrows/tills [cuts into and turns up] x2 with tool x3 propelled by x4.
- pluja
- x1 is complex/complicated/involved in aspect/property x2 (ka) by standard x3.
- pluta
- x1 is a route/path/way/course/track to x2 from x3 via/defined by points including x4 (set).
- porsi
- x1 [ordered set] is sequenced/ordered/listed by comparison/rules x2 on unordered set x3.
- preti
- x1 (quoted text) is a question/query about subject x2 by questioner x3 to audience x4.
- prina
- x1 is a print/impression/image on/in surface x2 of/made by/using tool/press/implement/object x3.
- prosa
- x1 is prose about plot/theme/subject x2 by author x3 for intended audience x4.
- racli
- x1 (action/activity/behavior) is sane/rational by standard x2.
- radno
- x1 is x2 radian(s) [metric unit] in angular measure (default is 1) by standard x3.
- rarna
- x1 is natural/spontaneous/instinctive, not [consciously] caused by person(s).
- rinci
- x1 liquid/fluid drains/strains/flushes from source x2 through drain/strainer x3 by force x4.
- rinju
- x1 is restrained/held [back]/constrained/kept by restraint x2 against x3 (event).
- ritli
- x1 is a rite/ceremony/ritual for purpose/goal x2, by custom/in community x3, with form/rules x4.
- rotsu
- x1 is thick in dimension/direction x2 by standard x3; [relatively long in smallest dimension].
- rozgu
- x1 is a rose [flower - characterized by prickly stem/fragrance] of species/strain x2.
- ruble
- x1 is weak/feeble/frail in property/quality/aspect x2 (ka) by standard x3.
- rutni
- x1 is an artifact; x1 is artificial; x1 is made/caused by people/se kulnu x2; x1 is man-made.
- sance
- x1 is sound produced/emitted by x2.
- sanli
- x1 stands [is vertically oriented] on surface x2 supported by limbs/support/pedestal x3.
- santa
- x1 is an umbrella/parasol shielding x2 from x3, made of material x4, supported by x5.
- sarji
- x1 supports/holds up/is underpinning of/[helps] x2 against force/opposition x3 with/by means x4.
- sepli
- x1 is apart/separate from x2, separated by partition/wall/gap/interval/separating medium x3.
- sicni
- x1 is a coin/token/is specie issued by x2 having value x3 of composition including x4.
- sidbo
- x1 (idea abstract) is an idea/concept/thought about x2 (object/abstract) by thinker x3.
- sigja
- x1 is a cigar/cigarette/cigarillo made from tobacco/smokable substance x2 by x3.
- silka
- x1 is a quantity of/contains/is made of silk produced by x2.
- skari
- x1 is/appears to be of color/hue x2 as perceived/seen by x3 under conditions x4.
- slabu
- x1 is old/familiar/well-known to observer x2 in feature x3 (ka) by standard x4.
- smaji
- x1 (source) is quiet/silent/[still] at observation point x2 by standard x3.
- smuni
- x1 is a meaning/interpretation of x2 recognized/seen/accepted by x3.
- snidu
- x1 is x2 seconds in duration (default is 1 second) by standard x3.
- srera
- x1 errs in doing/being/making mistake x2 (event), an error under conditions x3 by standard x4.
- staku
- x1 is a quantity of/contains/is made of ceramic made by x2, of composition x3, in form/shape x4.
- stela
- x1 is a lock/seal of/on/for sealing x2 with/by locking mechanism x3.
- stero
- x1 is x2 steradian(s) [metric unit] in solid angle (default is 1) by standard x3.
- sucta
- x1 (si'o) is abstracted/generalized/idealized from x2 [something concrete] by rules x3.
- sumji
- x1 is a mathematical sum/result/total of x2 plus/increased by x3.
- surla
- x1 relaxes/rests/is at ease in/by doing/being x2 (activity).
- tamne
- x1 is cousin to x2 by bond/tie x3; [non-immediate family member, default same generation].
- tatpi
- x1 is tired/fatigued by effort/situation x2 (event); x1 needs/wants rest.
- taxfu
- x1 is dress/a garment/clothing for wearing by x2 (gender/species/body part) serving purpose x3.
- terpa
- x1 fears x2; x1 is afraid/scared/frightened by/fearful of x2 (event/tu'a object).
- tilju
- x1 is heavy/weighty in mass/weight by standard x2.
- tinbe
- x1 obeys/follows the command/rule x2 made by x3; (adjective:) x1 is obedient.
- tordu
- x1 is short in dimension/direction x2 (default longest dimension) by measurement standard x3.
- trene
- x1 is a train [vehicle] of cars/units x2 (mass) for rails/system/railroad x3, propelled by x4.
- troci
- x1 tries/attempts/makes an effort to do/attain x2 (event/state/property) by actions/method x3.
- tsali
- x1 is strong/powerful/[tough] in property/quality x2 (ka) by standard x3.
- tujli
- x1 is a tulip (defined by flower shape) of species/strain x2.
- tunba
- x1 is a sibling of x2 by bond/tie/standard/parent(s) x3.
- tutra
- x1 is territory/domain/space of/belonging to/controlled by x2.
- verba
- x1 is a child/kid/juvenile [a young person] of age x2, immature by standard x3.
- vinji
- x1 is an airplane/aircraft [flying vehicle] for carrying passengers/cargo x2, propelled by x3.
- virnu
- x1 is brave/valiant/courageous in activity x2 (event) by standard x3.
- vitno
- x1 is permanent/lasting/[eternal] in property x2 (ka) by standard x3 [time-span/expectant one].
- vrude
- x1 is virtuous/saintly/[fine/moral/nice/holy/morally good] by standard x2.
- vrusi
- x1 (ka) is a taste/flavor of/emitted by x2; x2 tastes of/like x1.
- xadba
- x1 is exactly/approximately half/semi-/demi-/hemi- of x2 by standard x3.
- xalni
- x1 (person) is panicked by crisis x2 (event/state).
- xamgu
- x1 (object/event) is good/beneficial/nice/[acceptable] for x2 by standard x3.
- xampo
- x1 is x2 ampere(s) [metric unit] in current (default is 1) by standard x3.
- xanri
- x1 [concept] exists in the imagination of/is imagined by/is imaginary to x2.
- xarci
- x1 is a weapon/arms for use against x2 by x3.
- xasne
- x1 is a/the sweat/perspiration from body x2, excreted by gland(s)/organs x3.
- xinmo
- x1 is a quantity of ink of color/pigment x2 used by writing device x3.
- xlali
- x1 is bad for x2 by standard x3; x1 is poor/unacceptable to x2.
- xlura
- x1 (agent) influences/lures/tempts x2 into action/state x3 by influence/threat/lure x4.
- xotli
- x1 is a hotel/inn/hostel at location x2 operated by x3.
- zabna
- x1 is favorable/great/superb/fabulous/dandy/outstanding/swell/admirable/nice/commendable/delightful/desirable/enjoyable/laudable/likable/lovable/wonderful/praiseworthy/high-quality/cool in property x2 by standard x3; x1 rocks in aspect x2 according to x3
- zarci
- x1 is a market/store/exchange/shop(s) selling/trading (for) x2, operated by/with participants x3.
- zasni
- x1 is temporary/not permanent/expected to change in property x2 (ka) by standard/expectant x3.
- zenba
- x1 (experiencer) increases/is incremented/augmented in property/quantity x2 by amount x3.
- zgike
- x1 is music performed/produced by x2 (event).
- zmadu
- x1 exceeds/is more than x2 in property/quantity x3 (ka/ni) by amount/excess x4.
- ba'i
- basti modal, 1st place
replaced by ...
- bai
- bapli modal, 1st place (forced by)
forcedly; compelled by force ...
- be'i
- benji modal, 1st place (sender)
sent by ...
- bu
- convert any single word to BY.
- ca'i
- catni modal, 1st place
by authority of ...
- cau
- claxu modal, 1st place
lacked by ...
- ci'i
- digit/number: infinity; followed by digits => aleph cardinality.
- ci'o
- cinmo modal, 1st place
emotionally felt by ...
- cu'u
- cusku modal, 1st place (attribution/quotation)
as said by source ...; used for quotation.
- do
- pro-sumti: you listener(s); identified by vocative.
- du'i
- dunli modal, 1st place (equalled by)
equally; as much as ...
- du'o
- djuno modal, 1st place (info source)
authoritatively; according to ...; known by ...
- fe'i
- n-ary mathematical operator: divided by; division operator; [(((a / b) / c) / ...)].
- fi'e
- finti modal, 1st place (creator)
created by ...
- fo'a
- pro-sumti: he/she/it/they #6 (specified by goi).
- fo'e
- pro-sumti: he/she/it/they #7 (specified by goi).
- fo'i
- pro-sumti: he/she/it/they #8 (specified by goi).
- fo'o
- pro-sumti: he/she/it/they #9 (specified by goi).
- fo'u
- pro-sumti: he/she/it/they #10 (specified by goi).
- ga'a
- zgana modal, 1st place
to observer ... ; witnessed by ...
- ja'i
- javni modal, 1st place (by standard 1)
orderly; by rule ...
- ka
- abstractor: property/quality abstractor (-ness); x1 is quality/property exhibited by [bridi].
- ka'a
- klama modal, 1st place
gone to by ...
- ka'i
- krati modal, 1st place
represented by ...
- ka'u
- evidential: I know by cultural means (myth or custom).
- ki'u
- krinu modal, 1st place (justified by)
justifiably; because of reason ...
- ko'a
- pro-sumti: he/she/it/they #1 (specified by goi).
- ko'e
- pro-sumti: he/she/it/they #2 (specified by goi).
- ko'i
- pro-sumti: he/she/it/they #3 (specified by goi).
- koi
- korbi modal, 1st place (bordered by)
bounded by ...
- ko'o
- pro-sumti: he/she/it/they #4 (specified by goi).
- ko'u
- pro-sumti: he/she/it/they #5 (specified by goi).
- li'e
- lidne modal, 1st place
preceded by ...; non-time sequencing.
- ma'i
- manri modal, 1st place (by standard 2)
in reference frame ...
- mau
- zmadu modal, 1st place (a greater)
exceeded by ... ; usually a sumti modifier.
- me'a
- mleca modal, 1st place (a lesser)
undercut by ... ; usually a sumti modifier.
- mi
- pro-sumti: me/we the speaker(s)/author(s); identified by self-vocative.
- moi
- convert number to ordinal selbri; x1 is (n)th member of set x2 ordered by rule x3.
- mu'u
- mupli modal, 1st place
exemplified by ...
- pai
- digit/number: pi (approximately 3.1416...); the constant defined by the ratio of the circumference to the diameter of all circles.
- pi'o
- pilno modal, 1st place
used by ...
- pu'a
- pluka modal, 1st place
pleased by ...
- pu'e
- pruce modal, 1st place (in manner 1)
by process ...
- ra
- pro-sumti: a recent sumti before the last one, as determined by back-counting rules.
- ra'a
- srana modal, 1st place
pertained to by ... (generally more specific).
- ri
- pro-sumti: the last sumti, as determined by back-counting rules.
- ri'i
- lifri modal, 1st place patient/passive case tag; happens to...,experienced by...,with passive...
- sa'a
- discursive: material inserted by editor/narrator (bracketed text).
- se'o
- evidential: I know by internal experience (dream, vision, or personal revelation).
- si'u
- sidju modal, 1st place (aiding agent)
aided by ...
- ta'i
- tadji modal, 1st place (in manner 3)
methodically; by method ...
- ta'o
- discursive: by the way - returning to main point.
- te'e
- location tense relation/direction; edged by/edging up to ...
- ti'i
- stidi modal, 1st place
suggested by ...; proposed by ...
- zau
- zanru modal, 1st place
approved by ...
- zo'a
- location tense relation/direction; tangential to/passing by ...
- bimoi (comp!)
- quantified selbri: convert 8 to ordinal selbri; x1 is eighth among x2 ordered by rule x3.
- cimoi (comp!)
- quantified selbri: convert 3 to ordinal selbri; x1 is third among x2 ordered by rule x3.
- da'amoi (comp!)
- quantified selbri: converts all-but-(1) to ordinal selbri; x1 is penultimate among x2 by rule x3.
- da'aremoi (comp!)
- quantified selbri: converts all-but-2 to ordinal selbri; x1 is antepenult. among x2 by rule x3.
- medomoi
- x1 is yours among x2 by rule/relationship x3; x1 is your x2 by rule/relationship x3.
- mo'izo'a
- space motion tense: passing by a site directional space motion.
- mumoi (comp!)
- quantified selbri: convert 5 to ordinal selbri; x1 is fifth among x2 ordered by rule x3.
- pamoi (comp!)
- quantified selbri: convert 1 to ordinal selbri; x1 is first among x2 ordered by rule x3.
- panomoi (comp!)
- quantified selbri: convert 10 to ordinal selbri; x1 is tenth among x2 ordered by rule x3.
- raumei (comp!)
- quantified selbri: converts enough to cardinal; x1 is a set with members x2, enough by std. x3.
- remoi (comp!)
- quantified selbri: convert 2 to ordinal selbri; x1 is second among x2 ordered by rule x3.
- seja'i
- javni modal, 2nd place
orderly; by rule prescribing ...
- sekai
- ckaji modal, 2nd place (quality)
characterized by ...; with property ...
- sepo'i
- porsi modal, 2nd place
sequentially; sequenced by rules ...
- si'o ze'ei poi'i
- abstractor: x1 is x2's concept of the object bound to {ke'a} and described by [bridi]
- somoi (comp!)
- quantified selbri: convert 9 to ordinal selbri; x1 is ninth among x2 ordered by rule x3.
- su'oremoi (comp!)
- quantified selbri: convert at least 2 to ordinal selbri; x1 is at-least-2nd among x2 by rule x3.
- ta'onai
- discursive: by the way - returning to main point.
- tega'a
- zgana modal, 3rd place
observed by means ...
- teja'i
- javni modal, 3rd place
orderly; by rule within system ...
- tele'a
- klesi modal, 3rd place (category)
defined by quality ...
- tema'i
- manri modal, 3rd place (of reference)
observed/measured with/by rules ...
- teme'e
- cmene modal, 3rd place
as a name used by ...
- teva'u
- xamgu modal, 3rd place
good/beneficial by standard ...
- vemau
- zmadu modal, 4th place (relative!)
more than/exceeding by amount ...
- veme'a
- mleca modal, 4th place (relative!)
less than by amount ...
- vepa'a
- panra modal, 4nd place (standard/geometry)
similarly; similar by standard ...
- vomoi (comp!)
- quantified selbri: convert 4 to ordinal selbri; x1 is fourth among x2 ordered by rule x3.
- xamoi (comp!)
- quantified selbri: convert 6 to ordinal selbri; x1 is sixth among x2 ordered by rule x3.
- xeka'a
- klama modal, 5th place
by transport mode ...
- zemoi (comp!)
- quantified selbri: convert 7 to ordinal selbri; x1 is seventh among x2 ordered by rule x3.
- backemselrerkru
- k1 is a hyperbola in k2 at k3 defined by set of points/properties k4.
- bacyde'i
- d1=b1 is a tusk of d2 protruding beyond the mouth b3 by amount b4
- badjamblo
- bl1=ba1 is a frigate/corvette of type/carrying bl2, propelled by bl3.
- badyta'u
- x1 is an overall/ protective clothing for work/potential threat x2=b3 for wearing by x3=t3
- bakcatra
- x1 kills bull/cow x2 by method x3.
- bakplixa
- p1 plows p2 with tool p3 propelled by oxen/cattle of species/breed b2.
- balcme
- x1 is the title (honorific appellation) of x2 used by x3
- balcu'e
- c1 is a university at c2 teaching subject(s) c3 to audience/community c4 operated by c5.
- baldakyxa'i
- xa1 is a great sword for use against xa2 by x3.
- balku'a
- k1 is a Hall in structure k2 surrounded by partitions/walls/ceiling/floor k3 (mass/jo'u).
- balkulctu
- x1 is a professor teaching audience x2 ideas/methods/lore x3 (du'u) about subject(s) x4 by method x5 (event).
- balsai
- s1=b1 is a banquet/feast including dishes s2, elaborate by standard b3.
- balsoi
- s1=b1 is a great soldier of army s2 great in property b2 (ka) by standard b3.
- baltutra
- t1=b1 is a realm belonging to/controlled by t2, great in property b2 (ka) by standard b3.
- balzai
- x1 is a supermarket selling x2 operated by x3
- balzgibe'e
- ba1=be1 is an orchestra, consisting of performers be2, and conducted by be3, performing music z1=be4.
- bamvinji
- v1 is a bomber carrying bomb v2=j1 with explosive material/principle j2, aircraft propelled by v3.
- banbau
- b1 is a metalanguage used by b2 to talk about object language b3.
- bancocysle
- s1=c1 is a linguistic-gesture unit/chereme [in analogy with phoneme; specifically, nonvocal] representing/that is recognized meaningful conceptual subunit underlying specific gestures/gesture-phones s2 in language b1 used by b2 in order to communicate/express b3=c2 (si'o/du'u; not quote) made using body part/utensil/tool/locus c3 by motion/action/means c4
- banflese
- x1 is linguistic philosophy, characterized by ideas/methodology x2
- banvokyvelganzu
- x1 is a phonotactic rule pertaining to/organizing sound(s) x2 into x3 in/pertaining to language x4 proposed/applied by x5
- banxre
- x1 is a code-switched mixture of languages x2, used by x3
- barkalyle'o
- l1=b1 is a monocle/pair of (eye)glasses/spectacles allowing the clear sight of l2 (light) by k2 (wearer).
- barme'e
- c1 is an exonym of/for c2, used/given by c3.
- basme'e
- b1=c1 is a pseudonym of c2 to/used-by namer/name-user c3 (person).
- baucli
- x1 learns language x2 from source x3 (obj./event) by method x4 (event/process).
- baucmu
- c1 is the basis of language c2=b1 used by b2 to express/communicate b3 (si'o/du'u, not quote).
- ba'urdu'u
- d1=b1 whines/bitches about d2 by uttering b2.
- ba'urnoi
- n1=b2 is a spoken/uttered message about subject n2 uttered by n3=b1 to intended audience n4.
- bavlamjeftu
- j1=b1 is the week directly after b2 by standard j3.
- bavlamna'a
- n1=b1=l1 is next year; n1=b1=l1 is the year following b2=l2 by year standard n3.
- baxseljibri
- x1=s1 is a bank clerk of a bank x2=b1=s2 owned by/in banking system x3=b2 for banking function(s) x4=b3 (event).
- begbau
- be1=ba1 is the Bengali language used by ba2 to communicate ba3 (si'o/du'u, not quote).
- beiblo
- b1 is a cargo ship for carrying b2, propelled by b3.
- beircarce
- c1 is a cart/carriage/wagon (wheeled vehicle) for carrying c2=b2 to b3 from b4, propelled by c3.
- beirce'i
- c1 is a tarriff on goods/services/event c2 levied against c3 by authority/collector c4
- bendicfancyxra
- p1 is an electroencephalogram of animal b2 drawn by p3 in medium p4
- bermau
- b1=z1 is farther north than b2=z1 according to frame of reference b3 by distance/gap/margin z4.
- bersunberberti
- x1 is north by east of x2 in frame of reference x3.
- bevma'e
- m1 is a truck/transporter/cart/sled/mode of transport for carrying m2=b2 to b3 from b4 over path b5, on surface medium m3, propelled by m4.
- bidbau
- x1=b1 is the Indonesian language used by b2 to express/communicate b3 (si'o/du'u, not quote).
- bifpra
- c1 is a fan/blower/punkah blowing air/gas with speed b3 by process c3.
- bigji'i
- x1 thinks x2 is obliged to do x3 by standard/agreement x4
- bigygau
- g1 obligates b1 to do b2 by standard b3.
- bimselsru
- x1 is a yard surrounded by x2
- bimxra
- p1 is a mural representing/showing p2, made by artist p3 on wall p4=b1.
- binrydi'a
- j1 is an insurance premium providing coverage against peril j2=b3 for insured j3=b2 (person), offered by insurer j4=b1.
- birtafpau
- p1 is a sleeve of garment p2=t1 for wearing by t2 (gender/species).
- bityvelcki
- x1 is a theory about x2 (event/state/property) to x3 by x4
- bixma'u
- b1=m1 is adolescent / pubescent / maturing in development-quality m2 (ka) by standard x3.
- blemau
- x1 is weaker than x2 in property x3 by margin x4.
- bleme'a
- x1 is less weak than x2 in property x3 by margin x4.
- blixra
- p1 is a relief/embossment representing/showing p2, made by artist p3, on material b2.
- bloca'ega'a
- g1=c2=b3 is a punting pole made of g2 pushed by c2 in boat b1.
- blocpuga'a
- g1=l2=b3 is an oar made of g2 pulled by l2 in boat b1.
- blocra
- c1 is a prow of boat/ship c2=b1, boat for carrying b2, propelled by b3.
- blogre
- p1 ferries through p2 to destination side p3 from origin side p4, carrying b2, propelled by b3.
- blokla
- k1 goes/sails/navigates (travels by boat) to destination k2 from origin k3 via route k4 using boat k5=b1.
- bloli'u
- l1=b2 travels by boat via route l2 using boat/ship/vessel l3=b1 propelled by b3.
- blotcana
- t1 is a seaport/ferry terminal in transport system t2 for boats/ships/vessels of type b2 propelled by b3.
- bluble
- x1 is anemic of type x2 by standard x3.
- bolga'axa'i
- xa1=g1 is a mace for use against xa2 by xa3, of material g2=b2.
- bolji'openbi
- x1 is a ballpoint pen/ball-tipped pen for applying ink x2, applied by process x3 which includes the ball of material x4
- boltargri
- x1=g1 is a globular cluster showing common property (ka) x2=g2 due to set x3=g3 linked by relations x4=g4
- brablo
- ba1=bl1 is a ship for carrying bl2, propelled by bl3, big by standard ba3.
- brabrajamblo
- bl1=ba1 is a battleship of type/carrying bl2, propelled by bl3.
- brafi'a
- f1=b1 is a novel about plot/theme/subject c2
by author c3.
- brajamblo
- bl1=ba1 is a cruiser of type/carrying bl2, propelled by bl3.
- brajdikygau
- g1 causes j1=b1 to decrease in property/dimension b2 (ka) by amount j3.
- brama'a
- b1=c1 is a mountain in terrain c2, big by standard b3.
- bramau
- z1 is bigger than z2 in dimension b2 by margin z4.
- brame'a
- m1 is smaller/[less big] than m2 in dimension b2 by margin m4.
- brazda
- x1 is a mansion/manor/large house of/for x2, big by standard x3
- braze'a
- z1=b1 grows in property b2 (ka) by amount z3.
- brazengau
- g1 causes z1=b1 to increase in property/dimension b2 (ka) by amount z3.
- brirei
- c1 is a question asking for a predicate, asked by c3 to c4.
- brisni
- x1 (text) represents a predicate relationship with relation represented by x2 (text) among referents of x3 that are arguments (sequence/set of texts).
- brivlacme
- c1 (quoted word(s)) is a name of c2 used by c3 that morphologically [strict] is brivla bv1 in language x5
- brivlasmicme
- x1=c1=s1 (quoted word(s)) is a name of x2=c2 used by x3=c3 that morphologically [loose] evokes/is similar to/is a brivla x4=v1=s2 (text; may be multiple words), similar in property/quality[/amount?] x5=s3 (ka/ni), in language x6
- brivycme
- x1 is a brivla-based name for x2 used by namer x3
- brocesri'inunsla
- n1 is Chanukkah/Hanukkah celebrated by s1 with activities s3
- bujyjbenunsla
- n1 is the Vesak celebrated by s1 with activities s3.
- bu'uzda
- z1 is a tent inhabited by z2, made of b2.
- ca'arcau
- cl1 is unaided by/without apparatus/mechanism/device/equipment ca1=cl2 for function ca2 controlled/triggered by ca3 (agent).
- cabma'i
- m1=c1 is the current month by month standard m3, simultaneous with c2 in time.
- cabna'a
- n1 is the current year by standard n3, simultaneous with c2 in time.
- cafraina'o
- ca1=t1=cn1 is a/the mode [value that appears most often] in property/amount cn2 (ka/ni) among cn3(s) (set) by standard cn4.
- cagdalsasfoi
- n1 is a pasture with vegetation s1 (mainly consisting of grasses) grazed by animal(s) d1 belonging to farm/ranch c1.
- cagda'u
- x1 is a livestock/farm-animal kept by x2 of species x3
- cagygundi
- g1 is a/the agricultural industry/sector producing g2=c4 from farms c1 located in c2 farmed by c3.
- cagzai
- z1 is a farmer's market selling z2, operated by farmers z3=c3.
- caicta
- cat1 stares at cat2 as received by observer car3.
- ca'irdi'a
- j1 is a charge of service j2 to consumer j3=c2 set and levied by authority j4=c1.
- ca'irselzau
- z2 is official, approved by authority z1=c1 over sphere/people c2.
- ca'irvei
- x1=v1 is an authoritative document of x2=v2 (data/facts/du'u) about x3=v3 (object/event) preserved in medium x4=v4, by authority x5=c1 over matter/sphere/persons x6=c2 derived on basis x7=c3.
- ca'irzau
- x1 officially approves x2 (object / event); x2 is official, approved by x1
- cajgundi
- g1 is a/the wholesale/retail industry sector in which c1 trades/barters c2 for c3 by process g3.
- cajypinfu
- x1 is a hostage of / is held hostage by x2
- cakyda'a
- x1=d1 is an armoured fighter protected by armuor/shell x2=c1 covering x3=c2 of material x4=c3
- cakykarce
- k1=c2 is a tank/armored combat vehicle for carrying k2, propelled by k3, with armor-plating c1.
- calbra
- x1 is voluminous by standard or relatively to x2 (plural)
- caldectre
- c1=d1=m1 (space/volume/region/room) is d2=m2 cubic decimetres/decimeters (m3) measured in perpendicular directions (triple)/defined by set of points (set)/occupied by c2=m3 by standard m4.
- caljvetei
- c1=t1 is space-time occupied by c2.
- caltre
- c1=m1 (space/volume/region/room) is m2 cubic metres/meters (m3) measured in perpendicular directions (triple)/defined by set of points (set)/occupied by c2=m3 by standard m4.
- camselci'i
- ci1 is a fan of/intensely interested in ci2 as received/measured by observer ca3.
- camtoi
- c1 effortfully tries to do t2 by method t3, as perceived by c3.
- capcni
- x1 feels insecurity / feels threatened by threat x2
- carcpu
- l1 reels in l2=c1 by handle/at locus l3 by rotating it around axis c2.
- carna'ivinji
- x1 is a helicopter for carrying x2, propelled by x3.
- carvrama'e
- m1 is a bike/bicycle/tricycle/pedal vehicle carrying m2 in/on surface/medium m3, propelled by force m4 transmitted via pedal(s) c1=v1.
- carvrama'ecarce
- c1 is a bike/cycle trailer for carrying c2, propelled by bike/(moped) l1=c3.
- catrymi'e
- m1 orders m2 to have c2 executed by action/method c3.
- cavgauri'i
- r1=g1 is a rainmaking/ ritual intended to invoke rain r2=g2, by custom/in communityr3, with form/rulesr4.
- cedrydji
- d1 desires/wants/wishes era d2=c1 (event/state) characterized by c2 (event/property/interval/idea) for purpose d3. d1 is nostalgic.
- cedrymi'u
- m1=c1 is contemporary with/in the same epoch/era as m2 by standard m3 (m1=c1 and m2 interchangeable).
- celga'a
- g1=c2 is an arrow made of g2 fired/launched by c1.
- celgunta
- g1 (person/mass) attacks with a projectile weapon/shoots victim g2 with goal/objective g3 using launcher/gun c1 which launches/fires/shoots projectile/missile c2 propelled by propellant/propulsion c3.
- celxa'i
- xa1=c1 is a gun/cannon/firearm for use against xa2 by xa3, launching projectile c2 propelled by c3.
- cenlitce
- l1=c1 is l2 centiliter(s)/centilitre(s) [metric unit] in volume (default is 1) by standard l3
- cenmildje
- d1 is d2 full (centi)milidays (hundred-thousandth of a day unit) in duration (default is 1 (centi)miliday) by standard d3; d1 is a metric second.
- centre
- m1=c1 is m2=c2 centimeter(s) / hundredth(s) of a meter [metric unit] in length (default 1) measured in direction m3=c3 by standard x4=m3.
- cenydje
- d1 is d2 full centidays (hundredth of a day unit) in duration (default is 1 centiday) by standard d3
- cesycku
- cu1=ce1 is a holy book containing work cu2 by (presumed) author cu3 for audience cu4=ce2 preserved in medium cu5.
- cesyvu'e
- x1 is saintly/holy by moral standard/religion x2
- cevycme
- cmene1 is a Divine Name of cevni1=cmene2 as known by cevni2=cmene3 which is associated with cevni3; cmene1 is a name of god.
- cfaga'e
- g1 notices g2 by means g3 under condition g4=c1.
- cfari'i
- r1 is/are the ritual/proceedings for starting/commencing c1[event/state/process] by community r2 with rules c4.
- ci'ajbu
- j1 is a writing desk of material j2, supported by legs/base/pedestal j3, used by writer c1.
- ci'artadji
- t1 is a font/writing style used by c1 to write c2 on medium c3 with implement c4 under conditions t3.
- ci'artai
- t1 is a font/writing style used by c1 to write c2 on medium c3 with implement c4.
- cibyca'u
- x1 is the volume (3-dimensional space) occupied by x2
- cibyxilma'e
- m1 is a tricycle (propelled, three-wheeled vehicle) carrying m2 on surface m3, propelled by m4
- ci'erkei
- k1 plays game k2=c1 governed by rules c2 interrelating game parts (physical or conceptual) c3.
- ci'erkeilai
- ke1=kl1 has score kl2 in game ke2=c1 governed by rules c2 interrelating game parts (physical or conceptual) c3.
- cifylisri
- l1 is a children's story about plot/subject/moral l2 by storyteller l3 to audience l4.
- cimjirta'u
- t1 is a wet suit for wearing by t2=j1=c1 in liquid j2=c2.
- cimny'efku
- x1 is infinitely recursively related to x2 by applying infinite levels of recursion to predicate relation x3 (ka with two ce'u)
- cimymaugau
- x1=g1 humidifies x2=c1 by amount/excess x3
- cimyme'agau
- x1=g1 dehumidifies x2=c1 by amount/excess x3
- cincizra
- n1=z1=x1 is sexually deviant/perverted in activity/state n2=x2 in property z3=n3=x3 to person/by reference point z2=n4=x4; x1 is sexually perverted
- cinctu
- ci1=ct1 teaches audience ct2 ideas/methods/lore ct3 (du'u) about sexual activity/state ci2=ct4 by method ct5 (event)
- cinjikca
- j1=c1 courts/flirts with j1, exhibiting sexuality/gender/sexual orientation c3 (ka) by standard c4.
- cinkyzumcti
- x1=z1 is entomophagy/insectivory, the eating of insects/arthropods of species x2=cin2 performed by x3=cit1.
- cinlyze'a
- z1=c1 becomes thinner in direction/dimension c2 by amount z3.
- cinmle
- m1=c1 is sexy/hot/attractive to m2 in aspect m3 by standard m4=c4.
- cipflitcica
- x1 is a false negative/deceiver in failing (producing negative result in) test x2 which tests for x3 as a result of effort/under conditions x4; x1 is falsely found to have (negative result) property x3 by (negative result of) test x2 under conditions x4
- ciplanli
- l1 experiments l2=c2 by means l3.
- cipsadytcica
- x1 is a false positive/deceiver in passing test x2 which tests for x3 as a result of effort/under conditions x4; x1 is falsely found to have property x3 by test x2 under conditions x4
- circtu
- ct1 teaches history ci1 to audience ct2 by method ct5 (event).
- citfe'ibakni
- b1=f1=c1 is a heifer [young female bovine/cow] of species/breed b2=f2 by standard f3=c2.
- citmau
- z1=c1 is younger than z2 by amount z4.
- citnau
- n1=c1 is a youth/young man by standard c2.
- cizmau
- x1 is stranger than x2 to x3 in aspect x4 (ka), by a margin x5.
- cizme'a
- x1 is less strange than x2 to x3 in aspect x4 (ka), by a margin x5.
- ckipinka
- x1 (text) is a commentary/annotation/exegesis about paragraph x2 expressed by x3 to audience x4
- ckuke'u
- x1 is the x3'rd edition of book/publication x2 about subject/theme/story x4 by author x5 for audience x6 preserved in medium x7 .
- ckupra
- cup1 publishes cup2=cuk1 by process cup3.
- ckuzai
- z1 is a bookshop selling books z2=c1, operated by z3.
- ckuzdacre
- c1 is a librarian by standard c3.
- clacelxa'i
- x1=ce1=cl1 is a rifle for use against x2 by x3, launching projectile c2 propelled by c3.
- claco'umau
- co1=z1 is/are anterior (zootomy)/cranial/cephalic (anatomy)/superior (human anatomy) to z2 by margin z4, in body/object cl1=d3.
- cladakyxa'i
- xa1=d1=c1 is a sword / long knife weapon for use against xa2=d2 by xa3 with blade of material d3 long by standard c3.
- clagau
- x1=g1 lengthens x2=c1 in property/quantity x3 (ka/ni) by amount/excess x4
- clakarce
- k1=c1 is a limousine for k2, propelled by k3.
- clamau
- z1 is longer/taller than z2 in direction c2 by margin z4.
- clame'a
- m1 is shorter than m2 in direction c2 by margin m4.
- clapezli
- p1 is a leaf of p2, long by standard c3.
- clapre
- p1 is a tall person, by measurement standard c3.
- claselxadni
- xa2=c1 is tall in stature by measurement standard c3.
- clatre
- x1=m1=c1 measures x2=m2 meters in its longest direction x3=m3=c2 by measurement standard x4=m4.
- clinei
- x1=n1=c1 likes learning about x2=n2=c3 from source x3=c4 by method x4=c5
- cmabakfu
- x1 is a packet/small pack containing x2, held together by x3
- cmacelxa'i
- xa1=ce1 is a small arm/gun for use against xa2 by xa3, launching small projectile ce2=cm1, defined as small arms by standard cm3, projectile propelled by ce3.
- cmacku
- cu1 is a booklet/brochure about cu2, written by cu3 for intended audience cu4 in medium cu5=cm1.
- cmactatci
- t1 is a microscope used by t2=ca1 for looking at small things t2=ca2=cm1 which are small in property/dimension(s) cm2 (ka) as compared with standard/norm cm3.
- cmacybau
- x1 is mathematical notation which is used by x2 to communicate x3 and which adheres to rules/grammar x4.
- cmafi'a
- f1=c1 is a short story about plot/theme/subject c2 by author c3.
- cmajamblo
- b1=c1 is a destroyer of type/carrying b2, propelled by b3.
- cmajdikygau
- g1 causes j1=c1 to decrease in the smallness of property/dimension c2 (ka) by amount j3.
- cmama'a
- cmal1=cman1is a hill in terrain cman2, small by standard cmal3.
- cmamau
- z1 is smaller than z2 in dimension c2 by margin z4.
- cmame'a
- m1 is bigger/[less small] than m2 in dimension c2 by margin m4.
- cmaro'i
- c1=r1 is a small rock of type r2 from location r3, small by standard c3. c1 is gravel.
- cmasai
- s1 is a snack composed of s2=c1, small in property c2 by standard c3
- cmastani
- c1=s1 is a/the sprout/shoot of plant/species s2 by standard/norm c3.
- cmatca
- x1 is a village in administrative area x3 serving hinterland
x4 small by standard x5.
- cmatce
- x1=c1=m1 is tiny in property\dimension x2=c2 by standard x3=c3
- cmatcema'a
- cman1=cmal1 is a hillock/mound/rise/knoll in terrain cman2, small by standard cmal3.
- cmatceri'e
- r1=cmal1 is a rivulet on surface/terrain r2 draining r3 terminating at r4 small by standard cmal3.
- cmaze'a
- z1=c1 shrinks/decreases in property c2 (ka) by amount z3.
- cmazengau
- g1 causes z1=c1 to decrease in property/dimension b2 (ka) by amount z3.
- cmeci'e
- ci1 (mass) is a nomenclature/system of names interrelated by nomenclature rules ci2 among names/terms cm1=ci3 (set (of quoted words)), used by cm3 (person(s)) with systemic functions/properties ci4 (ka).
- cmesanji
- s1 identifies s2=c2 by name c1 used-by namer/name-user c3 (person).
- cmevycme
- x1 is a cmevla-based name for x2 used by namer x3
- cmicu'akrali
- k1 is suffrage entitled to k2=cu1 by standard k3.
- cmuselzba
- x1=z2=j1 is an infrastructure built by x2=z=1 out of x3=z3 for x4=j2
- cnirei
- x1=p1 is a question about x3=c2=p4’s emotion, asked by x2=p3 to x3=c3=p4.
- cnitcini
- t1=c2 is the mood experienced by t2=c1 about c3.
- cnivelmikce
- x1 is therapy, given to patient x2 for ailment x3 by therapist x4
- cnone'i
- c1=n1 is deep inside n2 by standard c4
- cocyci'ekei
- k1 plays charades/gesture-game ci1=k2 governed by rules ci2 interrelating game parts (physical or conceptual; includes gestures) ci3
- coisna
- s1=c1 is a deep/rumbling sound produced by s2=c2 from point of reference c3.
- concoicnoblolotlo'i
- c1=b1 is a deep-sea submarine for carrying b2, propelled by b3
- cpetinbe
- x1 complies with/accedes to request x2 made by x3.
- cpubakni
- b1=l1 is/are (an) ox/oxen [cattle/beef-producer/bovine] for pulling/drafting l2 by handle l3 of species/breed b2.
- cpudalcarce
- c1 is a horse cab/carriage/equipage for carrying c2, propelled by animal(s) l1=c3 by handle/at locus l3.
- cpuga'ablo
- x1 is a rowing boat or sculler, carrying x2, pulled by x3.
- craku'a
- k1 is an anteroom of/in structure k2 surrounded by partitions/walls/ceiling/floor k3 (mass/jo'u).
- craxra
- p1 is the front-cover picture/image/illustration showing p2 made by artist p3.
- crebi'o
- c1=b1 becomes expert at c2=b2 under conditions b3 by standard c3.
- crekafpra
- cu1 is a barista/is skilled at making coffee drink/product cu2=ck1 by process cu3.
- crelarpra
- x1=ce1=cu1 expertly produces artwork x2=cu2 of craft/skill x3=ce2=l2 by process x4=cu3 expertly produced by standard x5=ce3.
- crexalbo
- c1=xa1 is a geek/nerd of field c2=xa2 (event/activity) by standard c3.
- crovu'i
- v1 is a hot/spicy taste/flavor of/emitted by v2.
- ctiku'a
- k1 is a dining room in structure k2 surrounded by partitions/walls/ceiling/floor k3 (mass/jo'u).
- ctodje
- d1 is d2 full hectodays (hundred day unit) in duration (default is 1 hectoday) by standard d3
- ctona'a
- x1 is x2 centuries in duration by standard x3.
- ctuci'e
- ci1 is an education system interrelated by administrative policies ci2 among institutions ci3=ct1 displaying quality ci4.
- ctucku
- cu1=ct1 is a textbook for teaching ideas/methods ct3 (du'u), by author cu3 for audience cu4=ct2 about subject(s) ct4 by method ct5, preserved in medium cu5.
- ctufau
- f1 is a lesson by c1 for teaching audience c2 ideas/methods/lore c3 (du'u) about subject(s) c4 by method c5 (event).
- ctunoi
- n1 are instructions by c1 teaching audience c2 ideas/methods/lore c3 (du'u) about subject(s) c4 by method c5 (event).
- ctununta'a
- x1=n1=c5 is a lecture / an event of verbal teaching by x2=t1=c1 to audience x3=t2=c2 about subject x4=t3=c4 in language x5=t4 with facts taught x6=c3.
- ctusfi
- x1 is a class (instructional session) on topic x2 taught by x3 to audience x4
- ctusfimei
- x1 is a course (series of lessons) on subject x2, taught by x3 to audience x4
- cumymu'efi'a
- cf1 is science fiction about possible universe cu1=m1 by author cf3.
- cupypoi
- p1=c1 is a circularly ordered sequence by rule p2 on unordered set p3.
- cusku'i
- x1 edits/revises/adapts text x2 by x3 for audience x4 in medium x5.
- custerzi'e
- z3 is a condition for free expressive activity z2 by agent z1=c1.
- cu'urga'o
- g1 (portal/passage/entrance-way) is closed/shut/not open, preventing access to organized activity g2=c1 by g3.
- cu'urkalri
- k1 (store/company/organization/entrance-way etc) is open/ajar/not shut permitting access to organized activity k2=c1 by k3.
- dabysmifau
- f1 (event) is a wargame, simulating combat by d1 against d2 over issue d3 (abstract).
- dabytadji
- t1 is a fighting technique / martial art used under conditions t3 by d1.
- dadgau
- g1 hangs/suspends d1 from d2 with/by means
- dadmrotsina
- x1 is a gallows used for hanging x2 by x3
- dadne'ota'u
- t1 is a necktie for wearing by t2=c2 serving purpose t3.
- dadycatra
- c1 hangs/lynches c2=d1 by hanging them from/on d2 by means of d3.
- dadysli
- s1=d1 is a pendulum oscillating at rate/frequency s2, suspended from d2 by/at/with joint d3.
- da'erju'ebo'i
- b1 is a french press/press pot/coffee press/coffee plunger/cafetière/сafetière à piston for filtrated liquid b2=j2 [default: coffee] with filter j1 prohibiting passage of solids j3=d2 pressed by force d1, container made of material b3 with lid b4.
- dagme'esni
- s1 is a road sign representing a/the name s2=c1 of road/street c2=d1—name given by c3—to observer s3.
- dakyxa'i
- x1=d1 is a dagger / knife weapon for use against x2=d2 by x3 with blade of material d3.
- dalma'e
- x1=m1=d1 is a steed or mount of species x2=d2, ridden by x3=m2 on or in surface/terrain/medium x4=m3
- damvaxtu'u
- t1 is a pipe for inhaling burned substance d1 used by v1 made of material t2.
- danlu'a
- p1 is a trajectory of ballistic projectile d1 fired by gun/launcher d2, to destination p2 from p3 via p4.
- dansytai
- x1 is a choreography / type of dance, danced by x2 to music x3
- dapsku
- c1=d1 (agent) curses/damns/condemns by expressing text c2 c3=d2 via expressive medium c4 to fate d3 (event).
- daptutra
- t1=d2 is a hell/cursed territory cursed by t2=d1.
- dardu'e
- du1=da1 is too far/distant from da2 in property da3 (ka) by the standard of du3.
- darmau
- z1=d1 is farther from z2=d2 in property z3=d3 by amount z4.
- darsyze'a
- z1=d1 becomes bolder/more audacious in behaviour d2 (event/activity) by amount z3.
- darxa'i
- xa1 is a ranged weapon for use against xa2, by xa3.
- datcme
- c1=d1 is an alias/nickname of c2 used by c3 instead of name d2, differing from it by standard d3.
- datmau
- z1=d1 is a plurality of/more than all other subgroups of z2 as separated/classified by property z3=d3 by amount z4.
- datnydatni
- x1 (du'u) [fact or facts] is metadata / data about data [content] x2 (du'u). The data (of x1, that is) is gathered by method x3.
- datxlaborfripu'a
- x1 (event) is an experience of harm found pleasurable by x2 under conditions x3.
x2 feels Schadenfreude about event x1.
- datxlagei
- x1 is happy about x2, which is bad for x3 by standard x4, the sufferer differing from the enjoyer by standard x5.
- datytracinse
- c1=t1=d1 is transgender in activity/state c2, exhibiting/expressing/performing gender c3=t2 (ka) by standard c4.
- decydje
- dj1 is dj2 full decidays (tenth of a day unit) in duration (default is 1 deciday) by standard dj3; dj1 is a metric hour
- degypri
- p1 is a fingerprint on surface p2 made by finger/toe p3=d1
- dekna'a
- n1 is n2 decades (10 years) in duration (default is 1 decade) by standard n3.
- deknavytre
- x1=m1=n1 is x2=m2=n2 ångström(s) (Å) [length unit] in length (default 1) measured in direction x3=m3=n3 by standard x4=m3.
- dekydje
- dj1 is dj2 full decadays (ten day unit) in duration (default is 1 decaday) by standard dj3; dj1 is a metric week
- dekyki'ogra
- d1=k1=g1 is d2=k2=g2 (default 1) myriagram(s) (default 1) in mass by standard g3.
- dekyki'opitki'otre
- d1=k^21=p1=k^11=m1 is d2=k^22=k^12=m2 (default 1) myriads [tens of thousands of square kilometres] (area unit) measured in perpendicular directions (set)/defined by set of points (set) p2=m3 by standard m4.
- dekyki'otenfa
- x1=t1 is the exponential result of base 10000 (myriad) multiplied by x2=d2=k2 of -yllion(s) (default 1),
to power/exponent x3=t2 (default 2).
- dekyki'otre
- d1=k1=m1 is d2=k2=m2 (default 1) myriametre(s)/Scandinavian miles/tens of thousands of metre(s) [non-standard unit] in length (default 1) measured in direction m3 by standard m4.
- demsilka
- x1=d1=s1 is velvet/[dense silk] produced by x2=s2
- denstela
- s1=d2 is a zip fastener for sealing s2 by mechanism d1.
- depkumfa
- k1 is a waiting room/break room in structure x2 surrounded by partitions/walls/ceiling/floor x3 (mass/jo'u).
- depsna
- s1 is a hesitation sound produced by s2=d1 while for/until d2 at state d3 before starting/continuing d4 (activity/process).
- depypoi
- p1 is a waiting queue ordered by rules p2 on unordered set p3 waiting for x4=d2.
- detytcika
- d1=t1 [years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds] is the date and time of event/state d2=t2 at location d3=t4 by date/time system x4
- di'ardu'edi'i
- x1 is the excess money/change (that should be) returned for/after/with the purchase of x2 by purchaser x3 from vendor x4.
- dicre'e
- t1 is an electric train [vehicle] of cars/units t2 (mass) for rails/system/railroad t3, propelled by electric motors/systems t4
- dicydinfanza
- x1 is a crypto scam advertisement posted in x2 by x3 for x4 amount of money
- digyfalkafpraca'a
- ca1 is a drip coffeemaker [default: electric] for producing coffee ca2=cu2=ck1=d1=f1 by dripping coffee to pot f2 from mechanism f3 in gravity well/frame of reference f4, controlled/[triggered] by ca3 (agent).
- dijypanka
- p1 is a plaza managed by community/polity/company p2 for purpose p3.
- diknunkla
- n1 is a regularly scheduled trip operated by k1 to k2 from k3 at times d1
- dilcymu'o
- x1 (number) is fully divisible by x2 (number) // "x1/x2" is an integer // x2 is a factor of x1
- dinpliselpla
- x1 is a budget made by x2 for x3
- dinsefygundi
- g1 is a/the industry sector in which s1 provides financial services g2=s3 to s2 by process g3
- dintrocu'u
- c1 is a/the financial management function/activities involving persons c2=ji1, of money/currency issued by jd2; c1 is finance.
- dintycinse
- c1 is skoliosexual [sexually attracted to transgender persons] in situation c2 by standard c4.
- dinveicu'u
- c1 is an/the accounting function/activities involving persons c2, using currency issued by j2, recording v2
(data/facts/du'u) about v3 (object/event); c1 is accounting.
- ditcma
- x1 takes a short time/has a short duration by standard x2
- ditybra
- x1 takes a long time/has a long duration by standard x2
- djapa'o
- x1=p1 is a slice of food substance/prepared-cuisine/cutlet/fillet of x2=p2=c1 (mass) for consumption by/nutrient to x3=c2
- djaselcrepu
- x1=cr2 is a crop/harvest, harvested by x2=cr1, for use as food x3=ci1, to be eaten by x4=ci2.
- djecitsi
- x1 is a calendar day defined by interval/property x2, of year(s) x3.
- djekarni
- k1 is a daily newspaper with content k2 published by k3 for audience k4.
- djicai
- x1=d1=c1 intensely desires/craves/[needs] x2=d2 for purpose x3=d3 as seen/observed/measured by x4=c3.
- djobau
- m1=b1 is the Saudi Arabic language used by b2 to express/communicate b3 (si'o/du'u, not quote).
- dotybau
- d1=b1 is the German used by b2 to express/communicate b3 (si'o/du'u, not quote).
- dracycku
- c1 is a book containing drama/play c2=d1 by book author c3 to book’s audience c4 preserved in medium c5.
- dracykei
- x1=d1=k1 is a role-player / player of role playing game / RPG / LARP or dramatic / acting game x2=d5=k2 about x3=d2 created by author/ company x4=d3 for audience x5=d4.
- dracyselkei
- x1=d1=sk1 is a role-playing game/ RPG/ LARP or dramatic/ acting game played by performer(s)/ player(s) x2=d5=sk2 about x3=d2 created by author/ company x4=d3 for audience x5=d4 .
- draga'i
- g1 (event) corrects g2 into g3=d1, correct in property/aspect x4=d2 (ka) in situation x5=d3 by standard x6=d4.
- dricai
- x1=d1=c1 is extremely/intensely sad/depressed about x2=d2 as measured/seen/observed by x2=c3.
- du'acme
- c1=d2 (quoted word(s)) is the given name (as opposed to the family name) of c2=d3, used by c3 and given by namer d1.
- dubju'o
- x1 recognizes/knows identity of x2 by epistemology x3
- dubma'o
- x1 is a copula abiding by grammatical rules x2 with additional meaning x3 in language x4
- dubmau
- x1 is greater/has a greater value than x2, exceeding it by amount x3
- dudyxe'o
- x1 is generous to x2 by giving x3
- du'edji
- x1=du1=dj1 is greedy for/wants too much of x2=dj2 (event/state) for purpose x3=dj3, excessively greedy by standard x4=du3.
- dunjavzma
- x1 is greater than ot equal to / at least x2 in property/quantity/dimension x3 (ka/ni) by amount/potential excess x4.
- dunkanpe
- x2 (property) is satisfied by a number equal to that expected by x1 with likelihood x3
- dunlei
- x1 is an equivalence class within x2 defined by equivalence relation x3.
- duntracinse
- c1=t1=d1 is cisgender in activity/state c2 and exhibits/performs/expresses gender c3=t2 (ka) by standard c4.
- dusfri
- x1 is satiated/overwhelmed by x2 with property x3 by standard x4; x2 is too much for x1 in property x3 by standard x4.
- dusta'i
- t1 is exhausted by effort/situation t2 (event).
- dusxasnyselbi'a
- x1 is hyperhidrosis (symptom characterized by excess sweating), suffered by x2, caused by disease/condition x3
- dutcinse
- c1 is heterosexual/bisexual in situation c2 by standard c4.
- dutkai
- x1 is characterized by the polar opposite of x2 (ka) on scale x3 (si'o)
- dutpamcinse
- c1 in activity/state c2 exhibits a heteroromantic orientation by standard c4.
- dzalenypi'i
- x1 (li; often but not necessarily an integer) is a multiple of x2 (li; often but not necessarily an integer) by some integer, namely x3 (li; MUST be an integer in the structure; possibly, more than one input may be valid), in algebraic structure x4.
- dzejdasra
- s1=d2=l2 is a conservative in beliefs l3 against opposition s3 by means s4
- dzejdasratrusi'o
- si1 is a conservative political ideology as applied by t1=sa1=d2=l2 among/in people/territory/domain t2 based on the works of thinker si3
- dzini'ajinru
- j1=c1 (object/person) makes a deep dive beneath/below/under from c2 (object/water surface) to depth d1 in frame of reference c3=d2 by standard d3, submerged in liquid j2 .
- dzupoi
- p1 is a procession with participation ordered/sequenced by rules p2.
- eiksyspeselrirni
- x1 is the child of the ex-spouse of x2 by standard x3.
- eiksyspespe
- x1 is a spouse of x2's former spouse by law/custom/standard x3.
- facmu'e
- x1 is reality / "the real world" ("this" world, the world the speaker and [presumably] listener reside in), containing/defining x2 (objects and facts) defined by rules x3
- facycku
- x1 is a factbook, containing work x2 by author x3 for audience x4 preserved in medium x5
- fa'erjo'e
- x1 is joined to x2 at/by joint/location x3 such that it is backward from/relative to what should be the case x4; x1 is on/joined backward.
- fagmakfa
- x1=m1 is fire magic as observed by x2=m2, performed by person/force/deity x3=m3.
- fagycelxa'i
- xa1 is a flamethrower for use against xa2 by xa3.
- fagyfesti
- x1=fe1 is the ashes of x3=fa2, combusted by fire x2=fa1.
- fagyfesyska
- s1 is/appears to be of ash color/hue as perceived/seen by x2=s3 under conditions x3=s4.
- fairpaltrusi'o
- s1 is a socialist ideology as applied by t1 in/among people/territory/domain t2=f2 based on the works of thinker s3
- falpu'i
- p1 drops / puts by dropping p2=f1 onto p3=f2 from f3 in frame of reference f4
- famsku
- c1 (agent) concludes by expressing/saying c2=f1 for/to audience c3 via expressive medium c4 concluding f2.
- fancyxra
- p1 is a graph of function p2=f1 drawn by p3 in medium p4
- fanrypanka
- p1 is an industrial park managed by community/polity/company p2 for factories/plants producing f2.
- fanvycukta
- c1 is a translation of version that c2=f2(original/sourcetext) is translated by c3=f1(translator) from f3(original language) into f4(translation language)
- fasybau
- f1=b1 is the French language used by b2 to express/communicate b3 (si'o/du'u, not quote).
- fatka'e
- f1 = k1 [sequence] is able to be / capable of being reversed from / into sequence f2 by event k2 under conditions k3 (event / state).
- fatkajyfancu
- x1=fc1 is an inverse function from domain x2=fc2 to range x3=fc3 defined by original function x4=f4
- fazgau
- g1 [person/agent] annoys, by doing f1 [event], f2 [person].
- febjbijukpa
- x1=ju1 simmers/cooks/prepares food-for-eating x2=j2 by sitting it in simmering liquid x3=ji1=f1 at temperature x4=f2 and pressure x5=f3.
- febjukpa
- x1=j1 cooks/prepares food-for-eating x2=j2 by sitting it in boiling liquid x3=f1 at temperature x4=f2 and pressure x5=f3
- febmlijukpa
- x1=ju1 is poaching/cooks/prepares food-for-eating x2=j2 by sitting it in poaching liquid/court bouillon x3=m1=f1 at temperature x4=f2 and pressure x5=f3.
- fekpre
- x1 (person) is crazy/mad/frantic by standard x2.
- fepsi'i
- s1 is a cent coin issued by s2 in monetary system f3.
- fesygau
- x1=g1 [person/agent] leaves waste product/wastes x2=f1 by event/activity x3=f2=g2
- fetcinse
- c1 is gynophilous [sexually attracted to women] in situation c2 by standard c4.
- fetfamti
- fa1=fe1 is an aunt of fa2 by bond/tie fa3.
- fetfetcinse
- c1=f1 is female and gynophilous/gay/bisexual in situation c2 by standard c4
- fetytricinse
- x1 is/demonstrates/exhibits sexual orientation toward females in situation x2 by standard x3
- fickanpe
- x2 (property) is satisfied by a number different from that expected by x1 with likelihood x3
- fikcku
- cu1=cf1 is a fictional book about plot/theme/subject cf1 by author cu3=cf3 for audience cu4 preserved in medium cu5.
- filmau
- z1=f1 (action) is easier than z2 (action) for x3=f2 (agent) by amount z4 under conditions x5=f3.
- filseltro
- x1=j2 is meek/[easily controlled by] x2=f2=j1 in activity x3=j3 under conditions x4=f3
- filsmu
- s1 is easily understood/interpreted as the meaning of s2 by (agent) s3=f2 under conditions f3
- finkai
- c1 is characterized by creativity; c1 is creative/inventive (one sense).
- fintra
- t2 is the style (in the sense of art/fashion/creative work/object) of object f2 by creator f3 derived from existing elements/ideas f4
- fipcange
- c1 is a fish farm at c2, farmed by c3, raising/producing fish species x4=f2.
- fipygundi
- g1 is a/the fisheries industry/sector producing fish products g2
from fish species f2 by process g3
- firnalselsau
- s2 is face-blind, recognizing people by s3 which is not the face, by standard s4
- firti'oxra
- p1 is a silhouette of f1 made by p3 in medium p4.
- fislytsa
- x1 (force) is physically strong in aspect x2 by standard x3
- flacau
- c1=f3 [lacks law]/[is lawless with regard to] law(s) f1 specifying f2 (state/event) under conditions f4 by lawgiver(s) f5; c1=f3 is lawless.
- flanaltinbe
- t1 is an outlaw not following the law t2 made by t3.
- flapro
- fa1 rebels against/opposes law fl1, which specifies fl2 (state/event) for community fl3 under conditions fl4 by lawgiver(s) fl5.
- fukygau
- g1 (agent) creates copy f1 of f2 in form/medium f3 by method f4 (event).
- funjdi
- j1 decides/makes a decision j2 (du'u) about j3, whose outcome is determined by luck.
- ga'ezga
- g1=z1 perceives z2 to have quality g2 by means/sense g3=z3 under conditions g4=z4
- gaftercu'a
- x1 = cuxna3 (set) is the collection of options/settings that can be chosen by user x2 = cuxna1 ~ galfi1 for purpose x3.
- galgau
- gas1 elevates/raises gal1 by height reference gal2 and height standard gal3.
- galjdika
- x1=g1=j1 sinks/descends in frame of reference x2=g2 by amount x3=j3
- gamymei
- x1 is a dozen of x2 counting by dimension/aspect x3
- gancladakyxa'i
- xa1=d1=c1 is a broadsword for use against xa2=d2 by xa3 with blade of material d3, long by standard c3, broad by standard g3.
- ganjdika
- z1 narrows/contracts/is diminished in dimension g2 by amount j3.
- ganto'a
- x1 is a note low in frequency/pitch produced by x2
- gantre
- x1=m1=g1 measures x2=m2 meters in its second longest direction x3=m3=g2 by measurement standard x4=m4.
- gantycautolcitnakybakni
- b1=c1 is a bullock [castrated old male cattle/beef-producer/bovine] of species/breed b2, old by standard c2.
- ganze'a
- z1 broadens/widens in dimension g2 by amount z3.
- ga'orgau
- gas1 shuts gan1, preventing passage/access to gan2 by gan3.
- gapkla
- x1=k1 ascends/goes up to x2=g1=k2 from x3=g2=k3 via route x4=k4 by means x5=k5.
- gasyju'o
- x1=j1 witnesses/testifies x2=j2 (du'u) about x3=j3 by epistemology x4=j4
- gasyjvemu'utcini
- x1 is the sensori-motor stage as experienced by child x2
- gazykamni
- k1=g1 the committee for steering/organizing g2 into g3 by system/principle(s) g4 of body/organization k3.
- gekmau
- x1 is happier than x2 about x3 by amount x4
- gensu'a
- s1 is a grammatical structure/syntax of text s2=g3 defined by the grammar g1 of language g2.
- getybau
- g1=b1 is the Argentinian Spanish language used by b2 to express/communicate b3 (si'o/du'u, not quote)
- gidyselsku
- x1 is the motto made by x2 for x3 via expressive medium x4
- gimy'inda
- x1 (si'o) deserves a gismu x2 by standard x3 according to x4, over the objections of x5, even though it would conflict with gismu x6 and x7 is a perfectly good zi'evla
- ginlazdze
- x1 is a genetic-familial/'blood' ancestor of x2 by bond/tie/relation/of degree x3.
- ginlazyfamti
- x1 is a biological/genetic-familial/'blood' aunt/uncle of x2 by genetic-familial bond/tie/blood relation x3; x1 is a genetically and familially associated member of x2's genetic/biological parent(s)'s generation.
- ginlazyseldze
- x1 is a genetic-familial/'blood' descendant of x2 by bond/tie/relation/of degree x3.
- ginlazytamne
- x1 is genetic-familial/'blood' cousin to x2 by bond/tie x3; [non-immediate family member, default same generation (zero-times removed)].
- ginlazytunba
- x1 is a genetic-familial/biological/'blood' sibling of x2 by bond/tie/standard/shared genetic parent(s) x3.
- ginydze
- x1 is a genetic/biological ancestor (or familial peer thereof) of x2 by relationship/to degree x3 through/along graph-geodesic within their shared biological family.
- glabi'a
- b1=g1 is feverish/has a fever, from disease b3, by standard g2
- glajukpa
- j1 cooks (with heat) food-for-eating j2 by recipe/method j3 (process).
- glaladyckafi
- c1 is a quantity of café au lait/latte/café con leche/cappuccino/flat white/coffee with heated dairy [or similar] product/creamer/whitener la1=g1, addition warm by standard g2.
- glamau
- g1=z1 is hotter than z2 by standard g2 by amount z4.
- glaterjukpa
- j3 is a cooking recipe for food-for-eating j2 cooked by j1.
- glefi'a
- c1 is pornography/erotica about plot/theme/subject/under convention c2 by author c3.
- glibau
- g1=b1 is the English language used by b2 to express/communicate b3 (si'o/du'u, not quote).
- gliglibau
- g1=b1 is the British English language, used by b2 to express/communicate b3 (si'o/du'u, not quote).
- glupreselkei
- s2=p1=g1 is a hand-puppet operated by s1 from material g2
- greke'a
- x1=k1 is a hole in x2=k2=p2 to/between x3=p3 from/and x4=p4 permitting passage by x5=p1.
- gritezdybi'otei
- x1 = t1 is the elapsed time required for decaying/diminishing/reducing/shrinking population x2 = g1 to decrease in number by a factor of exactly/approximately 1/e^(x3) from that which is considered to be the initial population size, where e is the natural exponential base and x3 [li; default: 1] is a real number, according to standard/under condition/by model/in experiment x4; x1 is the one-(e^(x3))-th-life of population/sample x2; the (approximate) (x3)-th one-e-th-ing/e-fold decrease(/increase) of population x2 takes approximately x1 (time).
- grixabybi'otei
- x1 = t1 is the elapsed time required for decaying/diminishing/reducing/shrinking population x2 = g1 to decrease in number by a factor of exactly/approximately half according to standard/under condition/by model/in experiment x3; x1 is the half-life of population/sample x2; the (approximate) halving of population x2 takes approximately x1 (dimensionful number: time).
- grixonbybi'otei
- x1 = t1 is the elapsed time required for decaying/diminishing/reducing/shrinking population x2 = g1 to decrease in number by a factor of exactly/approximately 1/(x3) from that which is considered to be the initial population size, where x3 [li; default: 1] is a positive real number, according to standard/under condition/by model/in experiment x4; x1 is the (x3^(-1))-th-life of population/sample x2; the (approximate) one-x3-th-ing/(x3)-fold decrease(/increase) of population x2 takes approximately x1 (time).
- gubgundi
- gun1=gub1 is a/the public sector owned by community gub2 (mass) providing/producing gun2 by process gun3
- gubypanka
- p1=g1 is a public square managed by/belonging to polity/community p2.
- gubyseltru
- s1=g1 is a republic governed by people s2=g2
- gubysizykai
- s1=g1 is the reputation of c1 for c2 (ka) known/imagined by s2=g2 (mass)
- gubyxluselsku
- x1 (text/sedu'u) is propaganda disseminated by x2 (agent) to audience/community x3 to influence action/state x4
- gumcatra
- x1=c1 (agent) massacres/commits genocide against x2=c2=g1(mass of people) by action/method x3=c3
- gumpra
- x1 mass produces x2 [product] by process x3
- gungunma
- gunm1 is a project consisting of tasks gunk2 done by gunk1 with goal/objective gunk3.
- gusfarborcne
- g1=f2=c1 is light/illumination that is refracted by amount/degree c3 from origin/frame of reference f3 by refracting medium c4
- gusminli
- x1 is x2 (default 1) light year(s) by standard x3.
- gusnunsla
- n1 is Diwali (Deepavali) celebrated by s1 with activities s3
- gusygutci
- x1 is x2 (li; default: 1) light-seconds by standard x3.
- gutyjamkarce
- k1 is a tank propelled by k3.
- itku'ilybau
- x1 is Ithkuil (language), used by x2 to communicate x3 (du'u/si'o)
- jacke'o
- x1 is x2 degrees Celsius / centigrade in temperature by standard x3.
- jaclu'a
- p1 is a waterway to p2 from p3 via/defined by points including p4 (set).
- jacmakfa
- x1=m1 is water magic as observed by x2=m2, performed by person/force/deity x3=m3.
- jacre'ipenbi
- x1=p1 is a permanent/indelible marker applied by process x2=p3.
- jadjukpa
- x1=ju1 garnish/decorates/prepares food-for-eating/garni/cocktail x2=ja2=ju2 with garnish/decoration/embellishment x3=ja1 by recipe/method ju3 (process).
- jafpri
- p1 is a footprint on surface p2 made by foot/paw p3=j1
- jaitci
- x1=t1=j4 is a handle to hold/grasp/carry x2=j2 used by x3=j1
- jajyku'a
- x1=k1=j2 is a meeting room/hall used by x2=j1 (mass/jo'u).
- jakto'a
- x1 is a note high in frequency/pitch produced by x2
- jambe'e
- x1=j1=b1 is a fighting team lead by x2=b2 fighting against x3=j2.
- jamblo
- b1 is a warship of type/carrying b2, propelled by b3.
- jamkarce
- k1 is an armoured fighting vehicle/AFV propelled by k3.
- jamvinji
- v1 is a warplane of type/for carrying v2, propelled by v3.
- jancelxa'i
- x1=xa1 is a rifle/RPG/[near-shoulder weapon] against x2=xa2, used by x3=xa3=j3, shooting projectile x4=c2
- janjaknyxa'i
- x1 is a bazooka for use against x2 by x3.
- japyvla
- v1=j1 is a password [issued to]/[used by] j2 (person), issued/confirmed by authority j3 allowing j4 (activity), in language v3.
- jarmau
- z1=j1 is firmer/tougher/harder/more resistant than z2 by amount z4.
- jatny'utka
- x1 is the captain/commander/leader/boss/superior of/to the captain/commander/leader/boss/superior of/to the captain/commander/leader/boss/superior of/to the ... captain/commander/leader/boss/superior of/to x2 (subject, entity, vehicle, domain), connected by intermediate steps x3.
- jaurcarvrama'e
- m1 is a hydrocycle carrying m2, propelled by force m4 transmitted via pedal(s) c1=v1.
- jaursabypatxu
- p1 is a watering can used by s1 to water/irrigate s3 made of p3
- jaursfeblo
- x1 is an aquatic boat/ship/vessel for carrying x2, propelled by x3.
- jaxfenki
- x1 (object/person) is crazy/insane/mad/frantic/in a frenzy (one sense) by standard x2=f2, specifically in action/event x3=f1
- jaxlerci
- x1 (object/person) is late by standard x2=l2 in event x3=l1
- jaxyclira
- x1 (object/person) is early by standard x2=c2 in event x3=c1
- jbikla
- x1=j1=k1 approaches x2=j2=k2 from x3=k3 via route x4=k4 by means of transportation x5=k5.
- jbili'u
- x1=j1=l1 passes-by x2=j2 using means/vehicle x3=l3
- jbimau
- j1=z1 is nearer/closer to j2 than x3=z2 by amount z4.
- jbixa'i
- j1 is a melee weapon for use against j2, by j3.
- jbize'a
- z1=j1 gets nearer/closer to j2 in property j3 by amount z3.
- jbobau
- l1=b1 is Lojban used by b2 to express/communicate b3 (si'o/du'u, not quote).
- jbole'u
- le1=lo1 (la'e zo BY/word-bu) is a letter/digit/symbol of Lojban’s alphabet representing le3
- jbopa'e
- p1 is perfect in property p2 from a Lojbanic by standard l2 point of view.
- jboselkei
- x1=l1=s1 is plaything/toy of player x2=s2 and reflects [Loglandic]/Lojbanic language/culture/nationality/community in aspect x3=l2; x1=l1=s1 is Lojbanic game played by x2=s2.
- jbosofygubyseltru
- x1 is the Lojbanic Soviet Republic / Soviet Lojbanistan, governed by people x2.
- jbuselkei
- k2 is a tabletop game played by k1 on table j1.
- jdacku
- x1=c1 is a scripture/religious book of religion x4=c4=l2 containing text x2=c2 written by x3=c3.
- jdesna
- x1 is an alarm / siren produced by x2, signalling danger x3
- jdikygau
- g1 reduces j1 in property/quantity j2 by amount j3.
- jecygidyselsku
- x1 is the national motto made by x2 for x3 via expressive medium x4
- jernysoi
- x1=s1=j1 is a mercenary hired by x2=s2 for battles x3=j3 to earn money x4=j2
- jetkai
- x1 is genuinely x2 (ka) by standard x3
- jetmlu
- x1 (du'u) seems true to x2 by epistemology x3
- jetpai
- p1 judges the veracity of p2=j1 by standard/epistemology/metaphysics x3=j2.
- jetrinsku
- x1 makes x2 (du'u) true by expressing it (performative act); x2 is true because x1 claims it to be so
- jezyje'u
- x1 is the truth value / degree of truth of x2 (bridi) by epistemology/metaphysics x3
- jibycu'e
- c1 is a trade/vocational school at c2 teaching job skills c3=j1 to audience/community c4=j2 operated by c5
- ji'exru
- x1 resurrects/brings back to life x2=j1 by standard j2.
- jifkritrazu'e
- x1 pretends to be/do x2 (ka) in order for x3 to falsely believe untruth x4 (du'u), false by standard/epistemology/metaphysics x5
- jifmlu
- x1 (du'u) seems to be false to x2 by epistemology x3
- jifnarju'o
- x1 does not know that fact(s) x2 (du'u), which are about subject x3, are false by epistemology x4 / it is consistent with x1's knowledge that x2 may be true
- jifselvi'a
- v2=j1 is an illusion/mirage/etc. seen by v1.
- jifxu'a
- xu1 is wrongly/falsely claiming xu2=j1, by truth standard xu3.
- jifyjunxu'a
- x1 knowingly claims lie x2 (du'u), false/untrue by standard/epistemology/metaphysics x3
- jikfytsa
- x1 (force) is physically strong in aspect x2 by standard x3
- jikykrali
- x1 (NU) is a social right/entitlement of x2 (individual/mass) by standard x3. x2 is a legal person.
- jimdaxsna
- s1 is a zing/clang produced by metal j1=d2=s2 being hit.
- jinrcaibyca'u
- x1 is a region/room/volume of space which is shaped like a washer (or thin or flattened torus/toroid), between inner disk/sphere x2 and outer disk/sphere x3, defined by midplane x4, and containing x5.
- jmisre
- s1=j1 misunderstands fact/truth j2 (du'u) about subject j3, an error under conditions s3 by standard s4.
- jonga'e
- x1 perceives concrete experience x2 synesthetically as x3 by means x4 under conditions x5
- jonpoi
- p1 [ordered set] is a train/procession/caravan/string sequenced/ordered/listed by comparison/rules p2 on unordered set p3=j1=j2.
- jonsi'u
- x1 are joined at/by x2.
- jugbau
- j1=b1 is the Chinese-Mandarin language, used by b2 to communicate b3 (si'o/du'u, not quote)
- jukte'a
- t1 fears/is afraid/scared/frightened by/fearful of spiders/arachnids/crustaceans/crabs/lobsters/non-insect arthropods of species/breed j2.
- jungau
- x1 tells/makes known to x2
fact(s) x3 (du'u) about subject x4 by epistemology x5.
- jupklu
- k1 is a cuisine pertaining to culture/geographical region/ethos/religion k2 with dishes j2 cooked/prepared by recipe(s)/method(s) j3 (process).
- jupku'a
- x1=k1 is a kitchen, in which x2=j1 cooks x3=j2, in home/building/structure x4=k2 surrounded by partitions/walls/ceiling/floor x5=k3 (mass/jo'u).
- juptansi
- t1 is a frying pan/wok used by cook j1 for cooking/frying/sautéing j2=t1, made of material t3
- jupypatxu
- p1 is a pot used by j1 for cooking/boiling/steaming j2=p2 with recipe j3; pot made of material p3
- jupypesxu
- p1=j2 is a baked good/cake/mochi/doughnut/pizza dough/pie/macaroon/[cooked paste] made from p2 prepared by j1 according to method/recipe j3
- jupyzba
- x1 cooks/prepares x2 (cooked food) from ingredients x3 by recipe/method x4 (process)
- jutmupli
- x1=m1 is a specimen of a species/subspecies defined by traits including x2=m2, classified as x3=m3=j1, genus x4=m3=j2, etc.
- jvacmu
- ja1=ji1 is a standard by which ja2=ji2 is true, set by community ja3
- jvamapti
- x1=m1 conforms to/abides by/complies with rules/customs x2=m2=j1
- jvocme
- c1 (quoted word(s)) is a name of c2 used by c3 that morphologically [strict] is a Lojbanic lujvo built from predicates metaphor/tanru l4
- jvocmeborvla
- x1 is a word which is a {cmevla} (morphological name-word), referring to x2 and used by x3, and which is also of the form of a lujvo (excepting the last rafsi) formed from veljvo x4, in language x5
- jvonu'oblo
- x1 is the dust at the bottom of the cereal box, thereby illustrating the principle that the definition of a lujvo need not be constrained by that of its constituent selrafsi
- jvosmicme
- c1=s1 (quoted word(s)) is a name of c2 used by c3 that morphologically [loose] evokes/is similar to/is Lojbanic lujvo l1=s2 (text; may be multiple words), similar in property/quality[/amount?] s3 (ka/ni)
- ka'amru
- m1 is an axe for cutting k2 with blade m3=k1 propelled by m4.
- kacmre
- x1 (agent) count-measures/evaluates x2=m2 [quantity] as x3=k3=m3 [number counted] items/units of/in/pertaining to set x4=k2, on scale x5=m4 (si'o; default: from 0 representing nothing/no instances of the item, and by (units of) 1 for each additional occurrence if the item is quantized) with accuracy x6=m5 (ideally should be exact/perfect). x2 is countably measurable.
- kacmyxra
- p1 is a photograph of p2 taken by photographer p3 in medium p4=k3.
- kadnyfasybau
- k1=f1=b1 is the Canadian French language used by b2 to express/communicate b3 (si'o/du'u, not quote).
- kadnyglibau
- k1=g1=b1 is the Canadian English language used by b2 to express/communicate b3 (si'o/du'u, not quote).
- ka'ezma
- x1 is more capable than x2 of doing/being x3 (ka) by margin x4
- kafpra
- cu1 makes coffee/produces a quantity of coffee drink/product cu2=ck1 by process cu3.
- kafpraca'a
- ca1 is a coffeemaker/is an apparatus/device for producing coffee ca2=cu2=ck1 controlled/[triggered] by ca3 (agent).
- kafyjbu
- j1 is a coffee table of material j2 supported by legs/base/pedestal j3
- kagypanka
- p1 is a business park managed by community/polity/company p2 for businesses/firms/corporations of type k3..
- kaimre
- x1 measures, determinates (by sensorial examination) that property x2 is satisfied by x3.
- kajmi'i
- x1 is a calculator / computer / reckoning machine computing x2 [value (ni)/state] from data x3 by process x4
- kajyzmi
- x1 is a program / automaton calculating/reckoning/computing x2 [value (ni)/state] from data x3 by process x4
- kakpyca'a
- c1=k4 is an excavator/power shovel for digging in k3, operated by k1=c3.
- kaksna
- s1 is a sob/sobbing produced by k1 with tears k2 about/for reason k3 (event/state).
- kakydirgo
- x1 is a teardrop wept by x2 for reason x3.
- kalca'osrumu'aska
- x1 is an iris of color x2 as perceived by x3 under viewing conditions x4; x2 is x1's eye color.
- kalca'osrumu'askakemsloskajavburjoiri'o
- x1's eye(s)/iris(es) is/are hazel as perceived by x2 under conditions x3
- kambebna
- k1 is quality/property exhibited by b1 of being foolish/silly/stupid in event/action /property (ka) b2.
- kamcre
- k1 is c1's expertise/prowess in/skill at/mastery of c2 (event/activity) by standard c3
- kamgei
- x1 is happiness experienced by x2 about (event/state/idea) x3
- kamka'o
- kam1 is the health of kan1 by standard kan2.
- kamnolraitru
- k1 is the majesty of t1=n1 being a regent/monarch of t2 by standard n2.
- kamxansa
- x1 = ka1 is handedness/chirality/stereoisomerism/property of being chiral which is exhibited by x2 = xansa1, the chirality having type/signature/manifestation x3 = xansa2, according to standard/rule/consideration x4 = xansa3 and under conditions x5 = xansa4.
- kanpyclira
- x1 happens sooner than expected by x2
- kanpylerci
- x1 happens later than expected by x2
- kansmu
- x1 (du'u/si'o) is a connotation/undertone of x2 (text or act of expression), recognized by x3
- ka'omlu
- s1=k1 is sickly/appears healthy to observer s3 by standard k2.
- kapxra
- x1=p1 is a tattoo/body art/brand/[image on the body] depicting x2=p2 on animal/body part x3=s2 made by artist x4=p3
- karcycelxa'i
- x1=c1=k2 is a self-propelled artillery gun for use against x2 by x3, launching projectile c2 propelled by c3.
- kardyckiku
- x1=k1=c1 is a key card unlocking lock x2=c2 by property/card type x3=c3
- kargau
- g1 opens portal/passage/entranceway k1, permitting access to k2 by k3.
- karnyke'u
- x1 is the x3'rd issue/number of journal/periodical/magazine/publication x2 with content x4 published by x5 for audience x6
- katcitky'utka
- x1 predates/preys upon/is a predator of another which
predates/preys upon/is a predator of another which ... which predates/preys upon/is a predator of another which predates/preys upon/is a predator of x2 by intermediate steps x3 (ce'o).
- ka'ugra
- x1 is x2 Planck masses by standard x3
- ka'urke'o
- x1 is x2 Planck temperatures by standard x3
- ka'urnidyxa'o
- x1 is x2 Planck charges by standard x3
- kaurselju'o
- d2=k1 is common sense to knowers d1 about subject d3 by epistemology d4.
- ka'ursnidu
- x1 is x2 Planck times by standard x3
- ka'utre
- x1 is x2 Planck lengths in direction x3 by standard x4
- keigri
- k1=g1 is a team / play group together playing / playing with plaything / toy / game k2=g2; members are from set g3 linked by relations g4.
- kelci'e
- x1 is a game played by x2 governed by rules x3 interrelating game parts (physical or conceptual) x4.
- kelka'u
- x1 is a turn/move by player x2 in game x3.
- kelpanka
- p1 is a playground managed by community/polity/organization p2.
- kesyblo
- x1 is a spaceship/starship/(outer)space vessel for carrying x2 and propelled by x3.
- kesyvinji
- x1 is a spaceplane carrying payload x2 propelled by x3.
- ke'uzgi
- x1 is a reprise / repeated musical passage produced by x2 (event)
- kibmalmri
- x1 sends spam (e-)mail x2 to recipient [address] x3 from mailbox address x4 by network/system x5
- kibyka'ixra
- x1=p1 is a profile picture belonging to x2=p2=kr2 made by x3=p3 on website x4.
- kibykarni
- ki1=ka1 is an internet-journal/web-article/blog (web-log) with content ka2 published by ka3 for audience ka4
- kibypidyfi'a
- c1 is/pertains to cyberpunk genre (as a work of culture: literature/cinema/gaming/etc) having plot/theme/subject matter c2 and was created by c3
- ki'irgau
- x1 makes x2 and x3 be related by binary relation x4.
- ki'irpoi
- In the sequence x1, each nonfinal member is related to the next member by the relation x2.
- kijytoldustersabji
- s3 [recipient] is insufficiently/deficiently supplied with oxygen from s1 [source], insufficiently by standard d3.
- kilga'axa'i
- x1=xa1=g1=k1 is a lance/spear/javelin/pointed-rod weapon for use against x2=xa2 by x3=xa3 of material x4=g2.
- kinpei
- x1=p1=s3=s4 thinks about subject x2=p2=s2 by imagining x3=s1 which is like an imaginary movie about that subject.
- kinzga
- x1=z1 watches movie/film/audio-video x2=z2=s1 about subject x3=s2 by filmmaker x4=s3 intended for audience x5=s4 by sensory means x6=z3 under conditions x7=z4
- ki'odje
- d1 is d2 full kilodays (thousand day unit) in duration (default is 1 kiloday) by standard d3
- ki'ogra
- g1 is g2 kilograms in mass by standard g3.
- ki'orna'a
- n1 is n2 millennia (1000 years) in duration (default is 1 millennium) by standard n3.
- ki'ortanminli
- x1 is x2 (li; default: 1) kiloparsecs by standard x3.
- ki'otre
- x1 is x2 kilometres long in direction x3 by standard x4.
- kirdei
- d1 is Thanksgiving by standard d3
- kisybau
- k1=b1 is the Pakistani Urdu language used by b2 to communicate b3 (si'o/du'u, not quote)
- kisyglibau
- k1=g1=b1 is the Pakistani English language used by b2 to express/communicate b3 (si'o/du'u, not quote).
- kitselzba
- x1 is pottery made by x2 of clay x3.
- klacpedyca'a
- ca1 is pager for calling ca2=cp3 controlled/[triggered] by ca3=cp1
- klaje'i
- j1=k1 follows j2 to destination k2 from origin k3 via route k4 by means k5.
- klakla
- x1 goes and returns to x2 from x3 via x4 by using x5.
- klamau
- z1, more than z2, goes to k2 from k3 via k4 by means of k5.
- klamu'o
- x1=k1=m1 arrives at x2=k2 from x3=k3 by route x4=k4 with transportation means x5=k5 by completion standard x6=m3
- klasutra
- s1=k1 scurries to k2 from k3 through k4 by means k5
- kleivmykai
- x1 (set) is a set such that the complement of which (taken in/relative to superset x3=kleivmu3 (set; default: some universal set)) has property/is characterized by x2 (ka).
- klenilbra
- x1 (li) is the size of set x2 by standard/notion x3
- kolcedra
- c1 is the Carboniferous Period, characterized by c2
- kosmyca'a
- x1=c1 is a facility for doing x2=c2 controlled by x3=c3
- kosmyselgu'a
- x1=g2 is a mission done by x2=g1 with goal/objective x3=g3=k1
- kralyxaigle
- x1=g1 sexually violates/harms/rapes/violates the sexual rights of victim x2=g2=xr2=k2, violation by sexual activity (sex used as a weapon/means of harm), in property x3=xr3 (ka) by resulting in injury x4=xr4 (state), violating right x5=k1 (event) which is morally/legally guaranteed but actually violated under standards x6=k3
- krebasti
- b1 is wig/toupee/mirkin worn by k2 on body location k3.
- krevelylu'i
- x1 is a shampoo for washing x2's hair, removing x3, used by x4.
- krivelmikce
- x1=m4=k3 is a placebo [substance with no pharmacological effect] which patient x2=m2=k1 believes/expects to cure ailment x3=m3, placebo given by doctor/nurse x4=m1.
- krosa'i
- s1=k1 bows/takes a bow on surface s2 supported by limbs/supports s3.
- kucyvla
- x1=v1=k1 is a word/quotation crossing other words/quotations, meaning/defined by x2=v2, located at x3=k3
- kukselzba
- z2=k1 is something made by z1 out of z3 that is pleasing/delightful to sense k2.
- kukselzbasu
- z2=k1 is something made by z1 out of z3 that is pleasing/delightful to sense k2.
- kulgu'a
- x1=g1 works on x2=g2 with goal/purpose x3=g3 which is associated to school x4=c1 at x5=c2 teaching subject(s) x6=c3 to audience/community x7=c4 (of which x1 is a part) operated by x8=c5
- kulmanfyta'u
- t1=m1 is a school uniform for wearing by t2=c4 for purpose t3
- kulmu'o
- x1=c4=m1 graduates/completes coursework from x2=c1 at location x3=c2 in subject matter x4=c3, by the standards of
the administration x5=c5=m3
- kulselgu'a
- g2 is homework for g1 with goal/objective g3, set by / for school c1
- kungundi
- g1 is a/the metals and mining industry/sector producing/mining g2=k1 of type/metal k2 from location k3 by process g3
- kunkevrutni
- x1 is Minecraft, the video game by Mojang Studios, version x2 (defaults to current version at time of writing)
- kurblikubli
- kub1=b1=kur1
is a cube/regular polyhedron [3-dimensional shape/form], defined by set of vertices kur2, surfaces/sides kub3=b3.
- kurjga
- j1=k1 is a right-angle [2-dimensional shape/form] from vertex j2=k2 subtended by lateral [segment] j3.
- kurkubli
- kub1=kur1
is a hypercube/right-angled/orthogonal regular polyhedron/polygon/polytope defined by set of vertices kur2, of dimensions kur3=kub2, surfaces/sides kub3.
- kutyje'u
- x1 a tautology by standard/epistemology/metaphysics x2.
- labmau
- z1 is/are whiter than z2 by amount z4.
- lafre'e
- x1 is a maglev/hovertrain/ground-effect train of cars/units x2 for track/guideway x3, propelled by x4 and lifted by x5
- lairka'e
- x1 is quantifiable by quantifier x2 on scale x3.
- la'irze'a
- z1=l1 gets closer to l2 in property l3 by amount z3.
- lajme'e
- c1 (quoted word(s)) is a street/road name/odonym of street/avenue/lane/drive/cul-de-sac/way/alley/[road] c2=l1 to/used-by namer/name-user c3 (person).
- lajre'e
- x1 is a trolley (train that runs on streets) of cars x2 on rails x3 propelled by x4.
- lakpinsi
- p1 is a crayon made from wax p2=l1, held together by p3.
- laldymle
- x1 is retro/vintage to x2 by standard x3
- laltadni
- x1=l1=t1 researches/does research on subject x2=t2 about x3=l2 by method/technique/system x4=l3
- lamgre
- x1 passes by x2 to x3 from x4
- lampagre
- p1=l1 passes by p2 to p3 from p4 by l2.
- landegna'u
- x1 is an even number (integer divisible by 2)
- lardai
- x1 is a work of art created by an application of craft/skill x2.
- larpra
- x1 is-an-artist/produces x2 by artistic application of skill/craft x3.
- lauble
- r1=c1 sounds quiet/weak at observation point c2 by standard c3=t3.
- laurmi'a
- x1=cm1=cl1 loudly laughs; loud at observation point x2=cm2 by standard x3=cm3. x1=cm1=cl1 is literally laughing out loudly.
- lausku
- cu1=cl1 shouts cu2 (sedu'u/text/lu'e concept) for audience cu3 via expressive medium cu4, loudly by standard x5=cl3.
- laxtyminli
- x1 is x2 (li; default: 1) galactic units (i.e.: the average distance between the center of the Milky Way galaxy and the center of Sol system) by standard x3.
- lazme'e
- c1 (quoted word(s)) is the family name (as opposed to the given name) of family member c2=z2, used by namer/name-user c3. The family is bonded/tied/joined according to standard z3.
- lazycange
- c1 is a family farm/ranch at c2, farmed by family c3=l1 (mass), raising, producing c4.
- lazycme
- x1 (text) is the name of family x2 (partial set/list of individuals or, better, a graph structure) by name-user x3.
- lejykarda
- x1=k1 is a payment card with cardholder x2=p1 for usage x3=p4, accepted by payee/merchant x4=p3
- lekladryckafi
- c1=x1 is a quantity of white/light/(regular) coffee with cold dairy [or similar] product/creamer/whitener la1=le1, addition cold by standard le2.
- lektu'a
- t1=l1 is tundra at location t2, cold by standard l2
- lerbasysre
- s1 makes a typo, typing/writing letter l1=b1 in place of l1=b2 in word b3 by standard s4
- lercu'aca'aci'aci'e
- x1=ciste1 is a keyboard layout used by x2=ciska1 to enter letters/symbols x3=lerfu1=ciska2=cuxna2.
- lerpoijaspu
- j1=p1 (zoi-quote/character sequence) is a password/passphrase issued to j2 by issuer/authority j3, allowing activity j4.
- lertcitydetri
- x1 is the letteral-tagged timestamp of event/state/duration x2, at timezone location x3, by calendar x4
- lidysna
- s1 is a thunder [sound] produced/emitted by lightning s2=l1.
- lijgri
- g1 is a row (group) showing common property (ka) g2 due to set g3 linked by relations g4.
- lijnilcla
- x1=n1 is the length of line x2=l1=c1 defined by set of points x3=l2 in measurement system x4=n2=c3
- lirgli
- g1 is Old English/pertains to Old English-speaking culture in aspect g2, early by standard x3=c2.
- lirmau
- x1 is earlier than x2 by amount of time x3.
- lisnuntoi
- n1 is a drafting by author l3=t1 of story l1=t2 using method t3.
- lisxra
- x1=p1 is a comic strip about plot/subject/moral x2=l2 illustrated by x3=p3 with story written by x4=l3.
- lisycku
- c1 is a story book containing story/tale/yarn/narrative c2=l2 by book author c3 for book’s audience c4 preserved in medium c5.
- litcreka
- cr1 is a dress shirt of material cr2, potentially formal by standard cl3.
- li'urxa'u
- l1=xa1 itinerates over route/thoughout region l2=xa2 by means of travel l3; l1 is nomadic.
- lixtci
- x1 is a plough/plow for ploughing/plowing x2 propelled by x3
- lojbau
- b1 is a logic language/loglang used by b2 to express/communicate b3=l2 (si'o/du'u, not quote).
- lumku'a
- x1=k1 is a bathroom, in which x2=l1 washes x3=l2 (self/other(s)/body part), in home/building/structure x4=k2 surrounded by partitions/walls/ceiling/floor x5=k3 (mass/jo'u)
- lurminli
- x1 is x2 (li; default: 1) times the average distance between the center of Earth and the center of Luna (the Moon) by standard x3.
- lutnilcla
- x1=n1 is the length of path x2=p1=c1 between x3=p2 and x4=p3 defined by points x5=p4 (set) where the distance is on scale x6=n2=c3
- ma'ekla
- k1=m2 drives to k2 from k3 via route k4=m3 by means m1.
- ma'erklaxoi
- x1 is a motel at location x2 operated by x3
- ma'ersazyjaspu
- j1 is a driver's license/driving licence issued to j2 (person) by authority j3, of category/allowing to operate/drive vehicle s2=m1=j4.
- ma'erselkei
- k2 is a toy played with by k1 in the shape of vehicle m1.
- mafnenlai
- x1 is mana/magical energy/magic points of quantity x2=k1 possessed by x3=m3.
- magmiltre
- x1 is x2 millimeters of mercury by standard x3.
- majbi'o
- m1=b1(material) undergoes metabolism, replaced by b2 under condition b3
- majgybra
- x1 is massive, x1 has a great mass by standard or relatively to x2 (plural)
- makfyfi'a
- c1 is fantasy/magic-oriented fiction about plot/theme/subject c2 by author c3, based on magic m1
- maklafre'e
- x1 is a maglev/magnetic levitation train of cars/units x2 for track/guideway x3, propelled by x4
- malcme
- m1=c1 is a derogatory / abusive / insulting name for m2=c2 as used by m3=c3; m3=c3 "name-calls" m1=c1.
- malfu'a
- f1=m2 (event/property) is determined by the bad luck/fortune of f2.
- malglixlu
- x1=m1=g1=xl3 is an inappropriate anglicism made by x2=xl2, inappropriate according to x3=m3
- malmakfa
- mak1 is black magic to mak2, performed by person/force/deity mak3.
- malpanci
- x1 is a foul odor/stink emitted by x2 and detected by observer/sensor x3
- malvi'e
- x1 is unwelcome by x2 to place/event x3.
- malxa'u
- x1 infests/damnedly lives in x2, terrible by standard/according to x3
- mamcme
- m1=c1 (quoted word(s)) is a/the matronymic [a personal name based on the name of one's mother] of m2=c2 to/used-by namer/name-user c3 (person).
- manfyta'u
- t1=m1 is livery/[a uniform] for wearing by t2 for purpose t3.
- manze'a
- z1 becomes darker/darkens by amount z3.
- markai
- x1 qualifies as / counts as being x2 (ka) by standard x3
- marnyjoitankysigja
- s1 is a spliff/cigarette made from marijuana and tobacco s2=m1=t1 by s3.
- marnysigja
- s1 is a joint/spliff/cigarette made from marijuana s2=m1 by s3.
- matlytsi
- x1 is flaxseed/linseed produced by plant x2, capable of growing into x3.
- matrydagma'e
- mar1 is a motor/road vehicle for carrying mar2 on road d1=mar3, propelled by mar4, with motor/engine mat1.
- matryselre'e
- t2=t4 is a locomotive, powered by motor m1, propelling train t1 in railroad t3
- maudji
- d1 prefers d1=m1 (event/state) to m2 for purpose d3 by amount/excess z4.
- ma'urcu'e
- c1 is a college at c2 teaching subject c3 to audience c4=m1 operated by c5.
- maxyvru
- s1 is a crash (sound) produced by m1 smashing into m2.
- meckanpe
- x1 underestimates the value satisfying x2 (ka/ni) by amount x3, underestimated with likelihood x4; x2 (property) is satisfied by a number greater by amount x3 than that expected by x1 with likelihood x4
- mecmlerai
- me1=t1 is least beautiful among set/range t3 to m2 in aspect me3 (ka) by aesthetic standard me4.
- mecnei
- n1 disprefers n2=m1 to m2, because of property/quantity m3, by margin m4
- mecrai
- m1=t1 is the least of m2=t4 in property m3 (ka/ni) by amount m4.
- mectolmlerai
- me1=t1 is least ugly among set/range t3 to me2 in aspect me3 (ka) by aesthetic standard me4.
- mecyjavdu'i
- x1 is less than or equal to x2 in property/quantity x3 by amount x4.
- mecyxagrai
- t1=x1 is the worst among set/range t4 for x2 by standard x3.
- mecyxlarai
- m1=x1 is the best/[least bad] among set/range t4 for x2 by standard x3.
- megdje
- d1 is d2 full megadays (million day unit) in duration (default is 1 megaday) by standard d3
- megygra
- x1 is x2 tonne(s) [metric unit] in mass (default is 1) by standard x3.
- mekfancu
- x1 is an operator/mathematical function/single-valued mapping from domain x2 to range x3 defined by mathematical expression/rule x4.
- memjdika
- x1 decreases in number by amount x2
- memlai
- x1 numbers/adds up to/consists of x2 (number) counting by units x3; x1 are x2 in number.
- memyze'a
- x1 increases in number by amount x2
- mencre
- c1=m2 (person) is intelligent/smart by standard c3.
- menmakfa
- x1 is psychic magic/power to x2 performed by x3.
- merbau
- m1=b1 is the American English language used by b2 to express/communicate b3 (si'o/du'u, not quote).
- mexybau
- m1=b1 is the Mexican Spanish language used by b2 to express/communicate b3 (si'o/du'u, not quote).
- mi'asna
- s1 is laughter emitted by s2=c1
- mibykla
- x1=k1 comes to me from x2=k3 via route x3=k4 by means x4=k5
- midnoi
- n1 is an instruction for n2=m3 (event/state) to occur, issued by n3=m1 for intended recipient n4=m2.
- mi'ircelxa'i
- x1=c1 is a machine gun for use against x2 by x3, launching projectile c2 propelled by c3.
- mi'irlarfi'a
- c1 is technology-oriented science fiction about plot/theme/subject c2 by author c3, based on technology l1.
- mikydje
- d1 is d2 full microdays (millionth of a day unit) in duration (default is 1 microday) by standard d3
- mikygra
- g1 is g2 micrograms in mass (default is 1) by standard g3.
- mildje
- d1 is d2 full milidays (thousandth of a day unit) in duration (default is 1 miliday) by standard d3; d1 is a metric minute.
- milgra
- g1 is g2 milligrams in mass by standard g3
- miltre
- mit1=mil1 is mit2=mil1 (one by default) millimeter(s) in length measured in direction mit3 by standard mit4.
- miltymitre
- mit1=mil1 is mit2=mil1 (one by default) millimeter(s) in length
- milylitce
- l1=m1 is l2 milliliter(s)/millilitre(s) [metric unit] in volume (default is 1) by standard l3.
- mincku
- c1=j2 is a book/text containing work c2, which adds to work j3, by author c3 preserved in medium c5
- mipstu
- s1 (place) hides m2=s2 from m3 by method m4; s1 is a hiding place.
- miptinytci
- tu1=m2 is a bug used by ti1=m1 to listen to ti2 without mi3 being aware.
- mipypu'i
- x1=p1=m1 hides/conceals x2=p2 from x4=m3 on/at surface/locus x3=p3=m1, the location being kept secret by method x5=m4.
- mirsna
- s1=m4 is an echo of sound m2=s2, reflected by m1 and heard by m3.
- misrybau
- m1=b1 is the Egyptian Arabic language used by b2 to express/communicate b3 (si'o/du'u, not quote).
- misyselsi'a
- m1=s2 is glorified by s1.
- mitcinse
- c1 is homosexual/bisexual in situation c2 by standard c4.
- mitfa'e
- m1=f1 is palindromic by standard m3.
- mitfa'i
- x1 discovers that x2 is identical to x3 by standard x4; x1 discovers x2's identity
- mitmlu
- s1=m1 seems to be the same as m2 by standard m3 to observer s3 under conditions s4.
- mitpamcinse
- c1 in activity/state c2 exhibits a homoromantic/biromantic orientation by standard c4.
- mitsmuvla
- v1=m1 is a synonym of m2 by standard m3 in language v3.
- mivgau
- g1 reincarnates/resurrects j1 by standard j2.
- mivmu'e
- m1 is nature/the world of living things m2=j1, defined by rules m3.
- mivnalsti
- j1=s2 is immortal by standard j2.
- mivyselna'a
- n2 (number) is the age (in years) of living thing j1, alive by standard j2, with year standard n3.
- mlakla
- x1=k1=m4 dodges/sidesteps/skirts x2=m2 from x3=k3 by route x4=k4 by means of transportation x5=k5.
- mleba'i
- m1=b1 is splendid/glorious/magnificent to m2 in aspect m3 (ka) by aesthetic standard m4, and by greatness standard b4.
- mlemau
- z1=m1 is more beautiful than z2 to m2 in aspect m3 (ka) by amount z4.
- mleme'a
- ml1=me1 is less beautiful than ml2 to me2 in aspect me3 (ka) by amount ml4.
- mlerai
- m1=t1 is most beautiful among set/range t3 to m2 in aspect m3 (ka) by aesthetic standard m4.
- mlibra
- b1=m1 is somewhat big in dimension b2 by standard b3.
- mligla
- g1=m1 is warm by standard g2.
- mlilenku
- l1=m1 is cool (mildly cold) by standard l2.
- mlirumjvesimjo'e
- x1 (mass) is a quantity/mass of things x2 joined into a whole/conglomerate by fusion/soldering with one another (neighbor-wise)
- mo'icli
- c1=m1 memorizes/commits to memory c2=m2 (du'u) about subject c3=m3 from source c4 (obj./event) by method c5 (event/process))
- moirtcita
- x1 is a tag of x2 showing that x2 is x3-th in set x4 by ordering x5
- mojmau
- z1 has a better memory than z2 with regards to facts m2 about subject m3 by amount/excess z4.
- molselputpracro
- x1 experiences pain at locus x2 in their mouth, associated with/caused by the production of saliva (such as by its subsequent release into the part-time glands)
- molvelylu'i
- x1 is a mouthwash for x2's mouth, removing x3, used by x4.
- momkai
- x1 is the x2-th member of set x3 ordered by rule x4
- momlai
- x1 is the x2nd member of set x3 ordered by rule x4 .
- momrai
- x1=traji1=moi1 is the x2=moi(-1)th (li) most extreme member of set/range x5=traji4=moi2 (set; possibly ordered) in property/ordered according to measure of property x3=traji2 \sim moi (ka) measuring from the x4 = traji3-est/utmost (ka; default: ka zmadu) member, which/who has a similar ordinality count of x6 (li) in the same set by the same ordering.
- monfu'i
- f1 is an emulation/imitation of f2 in medium f3, emulated by method f4 and exhibiting pattern m1.
- monfu'igau
- x1=g1 (agent) emulates x3=f2 resulting in emulation/imitation x2=f1 in medium x4=f3 by method x5=f4 exhibiting pattern x6=m1.
- mosriksna
- x1 is a friction sound, made by x2 rubbing against x3
- mosycpu
- l1 drags/hauls l2=m2 by handle/at locus l3 along surface m3.
- mrenilglamlu
- x1 (temperature units) is the measured apparent temperature (humidex, wind chill) of x2 (location) by standard x3
- mrocarce
- c1 is a hearse for carrying c2, propelled by c3
- mromakfa
- x1=m1 is death magic/necromancy as observed by x2=m2, performed by person/force/deity x3=m3.
- mronunsla
- x1 (event) is the funeral (death celebration) held or hosted by/wherein x2 honors the conpleted life of x3 via activities x4.
- mrospe
- x1=s1 is widowed from x2=m1=s2 by law/convention x3=s3
- mrospeborsti
- x1 is an ex-spouse of x2 who later died, who was divorced from them by law/custom x3.
- mujyku'e
- k1 is universal in domain m2 defined by rules m3
- mulgau
- g1 makes m1 complete in property m2 by standard m3
- mulgri
- g1=m1 is a complete set showing common property (ka) g2, complete by standard m3.
- mulgunma
- g1=m1 is a mass/team/aggregate/whole, together composed solely/completely/wholly of components x2, considered jointly, by standard m3.
- muljbi
- x1 is almost/nearly done/complete/finished/whole in property x2 by standard x3.
- mulselylai
- k2 is a universal quantifier quantifying quantity m1=k1, which is complete/whole by standard m2 on scale k3 (si'o).
- muvyxra
- p1 is an animation featuring characters p2=m1, made by artist p3 in medium p4
- na'azma
- x1 is older than x2 by
x3 (li) years
- nackai
- c1 is characterized by numbers; c1 is digital.
- nacme'e
- x1=n1=c1 is a numerical identifier of x2=c2, used by x3=c3.
- nacmeimei
- x1 is an x2 by x3 vector array/matrix of vectors x4, x5, x6...
- nacrei
- p1 is a question about a number, asked by p3 to p4.
- nadmau
- x1 is more difficult/harder than x2 for x3 by amount x4
- nadydjukra
- x1 is recourse of x2 to do/achieve difficult situation x3, which is difficult by standard x4
- nafmupli
- x1 is a counterexample of property x2, normally exemplified by set x3
- naizgi
- z1 is folk music performed at/by z2 (event), originating in group of people n2.
- najgenjycmakemterka'a
- x1=n1=g1=c1=ka3 is a baby-cut carrot, which is small in property/dimension(s) x5=c2 as compared with standard/norm x6=c3, cut by tool/blade x2=ka1 from carrot x3=ka2=n1, which is of variety x4=g2.
- nakcinse
- c1 is androphilous [sexually attracted to men] in situation c2 by standard c4.
- nakfamti
- n1=f1 is an uncle of f2 by bond/tie f3.
- naknakcinse
- c1=f1 is male and androphilous/gay/bisexual in situation c2 by standard c4
- nakseltri
- x1 = t2 is attracted to males in property/manner/capacity x2 = t3 (ka), where maleness is determined by evincing masculine traits/according to standard x3 = n3 (ka).
- naksmifetsi'o
- si1 is feminism, the idea that females and males are alike in quality sm3, as thought by si2.
- nakso'aselcigla
- c2 is semen containing s1, secreted by organism c1=s2
- naktricinse
- x1 is/demonstrates/exhibits sexual orientation toward males in situation x2 by standard x3
- nalbrablo
- ba1=bl1 is a non-big boat for carrying bl2, propelled by bl3, in property/dimension(s) ba3 (ka) as compared with standard/norm ba3.
- nalci'o
- x1 is senior/older/other than young by standard x2.
- nalcre
- c1 is lay (non-professional) in event/activity c2 by standard c3.
- naldu'e
- x1 is moderate in respect of x2 by standard x3
- naljuncedrydji
- dji1=dju1 desires/wants/wishes unknown era dji2=c1=dju3 (event/state) characterized by c2 (event/property/interval/idea) for purpose dji3. dji1=dju1 is nostalgic.
- nalju'o
- d1 does not knows fact(s) d2 (du'u) about subject d3 by epistemology d4
- nalme'a
- m1 is not less than/more than or equal to m2 in property/quantity m3 (ka/ni) by amount m4
- nalmle
- m1 is ugly to m2 in aspect m3 (ka) by aesthetic standard m4.
- nalmu'o
- x1 is incomplete/unfinished in property x2 by standard x3 .
- nalreldilcymu'o
- x1 is an odd number (integer not divisible by 2).
- nalrelpi'irna'u
- n1 (li) is an integer number that is not a multiple of two by an integer; n1 is an odd number.
- nalreltracinse
- c1=t1 in activity/state c2 exhibits/performs/expresses non-binary gender c3=t2 (ka) by standard c4.
- nalselzu'i
- x1 (event/state) is unhindered by x2 (event/state) due to quality x3 (ka).
- nalvaijvoborpinka
- p1 is bikeshedding about lujvo l1 expressed by p3 to audience p4 on grounds (du'u) x5
- nalvaipinka
- p1 is bikeshedding about subject p2 expressed by p3 to audience p4
- nanfi'oglibau
- x1 is the South African English language used by x2 to express/communicate x3 (si'o/du'u, not quote).
- nanlybakni
- b1=c1 is a bullock [young male cattle/beef-producer/bovine], of age n2 immature/defined as a bullock by standard n3, of species/breed b2.
- nansicnansnanu
- x1 is south by west of x2 in reference frame x3.
- nansunsunsnanu
- x1 is southeast by east of x2 in frame of reference x3.
- narje'u
- x1 (du'u) is not true by standard/epistemology/metaphysics x2
- narjista'u
- x1 is dirty laundry worn by x2 for purpose x3, dirty with x4.
- narkau
- x1 (property) is not shared by everything among x2 (plural)
- narplixau
- x1 is useless to agent x2 by the standard of purpose x3
- nartinbe
- t1 disobeys/does not follow the command/rule t2 made by t3; (adjective:) t1 is disobedient.
- nartolkau
- x1 (property) is satisfied by at least one thing among x2 (plural)
- natpamtrusi'o
- s1 is a nationalist political ideology as applied by t1=p1 among/in people/territory/domain t2 based on the works of thinker s3
- navytre
- m1=n1 is m2=n2 nanometer(s) / billionth(s) of a meter [metric unit] in length (default 1) measured in direction m3=n3 by standard x4=m3.
- nebysrijge
- j1 is a necktie made of material d2 worn by c2.
- neizma
- x1=n1=z1 likes x3=n2 more than x2=z2 does, by margin x4=z4.
- nelcymau
- z1, more than z2, likes n2 by amount z4.
- nensanta
- s1 is an energy shield protecting s2 from s3, made of material s4, supported by s5
- nerta'u
- x1=t1=n1 is underwear, worn by/on x2=t2, for purpose x3=t3, worn under x4=n2
- ni'ablo
- x1 is a submarine for carrying x2, propelled by x3.
- nicpoi
- x1 (sequence) is a sorted sequence, ordered by relation x2 (binary ka), from unordered set/plurality x3
- nifkemtemsalri
- x1 (vector) is the differintegral (with respect to time) of order x2 of the displacement of x3 (object/point) relative to x4 (object/point/frame of reference; contextless default: the origin in the home frame) in coordinate system/frame of reference/as measured by x5 according to definition/standard/(meta)physics x6, taken with starting point x7
- nifkemtemsalryke'ecusna
- x1 (scalar-valued) is the magnitude of the vector of the differintegral (with respect to time) of order x2 of the displacement of x3 (object/point) relative to x4 (object/point/frame of reference; contextless default: origin) in coordinate system/frame of reference/as measured by x5 according to definition/standard/(meta)physics x6, where the differintegral is taken with starting point x7, in metric/by definition x8
- nildemparbi
- x1 (unitless/dimensionless number; li) is the specific gravity (density or concentration ratio) of x2 (substance) with respect to/by standard/per unit of density/concentration of x3 (substance), where density/concentration of each substance is being taken per unit x4 = nildenmi3 at locus x5 = nildenmi4 of density/concentration type x6 = nildenmi5.
- nilji'a
- n1 is a number of points / score / indication of an attempt to win a competition won by j1 over opponent(s) j3 in competition j4, points measured on scale n2.
- nilkla
- ni1 is the amount of k1's coming/going to k2 from k3 via route k4 by means k5, measured on scale ni2.
- nilmuvyselbai
- x1=n1 (quantity/amount) is the physical work performed on object x2=m1=b2 (object), due to/applied by x3=b1 (force; ka?), in its (x2's) movement to destination x4=m2 [away] from origin x5=m3 along(/by/in/on) path/route x6=m4
- nilnalci'o
- ni1 is the age [elapsed duration] of c1 by standard c2
- nilvoksli
- n1 is the voicing of/amount of phonation of/state of the vocal folds during speech sound/vocal product x2 made by instrument/locus/vocalization tool v1 in individual speaker v2.
- nilzma
- x1 (li) exceeds/is greater than/is numerically larger than x2 (li) by amount (ni/li) x3; x1 = x2 + x3
- ninfesyborpli
- x1=p1 recycles x2=p2=f1=c2 for new purpose x3=p3=c3 from original use x4=f2, purpose new by standard x5=c4.
- ningau
- x1=g1=c2 renovates/renews/updates x2=c1, making it new in property x3=c3 by standard x4=c4.
- ninmu'o
- m1=c1 is brand-new to c2 by standard c4, complete by standard m3
- ninpre
- c1=p1 is a stranger to c2 in aspect c3 by standard c4
- nintadni
- c2=t1 is a beginner in subject c1=t2 by standard c4
- ninyna'anunsla
- nu1 is the celebration of the New Year as celebrated by s1 at the beginning of year na1=c1 according to standard na3; nu1 is the New Year.
- nirka'aborvelmikce
- mikce4 is a neurosurgical procedure performed on patient mikce2 for ailment mikce3 by mikce1; mikce4 is neurosurgery
- nitmau
- z1=c1 is lower than z2 beneath c2 in frame of reference c3 by amount/excess z4.
- nityjirma'e
- m1 is a diver propulsion vehicle (DPV) carrying m2=j1=c1 (diver/object), propelled by m4.
- nolboi
- x1 is an orb made of
b2 used by n1.
- nolga'a
- g1 is a sceptre made of g2 used by n1.
- nolraitru
- t1=n1 is a regent/monarch of t2 by standard n2.
- nolstizu
- s1 is a throne/ceremonial chair used by noble/aristocratic/elite/high-born/titled in/under culture/society/standard n2.
- noltrunau
- x1 is the king of x2 by standard x3.
- noltruni'u
- x1 is the queen of x2 by standard x3.
- nolzgi
- z1=n1 the classical music performed at/by z2 (event) originating in culture n1.
- noncinse
- c1 is asexual in situation c2 by standard c4.
- nonmau
- z1 (number) is greater than 0 by amount z4 (number); z1 is a positive number.
- nonme'a
- m1 (number) is less than 0 by amount m4 (number); m1 is a negative number.
- nonpamcinse
- c1 in activity/state c2 exhibits an aromantic orientation by standard c4.
- nonsmi
- x1 is the zero(-like)/additive identity of structure/ring x2; often is denoted by ' 0R '
(for structure/ring R, specified by x2) or by '0' when context is obvious
- nonydza
- x1 (property) is not satisfied by anything in the domain of discourse
- nonynalmau
- x1 is lesser or equal to zero by amount x2
- nonynalme'a
- x1 is greater or equal to zero by amount x2; x1 is a positive number (greater than zero)
- norbra
- x1=b1 is middle-sized in property x2=b2 by standard x3=b3
- norcre
- x1 is mediocre (in terms of skill) at x2 (ka/activity) by standard x3
- normle
- m1 is plain/ordinary-looking (neither ugly nor beautiful) to m2 in aspect m3 (ka) by aesthetic standard m4.
- nornoncinse
- c1 exhibits gray asexuality in situation c2 by standard c4.
- norpa'i
- x1 is indifferent/apathetic/dispassionate/uninvolved/unmoved towards/with/by x2.
- norvaismu
- s1=v1 is an interpretation of s2 recognized by s3 but judged unimportant by v2.
- norvu'e
- x1 is morally neutral by standard x2
- norxau
- x1 is mediocre (in terms of benefit) for x2 by standard x3
- nunca'ipaikezmi'e
- x1 orders the impeachment trial of x2 over issue x3 within body/by judge/in system/via proceedings x4; x1 formally impeaches (pseudo-legalistic political process) authority x2 for alleged inadequacies x3.
- nuncatra
- n1 is the killing by c1 of c2 by action/method c3.
- nunctu
- x1 (nu) is an event in which x2 teaches x3 facts x4 (du'u) about x5 by means x6; x1 is a lesson given by x2 to x3.
- nunde'a
- n1 is a pause by d1 for/until d2 at state d3 before starting/continuing d4 (activity/process).
- nundenpa
- n1 is a pause by d1 for/until d2 at state d3 before starting/continuing d4 (activity/process).
- nunfusra
- n1 is the decay/fermentation (recycling of matter/energy/electrons) of f1 by chemical agent f2.
- nungumcatra
- x1=n1 is an instance of massacre/genocide/mass murder/killing spree commited by x2=c1 (agent) against x3=c2=g1(mass of people) by action/method x4=c3
- nungumpra
- x1=n1 is the mass production of x2=p2 [product] by process x3=p3
- nunjacycrepu
- n1 is fishery (fish industry) of product c2 (aquatic animals) from source/area c3=t1 (ocean/sea/coast/lake/river) by fishermen c1.
- nunkei
- n1 is a game played by k1 playing with plaything/toy k2
- nunlerci
- n1 is the lateness of l1 (event) by standard l2.
- nunmi'a
- n1 is the laugh/laughter of/by c1
- nunselxu'a
- n1 is the event of proposition x2 (du'u) being declared/asserted by x1 (agent).
- nunsezyfanta
- n1 is self-restraint shown by f1=s2
- nunsne
- n1 is dreaming/fantasy by s1 dreaming of/fantasizing about s2
- nuntoi
- n1 is the effort of t1 trying/attempting to do/attain t2 (event/state/property) by actions/method t3
- nuntolpro
- x1 is consent given by agent(s) x2 to agent(s) x3 about/allowing (action/event/state) x4.
- nuntumcrepu
- n1 is agriculture of product c2 from source/area c3=t1 by farmers c1
- nunynunflapaikezmi'e
- x1 (event) is the indictment of x3 by x2 over matters x4 involving parties x5 in legal system/court/under judge x6.
- nu'ospe
- x1=s1 is single (never been married) by law/convention x2=s3
- nurfu'i
- f1 is a backup / danger avoiding duplicate / copy of f2=s1 in form / medium f3 made by method f4 to protect / secure against event s2 (generally destruction or loss).
- nuznoi
- no1 is a news/press release with news nu1 about subject nu2=no2 issued by no3 for audience no4.
- pacpanra
- x1 is an evil counterpart to x2 by moral standard x3, in contrast to x2 having property x4.
- pacraistu
- t1 is a hell (evil-superlative-site) of evil being(s) p1=r1, most evil among r3, evil by standard p2.
- pacruxtutra
- t1 is the Hell of evil spirit(s) t2=pa1=pr1, evil by standard pa2.
- pacyselzu'e
- x1=z2=p1 is a sin/evil action by x2=z1 for purpose/goal z3, evil/depraved/wicked (morally bad) by standerd x4=p2.
- pacyxlu
- xl1 (agent) tempts xl2 into evil xl3=p1 by influence/threat/lure xl4, said act being evil by standard p2.
- pacyzu'e
- z1 sins by doing z2=p1 by standard p2.
- pa'ercemci'e
- ci1=p1 is a utopian society interrelated by structure ci2.
- pafcme
- p1=c1 (quoted word(s)) is a/the patronymic [a personal name based on the name of one's father] of p2=c2 to/used-by namer/name-user c3 (person).
- pafy'utka
- x1 is patrilineal/agnatic to/an agnate of x2; x1 is path-connected to x2 via the fatherhood relation, connected by a graph-path passing through intermediate relations/steps (successive agnates) x3 (ce'o; ordered list).
- pairseljdi
- j2 is a verdict given by j1=p1 about matter j3=p2 (abstract).
- pamcinse
- c1 in activity/state c2 exhibits romantic orientation c3 (ka) by standard c4.
- panrykle
- x1=k1 (mass/si'o) is an equivalence class within/is a substructure of
x2 (mathematical structure/object/category/set endowed with operations and properties) with defining characteristic/property/for similarity/under equivalence relation x3=p3, with representative member x4=p1=p2, in geometry/by standard/under paradigm x5=p4
- panryzilbri
- x1=b2=p3 is a (predicate) equivalence relationship/similarity/parallel with/between/among arguments (sequence(s)/set(s)) x2=b3=p1=p2, partitioning (with only empty intersection) set/structure x3=p4; elements of x2 are mutually similar in property x1 within structure x3; x3
is partitioned by x1 into equivalence classes (including) x2;
- pa'oxra
- pi1 is a cross section/tomogram, a picture of slice pa1=pi2 of pa2 made by pi3 in medium pi4.
- paurseldejni
- p1 is a bond issued by d1 held by d3.
- pavdutcinse
- c1 is strictly heterosexual in situation c2 by standard c4.
- pavgaryre'e
- t1 is a vehicle of units x2 for monorail x3, propelled by x4.
- pavmitcinse
- c1 is strictly homosexual in situation c2 by standard c4.
- pavmitpamcinse
- c1 in activity/state c2 exhibits a strictly homoromantic orientation by standard c4.
- pavmoidei
- x1 is x2=d2 (default: 1) first days of a set of days (week, month, year) x3=m2 ordered by rule x4=m3 and being a day by standard x5=d3
- pavmombesy'utka
- x1 is path-connected to x2 via the male-only first-born progeny/primogeniture relation; x1 is the first-born son of the first-born son of ... the first-born son of x2, connected by a graph-path passing through intermediate relations/steps (successive first-born sons) x3 (ce'o; ordered list).
- pavmompazy'utka
- x1 is path-connected to x2 via the (non-gendered/absolute) first-born progeny/primogeniture relation; x1 is the first-born offspring of the first-born offspring of ... the first-born offspring of x2, connected by a graph-path passing through intermediate relations/steps (successive first-born offspring) x3 (ce'o; ordered list), "first" being according to ordering rule x4 (default, as used in this definition: chronological order of birth; restrictions on legitimacy etc. may also be included here).
- pavmomtixy'utka
- x1 is path-connected to x2 via the female-only first-born progeny/primogeniture relation; x1 is the first-born daughter of the first-born daughter of ... the first-born daughter of x2, connected by a graph-path passing through intermediate relations/steps (successive first-born daughters) x3 (ce'o; ordered list).
- pavroiselplijvo
- x1 is a nonce (one-time use) lujvo used by x2 for purpose x3
- pavycinse
- c1 is monosexual in situation c2 by standard c4.
- pavysmi
- x1 is the one(-like) element/multiplicative identity of structure/ring x2; often is denoted by
' 1R ' or ' IR ' or by (when context is obvious) '1' or 'I', for structure/ring R (given by x2).
- pavysmu
- s1 is the single, unambiguous meaning of s2 recognized/accepted by s3; x2=s2 is unambiguous/explicit according to x3=s3.
- pavyxilma'e
- m1 is a unicycle/one-wheeled vehicle carrying m2 in/on surface/medium m3, propelled by m4.
- pedy'utka
- x1 is a friend of a friend of ... a friend of x2 (experiencer), path-connected by the directed friendship relationship via intermediate nodes (friends) x3 (list; ce'o).
- peifli
- x1=f1=p1 is baffled/befuddled/perplexed/flummoxed by subject x2=p2; x1=f1=p1 is stuck on problem x2=p2.
- pemcku
- c1 is a book containing poem/verse c2=p1 by book author c3 to book’s audience c4 preserved in medium c5.
- pempau
- pa1 is a verse of poem pe1 about subject pe2 by author pe3 for intended audience pe4.
- pendy'utka
- x1 is a friend of a friend of ... a friend of x2 (experiencer), path-connected by the directed friendship relationship via intermediate nodes (friends) x3 (list; ce'o).
- pesru'e
- x1 = pr1 is cognition (process of thought) with inputs x2 = pr2, outputs x3 = pr3 = pe2, passing through stages x4 = pr4, performed by x5 = pe1.
- pevrisnyjelca
- x1 is indigestion/heartburn suffered by x2.
- pexfebdja
- x1=p1=c1 is a noodle/pasta/boiled dough eaten by x2=c2 made out of x3=p2 (normally grain(s) or legume(s)) which is boiled in x4=f1 (normally water) at temperature x5=f2 and pressure x6=f3
- pi'egre
- pl1=pa1 (agent/object) leaps/jumps/springs/bounds, passing through pa2 to pa3=pl2 from pa4=pl3 reaching height pl4 propelled by pl5.
- pifmanfyta'u
- t1=m1 is a prison uniform for wearing by t2=p1 for purpose t3
- pifydi'u
- d1=p3 is a prison/jail/gaol operated or authorized by p2, housing prisoners/inmates p1
- pifygau
- g1 takes into custody/imprisons p1 as a prisoner/captive of p2 restrained/held/confined by means/force p3.
- pi'izma
- x1 exceeds x2 is aspect x3 (ka/ni) by factor x4; x1 is/does x3 x4 times as much as x2 is/does.
- pikmipri
- x1 hides x2 from x3 (compiler) by making it a comment using x4; x1 comments out x2
- pimpenbi
- x1 is a quill/plume/feather-pen using ink x2, applied by process x3, with feather being from individual/species x4
- pinblo
- x1 is a raft for carrying x2 propelled by x3
- pingau
- x1 places x2 in a horizontal position by reference frame x3; x1 lays x2 down
- pinseljupso'a
- x1 is an omelette/ a flatly cooked egg from organism x2=s2, cooked by recipe x3=j3, flat relative to reference frame x4=p2
- pitki'otre
- m1 is m2 square kilometers on side / facing m3 by standard m4.
- pitytre
- p1=m1 is m2 square metres/meters (m2) measured in perpendicular directions (set)/defined by set of points (set) p2=m3 by standard m4.
- pixsaktu'u
- t1 is a (drinking) straw/sucker of material t2 used by drinker/sucker (agent) p1=t1 for drinking beverage/drink/liquid refreshment p2 from/out-of container/source p3.
- plajva
- j1=p2 is a policy by p1 policy maker regarding j3 subject of policy, j1 is political
- plekarni
- k1 is a journal/periodical/magazine/[newspaper] printed on paper with content k2 published by k3 for audience k4.
- plesigja
- s1 is a cigarette made of s2 by s3.
- plicme
- c1 is the username/pseudonym/pen-name of c2=p1 for use with/by resource c3=p2 for purpose p3.
- plijaspu
- x1 is the copyright licence in accordance with which x2 is released by author/owner x3.
- plixau
- x1=p2 is useful/good for x2=p1 by the standard of being usable for purpose p3.
- po'asna
- x1 is an explosion sound made by x2
- po'edji
- x1=p1=d1 wants to own/possess/have x2=p2 for purpose x3=d3, wanting to own/possess/have it by right/custom/law x4=p3.
- ponbau
- p1=b1 is the Japanese language used by b2 to express/communicate b3 (si'o/du'u, not quote).
- porci'u
- c1=p1 (si'o) is a ordinal scale of units sequenced/ordered/listed by comparison/rules p2 for measuring/observing/determining c2 (state).
- porna'o
- c1 [value] is a median in property/amount c2 (ka/ni) c2 among p1=c3(s) (ordered set) by standard c4.
- porna'ofrinu
- f1=c1 [value] is a/the median/quartile/decile/percentile/fraction-type of median with numerator f2, denominator f3 in property/amount c2 (ka/ni) among p1 (s) (ordered set) by standard c4.
- posfai
- f1 is capital stock distributed among shareholders p1=f2 issued by company/corporation/firm p2 .
- posterfai
- f3 is a/are share/shares distributed among f2=p1, issued by company/corporation/firm f1=p2 under law p3.
- potybau
- p1=b1 is the Portuguese language used by b2 to express/communicate b3 (si'o/du'u, not quote).
- preblo
- b1 is a passenger ship for carrying b2, propleed by p3.
- precitri
- x1 is a biography of x2, written/created/composed by x3.
- precme
- c1 (quoted word(s)) is a/the (proper) name identifying an individual person [not necessarily human] c2=p1 to/used-by namer/name-user c3 (person).
- predatni
- d1 is a profile/are personal data of person d2=p1 gathered by method d3.
- prekarce
- k1 is a private car/person car for carrying persons k2, propelled by k3.
- preselkei
- s2=p1 is a doll, played with by s1
- previnji
- v1 is a passenger aircraft for carrying v2=p1, propelled by v3.
- prexra
- x1=pi1 is a portrait of x2=pi2=pr1 (motif) by x3=pi3 (artist).
- prujungau
- x1 predicts/foretells/anticipates to x2 fact(s) x3 (du'u) about subject x4 by epistemology x5.
- prulamdjedy'utka'au
- x1 (event/date) is before x2 (event/date) by x3 (li; integer) days; x1 is x3 days before x2.
- prulamjeftu
- j1=p1 is the week directly before p2 by standard j3.
- prulamna'a
- n1=p1=l1 is yesteryear; n1=p1=l1 is the year preceding p2=l2 by year standard n3.
- pucymapra
- x1=m1 is a dust-bunny/quantity of dust-bunnies/fluffy clump of various dusts and hair and other things, of composition x2=m2, held together by/with dust settling on surface x3=p3
- pukclite
- x1=p1=c1 is sweet/[pleasantly polite] to x2=p2 under condition x3=p3 by standard x4=c3
- pukmle
- x1=p1=m1 is sweet/[pleasantly beautiful] to x2=p2=m2 under conditions x3=p3 by standard x4=m4
- purzga
- p1=z1 previews z2 by means z3 under condition z4.
- puvba'uxausku
- p1 is a/the rhetorical process by
b1=c1 (agent) verbally expressing c2 (sedu'u/text/lu'e concept) for audience c3, good/beneficial/nice for x2 by standard x3 proceeding in stages p2.
- puvma'ubi'o
- x1 is adolescence by standard x2
- rabybau
- r1=b1 is the Arabic language used by b2 to express/communicate b3 (si'o/du'u, not quote).
- raclypeitcini
- x1 is the concrete operational stage as experienced by child x2
- rajgau
- x1 erects/raises/stands up (transitive) x2 by reference frame x3
- rajgreke'a
- x1=k1 is a shaft in x2=k2=p2 to/between x3=p3 from/and x4=p4 permitting passage by x5=p1.
- rajyclamau
- z1=c1=s1 is taller than z2 by amount z4.
- ralnirci'e
- c1 x1 (mass) is a/the central nervous system interrelated by structure c2 among neurons/components n1=c3 (set) of body n2, displaying c4 (ka).
- ralseldauju'a
- j1=r1 is a thesis statement/main argument/most significant among arguments r2 (set/name of essay/work), about/for stand j2=d2 (du'u) against d3 (du'u), by arguer d1 in language j3.
- ransyska
- x1 = s1 is bronze in color when viewed/perceived by x2 = s3 under conditions x3 = s4
- rapcreze'a
- z1=c1 (experiencer) increases in skill / expertise at z2=c2 by amount z3 by means of repeating action r1 r2 times.
- rarbau
- b1 is a natural language spoken by community b2 to express b3.
- rarji'i
- x1=j1 thinks/knows by instinct/feels that x2=j2 [opinion] (du'u) is true about subject/issue x3=j3
- rarkrali
- k1=r1 (NU) is a natural right of k2 (individual/mass) by standard k3.
- rarvelcange
- x1 is organically grown at x2 by x3 on farm x4.
- rasyjukpa
- j1 fries food-for-eating j2 by recipe/method j3 (process).
- ratmijypo'ijbama
- x1 is an atom(ic)/nuclear (fission) bomb which operates primarily by the fission of core/isotope x2.
- ratyjunla
- x1=j1 is an atomic clock measuring time units x2=j2 to precision x3=j3 by using atoms of element/atomic number x4=r2 of isotope number/atomic weight x5=r3
- razbau
- br1=ba1 is the Brazilian Portuguese language used by ba2 to express/communicate ba3 (si'o/du'u, not quote)
- refpoi
- x1 is a sequence made by repeating subpattern x2 x3 times.
- relca'u
- x1 is the area (2-dimensional space) occupied by x2
- relcinse
- c1 is bisexual in situation c2 by standard c4.
- reldilcymu'o
- x1 is an even number (integer divisible by 2).
- relficyzatsi'o
- s1 is a concept of dualism/an idea that the fundamental part of existence f1 differs/is distinct from/contrasts with/is unlike the other fundamental part of existence f2
in property/dimension/quantity f3, by thinker s2.
- relpamcinse
- c1 in activity/state c2 exhibits a biromantic orientation by standard c4.
- relpi'i
- p1 is twice/double p2; p1 is p2 multiplied by 2.
- relpi'irna'u
- n1 (li) is a number that is a multiple of two by an integer; n1 is an even number
- reltracinse
- c1=t1 in activity/state c2 exhibits/performs/expresses binary gender c3=t2 (ka) by standard c4.
- relxilkarce
- k1=xi2 is a motorcycle/two-wheeled vehicle for carrying k2, propelled by k3
- relxilma'e
- m1 is a bicycle/motorcycle carrying m2 on surface m3, propelled by m4.
- remcatra
- c1=r1 (human being) kills c2=r1 (human being) by action/method c3; c1=r1 commits murder/is murderer.
- remkemsi'exra
- p1=s1 is a snowman representing/depicting/showing p2 made by artist p3.
- remselcatra
- s1=r1 (human being) is killed by s2=r1 (human being) by action/method s3; s1=r1 is victim of murder.
- remselte'e
- t1 (ka) is human nature as exhibited by t2
- remvisyska
- x1 appears to be in the human-visible band of light, with specific color/hue/shading x2 as perceived by x3 under conditions x4.
- renytcana
- t1 is a railed vehicle station/depot/yard in transport system t2=t3 for cars/wagons/units tr2 (default heavy rail) propelled by tr4
- rerga'a
- g1=r2 is a javelin made of g2 thrown by r1.
- rickemsatrunta
- x1 is a quantity of substances, sugars included, dissolved in substance x2 (probably water) so as to form solution x3 (tree sap) under conditions/produced by tree x4; x3 is a quantity of tree sap with sugars (and other substances) x1 dissolved in x2 (probably liquid water)
- ricygundi
- g1 is a/the forest products industry/sector producing forest products g2 from tree species t2 by process g3
- ri'irdansu
- d1=s1 (individual, mass) performs a ceremonial/ritual dance for purpose/goal r2, by custom/in community r3, with form/rules r4 to accompaniment/music/rhythm d2.
- ri'irga'a
- g1 is a mace/[ceremonial staff] made of g2 used for purpose r2 by custom/in community r3.
- rijyska
- x1 = s1 is silvery/silver-colored when viewed/perceived by x2 = s3 under conditions x3 = s4.
- rikpei
- x1 causes x2 by psychokinesis.
- rirtaitra
- x1 patronizes x2; x1=t1=r1 acts towards x2=t2=r2 by doing x3=t3 as if x1 was x2's parent.
- risnydicfancyxra
- p1 is an electrocardiogram of animal r2 drawn by p3 in medium p4
- ritybau
- br1=ba1 is the British English language used by ba2 to express/communicate ba3 (si'o/du'u, not quote).
- rivli'a
- x1 escapes from x2 by leaving via route x3.
- rixyselsrustu
- x1 is the backyard of x2, enclosed by x3
- ro'acku
- c1 is a book containing prose c2=p1 by book author c3 to book’s audience c4 preserved in medium c5.
- ro'ixra
- p1=r1 is a statue of p2, made by artist p3, using materials (kind of rock, etc.) r2.
- rokpisterci'a
- c3 is a chalkboard/blackboard/slate where c2 gets written by c1 using chalk c4=p1.
- rokrelca'u
- x1 is a terrain characterized by rock x2
- rolcinse
- c1 is pansexual in situation c2 by standard c4.
- roldepre'e
- x1 is local train that stops every station of cars/units x2 (mass) for rails/system/railroad x3, propelled by x4.
- rolju'o
- x1=d1 knows everything about x2=d3 by epistemology x3=d4; x1=d1 is omniscient about matter(s) x2=d3.
- rolpamcinse
- c1 in activity/state c2 exhibits a panromantic orientation by standard c4.
- ronri'izgi
- z1=ri2 is orchestral music (classical music or music written in a classical style) produced/performed by z2=ri1 (event), with form/rules/in tradition ri4.
- rucyzu'e
- x1=z1 processes x2=pr2 by process x3=pr1 for purpose/results x4=z3=pr3, passing through steps/stages x5=pr4
- rukybau
- r1=b1 is the Russian language used by b2 to express/communicate b3 (si'o/du'u, not quote).
- rulbakfu
- x1=b1 is a bouquet/[bundle of flowers] of species x2=xr2, held together by x3=b3
- runbau
- r1=b1 is an artificial/constructed language used by b2 to express/communicate b3 (si'o/du'u, not quote).
- runkre
- r1=k1 is a wig/toupee/mirkin worn by k2
on body location k3.
- rusycinse
- c1 is graysexual in situation c2 by standard c4.
- sagdraci
- d1=s2 is an opera about d2 [plot/theme/subject] by composer d3 for audience d4=s3 with singers d5.
- sagjvetavdraci
- d1=s2=t3 is a musical/operetta about d2 composed/written by d3 for audience d4=s3=t2 with actors d5=s1=t1.
- sa'irbi'o
- b1=s1 stands up/arises onto surface s2 supported by limbs s3.
- sajgau
- x1=g1 alerts x2=s1 to/about/concerning x3=s2; x3 is brought to the attention of/is recognized/realized by x2 by/with the help of/due to agent x1
- sakcpa
- c1 sucks (gets by sucking) c2=s2 from c3=s3
- sakcti
- c1 consumes c2=s2 by means of suction; c1 sucks or slurps food/beverage c2=s2.
- saksruseibo'i
- x1=b1 is a vacuum/cryogenic flask for keeping x2=b2 hot/cold, made of material x3=b3 with lid x4=b4, insulated by low pressure medium x5=sa2=se3
- sakyjisygauca'a
- g1=s1=c1 is a vacuum cleaner for cleaning g2=j1 (object/area)/removing dust/containment/dirt s2=j2 controlled/[triggered] by cleaner x3 (agent).
- salcarce
- s1=c1 is a sled/sledge/sleigh/toboggan for carrying c2, propelled by c3, sliding on s2.
- salvinji
- x1=v1 is an airplane/aircraft [flying vehicle] for carrying passengers/cargo x2=v2, propelled by slides/slips/glides on x3=s2
- sambau
- b1 is a computer language used by b2 on computer s1 for purpose s2 (NU abstraction).
- samca'a
- c1 is a piece of computer hardware for function c2 controlled/used by computer c3=s1.
- samci'a
- c1 enters textual data c2 into computer c3=s2 by means c4.
- samcku
- c1 is an e-book containing work c2 by author c3 for audience c4 stored in computer s1=c5.
- samcmuga'i
- x1=s1 is a port/conversion to operating system/architecture x2=g2=j1 from operating system/architecture x3=g3=j1, ported by x4=g1
- samjavyfonxypliduskemjuglerci'analka'ebi'ojaxyja'e
- x1 becomes incapable of writing characters x2 of alphabet/writing system x3, which is reflects chinese culture/languge/etc. in aspect x4 and which represent x5, on writing surface/medium x6 with writing implement x7 under conditions of being incapable x8 under conditions of becoming incapable x9, as a result of x1 making excessive use of x10 which is a computer for purpose x11 or x12 which is a phone connected to network x13, used for purpose x14, excessive by amount x15.
- samkai
- c1 is characterized by computer properties; c1 is digital.
- samplabau
- x1=b1 is a programming language used by
x2=p1=b2 to create program x3=p2 with intended function x4=p3
- samselmri
- sm1 is an e-mail sent by sm2 (agent) to person / computer sm3 from person / computer sm4 by computer network sm5.
- samselpla
- x1=p2 is computer program source code created by x2=p1 with intended result (state/process) x3=p3=s2 on computer x4=s1.
- samselse'u
- se2=sk1 is a client [computer] served by server [computer] se1 with service se3 (activity).
- samtciselse'u
- se2=sk1 is a client [computer programm] served by server [computer program] se1 with service se3 (activity).
- samterpli
- p3 is done/made using computer p2 by p1.
- samymri
- m1 (agent) sends e-mail m2 to person / computer m3 from person / computer m4 by computer network m5.
- sanbau
- s1=b1 is the Spanish language used by b2 to express/communicate b3 (si'o/du'u, not quote)
- sansyjukpa
- j1 is a saucier/making sauce(s) s1=j2 by recipe/method j3 (process).
- sa'orgau
- g1 [person/agent] leans/slants/tilts s1 away from vertical by angle s2
- sapmau
- s1=z1 is simpler than z2 in property s2=z3 by amount z4.
- sapselga'e
- s1=g2 is evident to g1 by g3 evidence.
- sarlyterjai
- x1 is a tendril used by x3 to hold x2 at x4.
- satyterbi'a
- x1 is diabetes with symptoms x2, acquired by patient x3
- sazmuvgau
- g1=s1 [person/agent] steers/manoeuvres object/vehicle m1 to destination/receiver m2 [away] from origin m3 over path/route m4 by operating/driving machine/apparatus/vehicle s2 (default: x2).
- sazykla
- x1 drives to x2 from x3 via x4 by operating x5.
- secysna
- x1 is the sound produced by x2’s sneezing.
- sedmu'utoltu'i
- x1=t1=s2 disagrees by shaking the head with person(s)/position/side x2=t2 that x3=t3 (du'u) is true about matter x4=t4.
- sedmu'utu'i
- x1=t1=s2 agrees by nodding with person(s)/position/side x2=t2 that x3=t3 (du'u) is true about matter x4=t4.
- sedyta'u
- x1=t1 is a hat worn by/on the head of x2=t2=s2 for purpose x3=t3.
- sefygundi
- g1 is a/the industry sector of s1 providing services g2=s3 to s2 by process g3.
- selba'i
- x2=b1 is great/grand in property x1=b2 (ka) by standard x3=b3.
- selbakfu
- x2=b1 is a bundle/package/cluster/clump/pack [shape/form] containing x1=b2, held together by x3=b3.
- selbatci
- x1 is bitten/pinched by x2 on/at specific locus x3 with x4.
- selbei
- x1=b2 is cargo, carried/hauled/borne/transported by carrier x2=b1
to x3=b3 from x4=b4 over path x5=b5.
- selbi'a
- x1 is a symptom suffered by x2, caused by disease/condition x3
- selbilni
- x2=b1 is military/regimented/is strongly organized/prepared by system x1=b2 for purpose x3=b3.
- selblo
- x2=b1 is a boat/ship/water-plying vehicle carrying x1=b2, propelled by x3=b3.
- selbrisni
- x1 (text) represents relation for a predicate relationship represented by x2 (text) among referents of x3 that are arguments (sequence/set of texts).
- selbu'a
- x2=b1 is brother of/fraternal to x1=b2 by bond/tie/standard/parent x3=b3.
- selbumru
- x2=b1 is foggy/misty/covered by floating droplets of liquid x1=b2.
- selca'a
- x2=c1 is apparatus/mechanism/device/equipment for function x1=c2 controlled or triggered by x3=c3.
- selcacra
- x2=c1 is x1=c2 hours in duration by standard x3=c3.
- selca'e
- x1 is shoved/pushed by x2 at locus x3.
- selcafne
- x2=c1 (event) often/frequently/commonly/customarily occurs/recurs by standard x1=c2.
- selca'u
- x2=c1 is space/hyperspace/volume/region/room occupied by x1=c2.
- selci'a
- x1 is writing / a written thing / written text written by x2 on x3 with writing implement x4.
- selcme
- x1 is named/called x2 by namer/name-user x3 (person).
- selcmimau
- c2=z1 exceeds/is more than the sum of its parts c1=z2 in property/quantity z3 (ka/ni) by amount/excess z4
- selcpuma'e
- l2=m1 is a (camping/house) trailer carrying m2 in/on surface/medium m3, pulled by m4=l1 by trailer hitch/hitch hook/draw hook l3.
- selcta
- x1 is examined/looked at by x2.
- selda'ergau
- g1 [person/agent] presses/applies force to d2 by applying force d1 to it.
- seldau
- d2 is the position/stand taken by d1 arguing against position/stand d3.
- seldaumupli
- m1=d2 is a counterexample of common property(s) m2 of set m3, given by d1 against stand/argument d3.
- seldei
- x2=d1 is x1=d2 full days in duration by standard x3=d3.
- seldejni
- d2 is a/the debt owed by d1 to creditor d3 for provision of goods/services/loans d4.
- seldi'a
- j2 costs j1 to agent j3 by standard j4.
- seldji
- x1 is wanted by x2 for purpose x3.
- seldu'a
- x1 is given by x2 to x3.
- selfamti
- x1 is an niece/nephew of x2 by bond/tie x3.
- selfi'a
- x1 is a plot / theme / subject of fiction x2 by author x3
- selgu'a
- x1 is a task/work done by x2 with goal/objective
- selja'i
- x1=j2 is adorned/decorated by x2=j1.
- seljavytertau
- x1 is a term in binary metaphor/tanru x2 (text) with other element (modifying or being modified by) x3 so as to produce meaning x4 in context/usage/instance x5
- seljeftu
- x2=j1 is x1=j2 weeks in duration by standard x3=j3.
- seljenca
- x1=j2 is shocked/stunned by x2=j1.
- seljiclyso'a
- x1 is a stirred/scrambled egg (cooking not implied) of organism x2=s2 stirred by x3=j1
- seljmi
- x1 is understood by x2 about subject x3.
- seljmimu'o
- x1=j2=m1 is grokked by x2=j1 about subject x3=j3 by standard x4=m3
- seljmina
- j2 is an addition by agent j1 to j3 with result j4.
- selju'i
- x1 is paid attention/ attended to by x2.
- seljukpa
- j2 is cooked/prepared-for-eating by j1 according to recipee/method j3 (process).
- seljunri
- x1 is regarded seriously
by (person) x2.
- selju'o
- d2 is knowledge held by d1 about subject d3 by epistemology d4.
- selka'e
- k2 (event/state] [can be done]/[is capable of being done] by k1 under conditions of k3 (event/state).
- selkakclu
- c1 is/are full of tears wept by k1 about/for reason k3 (event/state); c1 is/are tearful.
- selke'i
- x1 is pitied by x2 for reason/circumstances x3.
- selkicrypoi
- x1 is an ordered series of podcast episodes/podcast serial, ordered by conparison rule x2 (contextless default: production order or intended listening order, or reverse of these), and being entirely composed of all of the individual episodes belonging to set x3.
- selkla
- To destination x1 does x2 go from x3 via route x4 by means x5.
- selma'i
- x2=m1 is x1=m2 months in duration by standard x3=m3.
- selmansa
- m2 is satisfied by m1 with regard to property (ka)/state m3.
- selme'u
- x2=m1 is x1=m2 minutes in duration by standard x3=m3.
- selmi'ecatra
- c1=m2 executes c2 by method c3 as ordered by m1.
- selmikce
- m2 is a patient, treated by doctor/nurse m1 for ailment m3 with cure m4.
- selmo'i
- x1 is a memory recalled by x2 about subject x3.
- selmri
- x1 is mailed by x2 to address x3 from address x4 on carrier/network/system x5
- selna'a
- x2=n1 is x1=n2 years in duration by standard x3=n3.
- selnei
- x1 is liked by x2.
- selneimau
- n2=z1 is liked more / preferred over z2 by n1 by margin z4
- selpa'i
- x1 is loved by x2; x1 is a loved one/beloved to x2
- selpa'imle
- x1=p2=m1 is lovely to x2=p1=m2 in aspect x3=m3 by standard x4=m4
- selpanci
- x1 is a source of odor/fragrance/scent/smell x2 and detected by observer/sensor x3
- selpinxe
- x1 is a beverage, drink liquid refreshment drunk by x2 from container, source x3; x1 is what x2 drinks, imbibes from x3
- selpla
- x1 is a plan/program/scheme made/[put together] by planner x2 for state/process x3.
- selpli
- x1 is used by x2 for purpose x3
- selplibre
- x1 is ready for being used by x2 for purpose x3
- selplibregau
- x1 prepares x2 for being used by x3 for purpose x4
- selplijibri
- x1=j1 is an employment of / a job held by x2=j2=p2 who is employed by x3=p1 for purpose x4=p3.
- selplirai
- x1 is most used/most useful among x2 by x3 for purpose x4.
- selpra
- x1=c2 is a product created by x2=c1 through process x3=c3.
- selpre
- p2 is the personality/persona exhibited by p1.
- selprejumydu'a'y'utka
- x1 is infected/contaminated by something which was infected/contaminated by something which was infected/contaminated by ... which was infected/contaminated by x2, regarding/pertaining to contagion x3 and via means of transmission x4, through intermediary nodes x5 (ce'o list).
- selre'e
- x1 is a train car/unit of train x2 for rails/system/railroad x3, propelled by x4
- selrigni
- x1=r2 is disgusted by x2=r1 under conditions x3=r3.
- selrirni
- x1=r2 is raised/reared by x2=r1; x2 is a parent of, is parental to x1
- selrirspe
- x1 is the spouse of the child/offspring/protegé of x2 by standard/law/custom x3.
- selru'eca'a
- c1 is an input device controlled/[triggered] by c3 (agent).
- selsa'a
- s2 is a song sung by s1 to audience s3.
- selse'u
- x1 is served by x2 with service x3 (activity).
- selsi'acau
- x1=s2=c1 is disgraced/[lacking respect] by x2=s1
- selsiclu
- x1 (sound, text) is a whistling sound, sibilant produced by x2
- selsku
- c2 is said by c1 to audience c3 via expressive medium c4.
- selskutidmulbi'o
- x1=b1=m1=t1 finishes reading what is expressed by x2=c1=t2 to x3=c3 in medium x4=c4=t3, by completion standard x5=m3, under conditions x6=b3.
- selsnada
- x1 is a success/achievement achieved by agent x2 as a result of effort/attempt/try
- selsni
- x1 is the meaning of symbol x2 as observed by x3
- selsnidu
- x2=s1 is x1=s2 seconds in duration by standard x3=s3.
- selspaji
- x1=s2 is surprised/startled by x2=s1.
- selspoblo
- b1=d2 is a wreck/boat destroyed by event d1.
- selsre
- x1 is an error committed by x2 under conditions x3 by standard x4
- selsrustu
- st1=sr2 is a yard/courtyard/quadrangle/cloister, the location of st2 (object/event), enclosed by sr1.
- selsurgau
- x1=g1 [agent] does x2=g2=s2 to relax x3=s1; x1=g1 relaxes x3=s1 by doing x2=g2=s2
- selsutra
- x1 is done fast by x2.
- seltadni
- t2 is the subject studied by t1.
- seltcu
- x1 is needed by x2 for purpose x3.
- selte'a
- t2 (event) frightens/scares/is feared by t1.
- selte'abra
- b1=t2 is huge/enormous/tremendous in property b2 and feared by b3=t1.
- selti'i
- x1 is a suggestion made by x2 to audience x3
- selti'ifla
- f1=s2 is a bill specifying f2 (state/event) for community f3 under conditions f4, proposed/drafted by s1.
- seltivni
- x1 is a program televised by x2 via channel x3 to television/receiver x4.
- seltonpabyca'a
- c1 is a transmission from rotating shaft t1 to shaft t1 actuated by c3
- seltra
- t2 (NU) is the conduct behaved by agent t1 under condition t3.
- seltse
- x1 is sat on by x2.
- selvensro
- s1 is a/the sales inventory of goods s2=v2 sold by v1 to v3.
- selve'u
- x1 is sold by x2 to x3 for price x4.
- selvi'a
- x1 is seen by x2 under conditions x3.
- selvlapro
- x1 is a word with mutually incompatible definitions/meanings/effects x2 (plural; use connectives) by/in/between rules/standards/dictionar(y/ies) x3 in or for language x4.
- selvoi
- x1 is a means of flight used by x2.
- selxai
- x1=xr2 is injured/harmed/damaged by event x2=xr1 in property x3=xr3 (ka) with injury x4=xr4.
- selxei
- x1 is hated by x2.
- selxlupai
- x1 is an influenced judge, influenced by x2=xl1 into x3=xl3 in decision matter x4=p2 (abstract)
- selxu'aju'a
- j1 (text) is a declarative sentence in which proposition j2=x2 (du'u) asserts/claims/declares to be true by x1 in language j3.
- selyli'a
- x1 is left behind by x2, that leaves by route x3.
- selzgarivyka'e
- x1=k1=r1=z2 is a cryptic organism/stealth object/having the ability to avoid observation/detection by x2=z1=r2=k2 via senses/means (observer) x3=z3 through action/state x4=r3 (event) under conditions x5=z4=k3.
- selzi'e
- z2 (event/state) is done freely by z1 under conditions z3.
- sepspe
- x1 is a separated/distanced/estranged spouse of absent partner x2, separated by situation/barrier/interval x3, and married by law/custom x4.
- sezbarkle
- x1 (metric space/set/class/structure) is a metric subspace/subset(/subclass) of x2 (metric space/set/class) which is closed therein. x1 is an closed subset of x2, where closedness is taken to be understood as being considered within x2 and under the metric shared by x1 and x2
- sezborsigmyfrica
- x1 (data-set, sequence, list) is heteroskedastic by standard x2.
- sezborsigmysmi
- x1 (data-set, sequence, list) is homoskedastic by standard x2.
- sezgalgau
- gas1=s1 raises/elevates it/his/her self by in frame of reference gal2 as compared with standard/baseline gal3.
- sezlacydu'e
- d1 is overconfidence [in s1=l2] by s2=l1 to bring about/ensure/maintain l3 by standard d3
- sezycatra
- x1 commits suicide / kills him/herself by method x2.
- sezycaucinse
- c1 in activity/state c2 exhibits anegosexuality/aegosexuality/autochorissexuality by standard c4.
- sezyjgidu'e
- j1=s2 is conceited by standard d3
- sezyseigau
- x1 separates/removes themself from x2 by gap/interval/partition/barrier x3.
- sezytracinse
- c1=t1=s2 in activity/state c2 expresses gender identity c3=t2=s1 (ka) by standard c4.
- sezyze'a
- s1=z1 improves itself/is self-improving/augmenting/increasing in property/quantity z2 by amount z3.
- si'arxai
- x1 (event) hurts/damages the respect/high regard/esteem for x2=s2
held by by s1 with result x4 (state).
- si'astu
- st1 is a place of honor/[shrine/podium/wall area/trophy case] for person/thing/[event] st2=si2 venerated/honored by si1
- sidysmu
- x1 is a figurative/metaphorical/non-literal meaning/interpretation of x2 recognized/seen/accepted by x3 .
- si'ermatryma'e
- m1 is a snowmobile/snow scooter carrying m2 on snow m3, propelled by force m4.
- si'exra
- p1=s1 is a snow sculpture/statue/[work of art made from snow] representing/depicting/showing p2 made by artist p3.
- si'irvelne'u
- s1=c1 is a medal for c2 given for atypical c3 (event/property) by c4.
- si'irzbaprali
- p1 is seigniorage earned by p2=z1 in making coin z2=s1
- sijypi'e
- p1=s3 ski-jumps to p2 from p3 reaching height p4 propelled by/using ski p5=s1.
- sipku'a
- x1=k1 is a bedroom with sleep x2=s1 in structure x3=k2 surrounded by partitions/walls/ceiling/floor x4=k3 (mass/jo'u).
- sipselsa'a
- sa2 is a lullaby sung by sa1 to sa3=si1.
- sirgazgau
- x1
(agent) aligns/arranges linearly objects x2 into organized arrangement x3 by rules x4
- sirjga
- j1=s1 is a straight angle (=180° or π radians) [2-dimensional shape/form] from vertex j2 subtended by lateral [segment] j3.
- sivykarni
- x1=k1=s1 is a private journal/diary with content x2=k2 written by x3=k3=s2.
- sivypo'eci'e
- c1 is capitalism as practiced by p1=s2
- sivyta'u
- t1=s1 is underwear worn/intended to be worn on/by t2 serving purpose t3
- sizyjvomi'u
- x1 is the concept/idea of lujvo-equivalence, as held by x2
- sizyseltelkiknunselcpakezykezysminabmi
- x1 is a paradoxical problem in which the key to solution can only be obtained by overcoming/solving the problem first
- skefi'a
- c1 is science/technology-oriented science fiction about plot/theme/subject c2 by author c3, based on science s1.
- skikemckupli
- x1=p1=s1 uses book x2=c1 about/containing x3=c2 by author x4=c3 for audience x5=c4 preserved in medium x6=c5 in order to explain x7=s2 to x8=s3.
- skogarce'a
- x1=c1 is a bow/crossbow/ballista for shooting ammunition x2=c2 [arrow/quarrel/crossbow bolt] by flexing and releasing bow/prod/lath x3=g1 of material x6=g3, to whose two ends are tied bow string x4=g2=s1 of material x5=s2.
- skoma'e
- m1 is an aerial tramway carrying m2 in/on lift m3, propelled by m4=s1.
- skubancu
- x1 is metalinguistic with respect to the expression by x2 of text x3 for audience x4 via medium x5 .
- skuselzu'e
- x1 is a speech act, characterized by speaker x2 uttering text x3 to listener/audience x4, for purpose x5
- skuspu
- x1=c1=s1 responds to x2=s2 by expressing/saying x3=c2 to x4=c3 via expressive medium x5=c4.
- slakypevgra
- x1 (zoi quote) is x2 moras/morae in 'weight' (default: 1) by standard x3.
- slijdikygau
- x1=g1 damps x2=j1=s1 by amount x3=j3
- slosi'i
- x1 is a golden coin issued by x2 of value x3
- sloska
- x1 = s1 is golden/gold-colored when viewed/perceived by x2 = s3 under conditions x3 = s4.
- slutsa
- x1 (person/animal) is physically strong / muscular / has strong muscles by standard x2.
- smadyfi'a
- x1 is speculative fiction about plot/theme/subject x2 by author x3
- smasku
- c1 whispers c2=s1 (sedu'u/text/lu'e concept) to audience c3 via expressive medium c4, quietly by standard s3
- smugau
- g1 refers to s1 with expression s2 recognized by s3.
- smujbi
- x1 (symbol/text) is close to x2 (symbol/text) in meaning, as seen by x3.
- smujmi
- x1 understands the meaning of x2 that is introduced by x3
- smusi'o
- sm1=si1 is the abstract meaning of sm2 recognized/seen/accepted by sm3
- smusku
- x1 expresses meaning x2 to addressee/audience x3 by doing x4 (property of x1)
- smuvanbi
- v1 is the context of meaning v2=s1 of event/action/object s2 recognized by s3.
- snafu'ivla
- x1 is an onomatopoeic word meaning x2 in language x3, based on sound x4 emitted by x5
- snalubma
- x1=l1=s2 is an ambulance; an object producing sound x2=s1 and which has its name x3=l2 transformed by transformation x4=l3 (default: reflection) written on it
- snaveitci
- t1 is a microphone for recording sound s1 produced/emitted by s2.
- snipeitcini
- x1 is the pre-operational stage as experienced by child x2
- snisku
- x1 expresses/transmits symbol/meaningful expression x2 for audience x3 by doing x4 (ternary relation between x1, x2 and x3)
- snisna
- x1 is an alarm/beep/click/bell (sound) produced by x2
- snomau
- x1 is slower than x2 at x3 (event) by margin x4.
- snukarni
- k1 is a [shared journal]/blog about topic/subject k2=c2 published/administered by k3 for participants/audience k4=c1.
- sobyxinmo
- s1=x1 is a quantity of ink of color/pigment x2 used by writing device x3 from soybeans of species/variety s2.
- socku'a
- x1=k1=s1 is a closet/storeroom for materials x2=s2 in containment x3=s3 in home/building/structure x4=k2 surrounded by partitions/walls/ceiling/floor x5=k3 (mass/jo'u)
- solgu'idicyborprami'i
- x1 is a solar panel / device for producing electricity from sunlight by process x2 (ka).
- solminli
- x1 is x2 (default 1) Astronomical Unit(s) (AU) by standard x3.
- solnuncanci
- x1 is a sunset at location x2 as observed by x3
- solnuntolcanci
- x1 is a sunrise at location x2 as observed by x3
- solsudgautamca
- g2=su1=t1 is a sun-dried tomato of species/strain/variety t2, dried by sun g1=so1 [default: sun of home planet Earth].
- sonjamkarce
- k1 is an armoured personnel carrier propelled by k3.
- sopselnei
- n1 is liked by most people.
- sopselneizgi
- z1=n2 is pop music produced/performed at/by z2 (event).
- sorcinpa'i
- x1=c1=p1 is sexually polyamorous/sexually loves many people/more than one person including, but not limited to, set x2=p2 in situation/activity/state x3=c2, exhibiting sexuality/gender/sexual orientation (ka) x4=c3 by standard x5=c4.
- sorcinse
- c1 is polysexual in situation c2 by standard c4.
- sordu'e
- x1 is too many / too much / too numerous by standard x2
- sorjaknykarce
- k1 is a multiple rocket launcher propelled by k3.
- sorjontai
- t1 is a web-shape, manifested by t2.
- sorju'o
- x1 is knowledgable about subject x2 by epistomology x3
- sorlutca'u
- p1=c1 is a maze (an area with many paths) occupied by c2, with route(s) leading to exit p2 from entrance p3 via points including p4 (set).
- sorprekarce
- k1 is a bus/coach for carrying passengers p1=k2, propelled by k3.
- sorska
- sk1 is/appears to be colorful/many-colored as perceived/seen by sk3 under conditions sk4.
- sorslemu'e
- x1 is a cellular automaton containing cells x2 defined by rules x3
- sorze'a
- x1 is a property satisfied by an increasing number of things; more and more things satisfy x1.
- spenu'e
- x1=s1=n1 is engaged to x2=s2=n3 by law/convention x3=s3
- sperybau
- x1 is Esperanto language spoken by x2
- speselrirni
- x1 is the step-child (child/offspring of the spouse) of x2 by law/custom/standard x3.
- spesti
- x1=sp1=st1 is divorced from x2=sp2 by law/convention x3=sp3
- spocemci'e
- ci1=d1 is a dystopian society interrelated by structure ci2.
- spostapa
- sp1=st1 crushes/destroys by stomping sp2=st2 using limbs st3.
- sralybau
- s1=b1 is the Australian English language used by b2 to express/communicate b3 (si'o/du'u, not quote).
- sraseldau
- d2=s2 is a pro/pro-argument (P) supporting thesis statement/another argument s2 against contra-argument d3, by arguer d1.
- srejvo
- x1 is an error/wrong/improper lujvo with error x2 considered to be an error by standard x3
- srunirci'e
- c1 x1 (mass) is a peripheral nervous system interrelated by structure c2 among neurons/components n1=c3 (set) of body n2, displaying c4 (ka).
- stanycma
- c1=s1 is a/the sprout/shoot of plant/species s2 by standard/norm c3.
- stucme
- c1 (quoted word(s)) is a/the place name [inherent/inalienable site/place/position/situation/spot/location] of c2=s1 to/used-by namer/name-user c3 (person).
- stupli
- pilno1 uses place / location pilno2=stuzi1 for purpose pilno3=stuzi2; x2 is a place / site for purpose x3 used by x1
- stuselpo'e
- p2=s1 is a piece of real estate possessed by p1 in condition p3.
- sucpeitcini
- x1 is the formal operational stage as experienced by child x2
- sudglajukpa
- x1=j1 bakes/[cooks by dry heating] x2=s1=g1=j2
- sudjirta'u
- t1 is a dry suit for wearing by t2=j1=s1 in liquid j2.
- sudjukpa
- j1 (agent) dry roasts food-for-eating j2 by recipe/method j3 (process).
- sudmau
- z1=s1 is drier than z2 by amount z4 of liquid s2.
- sujna'o
- c1 [value] is a/the arithmetic mean in property/amount c2 among c3 (set)(s) by standard c4.
- sukmu'u
- x1=m1 (non-agentively) suddenly moves/teleports/abruptly relocates/'jumps' in location to destination x2=m2 from origin x3=m3 by path (if applicable) x4=m4 (default: linear/projective/geodesic path connecting endpoints is implicitly assumed by speaker, but actual movement over this path is not necessary and may not even actually be true)
- sukmu'uca'a
- c1 is a teleporter [device to apruptly relocate] controlled/[triggered] by c3 (agent).
- sumrei
- p1 (text) is a question asking for an argument, asked by p3 to p4.
- surblo
- x1 is a yacht for carrying x2, propelled by x3
- surgau
- x1=g1 relaxes x2=s1 by doing x3=g2=s2
- sutcli
- c1=s1 is fast/swift/quick/hastes/rapid at learning
c2 (du'u) about subject c3 from source c4 (obj./event) by method c5 (event/process).
- sutmau
- x1 is faster/quicker than x2 at x3 (event) by margin x4.
- sutspu
- x1 responds swiftly to stimulus x2 with response x3; x3 is a fast response to x2 performed by x1
- sutyta'asre
- x1=sr1=t1=su1 makes mistake x2=sr2 under the conditions of speaking quickly to x3=t2 about subject x4=t3 in language x5=t4
by standard x6=sr4
- sutyze'a
- z1=s1 accelerates/[speeds up] at doing/being/bringing about s2 (event/state) by amount z3.
- suzdza
- x1 (property) is satisfied by at least one member of the domain of discourse
- suzycinse
- c1 is allosexual / non-asexual in situation c2 by standard c4.
- suzypamcinse
- c1 in activity/state c2 exhibits an alloromantic orientation by standard c4.
- tadzgi
- x1=z1 is a piece of music for musicians to practice and increase their skill at instrument x2=t2 produced by event x3=z2.
x1 is an étude.
- tafyfe'a
- f1 is a hole in garment x2=t1 for wearing by x3=t2 (gender/species/body part).
- ta'idzu
- x1=t1=c1 trudges on surface x2=c2 using limbs x3=c3, tired by situation x4=t2
- tairbagycukykruca
- x1 is the conceptualized/ideal/abstract shape of a biconvex lens formed by/manifested from the intersection x2 (parameters) of two-dimensional circular disks immersed (embedded) in geometry/defined by metric x3; x1 is the convex-only region bounded by intersecting circular arcs given by x2
- tairjirnycukykruca
- x1 is the conceptualized/ideal/abstract shape of a crescent/concave 'horned' (then convex rounded) form/geometric partially-concave lune formed by/manifested from the intersection x2 (parameters) of two-dimensional circular disks immersed (embedded) in geometry/defined by metric x3
- tanblo
- x1 is an airship for carrying x2, propelled by x3
- tanminli
- x1 is x2 (default 1) parsec(s) by standard x3.
- ta'orselkei
- k2 is a board game played by k1 on board t1.
- tarby'asna
- a1 is a/the fetal position of body a2 characterized by property/(set of) properties a3 (ka).
- targri
- x1=g1 is a star cluster showing common property (ka) x2=g2 due to set x3=g3 linked by relations x4=g4
- taurmipri
- m1 keeps exact meaning m2=t4 hidden from m3 by describing it vaguely/metaphorically with tanru m4=t1
- tefsujme'o
- m1 is a polynomial function in variable t2=s2 of degree (maximum power with nonzero coefficient) t3 interpreted by rules m2
- tegyga'e
- g1 (experiencer) feels texture g2=t1 (proterty-ka) by means/senses g3 under conditions g4.
- teipru
- x1 is in the past of/earlier than/before x2 in time sequence, separated by an interval of x3
- telga'o
- g1=s2 is locked, preventing access to g2 by g3, the lock being s1 using mechanism s3.
- telgau
- g1 locks lock s1 on s2 by mechanism s3.
- tembalvi
- x1 is in the future of/later than/after x2 in time sequence, separated by an interval of x3
- tempru
- x1 is in the past of/earlier than/before x2 in time sequence, separated by an interval of x3
- tepselspaji
- s2=t1 is alarmed/startled by s1=t2.
- terba'i
- x3=b1 is great/grand in property x2=b2 (ka) by standard x1=b3.
- terbakfu
- x3=b1 is a bundle/package/cluster/clump/pack [shape/form] containing x2=b2, held together by x1=b3.
- terbasna
- x3=b1 emphasizes/accentuates/gives emphasis/stress/accent to x2=b2 by (action) x1=b3.
- terbau
- x3=b1 is a language/dialect used by x2=b2 to express/communicate x1=b3 (si'o/du'u, not quote).
- terbe'e
- x3=b1 is a crew/team/gang/squad/band of persons x2=b2 directed/led by x1=b3 organized for purpose x4=b4.
- terbejbi'o
- be3=bi1 signs up / subscribes to be1 for publication be2 from be4 by means be5.
- terbilni
- x3=b1 is military/regimented/is strongly organized/prepared by system x2=b2 for purpose x1=b3.
- terbri
- x1 (sequence of sumti) is the sequence of arguments that, joined by relation x2 (ka), form predicate x3 (du'u)
- terbrisni
- x1 (sequence/set of texts) are arguments, the referents of which are related by relation represented by x2 (text) for a predicate relationship represented by x3 (text).
- terbu'a
- x3=b1 is brother of/fraternal to x2=b2 by bond/tie/standard/parent x1=b3.
- terca'a
- x3=c1 is apparatus/mechanism/device/equipment for function x2=c2 controlled or triggered by x1=c3.
- tercacra
- x3=c1 is x2=c2 hours in duration by standard x1=c3.
- terca'e
- x1 is the locus where x2 is pushed/shoved by x3.
- terctu
- x1 is a teaching/ something taught to audience x2 by teacher x3 about subject x4 by method x5.
- terdei
- x3=d1 is x2=d2 full days in duration by standard x1=d3.
- terdejni
- d3 is a creditor that is owed d2 by d1 for provision of goods/services/loans d4.
- terdji
- x1 is the purpose for which x2 is wanted by x3.
- terfagri
- x1 is an oxidizer (by default air/oxygen) for fuel x2 burning in fire x3
- terfendi
- f3 is a section of f2 divided by agent f1 and method f4.
- terfe'o
- x1 is a tool for sewing sewn item x2, used by agent x3 with sewing thread x4.
- terfi'i
- x1 (abstraction) is the purpose of x2 (object) by creator/inventor x3, inspired by x4
- terganzu
- g3 is a setup of g2 arranged by g1 based on principle g4.
- terjde
- x1 is a danger that x2 is warned of by event x3.
- terjeftu
- x3=j1 is x2=j2 weeks in duration by standard x1=j3.
- terji'i
- x1 is an opinion about/considered to be x2 by x3 with grounds for opinion x4.
- terjmi
- x1 is a subject
with fact/truth x2 understood by x3.
- terjonle'u
- x1 (letteral: la'e zo BY/word-bu) is a hyphen/joining letter(al) in language x2 with function in/context of use/with rules for use/with properties x3, joining prefixed unit/lexeme/morpheme/string x4 (quote) to postfixed unit/lexeme/morpheme/string x5 (quote) in construct (full word) x6 (quote)
- terkagni
- k3 is the charter/business/purpose granted/authorized/agreed to by authority k2 to/for company/corporation/firm/partnership k1.
- terkavbu
- x1 is a trap/restraint with x2 being captured/restrained by x3 (object/event).
- terkemseldumterbau
- x1 is a language/dialect used by x2 to express/communicate x3 (text, not clause)
- terkla
- From x1 to x2 goes x3 via x4 by means
- terma'i
- x3=m1 is x2=m2 months in duration by standard x1=m3.
- terme'e
- x1 calls x2 by name x3.
- terme'u
- x3=m1 is x2=m2 minutes in duration by standard x1=m3.
- termonsi'o
- s1=m3 is a model of forms/events m2 by which m1=s2 is arranged, as thought by s3.
- termri
- x1 is the recipient mail address to which x2 is sent by x3 from sender address x4 over carrier/network/system x5
- termu'igau
- x1 (agent) convinces / persuades / motivates x2 (agent) to do/be x3 (ka/nu/zu'o) by means/motivation x4 (nu)
- terna'a
- x3=n1 is x2=n2 years in duration by standard x1=n3.
- ternupcpe
- n3=c1 makes a reservation n2=c2 from service provider n1=c3 by means c4.
- terpanryziltolju'i
- x1=j2=p3 (ka; jo'u/fa'u term) is the minor difference in/between x2=p2 and x3=p1 that is to be ignored, their similarity being by standard/in geometry x4; x2 is the same as/similar to/parallels x3 in standard/geometry x4 up to/modulo/except for/ignoring unimportant difference x1;
- terpikta
- p3 (event/state) is a privilege entitled to p2 guaranteed by p1 under conditions p4.
- terpinxe
- x1=p3 is a container out of which x2=p2 is drunk by x3=p1
- terpla
- x1 is a planned/designed/intended state/process, following plan x2 conceived by planner x3.
- terpli
- x1 (abstraction) is the purpose of x2, used by x3
- terpra
- x1 is the process of production used by x2 to produce x3.
- terpygau
- g1 frightens t1 with/by
t2 (event).
- tersku
- x1 is told x2 (text/sedu'u) by x3 via expressive medium x4.
- tersnidu
- x3=s1 is x2=s2 seconds in duration by standard x1=s3.
- tervencpe
- v3=c1 orders/requests
v2=c2 from v1=c3 by means c4.
- tervi'a
- Under conditions x1, x2 is seen by x3.
- tervi'u
- x1 has its x2 taken away by x3, and thereby becomes x4.
- teryru'eca'a
- c1 is an output device controlled/[triggered] by c3 (agent).
- terytraduki'yterytraduki
- tP3 is a translation of tP2=tZ3 by tP1, the source being a translation of tZ2 by tZ1.
- terzbasro
- s1 is a/the production inventory of sub-assemblies/components s2=z3 used by z1 in the production/building/assembly of z2.
- terzi'e
- x1 is a right (entitlements/permissions of a legal/moral nature) of x2 (action/quality) entitled to / held by x3
- terzilkancu
- x1 (property) is satisfied by exactly x2 (number) members among x3 (plural)
- terzu'e
- z3 is the purpose of action z2 by agent z1.
- tezyfrinu
- x1
is a fraction with x2 divided by e (natural exponential base)
- ticta'u
- ta1 is a disguise/camouflage worn by ta2 to deceive tc2 into tc3.
- ticysku
- c1=t1 lies, falsely expressing c2 (text/concept) to audience c3=t2 by means c4.
- tifkai
- x1 is the thing(s) shown/indicated/pointed to by the speaker when this word is used
- tinmosycpina
- c1=m1=t2, sound produced by the friction/contact/rubbing between m2 and m3, is a gride sound/hair-raising/sets one's teeth on edge/squicks/gives the willies/heebie-jeebies to t1, who hears it against background/noise t3.
- ti'ormanku
- x1=m1 is shade-darkened/has shadow x2=c1 cast upon it by obfuscating/blocking/(at least semi-)opaque object x3=c2 from energy/light/transmission source x4=c3; x2 is the shadow-eclipse caste upon x1 by x3, blocking radiation from x4
- tizma'e
- m1 is a wheelchair/permobile carrying m2 in/on surface/medium m3, propelled by force m4.
- tizma'ekla
- k1=m2 uses wheelchair s1=m1=k5, which is in/on surface/medium m3 and is propelled by m4, to come/go to destination k2 from origin k3 via route k4.
- tocyrapli
- x1=t1 tries to do/attain x2=t2 (ka) by actions/method x3=t3 (ka) for a total number of tries x4=r2.
- togystika
- x1 is a musical accidental (e.g. sharp, flat, or natural) modifying note x2 by a change of x3 to a pitch of x4.
- tokyjukpa
- j1 bakes food-for-eating j2=t2 by recipe/method j3 (process).
- tolba'i
- b1 is low/inferior/abject in property b2 (ka) by standard b3.
- tolcadyde'a
- x1 “kills/passes (the) time” by means x3 while waiting for x2.
- tolcfari'i
- r1 is/are the ritual/proceedings for adjourning/ending c1[event/state/process] by community r2 with rules c4.
- tolci'o
- c1 is old (opposite of young) by standard c2.
- tolci'oze'a
- x1=c1=z1 grows old by amount x2=z3
- toldra
- d1 is wrong in property/aspect d2 (ka) in situation d3 by standard d4.
- toldu'e
- x1 is a shortage/deficiency/insufficiency/derth/too little of x2 by standard x3.
- tolfalnu
- x1 is a fan, a propeller for creating movement in fluid x2 by drawing power from a vehicle/motor x3
- tolfekybi'o
- f1=b1 (action/event) becomes calm/calms down/is pacified under conditions f2 by standard b3.
- tolja'e
- The negation of x1 (event/state) is a result/outcome/conclusion of antecedent x2 (event/state). x1 is prevented by x2.
- tolkai
- x1 is characterized by the polar opposite of x2 (ka)
- tolkargu
- k1 (object/commodity/property/event) is inexpensive to k2 by standard k3.
- tolkau
- x1 (property) is not satisfied by anything among x2 (plural)
- tolmencre
- c1=m2 (person) is unintelligent/dumb/stupid by standard c3.
- tolmle
- x1 is ugly to x2 in aspect x3 (ka) by aesthetic standard x4.
- tolmlemau
- z1=m1 is uglier/[more unsightly] than z2 to m2 in aspect m3 (ka) by amount z4.
- tolmleme'a
- ml1=me1 is less ugly/unsightly than ml2 to me2 in aspect me3 (ka) by amount ml4.
- tolmlerai
- m1=t1 is the ugliest/[most unsightly] among set/range t3 to m2 in aspect m3 (ka) by aesthetic standard m4.
- tolmletce
- m1=t1 is hideous/grotesque to t2 in aspect t3 (ka) by aesthetic standard t4.
- tolni'o
- x1 is old (un-novel) to observer x2 in feature x3 (ka) by standard x4
- tolnu'a
- s1 is threatened by s2 (event)
- tolpifygau
- x1 frees/liberates/releases x2 from captivity by x3
- tolplana
- x1 is thin/skinny/[underweight] [excessively thin/unswollen] by standard x2
- tolplixau
- x1 is worse than useless to agent x2 by the standard of purpose x3
- tolpluja
- p1 is simple/not complicated/not complex/easy/not intricate in aspect/property p2 by standard p3
- tolracli
- x1=r1 (action/activity/behavior) is irrational by standard x2=r2
- tolselmansa
- m2 is dissatisfied by m1 with regard to property (ka)/state m3.
- tolsraseldau
- d2=s2 is a con/contra-argument (C) against argument s2, by arguer d1.
- tolsurcaukancu
- k1 subitizes (effortlessly/immediately/instantly counts the number in/recognizes the cardinality of) set k2 to be k3 [number/count], counted by/in terms of units k4
- toltelgau
- g1 unlocks lock s1 on s2 by mechanism s3.
- tolvaixajmi
- x1 is frivolous to observer[/by standard] x2.
- tolvri
- x1 is a coward in activity x2 (event) by standard x3.
- tolvudypai
- v1=p1 is unfair / is corrupt (in authority) / does injustice to/in matter p2 by standard v2.
- tolvu'e
- v1 is immoral by standard v2.
- tolylau
- x1 is soft/quiet/making only a bit of noise, at observation point x2 by standard x3.
- torcrida
- c1 is a dwarf of mythos/religion c2, short by measurement standard t3.
- torpalku
- p1=t1 are shorts [short pants] of material p2, short in the “leg” direction, short by measurement standard t3.
- torpre
- t1=p1 is a dwarf/midget [short in stature resulting from a medical condition; not not necessarily human] by standard t3.
- toryrailu'a
- x1 is the geodesic path from x2 to x3 via or through points including/on connected manifold component/in connected graph component x4, with distance being measured by standard/metric/weighting x5.
- tracinse
- c1=t1 in activity/state c2 exhibits/performs/expresses gender c3=t2 (ka) by standard c4.
- treicytunba
- x1 is of the same rank/generation in hierarchical structure x2 by standard/partial ordering/relationships x3.
- tronarka'erfenki
- x1 is hysterical by standard x2
- troroltruci'e
- c1 is a totalitarian system in j2 with power exercised by t1=t1
- trumapku
- m1 is a crown made of m2 used by ruler t1 of
people/territory/domain/subjects t2.
- tsagau
- x1=g1 strengthens/reinforces x2=t1 in property/quantity x3 (ka/ni) by amount/excess x4
- tsajoible
- x1 is strong/robust and weak/vulnerable in property/quality/aspect x2 (ka) by standard x3.
- tsakarce
- k1=t1 is a jeep/land rover propelled by k3.
- tsamau
- x1 is stronger than x2 in property x3 by margin x4.
- tsame'a
- x1 is less strong than x2 in property x3 by margin x4.
- tsarainaitrusi'o
- s1 is a fascist ideology as applied by t1 among/in people/territory/domain t2 based on the works of thinker s3
- tsiselcigla
- c2=t1 is semen secreted by organism c3 for producing offspring t3.
- tsutre
- x1=m1=r1 measures x2=m2 meters in its third longest direction x3=m3=r2 by measurement standard x4=m4.
- tujbalji
- b1 is a bulb [body-part] of tulip (defined by flower shape) t1.
- tumyma'e
- m1 is a vehicle carrying m2 in/on terrain/land surface t1=m3, propelled by m4.
- tutlycatra
- x1=c1 commits genocide against race/group/people x2=t2=c2 by means x3=c3
- tutpaupau
- t1=p1 is a district of p2 administered by t2.
- uaigrynolraitru
- x1 is the future (but not current) regent of x2 by standard x3.
- vamveile'ikarda
- x1=k1=vr4 is a stored-value/gift/pre-paid card with stored value x2=va1=vr1 for usage x3=va4=p4, accepted by payee/merchant x4=va3=p3
- varkiclaflo'i
- x1 is a hovercraft for carrying x2, propelled by x3, riding on/lifted by x4.
- varterjabre
- x1 is an air brake (control surface) of vehicle x2 in atmosphere x3; x1 slows the motion of vehicle x2 by increasing drag in atmosphere x3.
- vaxydicra
- d1 chokes v1 by/with d3.
- ve'irsau
- x1 is familiar to the memories of x2 in feature x3 (ka) and by standard x4; x2 knows/is familiar with/has lived memory of x2.
- velbe'e
- x4=b1 is a crew/team/gang/squad/band of persons x2=b2 directed/led by x3=b3 organized for purpose x1=b4.
- velcki
- x1 is an explanation of x2 (event/state/property) to x3 by x4.
- velcli
- x1 is a learning source for learning x2 (du'u) about subject x3 for learner x4 by method x5
- velfi'i
- x1 is the inspiration for creating x2 for purpose x3 by creator x4
- velkakpymru
- m1=k4 is a pickaxe for digging up/hitting m2 [target] consisting of head m3 propelled by m4.
- velkla
- x1=k4 is a route that leads to x2=k2, from x3=k3, travelled by x4=k1 by means
- velmikce
- x1 is a cure/medical treatment given to x2 for ailment x3 by doctor x4
- velmri
- x1 is the sender mail address from which x2 is sent to recipient address x3 by sender x4 over carrier/network/system x5
- velsfa
- x1=s4 is a punishment inflicted on x2=s2 for infraction x3=s3 by x4=s1.
- velski
- s4 is a description of s2 to audience s3 by describer s1.
- velski'y'esku
- x1=e1 is a textual (version of) description x2=e2=v4 understood by / produced by / communicated by x3=e3=v1 in language x4=e4, description of x5=v2 for audience x6=v3.
- velsku
- x1 is the expression medium of expression x2 addressed to audience x3 by speaker x4
- velvenkemtemsalri
- x1 is the x2th-order time-differintegral of the cost/fee/debt or revenue ((possibly: monetary) charge/value) of or at which x3 is sold to/bought by customer x4 from vendor/seller x5, with differintegral starting point x6.
- velvi'u
- v1 is the result/remnant/remainder when v2 is removed/subtracted/deducted/taken away from v3 by v4.
- venci'e
- c1 is a market (system) interrelated by structure c2 (social relations / institutions / procedures / infrastructures) of components c3=v2 (goods/services/information) displaying c4 (economy).
- venxatrycu'u
- c1 the direct mail business/activity/function for goods/products/services/activities v2 from/by x3=v1 to audience x2=v3.
- venynoi
- n1 is an advertisement about n2=v2 by n3=v1 to intended audience n4=v3.
- venynoicu'u
- c1 the advertising business/activity/function about goods/products/services/activities n2=v2 from/by n2=v1 to audience n4=v3.
- verbakni
- b1=c1 is a stirk/yearling [young cattle/beef-producer/bovine], of age n2, immature/defined as a stirk/yearling by standard n3, of species/breed b2.
- victerlu'i
- v2=l3 is trash/rubbish/garbage/refuse removed from v3=l2 by v1=l1 (agent)
- vidnyxra
- p1 is a screenshot showing p2, made by p3 (user), in medium p4.
- vijblo
- b1 is an aircraft carrier carrying b2, propelled by b3.
- vijytcana
- t1 is an airport in transport system t2 for aircraft of type v2 propelled by v3
- vikselcigla
- x1 is mucus produced by organ/membrane x2 in body x3
- vimku'a
- x1=k1 is a loo/water closet/[room with toilet], in which x2=v1 excretes x3=v2, in home/building/structure x4=k2 surrounded by partitions/walls/ceiling/floor x5=k3 (mass/jo'u)
- vincra
- x1 is (in) the foreground of x2 by frame of reference x3
- vinti'e
- x1 is (in) the background of x2 by frame of reference x3
- vistci
- t1 is an optical tool used by v1 to see v2.
- visyzu'i
- x1 prevents x2 from being seen by x3; x1 covers/obstructs view of/blocks x2.
- vlacku
- c1 is a dictionary concerning c2 authored by c3 intended for c4 in medium c5.
- vlali'i
- l1 is a line of text defined by set of words/string l2 meaning x3=v2 in language x4=v3.
- vlamojyzilcmi
- x1=z1=m2 [set] is the vocabulary remembered/used/retrievable by x2=m1 about subject x3=m3; x1 are the words x2 can recall about x3.
- vlaselcu'a
- x1 is a choice of words, chosen by x2 to express x3
- vlaselmo'i
- x1=v1=s1 is a word/set of words (able to be) recalled by x2=s2 about subject x3=s3; x1 is the vocabulary retrieved by x2.
- vlavelcki
- c4 (text) is a definition of word(s)/phrase/definiendum c2=v1 with definiens v2 in language v3, as defined by c1.
- vobmipri
- x1=m1=m2 hides from x2 by method x3
- vocpi'e
- p1 jumps up and down on p2=p3 reaching height p4 propelled by p5
- voisne
- x1=s1=v1=ko'a dreams that they are flying (x2=s2="lo du'u ko'a vofli" fixed) by means x3=v2; x2 is a flying dream of x1; x1 has flying dream x2.
- vokpravelpe'u
- x1=p4 is the locus/place of (vocal) articulation of sound/vocal product x2=v1=c2 made by instrument/locus/vocalization tool x3=p3 in individual speaker x4=v2=c1=p1
- vonca'u
- x1 is a 4-dimensional spacetime/region occupied by x2 .
- vozmau
- x1=m4 is the excess amount by which x2=m1 exceeds x3=m2 in property/quantity x4=m3 (ka/ni).
- vozme'a
- x1=m4 is the amount by which x2=m1 is less than x3=m2 in property/quantity x4=m3 (ka/ni).
- vozysfa
- x1=s4 is a punishment inflicted by x2=s1 on x3=s2 for infraction x4=s3.
- vricykricrutrusi'o
- s1 is a liberal political ideology as applied by t1=c1 among/in people/territory/domain t2 based on the works of thinker si3
- vruca'a
- c1 is a horn/buzzer/siren producing strident noise c2=s1, operated by c3.
- vrurapkilpra
- c1 makes/produces a rustling/crackling sound by process c3.
- vruvricypra
- c1 makes/produces a rich complex sound by process c3.
- vudvri
- vr1=vi1 is a hero/heroic in doing vi2 by standard vr2=vi3.
- vudypai
- v1=p1 is fair / does justice to p2 by standard v2.
- vurbau
- v1=b1 is the Ukrainian language used by b2 to express/communicate b3 (si'o/du'u, not quote).
- vusyga'e
- g1 tastes g2=v1 (flavor) emitted by v2.
- xabgau
- g1 (person/agent) halves/bisects/dimediates/divide into exactly/approximately halves x1 of x2 by standard x3.
- xabmau
- x1 is most/a majority/more than half of x2 in property x3 by amount x4 by standard x5.
- xabme'a
- x1 is a minority/less than half of x2 in property x3 by amount x4 by standard x5.
- xabycinse
- c1 exhibits demisexuality in situation c2 by standard c4.
- xaby'efku
- x1=xadba1=efku1 is an exact/approximate half of a half of a half... of x2=xadba2=efku2, cut in half exactly x3=efku3 times, by standard x4=xadba3
- xabyxadba
- x1 is exactly/approximately a quarter of x2 by standard x3.
- xacyce'a
- xa1=c1 is a gun/cannon/firearm launching projectile c2 propelled by c3, for use against xa2 by xa3.
- xacydakfu
- d1=xa1 is a combat knife for cutting / for use against d2=xa2, with material d3, used by xa3.
- xacyga'a
- g1=x1 is a club/cudgel/truncheon/bludgeon made of g2 used against x2 by x3.
- xadycla
- c1=xa1 is tall / has a long body by standard c3.
- xadykelci'e
- c1 is/are a/the physical sport(s) exercised/played by x2.
- xadykru
- x1 is a curve in x2's body, at locus x3, defined by points x4
- xagmau
- xa1=z1 is better than z2 for xa2 by standard xa3, by amount z4.
- xagme'a
- xa1=m1 is worse than/not as good as m2 for xa2 by standard xa3, by amount m4.
- xagrai
- t1=x1 is the best among set/range t4 for x2 by standard x3.
- xagze'a
- x1=z1=xa1 improves/gets better in property x2=z2 for x3=xa2 by standard x4=xa3
- xagzengau
- g1 (agent) improves z1=x1 for x2 by amount z3.
- xagzenri'a
- r1 (event/state/process) improves z1=x1 for x2 by amount z3 under conditions r3.
- xaicku
- x1 is a book damaged by/website attacked by x2 in property x3 (ka).
- xalbyfanza
- x1 (event) is a prank at the expense of x2 by prankster x3 (agent)
- xalpixydu'e
- p1 drinks too much alcohol of type p2 from p3 by standard d3; p1 is a drunk
- xanbau
- b1 is a Signed Language used by x2=b2 to express/communicate b3 (si'o/du'u, not quote).
- xancidykarlydi'o
- x1 is a cufflink/stud on cuff/material x2=k3 made of material x3=d3 worn by person x4=c3=xa2
- xanlai
- x1 is x2 handfuls in volume/amount (default is 1) by standard x3.
- xanle'u
- l1 (la'e zo BY/word-bu) is a hand sign in character-set of sign language/system of manual communicationl2 representing l3 performed by hand(s) x1.
- xanle'ule'u
- xl1 (la'e zo BY/word-bu) is a fingerspelling sign in character-set of sign language/system of manual communication xl2 representing letter/digit/symbol xl3=l1 in written alphabet/character-set xl2 performed by hand(s) xl4.
- xapsnidu
- x1 is x2 coulombs [default is 1] by standard x3.
- xarpre
- xa1=p1 is a character/role/imaginary person created by xa2.
- xasydanti
- d1 is a torpedo launched by d2.
- xa'ukla
- x1 migrates/moves/travels to new habitat x2 from old habitat x3 via route x4 by means of transport x5
- xautce
- x1=m1 (object/event) is excellent/very good/beneficial for x2 by standard x3.
- xauzma
- xa1=z1 is better than z2 for xa2 by standard xa3, by amount z4.
- xejykregutci
- x1 is x2 (li; default: 1) beard-seconds by standard x3.
- xelbe'i
- x1 is the medium on which x2 is sent/transmitted, to receiver x3 from transmitter/origin x4, by x5.
- xelfanvyxelfanva
- x1=fP5 is a translation of translation x2=fP2=fZ5 from (intermediate) language x3=fP3=fZ4 to (final) language x4=fP4 by x5=fP1, with intermediate translation source x6=fZ2 from (starting) language x7=fZ3 by x8=fZ1.
- xelmri
- x1 is a mail carrier/network/system, over which x2 is sent to address x3 from address x4 by sender x5.
- xilcelxa'i
- xa1=c1 is an artillery gun for use against xa2 by xa3, launching projectile c2 propelled by c3.
- xiljamkarce
- k1 is a military armoured car propelled by k3.
- xinbau
- x1=b1 is the Hindi language used by b2 to communicate b3
- xinglibau
- x1=g1=b1 is the Indian English language used by b2 to express/communicate b3 (si'o/du'u, not quote).
- xirdegna'u
- x1 is an odd number (integer not divisible by 2)
- xislivnunsla
- n1 is Easter celebrated by s1 with activities s3
- xisyjbenunsla
- n1 is the Christmas celebrated by s1 with activities s3.
- xladja
- xl1=c1 is bad food/junk food (in one sense) for xl2=c2, bad by standard xl3.
- xlafu'a
- f1=xl1 is unlucky/unfortunate for f2=xl2 by standerd xl3.
- xlajvo
- x1 is a bad/poorly-made lujvo with issue x2, bad according to x3 and by standard x4
- xlamau
- x1=m1 is worse than m2 for x2 by standard x3, by amount m3.
- xlame'a
- xl1=m1 is better/[less bad] than m2 for xl2 by standard xl3, by amount m4
- xlapre
- x1=p1=xl1 is a bad/poor performing person for task x2=xl2 by standard x3=xl3
- xlarafsrejvo
- x1 is an improperly-created/wrongly-proposed/illy-proposed lujvo with intended meaning x2 but actual interpretation/built from metaphor x3, due to/with error x4 in its rafsi x5, which is unacceptable to x6 by standard x7, in language x8
- xlarai
- t1=x1 is the worst among set/range t4 for x2 by standard x3.
- xlati'a
- t1=xl1 is bad weather at place/region t2 for x3=xl2 by standard x4=xl3.
- xlatra
- x1=t1=xl1 misbehaves / is naughty for doing x2=t2 (property/event) under conditions x3=t3 by standard / breaking rule x4=xl3
- xlibakni
- b1=c1 is a heifer [young female cattle/beef-producer/bovine], of age n2, immature/defined as a heifer by standard n3, of species/breed b2.
- xozbe'i
- x1=b5 is the means/medium by which x2=b1 transfers/sends/transmits x3=b2 to receiver x4=b3 from transmitter/origin x5=b4.
- xrakarni
- k1=p4 is an illustrated magazine/journal with content k2=p1 published by k3 for audience k4.
- xrapoi
- x1 is a video which depicts x2 and is created by x3.
- xraselci'a
- c2=p1 is drawn by artist c1=p3 on medium c3=p4 using implement c4 depicting p2.
- xratai
- t1=p1 is an image of t2=p2 created by agent p3 on medium p4.
- xrebau
- b1=m1=s1 is creole used by b2 to express/communicate b3, created from sources including m2.
- xrejvejdikybau
- x1 is a pidgin/Creole language/dialect formed from reduction and conmingling of superstrate languages including x2, used by x3 in order to express/communicate x4 (si'o/du'u; not quote)
- xumjimcelxa'i
- x1 = c1 is a gun/chemically launched metal slug throwing weapon for use against x2 by x3; weapon fires metallic objects x4 using chemical propellant x5.
- xumyzai
- x1 is a pharmacy / drugstore / chemist’s, selling drugs x2, operated by x3.
- xurbau
- x1=b1 is the Urdu language used by b2 to express/communicate b3 (si'o/du'u, not quote).
- xu'unrymutcrai
- x1 is infrared or infrasound vel sim. (sensu lato; having too large of a wavelength to be visible, audible, or relevantly sensed/detectable) for sense/sensory device/by standard x2 in medium/under conditions/in frame of reference x3.
- zacpanka
- p1=z1 is a market place/square/area managed by p2 for selling/trading z2 by traders z3.
- zaisle
- z1=s1 is a shop/store of market/mall s2, selling x3=z2, operated by x4=z3.
- zanbe'icku
- x1=cukta1 is a book/gospel/evangel about messaged good news x2=cukta2 by author x3=cukta3 for audience x4=cukta4 preserved in medium x5=cukta5
- zandapsmusku
- x1 says a toast, well-wishes that x2 (event) happens by telling it to x3
- zanfu'a
- f1=z2 (event/property) is determined by the good luck/fortune of f2; x1 is a case of serendipity
- zanmau
- zm1=za1
is better than zm2 in property za2 according to standard za3 by amount zm4.
- zansaxmu'e
- x1 is a paradise/paradisaic place defined/governed by rules x2
- zanvi'e
- x1 is welcomed by x2 to place/event x3.
- zarcycarce
- x1=c1 is a shopping cart for carrying x2=c2, propelled by x3=c3.
- zaurskupemci
- x1 is an ode to x2 by author x3 for intended audience x4
- zbafavycu'u
- c1 is/are the function/activities involving persons c2 developing products f2=z2 made by z1; c1 is product development.
- zbiselcigla
- x1 is a quantity of snot/booger(y material) secreted by the nose of body x2, of composition
- zdaga'u
- g1 is an attic of house z1, which is inhabited by z2.
- zdakarce
- z2=k1 is a van/mobile home/motor home for z1=k2, propelled by k3.
- zdali'a
- x1=c1 leaves/departs/separates from the house inhabited by x2=z2=c2, along route x3=c3
- zdaselgu'a
- x1 is housework, to be done by x2, in order to clean/maintain house x3
- zdase'u
- s1 is a house servant in/of house z1 owned by person s2=z2.
- zdilisri
- l1=z1 is an anecdote/funny story/joke about plot/subject/moral l2 by storyteller l1 to audience l4=z2, amusing in aspect x5=z3.
- zdipanka
- p1 is a park managed by polity/community p2 for use by z2,
with amenities/amusements z1.
- zdizu'e
- x1=zd2=zu1 plays by doing x2=zd1=zu2
- zengau
- x1 increases/augments x2 (experiencer) in property/quantity x3 by amount x4.
- zenri'a
- r1 (event/state) increases/increments/augments x2=z1 in property/quantity x3=z2 by amount x4=z3.
- ze'okru
- x1 is a convex curve/turn/bend in x2, at locus x3, and defined by set of points/properties x4.
- zevle'o
- l1 zooms out l2(object) to focus/magnification l3 by means l4
- zgamuvjga
- x1 is the parallax of x2 as seen by x3 who moves to x4 from x5
- zgavinji
- v1 is a surveillance aircraft of type/for carrying v2, propelled by v3.
- zgibe'e
- b1 is an orchestra, consisting of performers b2, and conducted by b3, performing music z1.
- zgica'a
- x1=c1 is a musical instrument played by x2=c3.
- zgifau
- f1 is a musical event with music x2=z1 performed/produced by x3=z2 (event).
- zgikabri
- k1 is a glass harp/musical glass, performed by z2 (event).
- zgiselfi'i
- f2=z1 is a musical composition composed by f1for function/purpose f3 from existing elements/ideas f4.
- zgito'a
- t1=z1 is a note of pitch t2 produced by t3=z2
- zguska
- s1 is pink-colored when viewed/perceived by s3 under conditions s4
- zifnunsla
- n1 is Independence Day celebrated by s1 with activities s3
- zifpemci
- p1 is a free poem/free verse/vers libre about plot/theme/subject/pattern p2 by author p3 for intended audience p4.
- zilce'a
- x1 is a projectile propelled by x2
- zildatni
- x1=d1 is information gathered/produced by method/from source x2=d3.
- ziljminyxau
- x1 is a bonus for x2=x2 by standard x3
- zilkacmre
- x1 = m2 [quantity] is x2 = k3 = m3 [number counted] items/units of/in/pertaining to set x3 = k2, on scale x4 = m4 (si'o; default: from 0 representing nothing/no instances of the item, and by (units of) 1 for each additional occurrence if the item is quantized). x1 is countably measurable.
- zilkancu
- x1 numbers/adds up to/consists of x2 (number) counting by units x3; x1 are x2 in number.
- zilmipri
- x1 is secret/hidden from x2 by method x3.
- zmajavdu'i
- x1 is greater than or equal to x2 in property/quantity x3 by amount/excess x4.
- zmakanpe
- x1 overestimates the value satisfying x2 (ka/ni) by amount x3, overestimated with likelihood x4; x2 (property) is satisfied by a number lesser by amount x3 than that expected by x1 with likelihood x4
- zmanei
- n1 prefers n2=z1 over z2, because of property/quantity z3, by margin z4.
- zmicu'a
- x1 selects x2 from x3 (set) by default.
- zmimakfa
- x1 is automagic to x2, performed by technology x3.
- zminirci'e
- c1 x1 (mass) is a/the autonomic nervous system interrelated by structure c2 among neurons/components n1=c3 (set) of body n2, displaying c4 (ka).
- zorkru
- x1 is a concave curve/turn/bend in x2, at locus x3, and defined by set of points/properties x4.
- zorle'o
- l1 zooms in l2(object) to focus/magnification l3 by means l4
- zo'urkai
- x1 is a proposition that satisfies the property expressed by the most recent prenexed adverb.
- zukselpla
- p2=z2 is a policy of p3=z3 (nu) prescribed by p1.
- zumpra
- x1=z1 is production, with x2=c1 producing x3=c2 by process x4=c3.
- zumyzdi
- zu1=zd1 is an amusement/diversion pursued by zd2, enjoyable for reason zd3.
- backi
- x1 is characterized by x2 (ka) emphasized by x3
- basfa
- x1 is an omnibus for carrying x2 in medium x3 propelled by x4.
- benre
- x1 is the "beneficiary"/intended-recipient of x2 (event/action), as intended by x3 // x2 is done for x1
- besto
- x1 dons metaphorical asbestos suit x2 to guard against flames x3 on topic x4 from x5, who disagrees with post x6 for reason x7, not realizing that the post was meant to be sent to x8 rather than all of mailing list x9 (default jboste) where it was posted in response to email
x10, whose author wishes selma'o x11 (default SE) were extended to concisely express place x12 of brivla x13 (default besto) which has place structure x14 and too many places because of sadistic whim x15 of brivla-maker x16, who also created brivla x17 which has place structure x18, and so winds up using too many of cmavo x19 (default zi'o) in order to make the brivla ( x13) more usable by standard x20 and wishes they had never heard of the word besto for reason x21, not realizing for reason x22 that it was suggested sarcastically due to boredom x23 of person x24, who is proposing it against better judgement x25 because it is fun by standard x26, but still wishes it had as many places as x27 (default du) for reason x28, and feels like throwing in epistemology sumti x29, because he/she knows both that gismu x30 (default besto) has its place structure defined by run-on sentence x31 and that epistemology sumti are used in gismu x32 by epistemology x33, notwithstanding the fact that x34 actually has a use for besto places x35 (default 1) through x36 (default x7) and wishes this weren't an extremely long and stupid joke, longer than joke x37 and stupider than joke x38 but still appreciated by x39 - a fact which says x40 about them in the opinion of x41 - but not seen as even remotely amusing by x42, who is aware that x43 has a use for the gismu besto because of x45
- bravi
- x1 is acclaimed/praised for achievement x2 by x3 via noise/gesture/method of praise
- brivo
- x1 is a predicate word defined as such by its word shape, signifying relation x2 (n-ary property) in language x3
- cadga
- x1 (abstraction) should/(of right) ought to be true/happening under conditions/in the case of x2 being true/happening, as believed by/by standard/under consideration of x3. If the world were proper/correct/just/ruled perfectly and strictly according to x3 and if x2 were true, then x1 would be true as well.
- cagna
- x1 is a wound on body x2 at locus x3 caused by x4
- cfale
- x1 [dimensionful number] is the (relative) phase (difference) in oscillatory system x2 relative to zero mark x3 under conditions/by standard x4
- cmeta
- x1 is meta to/an example of x2 that describes such an object/concept/notion/system/topic/etc., being meta in property/aspect x3, and which has features x4, governed by/considered in system/considerations/epistemology/theory x5; x1 is meta (a particular type of abstraction of x2 so as to apply to itself in some sense); x1 is an/a piece of/an example of x2 that applies fractally thereto
- corci
- x1 is a gesture/facial expression/body part motion/body language/expressive (nonverbal or nonvocal) feature/microexpression/stature/posture/sign/body signal [nonverbal expression made using only one's body parts and items on one's immediate person as extensions of the body in order to communicate; possibly nonlinguistic/extralinguistic] that conveys/expresses thought/emotion/command/idea x2 (nu/si'o; possibly text and other types) made using body part/utensil/object/at locus x3 in/by motion/action/means x4
- cukre
- x1 reflects/relates to/pertains to CLL (Lojbanic) grammatical standards in manner/aspect x2, specific to version x3 (contextless default: the most recent version that has been officially accepted by the Lojban language's governing body (presently, the BPFK))
- cusna
- x1 (scalar-valued) is the norm/magnitude/size of concrete (and specific) mathematical object x2 in norm space/according to metric (if relevant)/by definition/of type x3
- dajbu
- x1 is okay/alright/acceptable to x2 by standard x3
- dardu
- x1 is the standard by which x2 (abstraction) is true
- didni
- x1 deduces/reasons by deduction/establishes by deduction that x2 is true about x3 from general rule x4
- dindi
- x1 is a non-binary/intersex (probably also can include: asexual, nongendered, indeterminately gendered) individual of species x2 evidencing non-binary gender trait(s) x3 (ka); x1 is characterized by not following or fitting into some gender-binary.
- dinti
- x1 is a non-binary/intersexed (probably also can include: asexual, nongendered, indeterminately gendered, gender-fluid, transgendered, two-spirited, alternatively gendered, or affirmatively non-binarily gendered or nongendered/graygendered) individual of species x2 evidencing non-binary gender trait(s) x3 (ka); x1 is characterized by not following or fitting into some gender-binary.
- dutso
- x1 is clockwise/right-turn-direction of[/to] x2 along/following track x3 [path] in frame of reference x4 (where the axis is within the region defined by the track as the boundary, as viewed from and defined by view(er) x4; see notes); x1 is locally to the right of x2, according to x4, constrained along x3; x1 is along a right turn from x2 along path x3, as viewed in frame x4.
- dzama
- x1 performs chore / menial duty / housework / errand x2 (nu/ka) for purpose / as obliged by x3.
- dzoli
- x1 is recursively related to x2 by applying x3 (number) levels-of-recursion of the predicate-relation x4 (ka with two ce'u)
- firca
- x1 flirts with x2 by doing x3
- flese
- x1 is (a) philosophy/ideology (one sense) about/of/pertaining to topic/subfield (one sense) x2 with subfield (different sense)/features/details/specifics/specific idea(s) x3, with methodology x4, followed/thought/considered by x5 (thinker/philosopher/individual); philosophy x1 is characterized by values/thoughts/opinions/ruminations x3 about topic/subject x2.
- ganvi
- x1 is the sensory media content of type/stimulating sense/containing experience information x2 of recording/broadcast/media x3 displayed/produced by medium/device x4.
- jviso
- x1 is the ISO designation/result/standard/code for topic x2 applied to specific case/individual/group/thing x3 according to rule/ISO specification x4 published by/according to mandating organization x5 (default: ISO)
- kesri
- x1 (property of x2) is a stereotype of x2 (object/set), held by x3
- kilga
- x1 is x2 (default 1) kilograms [SI base unit] in mass by standard x3.
- kosmu
- x1 (abstraction) is a purpose/use of x2 (object or event), attributed by x3
- krali
- x1 (NU) is a legal/moral entitlement of x2 (individual/mass) by standard x3. x2 is a legal person.
- kurti
- x1 (proposition) is data/information being an example of deep formalization of subject x2 gathered by method x3 (proposition)
- lacni
- x1 is an eyewear used/worn by x2 serving purpose x3.
- ladlo
- x1 is loyal to x2 by standard x3 (ka).
- laldo
- x1 is old/aged [relatively long in elapsed duration] by standard x2
- lenga
- x1 is a speakable language used by persons x2
- lojgo
- x1 is/pertains to/reflects some version of Loglan or Lojban, or the derivatives thereof (or any language, project, thing which is path-connected thereto by derivation), in aspect/property x2 (ka).
- lucpa
- x1 (person(s)) is/are adopted by x2 (individual, family, tribe/clan, community, team, institution, etc.) into the latter's overarching family/clan/tribe/community/team/institution/etc. x4 in(to) role/relation x3 or an analog thereof via means/law/norm/socio-cultural or other mechanism x5; x2 adopts x1 into x2's family11.
- matxe
- x1 is magnetism/magnetization (or magnetic charge or magnetic current; or part of a magnetic dipole) in/on/of/produced by/evinced by/associated with x2 (monopole or a dipole, taken in whole or just as a single side/part/pole thereof) of polarity/quantity x3 (default: positive, which indicates magnetic-south in English).
- melmi
- x1 is a honey produced by x2
- moxna
- x1 is not enough/an insufficient amount/too little/too few of x2 by standard x3.
- nalfi
- x1 is invariant/unchanged by/symmetric/symmetrical/unaffected under transformation/effect/exchange/operation/external change x2 in property x3 (ka).
- nicfa
- x1 (vector) is the displacement of x2 (object/point) relative to x3 (object/point; contextless default: origin) in coordinate system/frame of reference/as measured by x4 according to definition/standard/(meta)physics x5
- niclu
- x1 (partially) occupies/fulfills niche x2 (this is a specific assemblage of roles, purposes, strategies, characteristics, behaviors, physical forms or traits, interactions with an environment, etc.) via particular method/mode/trait x3, in evolutionary or interaction or social or ecological or conceptual or strategic or physical environment x4; the x2 niche is occupied by x1 in way or via form/fashion x3; x2 is a niche in evolutionary system x4.
- nutko
- x1 is the language/sublanguage that uses no apparent terbri/selbri distinction and is used by x2 to express ideas (not text) x3.
- paska
- x1 is x2 Pascal [metric unit] in pressure (default is 1) by standard x3.
- pentu
- x1 is a non-binary sibling of/to x2 by bond/tie/standard/parent(s) x3; [not necessarily biological].
- pirxo
- x1 is the language/sublanguage that uses no apparent recursion rules and is used by x2 to express ideas (not text) x3.
- ranlu
- x1 is enough/a sufficient amount of x2 by standard x3.
- sacni
- x1 is an exactly sufficient/barely enough/just right amount of x2 by standard x3.
- sarni
- x1 [idéal shape/form] is a three-angled shape/form defined by set of corners/vertices x2 [set], sides/dimensions x3
- sefsi
- x1 is/are related to itself/himself/herself/themselves by relation x2
- sigma
- x1 is the standard variation of/in data set/distribution x2; x1 is the quantified (in)accuracy of the results x2 given by some observation or measurement (procedure), calculated from/by standard x3
- smusu
- x1 expresses meaning x2 (du'u/si'o) to addressee/audience x3 by doing x4 (property of x1)
- snafu
- x1 is a fucked up/snafu/gaffe/messed up (wrong) event/situation caused by x2 by standard x3; x2 fucks up in doing or by causing x1.
- tcaxe
- x1 (object) has charge x2 (number) in units x3 for interaction/of type x4 and in/by/using convention x5
- tcuti
- x1 is a sibling of a direct ancestor/elder of x2 by bond/tie/relation/standard x3 (not necessarily genetic/biological nor necessarily directly ancestral); x1 is an associated member of one of x2's ancestor's generation; x1 is an (great-(great-(...)))uncle/aunt of x2.
- tinri
- x1 (abstraction) bores x2 in manner x3; x2 is bored by/experiences boredom about x1, the boredom being of type/form x3.
- tutle
- x1 is/reflects/pertains to race/societal(/social) classification x2 culture/status in aspect x3, of subtype/particular subcategory/group/tribe x4, by definition/standard/societal classification system x5
- vepre
- x1 is a non-binary child/kid/juvenile [a young person] of age x2 immature by standard x3.
- vidvi
- x1 is the video/(possibly changing) visual content to/of recording/broadcast x2 displayed/produced by medium/device x3
- vinta
- x1 (user/consumer) is an addict of/is addicted to substance/entity/experience x2 by standard x3
- xaxre
- x1 is x2 ares in area by standard x3
- xorlo
- x1 reflects/relates to/pertains to xorlo (Lojbanic) grammatical standards in manner/aspect x2, specific to version x3 (contextless default: the most recent version that has been officially accepted by the Lojban language's governing body (presently, the BPFK))
- xumbe
- x1 (person, being, entity) is in an altered and (medically/legally) abnormal state of mind due to substance/factors x2, being in state (with characteristics) x3, classification as such according to/by standard x4
- zandi
- x1 is dirty/contaminated with debris/contaminant x2 by standard x3
- zgadi
- x1 (abstraction) should/(of right) ought to be true/happening under conditions/in the case of x2 being true/happening, as believed by/by standard/under consideration of x3. If the world were proper/correct/just/ruled perfectly and strictly according to x3 and if x2 were true, then x1 would be true as well.
- zucna
- x1 is counterclockwise/left-turn-direction of[/to] x2 along/following track x3 [path] in frame of reference x4 (where the axis is within the region defined by the track as the boundary, as viewed from and defined by view(er) x4; see notes); x1 is locally to the left of x2, according to x4, constrained along x3; x1 is along a left turn from x2 along path x3, as viewed in frame x4.
- zviki
- x1 (agent) creates 'hack' x2 (nu/zu'o/si'o) for system/tool x3 from inspiration x4; x2 is an emergent use/purpose for x3, unexpected by the original creators or users
- a'e'i'o'u
- esoteric/mystical utterance; untranslatable, meaning revealed by gnosis
- bai'ei (exp!)
- unary mathematical operator: successor/augment/increment (by one), succ(a) = a++ = a+1
- be'ei'oi (exp!)
- ternary mekso operator: x1th Bergelson multiplicative interval with exponents bounded from above by function x2 and with sequence of shifts x3, where exponents belong to set x4
- bi'ai
- Sumtcita indicating that the bridi must be true under the conditions indicated by the tagged sumti.
- bi'oi'au
- digit/number: interval/range indicator for significant digits (determined by lesser endpoint).
- cei'a (exp!)
- x1 is the year / era of years indicated by PA (digit string) in calendar system x2
- ci'e'u
- quotes an emoji name surrounded by pauses; can be non-Lojban
- ci'i'o
- transfinite ordinal little-omega; if followed by a number, it denotes the ordinal which is little-omega subscripted therewith in English notation
- ci'i'oi
- transfinite ordinal little-epsilon; if followed by a number, in English notation, the following number would be denoted by a subscript
- coi'e (exp!)
- x1 is PA hours in duration by standard x2.
- dau'u
- variable identifier article: refer to the referents of the variable having the following predicate as its name; such a variable may be implicitly bound by {PA broda} or {LE broda} phrases; if no such variable has been previously bound, the referents are left to the context to determine; the referents are not claimed to actually satisfy the predicate after which the variable is named.
- de'ei
- on (n)-th day from a given point (by default from today)
- do'au
- pro-sumti whose referent's identity may be chosen by the listener
- doi'e (exp!)
- x1 is PA days in duration by standard x2.
- do'oi
- generic single-word generic vocative marker; identifies intended listener with a single, possibly non-Lojban word, delimited by pauses (in speech) or by whitespace (in writing).
- du'a'e (exp!)
- mekso n-ary ordered operator: structure creator/ordered tuple, 'endow'; the structure formed by underlying set X1 (as) endowed with element, order, quoted operator, etc. X2, X3, ...
- du'a'o (exp!)
- mekso binary operator: extract substructure/underlying set/endowing operator; the substructure (general sense; includes just operator, order, set, etc.) of X1 (structure; explicitly given by {du'a'e}) which is formed by collecting the ith entries of that {du'a'e}-tuple in order together into their own {du'a'e}-tuple (or by extracting them naked into the ambient environment if X2 is a singleton) for all i in set X2
- fai'i
- Pendent preposition. Introduces a dangling argument that doesn't take part in the surrounding argument structure; similarly to {zo'u}, it may be used for pre-declaring a quantification, or for introducing an argument that will be later referred to anaphorically. The pronoun {zoi'i} is automatically bound to the argument introduced by {fai'i}.
- fe'ei (exp!)
- binary mekso operator: divided by (fraction): a/(b...)
- fei'u
- Prefix division by following unit selbri
- fo'ai
- Creates a predicate abstraction sumti out of a full bridi clause, binding all the necessary lambda variables to the ko'a-ko'u pronoun series. The number of bound variables must be indicated by appending {xi} followed by that number to the word {fo'ai}, unless only one variable (namely {fo'a}) is bound, in which case the {xi} marking is optional.
- ga'au
- digit/number: Euler–Mascheroni constant, usually denoted by lowercase gamma (γ); approximately 0.5772156649 (in decimal).
- ga'ei
- abstractor: sensation / qualia abstractor; x1 is the sensation / qualia associated with objects with property [bridi, bound to ce'u], via sense x2, as sensed by x3
- gau'e
- ganse modal, 1st place
to perceiver ... ; sensed, detected by ...
- gei'au (exp!)
- mekso 7-ary operator: for input (X1 = z, X2 = (ai)= (bj)= p, X5 = q, X6 = h1, X= h2), this word/function outputs/yields \sumn=0^\infty (((\prodi = 1p (ne'o'o(ai,n,1,h= 1q (ne'o'o(bj,n,1,h; by default, X6 = 1 = X7 unless explicitly specified otherwise.
- go'au
- marks the tagged sumti as being scope-wide within the immediate parent (text-wide by default) specified in the argument of the vocative
- ja'ai
- affirm last word: attached to cmavo to affirm them; denies negation by nai whenever it is applicable.
- jau'i
- attitudinal modifier: extra properly, primly, "by the book" - rushing things, half-assing.
- jei'o (exp!)
- x1 is PA weeks in duration by standard x2.
- ji'i'u (exp!)
- mekso, at-most-5-ary operator: a rounding function; ordered input list is (x,n,t,m,b) and the output is sgn(x) bt roundn (b(-t) abs(x)), with rounding preference n and where the fractional part of b(-t) abs(x) being equal to 1/2 causes the roundn ( ) function to map b(-t) abs(x) to the nearest integer of form 2Z+m, for base b (determined by context if not explicitly input) and some integer Z (determined by context).
- jo'ai
- convert a selbri tag followed by a tanru unit to a tanru unit; differently from {jai}, it does not change the first place of the tanru unit.
- ka'ei
- abstractor: predicate abstractor. x1 is the predicate expressed by [bridi], using bo'a, bo'e, etc for variables.
- kai'a
- evidential: by definition... / essentialistically...
- kai'au
- Adverbial, metacommentary-introducing, and complex discursive or attitudinal: I express this utterance in a manner or with mental state which is described by the immediately following and enclosed bridi in reference to the tagged construct, or assert that the said immediately following and enclosed bridi is true in application to the tagged construct in a metacommentary style.
- kai'i
- Property relativizing determiner / unary quantifier constructor. {kai'i} introduces a predicate whose first argument slot becomes filled by the property made by taking the bridi in which this {kai'i} appears and putting {ce'u} into the argument slot in which this {kai'i} argument was located. Put formally, "kai'i brodi cu brodu" = "lo ka ce'u brodu cu brodi". Additionally, a {kai'i} term has a rightward logical scope, like quantifiers and adverbials.
- ka'oi (exp!)
- x1 (ka) is obtained from x2 (ka) by uncurrying the first N places
- ke'e'ai
- Attaches all of the following words to the next explicitly mentioned sumti as seltau of that sumti or selbri which is explicitly marked with "cu" (under left-grouping by default).
- ki'a'au'u'au'i
- attitudinal question: metalinguistic confusion caused by too many experimental cmavo
- la'ai
- otherwise lojbanic name, ending in a vowel; multiple names delimited by pauses.
- la'e'au
- the specific referent of [following sumti] defined/specified by the grammar
- la'oi
- single-word non-Lojban name; quotes a single non-Lojban word delimited by pauses and treats it as a name
- lei'o (exp!)
- x1 is PA months in duration by standard x2.
- mai'o
- turns number into pro-sumti: the abstraction described by the utterance denoted by that number and {mai}
- me'ei
- Article for abstract predicate sumti. Turns a selbri into an abstraction with all open places filled by {ce'u}.
- mei'u
- converts sumti into selbri: x1 is [that sumti]'s, among x2, by relationship x3 (binary ka).
- mi'i'au
- digit/number: interval/range indicator for significant digits (determined by midpoint).
- moi'e (exp!)
- x1 is PA minutes in duration by standard x2.
- moi'o (exp!)
- x1 is the PA-th date/time of unit x2 (si'o) counting from x3 (default: now) by calendar x4
- moi'u (exp!)
- x1 is (n)th member of alphabet/set x2 ordered by rule x3, where the count begins at x4.
- mu'ai'au (exp!)
- mathematical/logical/mekso ternary operator: μ (mu) operator: outputs the most extreme extended-natural number that satisfies relationship/predicate A, where extremeness is bounded by B and of a version determined by C; error output is -1
- mu'o'u
- Marks an endpoint of a quote/string/expression and specifies that (relative to the original) the quote/string/expression so marked is complete, accurate, and well-portrayed by the quote/string/expression on the relevant side of the excerpt, including wrt all relevant information and when factoring in the content and context of the quotation-external discourse in which said quote/string/expression appears; indicator that quote mining or cherry-picking did not occur and that the excerpt which is quoted is not deceptive.
- ne'au
- attitudinal: devoidness of emotion (neutral by absence of emotion) - overwhelmed by/replete with/overflowing with (seemingly all) emotion
- nei'o (exp!)
- x1 is PA years in duration by standard x2.
- ne'o'o (exp!)
- mekso quaternary operator – Pochhammer symbol: with/for input (X1, X, this word/function outputs \prodk = 0^X2 - 1 (X; by default, X4 = 1 unless explicitly defined otherwise.
- pai'i
- Digit/number: pi (denoted "π"; approximately 3.1416...); the constant defined by the ratio of the circumference to the diameter of all circles in Euclidean space.
- pau'oi (exp!)
- unary mathematical operator: predecessor/diminish/decrement (by one), \operatornamepred(a) = a-- = a-1
- pei'e'a (exp!)
- at-most-3-ary mekso operator: "integer exponent" for X1 divided by X2 in algebraic structure X3
- pi'au
- digit/number: pi (approximately 3.1416...); the constant defined by the ratio of the circumference to the diameter of all circles.
- po'i'oi (exp!)
- mekso at-most-3-ary operator: convert to polynomial; X1 (ordered list of algebraic structure (probably field) elements) forms the (ordered list of) coefficients of a polynomial/Laurent-like series with respect to indeterminate X2 under ordering rule X3 (default for finite list: the first entry is the coefficient of the highest-degree term and each subsequent entry is the next lesser-degree coefficient via counting by ones and wherein the last entry is the constant term)
- ra'ai
- quotes a single non-meaning name in lojban (Must be lojban text and sounds) delimited by pauses
- rai'o
- Quote conversion: the quotation as presented uses pro-sumti and pro-bridi as if the current utterer (not the original utterer) were saying it, but the meaning conveyed is identical to that of the actual quotation by the original utterer and there is a claim that this meaning was expressed elsewhere
- ra'oi
- single-word rafsi quote; quotes a single word delimited by pauses (in speech) or whitespace (in writing) and treats it as a rafsi
- ri'au
- pro-sumti: the next/immediately following sumti (as determined by back-counting rules applied forward)
- sai'ei
- turns PA into CAI; intensity attitude modifier expressed by a mekso.
- sei'e (exp!)
- evidential builder: I know by means ...
- se'oi
- evidential: I know by gnosis
- soi'e (exp!)
- x1 is PA seconds in duration by standard x2.
- tau'e
- the abstraction described by text; turns text sumti into abstraction sumti
- tau'u
- digit/number: tau (denoted "τ": approximately 6.2831...). The constant defined by the ratio of the circumference to the radius of all circles (default: in Euclidean geometry).
- te'au'u (exp!)
- mekso ternary operator: Knuth up-arrow notation: a \uparrow \dots \uparrow b of order/with c-2 arrows ("\uparrow") initially, evaluated from right to left; the cth hyperoperator on a by b.
- te'i'o
- discursive: specified by the speaker - unspecified by the speaker
- tu'ai
- abstraction described by quoted text
- ve'ai
- vocative marker: identifies the station(s) to which a message is to be sent and at the same time prepares a universe of discourse by filtering from a stream of messages only those said by that station(s)
- zai'u
- Quote conversion: the sentence(s)/bridi (possibly plural) is/are syntactically correct and semantically intended by the utterer if the outermost layer of quotes (markers) which immediately follows were to be omitted/removed, but the quoted text is in fact a quote (of the indicated type) from some source.
- zei'o
- Delete all sumti slots of the immediately preceding word which are not explicitly filled excepting the first n (specified by subscript; contextless default: n=0).
- zo'oi
- quote next non-Lojban word only; quotes a single non-Lojban word delimited by pauses (in speech) or whitespace (in writing)
- zu'ai
- shows mutual activity between this place and the first place of the current bridi; members participating in the activity are put into the first place (that e.g. can be formed by connecting sumti with {ce} or {jo'u})
- zu'ei
- Adverbial, metacommentary-introducing, and complex discursive: I express this utterance/construct/(rest of the) bridi which has been tagged for the purpose or goal of enacting, causing, enabling, implementing, actualizing, manifesting, enhancing, yielding, or rendering applicable the immediately following and enclosed bridi or in order to make the immediately following and enclosed bridi be true (or closer to the truth or more true or more strongly true) in application to the utterance/construct/rest of the bridi which has been tagged by this marker; the tagged expression/construct is for the benefit or sake of making the immediately following and enclosed bridi true.
- a'asna
- x1 is a voiceless glottal fricative sound produced by x2.
- a'asnce
- x1 is a voiceless glottal fricative sound produced by x2.
- abvele
- x1 is a grandparent of x2 by bond/tie/relation/standard x3 (not necessarily genetic/biological nor necessarily directly ancestral); x1 is an associated member of x2's parent(s)'s parent(s)'s generation.
- abvorci
- x1 is a grandparent of x2 which/who has another grandparent x3 such that x1 is related to x2 by relationship x4, and x1 is related to x3 by relationship x5 which is NOT their mutual mating/intimate partnering, under cultural/personal paradigm x6; x1 and x3 are mutual co-grandparents.
- abvroi
- x1 is a grandparent of x2 which/who has another grandparent x3 such that x1 is related to x2 by relationship x4, and x1 is related to x3 by mating/intimate partnering relationship x5, under cultural/personal paradigm(s) x6; x1 and x3 are mutually partnered co-grandparents.
- adgalagda
- x1 (text, entity) is a palindrome in retaining x2 (by default x1) via rules x3 (property of x1)
- afta
- x1 is not far from and can be pointed to (or described as being pointed to) by the speaker
- aftimitfa
- x1 is palindromic by standard x2
- aftobuso
- x1 is a bus/coach for carrying passengers x2, propelled by x3
- aftosemere
- x1 feels ASMR, experiences autonomous sensory meridian response characterized by x2
- aigne
- x1 is an eigenvalue (or zero) of linear transformation/square matrix x2, associated with/'owning' all vectors in generalized eigenspace x3 (implies neither nondegeneracy nor degeneracy; default includes the zero vector) with 'eigenspace-generalization' power/exponent x4 (typically and probably by cultural default will be 1), with algebraic multiplicity (of eigenvalue) x5
- alkai
- x1 is called after property x2 by x3
- alxataini
- x1 finds x2, a zero of function x3, by double false position in interval x4
- anlogo
- x1 (fa'u-separated set) is analogous to x2 (fa'u-separated set of same size) by relation x3 (binary ka)
- anme
- x1
is an anime about plot/theme/subject/activity x2, by filmmaker x3, for audience x4, with style/genre x5
- anra
- x1 parallels x2, differing only in that x1, and not x2 has the property x3, by standard x4
- apma
- x1 (agent) consigns (by thought, word, or deed) x2 (patient) to fate x3 (abstraction)
- arkada
- x1 is an arcade (a structure composed of a series of arches supported by columns)
- arko
- x1 is a bow, weapon for shooting arrows x2, propelled by string mechanism x3
- asna
- x1 is a body position/posture/stance/pose/asana of body x2 characterized by property/(set of) properties x3 (ka).
- asnce
- x1 is an open/low central unrounded vowel sound produced by x2.
- asnrlatna
- a1 is a/the lotus position/padmasana of body a2 characterized by property/(set of) properties a3 (ka).
- asnrmromlu
- a1 is a/the corpse position/śavāsana of body a2 characterized by property/(set of) properties a3 (ka).
- asnrtarbi
- a1 is a/the fetal position of body a2 characterized by property/(set of) properties a3 (ka).
- atmosfe
- x1 is x2 atmospheres [non-metric unit] in pressure (default is 1) by standard x3.
- banckle
- x1 is a dialect of language x2 which is weird or alien to x3 and which is used by x4.
- bangnrasna
- x1 is the Etruscan language used by x2 to express x3
- bangrcidinaxo
- x1 is the Shidinn (Xdi8 Aho) language used by x2.
- bangrfarsi
- x1 is the Farsi language used by x2 to express/communicate x3 (si'o/du'u, not quote).
- bangrislenska
- x1 is the Icelandic language used by x2.
- bangrkaroka
- x1 is the Brazilian Portuguese Carioca language/sociolect [Rio de Janeiro] used by x2.
- bangrkebeka
- x1 is the Quebecois French language/dialect used by x2.
- bangrletuva
- x1 is the Lithuanian language used by x2.
- bangrnaidjira
- x1 is the Nigerian English language used by x2 to express/communicate x3 (si'o/du'u, not quote).
- bangrnorgo
- x1 is the Norwegian language used by x2 of form (bokmål, nynorsk, högnorsk) x3.
- bangrpolska
- x1 is the Polish language used by x2 to express/communicate x3 (si'o/du'u, not quote).
- bangrsfe'enska
- x1 is the Swedish language used by x2.
- bangrsu'omi
- x1 is the Finnish language used by x2.
- bangrtai
- x1 is the (Central) Thai/Siamese language used by x2.
- bangrtala
- x1 is the Italian language used by x2 to express/communicate x3 (si'o/du'u, not quote).
- bangrtcosena
- x1 is the Korean language of North Korea used by x2 to express/communicate x3 (si'o/du'u, not quote).
- bangrturke
- x1 is the Turkish language used by x2 to express/communicate x3 (si'o/du'u, not quote).
- bangrvetnama
- x1 is the Vietnamese language used by x2 to express/communicate x3 (si'o/du'u, not quote).
- bangrxangu
- x1 is the Korean language used by x2 to express/communicate x3 (si'o/du'u, not quote).
- bangrxanguke
- x1 is the Korean language of South Korea used by x2 to express/communicate x3 (si'o/du'u, not quote).
- bangrxirana
- x1 is the Iranian Farsi language used by x2 to express/communicate x3 (si'o/du'u, not quote).
- bangrxokeni
- x1 is the Chinese Hokkien language/sociolect [Fujian/Taiwan/Southeast Asia] used by x2.
- banzuni
- x1 is a property satisfied by a number/amount high enough for x2 to happen
- basnce
- x1 is a voiced bilabial stop sound produced by x2.
- bla'ei
- x1 is tomorrow of / the day after x2 by day-standard x3.
- bliiardo
- x1 is a billiard/pool/cue sport game characterized by x2.
- blorkaiaka
- x1 is a kayak [small, human-propelled boat/ship/vessel vehicle] for carrying x2, propelled by x3.
- breveto
- x1 is a patent on invention x2 by inventor x3 valid in jurisdiction x4 for time interval x5.
- burgalu
- x1 is the boogaloo, danced by x2 to music x3
- cabrspreso
- c1 is an espresso machine controlled/[triggered] by c3 (agent).
- carslau
- x1 is official, approved by x2, an authority over x3
- casnce
- x1 is a voiceless postalveolar sibilant fricative sound produced by x2.
- cektola
- x1 is x2 shekels/tolas in mass by standard x3
- ci'erkelrmankala
- x1 plays a mancala game x2 with/organized by rules x3 which interrelate game parts (physical or conceptual) x4.
- ckajida
- Define x1 to be a named dummy symbol (having a name heretofore unassigned) such that, if it were to exist, it would satisfy condition/have property x2 (condition/ka); let x1 be such that it satisfies/is described by x2.
- ckajrdinti
- x1 is a non-binary individual of species x2 evidencing non-binary gender trait(s) x3 (ka); x1 is characterized by not following or fitting into some gender-binary.
- ckraiji
- x1 has/is property x2 (ka) even amongst/according to/by the standards of/even more than those who are renowned for having/being that same property.
- cladaxi
- x1=d1=c1 is a sword / long knife weapon for use against x2=d2 by x3 with blade of material x4=d3
- cmavrlerfu
- x1 is the selma'o "BY".
- cmenrline
- x1 is the Linnaean name of x2 according to classification (scheme/schema)/given by/by standard x3
- cmlautu
- x1 is (being/acting as) a kitty (diminutive or term of affection), of species x2, by action/behavior/appearance x3, according to x4.
- cmuuugle
- x1 (mass/group/set) is the (primary) out-group counterpart to in-group x2 (mass/group/set) with respect to characteristic x3 (ka; truth/proposition), which is possessed/satisfied by x2, where both x1 and x2 are nonempty, strict, mutually disjoint subdivisions of supergroup/superset x4 (mass/group/set), with the othering performed (mentally; not necessarily in a way externally manifested) according to the psyche of x5; x5 others x1 from x2 around focal issue/property x3
- cplancu
- x1 (person(s)) is/are adopted by x2 (individual, family, tribe/clan, community, team, institution, etc.) into the latter's overarching family/clan/tribe/community/team/institution/etc. x4 in(to) role/relation x3 or an analog thereof via means/law/norm/socio-cultural or other mechanism x5; x2 adopts x1 into x2's family11.
- ctrumfi
- x1 is a Smurf [ficitional being] characterized by significant property/feature/trait/aspect/dimension x2 (ka); x1 is/are smurf/smurfing in aspect x2 [corresponds to the undefinable word
- da'inri
- x1 (si'o/du'u/nu) is hypothetical / is assumed for the sake of analysis by x2
- danjnkroli
- x1 is a dungeon crawl game played by x2.
- dasnce
- x1 is a voiced alveolar stop sound produced by x2.
- demkratiia
- x1 is a democracy, polity by the people, as a form of government either directly or through elected representatives
- depsnce
- x1 is a glottal stop sound produced by x2.
- dikckulome
- x1 is an electric charge which measures x2 (li; default: 1) coulombs by standard/under convention x3 (default: SI definition, except the charge of the proton is negative).
- dja'aza
- d1 is jazz music performed at/by z2 (event) with characteristics z3.
- djaule
- x1 is x2 joule(s) of energy (default is 1) by standard x3.
- djoguro
- x1 is a quantity of yogurt made from x2 milk by process x3.
- drauni
- x1 properly/diligently/earnestly/legitimately/by-the-book/"whole-assedly" satisfies or does x2 (ka).
- du'enta
- x1 is a property satisfied by too great a number for x2 to be the case.
- du'inxo
- x1 becomes x2 (concrete); x1's current time slice stops existing and is replaced by x2
- dukseni
- x1 (amount) is too high for x2 to happen; x1 is a property satisfied by a number/amount too high for x2 to happen
- dunliki
- Something is such that both x1 and x2 are related to it by predicate x3. x4 [quantifier] thing to which x1 is related by predicate x3 is such that x2 is related to it by predicate x3.
- ecre
- x1 practices/exercises/studies/improves at doing/being x2 by doing/being x3
- edji
- x1 is edgy by standard x2.
- efku
- x1 is recursively related to x2 by applying x3 (number) levels-of-recursion of the predicate-relation x4 (ka with two ce'u)
- egzema
- x1 is eczema, suffered by x2, caused by disease/condition x3
- eilga
- x1 (du'u/nu) should (moral obligation) be true/happen by standard x2
- ekse
- x1 is related to/associated with/akin to the exterior of x2 by relationship x3.
- ekso
- x1 is related to/associated with/akin to the exterior of x2 by relationship x3.
- elxa
- x1 is a gun for use by x2 against x3, launching material x4
- endo
- x1 is related to/associated with/akin to something what is in/inside/within x2 by relationship x3.
- enka
- x1 (terbricmi) is bound to x2 (sumti) by relationship x3 (relationship with two {ce'u} for x1 and x2)
- enri
- g1 is g2 henry/henries of inductance (default is 1) by standard g3.
- enriio
- x1 has enryo (Japanese term) in actions x2; x1 acts egoistically to retain their own freedom, prevent their own embarrassment and at the same time acts altruistically by avoiding social involvement without hurting others; x1 socially restrains themselves under the pressure of group solidarity and conformity in order not to hurt other's feelings; x1 is polite
- ertso
- g1 is g2 hertz of frequency (default is 1) by standard g3.
- esna
- x1 is an open-mid front unrounded vowel sound produced by x2.
- esnce
- x1 is an open-mid front unrounded vowel sound produced by x2.
- esporte
- x1 is a type of sports practiced by x2; x1 is related to sports; x2 is a sportsman/sportswoman
- estrema
- x1 is x2 dunams in area by standard x3
- fasnce
- x1 is a voiceless bilabial fricative sound produced by x2.
- fengrfu
- x1 FFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUU at x2; x1 expresses extreme rage at
x2 by beginning to say 'fuck'.
- fi'inmo
- x1 feels welcome in x2 by x3.
- fikrfantasi
- x1 is a fictional work of fantasy about plot/theme/subject x2 by author x3.
- formose
- x1 has a pleasing shape, is pleasant to look at by x2
- fredura
- x1 (text) is an example of witticism, quip about x2 by x3
- frisefa
- x1 experiencing x2 is prevented by x3; x1 misses (one sense) x2
- furfuru
- x1 is dandruff in/on x2 caused by x3.
- ga'elfu
- x1 (la'e zo BY/word-bu) is a capital/capitalised/upper-shift letter/digit/symbol in alphabet/character-set x2 representing x3.
- ganseti
- x1 is the sensation/qualia (abstract) associated with objects with property x2 (ka), via sense x3 (ka), as sensed by x4
- gasnce
- x1 is a voiced velar stop sound produced by x2.
- gomsika
- x1 pertains to/reflects Classical Mediterranean
(Classic Greek, Roman, etc.) culture in aspect x2 by standard x3
- gordiio
- x1 is a loophole or 'thinking outside the box' solution to an intractable problem x2; x1 is disentangling 'impossible' knot; x2 is solved by 'cutting the Gordian knot'
- graumrei
- x1 is x2 (li; default: 1) dimensionless units on scale/by standard x3.
- gu'ansi
- x1 (parties) have a guanxi/communicative relation in aspect x2; x2 is a combination of the business and personal relationships whereby the parties x1 enhance their ability to do business by building a bond with personal favors
- iasnce
- x1 is a voiced palatal approximant sound produced by x2.
- icki
- x1 “rearranges/shifts/shuffles the deck chairs on the Titanic/is bikeshedding,” with action x2, which is pointless by standard x3 for fixing problem x4.
- icmo
- x1 moans expressing about x3 emotions/cognitive [psychological] phenomena that can be otherwise expressed by indicators x2 (text)
- ifti
- x1 is near and can be pointed to (or described as being pointed to) by the speaker
- iinsi
- x1 (sequence) is a chain, the neighbouring elements of which are related by x2 (ckini3, former element in sequence first)
- iizme
- x1 is a doctrine/theory/system/philosophy/practice/action/habit/mindset/ism characterized by belief/tendency/action/idea x2 (abstraction), and incidentally is practiced by x3 (and possibly others).
- indice
- x1 (ordered set) is an index of unordered items x2 (set) ordered by rule x3 (proposition)
- indo
- x1 reflects/pertains to the regions which are approximated by the Indian subcontinent, or cultures vel sim. thereof, in aspect x2.
- infarto
- x1 is an infarct, an area of dead tissue caused by a loss of blood supply, a localized necrosis
- inflamati
- x1 is an inflammation experienced by/in body(-part) x2 of type/characterised by x3; x1 is a medical condition of x2 (part of body), consisting in congestion of the blood vessels, with obstruction of the blood current, and growth of morbid tissue; x2 [if it is a body part rather than a whole person/organism] is inflamed
- info
- x1 is information about x2 gathered by method x3
- infuje
- x1 (loi; result) is a quantity of a herbal infusion meant for consumption, from sources/herbs x2 (list of primary ingredients), extracted and introduced to substrate liquid by process x3 (default: steeping or soaking), introduced to substrate x4 (default: liquid water).
- inmo
- x1 feels the emotions/cognitive [psychological] phenomena expressed by indicators x2 (text) about x3
- inmune
- x1 is immune to pathogenic action x2 (property of x1) towards it by showing x3 (property of x1)
- insmu
- x1 is the literal meaning of x2 seen by x3
- instagrama
- x1 (entity) is an Instagram photo/record of x2 (entity) done by x3 (entity) and preserved in page/place x4 (entity)
- iocre
- x1 is a Dr./Prof. (honorific for achieving a certain level of education or knowledge in field x2), recognized by x3
- iolna
- x1 is a Mr./sir (male honorific, unspecified marital status), recognized by x2
- iolni
- x1 is a Ms./ma'am/madam (female honorific, unspecified marital status), recognized by x2
- iolpe
- x1 is a Mx./Mr./Ms. (honorific, unspecified gender or marital status), recognized by x2
- iosna
- x1 is a Mr. (male married honorific), recognized by x2
- iosni
- x1 is a Mrs. (female married honorific), recognized by x2
- iospe
- x1 is a Mx./Mr./Mrs. (married honorific, unspecified gender), recognized by x2
- isku
- x1 is a sound represented by onomatopoeia x2 (text) according to x3 (experiencer)
- ismo
- x1 (abstract) is an ideology about x2 (object/abstract) accepted by x3
- ismu
- x1 is a fu'ivla formed by dropping the first letter of CVCCV gismu x2.
- isna
- x1 is a close front unrounded vowel sound produced by x2.
- isnce
- x1 is a close front unrounded vowel sound produced by x2.
- itlobau
- x1 is the Italian language used by x2 to express/communicate x3 (si'o/du'u, not quote).
- ivla
- x1 (brivla/selbri) is used by place x2 (number/me'o+FA+bu) being filled with (a description of / symbol for) x3, in the usage of x4, according to rule(s) x5.
- jargone
- x1 is jargon dialect used by x2 used to express specific terminology x3
- jasnce
- x1 is a voiced postalveolar sibilant fricative sound produced by x2.
- jaukpa
- x1 cooks/prepares some food satisfying x2 (ka), by doing x3 (event)
- javniso
- x1 is the ISO designation/result/standard/code for topic x2 applied to specific case/individual/group/thing x3 according to rule/ISO specification x4 published by/according to mandating organization x5 (default: ISO)
- jbobanido
- x1 is a 'Lojbanido', a daughter-language (linguistic offspring, not mutually intelligible) of Lojban, used by x2 to express/communicate x3.
- jbo'ofuvi
- x1 is a jbofuvi constructed by y'yfication of non zi'evla x2
- jborefota
- x1 is a pair of Lojbanists who frequently talk to each other in Lojban by telephone.
- jgaunla
- x1 is at position or in direction x2 (referenced by clock positions) relative to oriented viewer x3 along circumference x4 (default when applicable: the natural horizontal of x3 or, if none exists, the horizon) and using angle measurement system x5 (default: twelve-hour clock which clicks clockwise as viewed from above).
- judrnporte
- x1 is the port number of process x2 running in computer x3, port number used by protocol x4.
- julbaco
- x1 (clock/watch) is "fast" / shows a later time than the correct time, by duration x2
- julpuco
- x1 (clock/watch) is "slow" / shows an earlier time than the correct time, by duration x2
- juprblanca
- x1 blanches/cooks/prepares food-for-eating x2 by sitting it in boiling liquid x3 for a short time-duration/interval x4 and then plunged into/placed under running liquid x5, blanched at boiling temperature x6 and pressure x7.
- juprtai
- x1 cooks/prepares Thai food x2 by recipe/method x3 (process)
- jvaiso
- x1 is the ISO designation/result/standard/code for topic x2 applied to specific case/individual/group/thing x3 according to rule/ISO specification x4 published by/according to mandating organization x5 (default: ISO)
- jvencuio
- x1 is an eventual/tail(-end) x2 of x3; x3 eventually is/has/is characterized by x2(/-ic/ness)
- jvinjata
- x1 is the IATA (International Air Transport Association) designation/result/standard/code for general subject type x2 (contextless default probably: airports) applied to specific case/entity/procedure/group/hub/terminus/location x3 according to rule/IATA specification/publication x4 published by/according to mandating organization x5 (default: IATA)
- jvinjica'o
- x1 is the ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization; French: Organisation de l'aviation civile internationale, OACI) designation/result/standard/code for general subject type x2 (contextless default probably: airports) applied to specific case/entity/procedure/group/hub/terminus/location x3 according to rule/ICAO specification/publication x4 published by/according to mandating organization x5 (default: ICAO)
- jvisrbipmo
- x1 is the BIPM (French: Bureau international des poids et mesures; English: International Bureau of Weights and Measures) designation/result/standard/code for topic x2 applied to specific case/individual/group/entity/idea/thing x3 according to rule/BIPM specification x4 published by/according to mandating organization x5 (default: BIPM)
- jvisrcei
- x1 is the IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission; French: Commission électrotechnique internationale, CEI) designation/result/standard/code for topic x2 applied to specific case/individual/group/electrotechnology/thing x3 according to rule/IEC specification x4 published by/according to mandating organization x5 (default: IEC)
- jvisu'ai
- x1 is the IAU (International Astronomical Union; French: Union astronomique internationale, UAI) designation/result/standard/code for topic x2 applied to specific case/individual/group/body/object/feature/thing x3 according to rule/IAU specification/publication x4 published by/according to mandating organization x5 (default: IAU)
- jvisupaco
- x1 is the IUPAC (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry) name/nomenclature/designation/result/standard/code for topic x2 applied to specific case/individual/group/body/object/compound/feature/thing x3 according to rule/IUPAC specification/publication x4 published by/according to mandating organization x5 (default: IUPAC)
- kansone
- x1 is a canzone sung by x2
- kartecu
- x1 is a candidate for x2 (ka) to be considered/approved by x3
- karxoji
- x1 (astronomical object or its part) experiences hitting its magnetosphere by a coromal mass ejection from x2 (default: the only star x1 is gravitationally bound to); x1 experiences a Carrington event, solar storm
- kasnce
- x1 is a voiceless velar stop sound produced by x2.
- kaunmei
- x1 (collection, body, set, mass, tuple, n-some, etc.) is x2 (li; default: 1) indivisible/atomic/elementary/basic discrete entities (or particles) of type x3 in composition/content, by standard x4; the count of instances of x3 in x1 is x2 by standard x4.
- kelvrfarenxaito
- x1 is x2 degrees Fahrenheit in temperature by standard x3.
- ketlete
- x1 has a body mass index of x2 by standard x3.
- ki'inmoi
- x1 is in relation x4 with x2 to the x3th degree; x1 is x3 nodes before x2 in the sequence such that every element thereof and the next element are linked by the relation x4; x1 is [ that which is in relation x4 with ] (repeat x3 times the part between brackets) x2
- ki'irsi
- x1 is a sequence in which each adjacent pair of elements is related by x2 (binary predicate; applied in the order of the sequence).
- klaicnampe
- x1 measures to be x2 [li; number] Joule-seconds by standard x3
- klaisirmpe
- x1 measures to be x2 [li; number] kilogram-meters-per-second by standard x3
- klanrdjuli
- g1 is g2 joule(s) of energy (default is 1) by standard g3.
- klanrfaradi
- g1 is g2 farad(s) of capacitance (default is 1) by standard g3.
- klanrpaskali
- x1 is x2 pascal(s) of pressure (default is 1) by standard x3.
- klanrtesla
- g1 is g2 tesla(s) of magnetic field B (default is 1) by standard g3.
- klanrvati
- g1 is g2 watt(s) of power (default is 1) by standard g3.
- klanrvolta
- g1 is g2 volt(s) of electromotive force (default is 1) by standard g3.
- klanrxenri
- g1 is g2 henry/henries of inductance (default is 1) by standard g3.
- klanrxertsi
- g1 is g2 hertz of frequency (default is 1) by standard g3.
- klanrxomi
- g1 is g2 ohm(s) of electrical impedance/resistance (default is 1) by standard g3.
- klanrzimenzi
- g1 is g2 siemens of electrical conductance (default is 1) by standard g3.
- klasiko
- x1 is (a) classic in/of genre/type x2 in aspects/features x3 by standard/judgment of x4
- kleide
- x1 is a clade/cladus/monophyletic class formed by most-recent common ancestor(s) x2 and all lineal descendants thereof in family/directed tree structure/according to relationship or standard x3.
- kolsupare
- x1 whatabouts/rhetorically asks or mentions/performs a tu quoque fallacy/diverts and counters by saying x2 (quote/sedu'u) in response to/as a justification for accusation x3 (quote/sedu'u).
- konceto
- x1 is concerto number x2 in key x3 composed by x4 performed by/at x5( event).
- krakatau
- x1 (volcano or its part) erupts by exposing x2 (property of x1)
- krakozabra
- x1 (text) is a krakozyabry, mojibake, illegible, corrupt symbol or text, usually caused by mismatched encoding
- krotene
- x1 is a rational number obtained by dividing x2 (integer) by x3 (non-zero integer)
- ku'adranta
- x1 is a quadrant, one of the four sections made by dividing an area with two perpendicular lines)
- larseku
- x1 is a creative work (prose / poem / film / play / etc.) about x2 (plot / theme / subject / activity), by author/artist x3, for audience x4
- lasnce
- x1 is an alveolar lateral approximant sound produced by x2.
- le'elkai
- x1 is/are the thing(s) described/named with property x2 by the speaker, who thinks this is contextually enough information for the listener to understand what are x1's referent(s)
- lenguua
- x1 is a language used by x2 to express x3 (du'u, not quote)
- lesrplatono
- x1 is Platonic/a Platonistic ideal/philosophy about topic x2 characterized by thoughts/ideals x3 and methodology x4, according to thinker/user/standard x5
- lesrxapsurde
- x1 (notion) is Absurd/is characterized by an Absurd nature in aspect x2, belonging to school of philosophy/type of Absurdism x3, according to standards/methodology/classification/claim x4
- li'imdu
- x1 (li'i) is the subjective conscious experience of x2 (nu or ka-of-x3), as experienced by x3
- malglikslu
- x1 is an especially inappropriate anglicism made by x2, inappropriate according to x3
- mardurudra
- x1 is a specific kind of bad weather characterized by large dark rain clouds that block out most of the daylight, large, cold rain drops and an overall dark, uncomfortable and unsettling atmosphere, optionally accompanied by icy wind, such that a change in the weather conditions would be a relief to anyone present, both physically and emotionally.
- marlari
- x1 is malaria caused by Plasmodium species x2.
- marmetrike
- x1 is a (mathematical) metric established on space x2 given by rules for calculation x3
- marneta
- x1 is a puppet operated by x2 from material x3 of style/type x4
- masnce
- x1 is a bilabial nasal sound produced by x2.
- mludata
- x1 and x2 are not indistinguishable from each other, they do not seem to share all their properties (disregarding location and identity), as perceived by observer x3
- mlumitu
- x1 and x2 are indistinguishable from each other, they seem to share all their properties except maybe their location and identity, as perceived by observer x3
- mosrnmu
- x1 is a physical interface of contact with coefficient of friction x2 under conditions/of type x3 on scale/by standard x4
- mutcrai
- x1 is so extreme in property x2 and in direction x3 that it is not actually of the same type or kind, by standard or in set of options x4.
- nanjmau
- x1 is older than x2 by x3 years.
- nanjme'a
- x1 is younger than x2 by x3 years.
- narbanzuni
- x1 is a property satisfied by a number/amount too low for x2 to happen
- nardukseni
- x1 is a property satisfied by a number/amount low enough for x2 to happen
- nasnce
- x1 is an alveolar nasal sound produced by x2.
- ni'utni
- x1 is x2 newton (s) of force (default is 1) by standard x3.
- nundumu
- x1 is an event/state described by bridi x2
- nunrkamikaze
- x1 is a kamikaze attack [suicidal attack] performed by attacker x2 on victim x3 with goal/objecive x4.
- oktane
- x1 (fuel) has octane rating x2 by standard x3
- omso
- g1 is g2 ohm(s) of electrical impedance/resistance (default is 1) by standard g3.
- osna
- x1 is a mid back rounded vowel sound produced by x2.
- osnce
- x1 is a mid back rounded vowel sound produced by x2.
- parcicize
- x1 is 1337/leet in aspect/property x2 (ka) by standard x3.
- pasnce
- x1 is a voiceless bilabial stop sound produced by x2.
- paugbu
- x1 (plural) each satisfying x2 (ka), one by one, is how x3 (nu) is brought about.
- pe'ansmu
- x1 is a figurative/metaphorical meaning of x2 seen by x3
- pemcrlimriki
- x1 is a limerick about subject/theme x2 by author x3.
- pemcrsenru
- x1 is a senryū poem about subject/theme x2 by author x3.
- pemcrsoneto
- x1 is a sonnet about subject/theme x2 by author x3.
- pemcrxaiku
- x1 is a haiku about subject/theme x2 by author x3.
- pilkrfitspatrike
- x1 is a quantity of human skin with score/type/quantitatively categorizing result x2 (li) on scale/by standard/in system x3 (such as, but not necessarily, even in default: Fitzpatrick skin typing scale).
- plageni
- x1 is a plague caused by pestilence x2
- poirsi
- x1 is a partial/total ordering on set x2 defined by rules x3
- porkifa'u
- x1 is a sequence of sequences, whose elements are related respectively by x2 (property, arity is length of x1)
- prama'eru
- x1 is amai to x2 in aspect x3 (Japanese term); x1 does amaeru; x1 plays baby / catered by / protected by / undulged by x2; x1 depends and presumes upon x2's benevolence; x2 is a rabbi/counsellor to x1 without contractual/conditional relationship; x2 helps x1 cope with x3 (e.g. emotional,social, economic life's challenges)
- pru'ei
- x1 is yesterday of / the day before x2 by day-standard x3.
- rasnce
- x1 is a rhotic/R sound (default: alveolar tap or trill) produced by x2.
- refkusi
- x1 is recursively related to x2 by applying x3 (number) levels-of-recursion of the predicate-relation x4 (ka with two ce'u)
- rergexo
- x1 is a regular expression / regex with match string x2 and replacement string x3 (default: zi'o) governed by rules x4
- rinrine
- x1 is the sound of a telephone ringing caused/produced by x2
- ritlrxarai
- x1 is a Shintō purification rite/ceremony/ritual, harae or harai, for purpose/goal x2, by custom/in community x3, with form/rules x4.
- runtngasnrproni
- x1 is a spray aerosol of suspended substance/composition x2 in pressurized container x3 delivered under propulsion x4 (gas suspending the spray; pressure, temperature characteristics; etc.) through nozzle system x5; x5 is an atomizer/nebulizer/sprayer that delivers x1 by/under (force) x4 from container/source x2.
- sa'alsa
- x1 is the salsa (dance type/choreography), danced by x2 to music x3
- sa'angu
- x1 is a sculpture/carving by sculptor/carver/artist x2 in style/with properties x3
- salvati
- x1 (agent) saves x2 from sin/damnation; x2 is saved by the grace of x1; x1 is the Savior
- samrkompli
- x1 is a file compiled from sources / resources x2 by compiler x3.
- samrla'a
- x1 is (a file) linked from intermediate files/data/libraries x2 by linker x3; x3 links x2 into x1.
- sasnce
- x1 is a voiceless alveolar sibilant fricative sound produced by x2.
- sensipi
- x1 (experiencer) has a feeling represented by indicators x2 (text) about x3 (entity)
- sibrplatono
- x1 is Platonic/a Platonistic ideal/philosophy about topic x2 characterized by thoughts/ideals x3 and methodology x4, according to thinker/user/standard x5.
- simfoni
- x1 is symphony number x2 key x3 composed by x4 performed by/at x5 (event).
- si'omdu
- x1 (si'o) is an idea/concept/thought about x2 (object/abstract) by thinker x3.
- ska'ai
- x1 has color x2 (the latter is the color quale normally produced by the former in a stereotypical observer).
- skaipe
- x1 contacts x2 by video-telephone/video-chat/teleconference service (product) x3 provided by (company/producer/provider) x4
- sku'ili
- x1 is a painting by painter/artist x2 in style/with properties x3
- slimuko
- x1 is slime/mucus made from/by x2
- smu'uni
- x1 is the intended meaning of x2 as intended by x3
- so'inba
- x1 is a property satisfied by an increasing number of things; more and more things satisfy x1.
- sorpeka
- x1 is a bus/coach for carrying passengers x2, propelled by x3
- spaune
- x1 (individual/entity/result) abruptly (re)spawns/appears/becomes/comes into being/existence/life by mechanism/under conditions x2; x2 spontaneously generates x1
- sta'ampu
- x1 is an online chat "sticker", showing x2, made by artist x3, available on chat medium x4 (e.g. Telegram or LINE).
- stakrterakota
- x1 is a quantity of/contains/is made of terracotta made by x2, of composition x3, in form/shape x4.
- stekoni
- x1 is a list formed by head x2 and tail x3
- stodraunju
- x1 is a function mapping x2 (domain) to x3 (codomain) such that properties x4 (ka) of x2 are preserved in its image under x1 according to the rules/operations/relations of x3 corresponding to those of x2 by x1.
- sumdaiklei
- x1 (mass) is the object type of argument object x2, as defined by property x3 (ka)
- su'umdu
- x1 is the predicate abstraction described by text x2, and is of type x3
- tafrdulbande
- x1=taxfu1 is a turban (head/hair-covering garment which is wrapped and often built into a somewhat prominent three-dimensional structure) to be worn by x1=taxfu2 for purpose x3=taxfu3.
- tairmlunra
- x1 is the conceptualized/ideal/abstract shape of a crescent/concave 'horned' (then convex rounded) form/geometric partially-concave lune formed by/manifested from the intersection x2 (parameters) of two-dimensional circular disks immersed (embedded) in geometry/defined by metric x3
- tairsfenepa
- x1 is an idealized generalized-Enneper surface in dimensions x2 parametrized by x3
- tairxarbelo
- x1 is the idealized shape of an arbelos (bounded area; two-dimensional shape) wherein the largest circle has radius x2 and one smaller circle has radius x3, embedded in geometry/defined by metric x4.
- tamseingu
- Target node x1 and primary subject node x4 belong to the same (single) strictly-directed, connected tree graph/network/hierarchy or are related by relation scheme x5 such that x1 has coordinates (x2, x and x4 has coordinates (0, 0) according to the labelling scheme which is described in the notes hereof.
- tantuni
- x1 is tantuni (food made by sliced meat fried on the special pan, parsley, tomato, onion)
- tarmrclefli
- x1 is a geometric figure/form/shape [polytope, tessellation, etc.] that is similar to the regular one given by Schlafli symbol x2
- tasnce
- x1 is a voiceless alveolar stop sound produced by x2.
- taxfrdulbande
- x1=taxfu1 is a turban (head/hair-covering garment which is wrapped and often built into a somewhat prominent three-dimensional structure) to be worn by x1=taxfu2 for purpose x3=taxfu3.
- tcanapu
- x1 (node/vertex/station) is backward of/along from x2 in oriented graph x3 (graph with orientation) using oriented edge path x4 (ordered sequence of ordered pairs; oriented edges). The path from x2 to x1 along the (now-unoriented version of the) edges used in x4 is counter/against/upstream of the orientation of x3 (and/or given by the oriented version of x4).
- tcekitaujau
- x1 is the "ce ki tau jau" dialect of Lojban, used by x2 to communicate x3 (si'o/du'u)
- tcekitaujei
- x1 is the 'ce ki tau jei' dialect of Lojban, used by x2 to communicate x3 (si'o/du'u)
- tcerice
- x1 cherishes x2 by doing x3 (property)
- tcuskuue
- x1 (lu; quote) is said/expressed by x2, followed by expression x3 (lu; quote), via expressive medium x4, and then continuing on/proceeding/serially resuming to express/say x5 (lu; quote), and then x6 (lu; quote), and then x7 (lu; quote), ... (open-ended terbri structure of arbitrarily many sumti slots).
- te'ekno
- x1 is a form of techno music performed/created by x2 with characteristics x3.
- to'alfu
- x1 (la'e zo BY/word-bu) is a lower-case letter/digit/symbol in alphabet/character-set x2 representing x3.
- torceli
- x1 is x2 torrs by standard x3.
- torveki
- x1 is a summary of x2 (subject), described by x3 to audience x4
- torxesu
- x1 is a torus of genus x2 (li; nonnegative integer), having x3 (li; nonnegative integer) distinct cusps, and with other properties/characteristics x4, by standard/in sense x5; x1 is an x2-fold torus.
- trajmaumce
- x1 (li) is an extremal bound (supremum/infimum/possibly-unattained extremum (loose sense in English)/asymptote (one sense)/best possible bound (one sense)) on set x2 (set) in direction x3 (li) in ordered structure x4; x1 bounds x2 tightly/maximally-strongly from the x3 side in x4; x2 is bounded from the x3 side by x1 and any other bound on that side is worse than is x1.
- tre'endi
- x1 is cool/trendy/fashionable/in style/hip/chic/sophisticated-and-socially-desirable to x2 (observer) by standard x3.
- trendelenburge
- x1 (humanoid body) is in (reverse) Trendelenburg position with the feet higher than the head by x2 (angle measurement, measured relative to the horizontal; units must be specified).
- tsekane
- x1 (linear manifold, vector, etc.) is/lies secant to x2 (object, surface, curve, manifold, etc.) passing through or toward points/loci x3 (set of intersected points), by standard/definition/in system x4.
- tsunami
- x1 is a tsunami caused by x2.
- uasnce
- x1 is a voiced labiovelar approximant sound produced by x2.
- uegle'i
- x1 masturbates, by action/stimuli x2 (property of x1).
- u'enderfu
- x1 (event) is impressive, awesome/awe-inspiring, wicked, really good, wonderful (either sense), acceptable (downplaying the intensity of the word) to x2 by standard x3.
- uftu
- x1 is far from and can be pointed to (or described as being pointed to) by the speaker
- u'inmo
- x1 is amused by x2 / finds x2 funny.
- uivda
- x1 is an anthropomorphized sperm/ovum constantly happy by standard x2; x1 is an ummy/eggy
- ukse
- x1 is/does/has characteristic/has so much of x2 (ka) in attempt (at least to the point) that it no longer actually qualifies as such by standard x3
- umre
- x1 (set) is measurable and has measure x2 (li; non-negative real number or possibly positive infinity) by measure x3 in space/dimensionality/under conditions x4; x2 is the x3 measure of set x1 in space x4; x3 is a measure which is defined on some class of measurable sets in
x4 such that it maps x1 to x2
- unsa
- x1 weight x2 ounces (by default 1)
- uoldemarbau
- x1 is a language described in the first edition of 'The Complete Lojban Language' book and used by x2 to express x3 (proposition, not quotation)
- urja
- x1 (property of x2) is urgent / needs to be immediately done by x2 for x3 (event) to happen
- usna
- x1 is a close/high back rounded vowel sound produced by x2.
- usnce
- x1 is a close/high back rounded vowel sound produced by x2.
- utka
- x1 and x2 are path-linked by binary predicate x3 (ka) via intermediate steps x4 (ce'o; (ordered) list).
- utka'au
- x1 and x2 are path-linked by binary predicate x3 (ka; possibly non-symmetric/non-commutative) via a from-x1-to-x2-directed graph geodesic of length x4 (li; nonnegative integer or positive infinity) in graph x5 (default: maximal) which is generated by relation x3.
- utkaje
- x1 and x2 are path-linked by directed binary predicate x3 (ka) via intermediate steps x4 (ordered list; ce'o) in graph x5, such that (in the graph x5) both (A) no other node exists to which x2 is connected in/by the same way/direction/relation and (B) no other node exists to which x1 is connected in/by the opposite/(anti)symmetric/reversed way/direction/relation.
- .utkakpu
- x1 and x2 are path-connected by ordered binary relation/predicate x3 (ka), such that all paths which satisfy condition(s) x4 (ka; default: no additional conditions) in the relevant graph (x5) linking nodes by said relation x3 in a directed manner and which contain x1 must also (later in the path) contain x2.
- utkakpu
- x1 and x2 are path-connected by ordered binary relation/predicate x3 (ka), such that all paths which satisfy condition(s) x4 (ka; default: no additional conditions) in the relevant graph (x5) linking nodes by said relation x3 in a directed manner and which contain x1 must also (later in the path) contain x2.
- utkamtau
- x1 and x2 are path-linked by binary predicate x3 (ka; possibly non-symmetric/non-commutative) via some from-x1-to-x2-directed path of length x4 (li; nonnegative integer or positive infinity) in/through graph x5 (default: maximal) which is generated by relation x3.
- utkaro
- x1 and x2 are path-linked by directed binary predicate x3 (ka) via intermediate steps x4 (ordered list; ce'o), such that no other node exists in the graph (x5) to which x2 is connected in the same way/direction as x1 is (possibly-indirectly) connected to x2 via x3 (id est: as being such that x2 is the first argument of the x3 and the hypothetical other node is the second argument thereof).
- utkazau
- x1 is linked by binary predicate x2 (ka) to x3. which in turn is linked by x2 to x4, which in turn is linked by x2 to x5, ...
- utkazo
- x1 and x2 are path-linked by binary predicate x3 (ka) via intermediate steps x4 (ce'o; (ordered) list but not necessarily fully and explicitly specified without skipping/gaps/omissions/implicit terms).
- utliti
- x1 is utility, the total subjective well-being/pleasure/happiness (or reduction in suffering) generated by action/event/state x2 according to psychological/philosophical/economic theory x3.
- vanlamigu
- x1 is sunlight reflected by a pool of water in the evening
- vasnce
- x1 is a voiced labiodental fricative sound produced by x2.
- ve'irsau'utka
- x1 is remembered by someone/something which remembers ... which remembers someone/something which is remembered by x2 via intermediate nodes/steps x3 (ce'o; ordered list).
- velsudu
- x1 has a speed of x2 space units covered in x3 time period; x1 has the magnitude of velocity measured by x2 (space units) traversed in time x3 (event)
- vlalikei
- x1 [mass/sequence] plays the Lojban word chaining game (vlalinkei) with ruleset x2 and winner x3 with resulting sentence x4 against world champion x6 for fabulous cash prize x7 and endorsement deal(s) x8 groupies x9 (except they probably go earlier), played at time x10 at location x11 and honorific title x12 breaking record(s) x13 with mindless spectators x14 taking time x15 [amount] containing most frequently used word x16 (zo) and not using perfectly good words x17 (zo) displaying new strategy/trick x18 supervised by x19 with referee x20 and used message transmission system x21 time limit per move x22 shortest move of the game x23 broadcast on TV network(s) x24 with Neilson ratings x25 supplanting previously most watched show x26 winning new fans
x27 who formerly played x28 which is inferior for reasons x29 by standard x30 with banned words x31 with words winning additional points x32 with climax of suspense x33 and best comeback x34
- vonpaso
- x1 swindles x2 into state/event x3 by promising x4; x1 commits 419/advance fee fraud.
- vorbiku
- x1 (shape/form) is (idealized as) a quadrilateral/two-dimensional closed shape bounded by exactly four distinct non-colinear line-segments (or circular arcs), with vertices x2 (ordered cyclical list) and with additional properties x3.
- xalnifa
- x1 gets freaked-out by x2 (event/idea); x2 causes/induces x1 to freak-out/panic/respond in a way that is not characterized by cool-headed reasoning
- xancrcereme
- x1 is a chereme/phoneme in character-set of sign language x2, characterized by tab (elements of location) x3, dez (hand shape) x4, sig (motion) x5, ori (orientation) x6 and facial expression/mouthing x7.
- xarpuna
- x1 is a harpoon for use against x2 by x3.
- xasnce
- x1 is a voiceless velar fricative sound produced by x2.
- xetmele
- x1 is HTML, used by x2 to express/communicate x3
- xlodu'uxukau
- x1 is verbose/overwrought to x2 by standard x3
- xrisomasa
- x1 (event) is a Christmas holiday/celebration, celebrated by x2
- zasnce
- x1 is a voiced alveolar sibilant fricative sound produced by x2.
- zdeltadirake
- x1 is the Dirac delta function (generalized), defined on structure x2 (contextless default is probably the field of real numbers), yielded by family of distributions x3 (contextless default is probably Gaussians centered at
0 and which enclose unit area)
- zgavevu
- x1 is visible electricity (lightning, electric arcing, etc.) produced by x2
- zgilregi
- z1 is reggae music performed/produced by z2 (event).
- zgilregitona
- z1 is reggaeton music performed/produced by z2 (event).
- zgipopu
- x1 is a pop music performed by x2
- zgirausi
- z1 is house music performed/produced by z2 (event).
- zgiripopi
- z1 is hip-hop music performed/produced by z2 (event).
- zgiroku
- x1 is a rock music performed by x2
- zgirpopu
- x1 is a form of pop music performed by x2 with characteristics x3.
- zildika
- x1 is decreasingly the case; x1's being the case decreases by amount x2.
- zilzena
- x1 is increasingly the case; x1's being the case increases by amount x2.
- zma'anga
- x1 is a manga/picture literature about story/plot/theme x2 by author/artist x3 for audience x4 in style/in genre/with other properties x5
- zmaumce
- x1 (li) is a bound on set x2 (set) in direction x3 (li) in ordered structure x4; x1 bounds x2 from the x3 side in x4; x2 is bounded from the x3 side by x1.
- zo'anjo
- x1 (linear manifold, vector, etc.) is/lies tangent to x2 (object, surface, curve, manifold, etc.) at point/locus x3, by standard/definition/in system x4.
- zvantazi
- x1 is science fantasy about plot/theme/subject x2 by author x3
- elois
- species of Eloi in the sci-fi franchise The Time Machine by H.G. Wells
- morlok
- species of Morlocks in the sci-fi franchise The Time Machine by H.G. Wells
- zgipor
- z1=p1 is a playlist of music sequenced/ordered/listed by comparison/rules p2 on unordered set p3
- abu zei sance
- x1 is an open/low central unrounded vowel sound produced by x2.
- by zei sance
- x1 is a voiced bilabial stop sound produced by x2.
- ce'a zei ciste
- x1 (mass) is a font interrelated by rules or relations x2 among components x3 (full set) displaying x4 (property of x1).
- cy zei bai'ei zei bangu
- x1 is the C++ language used by x2 to express/communicate x3 (si'o/du'u, not quote).
- cy zei bangu
- x1 is the C language used by x2 to express/communicate x3 (si'o/du'u, not quote).
- cy zei sance
- x1 is a voiceless postalveolar sibilant fricative sound produced by x2.
- denpa bu zei sance
- s1 is a glottal stop/plosive sound produced by s2.
- dy zei sance
- x1 is a voiced alveolar stop sound produced by x2.
- ebu zei sance
- x1 is an open-mid front unrounded vowel sound produced by x2.
- fi'u zei re zei cinse
- c1 is demisexual in situation c2 by standard c4.
- fy zei sance
- x1 is a voiceless labiodental fricative sound produced by x2.
- ga'e zei lerfu
- x1 (la'e zo BY/word-bu) is a capital/capitalised/upper-shift letter/digit/symbol in alphabet/character-set x2 representing x3.
- gregori zei nanca
- n1 is n2 years in duration by the Gregorian calendar.
- gy zei sance
- x1 is a voiced velar stop sound produced by x2.
- ibu zei sance
- x1 is a close front unrounded vowel sound produced by x2.
- ibu zei zunsna
- x1 is a voiced palatal approximant/glide sound produced by x2.
- jy zei sance
- x1 is a voiced postalveolar sibilant fricative sound produced by x2.
- konceto zei pagbu
- p1 is a movement of concerto for solo instruments k2, number k3 in key k4 composed by k5.
- ky zei sance
- x1 is a voiceless velar stop sound produced by x2.
- ly zei sance
- x1 is an alveolar lateral approximant sound produced by x2.
- moldrudandu zei inflamati
- x1 is palatine uvulitis experienced by/in body x2
- my zei sance
- x1 is a bilabial nasal sound produced by x2.
- ny zei sance
- x1 is an alveolar nasal sound produced by x2.
- obu zei sance
- x1 is a mid back rounded vowel sound produced by x2.
- py zei sance
- x1 is a voiceless bilabial stop sound produced by x2.
- rirny'utka zei treicytunba
- x1 is analogous to a sibling in a rank/seniority for/of a rirny'utka of x2 by standard/in hierarchy/via partial ordering or relation(ship) x3 (this is the connection between the rirny'utka at hand and x1 which justifies the treicytunba label), where x2 and the said rirny'utka are connected via intermediate steps x4 (ce'o).
- ry zei sance
- x1 is a rhotic/R sound (default: alveolar tap or trill) produced by x2.
- simfoni zei pagbu
- p1 is a movement of symphony number k3 in key k4 composed by k5.
- sy zei sance
- x1 is a voiceless alveolar sibilant fricative sound produced by x2.
- tarbi zei asna
- a1 is a/the fetal position of body a2 characterized by property/(set of) properties a3 (ka).
- to'a zei lerfu
- x1 (la'e zo BY/word-bu) is a lower-case letter/digit/symbol in alphabet/character-set x2 representing x3.
- ty zei sance
- x1 is a voiceless alveolar stop sound produced by x2.
- ubutycys zei cacra
- c1 is c2 hours in duration (default is 1 hour) by the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) time standard.
- ubu zei sance
- x1 is a close/high back rounded vowel sound produced by x2.
- ubu zei zunsna
- x1 is a voiced labiovelar approximant/glide sound produced by x2.
- u zei bangu
- x1 is the U-conlang, used by x2 to communicate x3.
- vy zei sance
- x1 is a voiced labiodental fricative sound produced by x2.
- xy zei sance
- x1 is a voiceless velar fricative sound produced by x2.
- y'y zei sance
- x1 is a voiceless glottal fricative sound produced by x2.
- zy zei sance
- x1 is a voiced alveolar sibilant fricative sound produced by x2.
- bangrlietuva
- x1 is the Lithuanian language used by x2.
- bangrnaidjiria
- x1 is the Nigerian English language used by x2 to express/communicate x3 (si'o/du'u, not quote).
- bangrtalia
- x1 is the Italian language used by x2 to express/communicate x3 (si'o/du'u, not quote).
- bangrturkie
- x1 is the Turkish language used by x2 to express/communicate x3 (si'o/du'u, not quote).
- bangrvietnama
- x1 is the Vietnamese language used by x2 to express/communicate x3 (si'o/du'u, not quote).
- jvinjiata
- x1 is the IATA (International Air Transport Association) designation/result/standard/code for general subject type x2 (contextless default probably: airports) applied to specific case/entity/procedure/group/hub/terminus/location x3 according to rule/IATA specification/publication x4 published by/according to mandating organization x5 (default: IATA)
- jvisiupaco
- x1 is the IUPAC (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry) name/nomenclature/designation/result/standard/code for topic x2 applied to specific case/individual/group/body/object/compound/feature/thing x3 according to rule/IUPAC specification/publication x4 published by/according to mandating organization x5 (default: IUPAC)
- jvisuai
- x1 is the IAU (International Astronomical Union; French: Union astronomique internationale, UAI) designation/result/standard/code for topic x2 applied to specific case/individual/group/body/object/feature/thing x3 according to rule/IAU specification/publication x4 published by/according to mandating organization x5 (default: IAU)
- kansione
- x1 is a canzone sung by x2
- klanrniut,ni
- g1 is g2 newton (s) of force (default is 1) by standard g3.
- klanrxuati
- g1 is g2 watt(s) of power (default is 1) by standard g3.
- lesrxapsurdie
- x1 (notion) is Absurd/is characterized by an Absurd nature in aspect x2, belonging to school of philosophy/type of Absurdism x3, according to standards/methodology/classification/claim x4
- plagueni
- x1 is a plague caused by pestilence x2
- selterselxeliumadbro
- x1 is a lujvo using ridiculous SE-string x2, irritating x3, authored by crazy (probably xorxo) lojbanist x4
- xipfne
- x1 emits light characteristic of/is of the color that is described by/(as) arising from/associated with the approximately twenty-one centimeter wavelength, hydrogen hyperfine proton/electron spin-flip transition (from parallel to antiparallel configuration, id est: from the higher energy state to the lower energy state), electromagnetic radiation
- zgikrkumbia
- x1 is a form of cumbia music performed by x2 with characteristics x3.
- zgirkumbia
- x1 is a form of cumbia music performed by x2 with characteristics x3
- jgitrviolino zei konceto
- x1 is violin concerto number x2 in key x3 composed by x4 performed by/at x5( event).
- pipnrpiano zei konceto
- x1 is piano concerto number x2 in key x3 composed by x4 performed by/at x5( event).
- zo si si zei fa'o
- x1 is a nonsense zei-lujvo using parts x2, silly by standard x3.
In notes:
- bapli
- x1 [force] (ka) forces/compels event x2 to occur; x1 determines property x2 to manifest.
- bridi
- x1 (du'u) is a predicate relationship with relation x2 among arguments (sequence/set) x3.
- carna
- x1 turns about vector x2 towards direction x3, turning angular distance / to face point x4
- catke
- x1 [agent] shoves/pushes x2 at locus x3.
- clupa
- x1 is a loop/circuit of x2 [material].
- cmima
- x1 is a member/element of set x2; x1 belongs to group x2; x1 is amid/among/amongst group x2.
- cpedu
- x1 requests/asks/petitions/solicits for x2 of/from x3 in manner/form x4.
- crida
- x1 is a fairy/elf/gnome/brownie/pixie/goblin/kobold [mythical humanoid] of mythos/religion x2.
- cunso
- x1 is random/fortuitous/unpredictable under conditions x2, with probability distribution x3.
- gidva
- x1 (person/object/event) guides/conducts/pilots/leads x2 (active participants) in/at x3 (event).
- gunma
- x1 is a mass/team/aggregate/whole, together composed of components x2, considered jointly.
- gusni
- x1 [energy] is light/illumination illuminating x2 from light source x3.
- jorne
- x1 is joined to/connects to/is united with x2 at common locus x3; x1 and x2 are a union.
- kabri
- x1 is a cup/glass/tumbler/mug/vessel/[bowl] containing contents x2, and of material x3.
- minji
- x1 is a machine for use/function x2; [automated apparatus, without direct function control].
- mukti
- x1 (action/event/state) motivates/is a motive/incentive for action/event x2, per volition of x3.
- pacna
- x1 hopes/wishes for/desires x2 (event), expected likelihood x3 (0-1); x1 hopes that x2 happens.
- pilno
- x1 uses/employs x2 [tool, apparatus, machine, agent, acting entity, material] for purpose x3.
- prami
- x1 loves/feels strong affectionate devotion towards x2 (object/state).
- raktu
- x1 (object/person/event/situation) troubles/disturbs x2 (person) causing problem(s) x3.
- sanji
- x1 is conscious/aware of x2 (object/abstract); x1 discerns/recognizes x2 (object/abstract).
- saske
- x1 (mass of facts) is science of/about subject matter x2 based on methodology x3.
- sivni
- x1 is private/personal/privy/[secret/confidential/confined] to x2; x1 is not-public/hidden.
- spano
- x1 reflects Spanish-speaking culture/nationality/language in aspect x2.
- tavla
- x1 talks/speaks to x2 about subject x3 in language x4.
- tcana
- x1 is a station/node of/in/on transport/communication/distribution system/network x2.
- tcika
- x1 [hours, minutes, seconds] is the time/hour of state/event x2 on day x3 at location x4.
- tirxu
- x1 is a tiger/leopard/jaguar/[tigress] of species/breed x2 with coat markings x3.
- xindo
- x1 reflects Hindi language/culture/religion in aspect x2.
- zdile
- x1 (abstract) is amusing/entertaining to x2 in property/aspect x3; x3 is what amuses x2 about x1.
- de'i
- detri modal, 1st place: on date/dated ... ; attaches date and/or time.
- lo'u
- start questionable/out-of-context quote; text should be Lojban words, but needn't be grammatical.
- cazu
- nowadays, wide sense of "now"
- doinai
- "anti-vocative": specifically denies that the referent is the intended listener.
- fe'enau
- tense: right here; refers to current spatial reference absolutely
- pe'ainai
- technical meaning; marks a construct as jargon/terminology/technical/precise/exact speech/text
- rore'u
- (for the) last time
- sau'e'unai
- cancel topic
- su'ijavu'u (comp!)
- mekso operator: plus or minus, (((a±b)±c)±...±z)
- va'icu'i
- discursive: in the same words.
- zu'ucu'i
- on the gripping hand
- banfingri
- g1 is a language-creation/conlanging society/group/club.
- banvoksle
- s1 (phone/speech sounds; specifically is linguistic and vocal) is a phoneme in/of segment of utterance/speech stream s2=v1 in language b1 of speaker v2=b2 in order to communicate/express b3 (si'o/du'u; not quote(?)), produced with body-parts/tools x6 at loci/in position/manner (of articulation) x7
- bi'umra
- m1=b1 is a rampart/bulwark/wall/fence protecting m2 from danger/threat m3, physically separating/partitioning b2 from b3 (unordered), of/in structure b4.
- bolbi'i
- x1 is the whole region of space which is between inner sphere x2 and outer sphere x3.
- brisnismi
- x1 is a subsentence of Lojban grammar.
- capsi'o
- s1=c1 is an idea/concept/thought that is potentially harmful to c2 under conditions c3.
- carnensroxi'u
- x1 is a flywheel storing energy x2.
- cinkemprezumpo'e
- x1 is sex slavery, the ownership of people for sexual purposes, according to law/custom/system x2.
- cinkyre'u
- r1 is arthropod meat (body-parts regarded as edible) from species/breed r2=c2.
- clakemkamymeckezrai
- x1 (object/dimension) is shortest among set x2 (set) in respective dimensions x3 (default: the longest for each).
- cmevla
- x1 is a morphologically defined name word meaning x2 in language x3.
- ctenilteikezraifau
- f1 = r1 = x1 (event; perhaps: spacetime coordinates) is a solstice of extreme r3 = x2 ("ka" construct or season; default: "ka zmadu", which means "Winter solstice", unless context makes this interpretation untenable) at location/of or for celestial body/object d3 = x3 with respect to orbit/sun x4.
- cunrafsi
- r1 is an unpredictable/irregular affix for word/concept r2, with form/properties r3, in language r4.
- cuvyto'aci'e
- x1 is a just intonation with prime limit x2 and odd limit x3
- detke'u
- The date [day,week,month,year] x1=d1=k1 is recurrence/repetition of the date [day,week,month,year] of the first event x2=d2, for the x3=k3'rd time, in system x3.
- detydragaudje
- x1 is a leap day of year x2 at location x3 in calendary system x3.
- dicpi'o
- p1 is an electronic piano/harpsichord/organ/keyboard instrument.
- dimnu'e
- x1 swears / takes an oath, promising/asserting x2 (abstraction), invoking fate x3 (abstraction)
- dubyfancu
- f1 is an identity function/single-valued mapping from domain f2 to range f3
- dunto'aci'e
- x1 is an equal temperament dividing the interval x3 (default: octave, 2/1) into x2 (default twelve) equal parts, forming x4 (default: equal tempered semitone) as the fundamental unit.
- dzadza
- x1 (number) is the quantity of specimens in the domain of discourse that satisfy the property x2
- dzucpi
- x1 = d1 = c1 is a member of the class of birds which walk/run/hop as their characteristic/primary form of locomotion, of species/taxon x2 = c2
- febgau
- g1 (person/agent) boils x2=f1 at temperature x3=f2 and pressure x4=f3.
- fetpibyta'u
- x1=t1 is panties/knickers/boy shorts (female genital underwear), serving purpose x2=t3
- fu'ivla
- x1=v1=f1 is a loanword meaning x2=v2 in language x3=v3, based on word x4=f2 in language x5.
- ga'onra'itsi
- t1=g1=r1 is an indehiscent fruit/seed-envelope (which remains closed/sealed and whole) of organism t2 with potential to produce/containing/enclosing offspring t3=g3 preventing passage to g2
(default: external environment)
- gaurki'u
- x1=k1 is person/agent x2=g1's reason/motivation/purpose for doing/bringing about x3=g2=k2.
- glacitsi
- x1 is the warm period (season/interval) of year x2 at location x3.
- glekemprezumpo'e
- x1 is sex slavery, the ownership of people for sexual purposes, according to law/custom/system x2.
- grafyjbirai
- x1 (node in graph) is among the very nearest nodes to x2 (node in same graph), such that they are path-connected, along path(s) or paths of type x3 (default: directed graph geodesics from x2 to candidate other nodes, such that each of these candidates (plus x1) are pairwise distinct from x2) according to edge weighings x4 in connected graph component x5, with nearness standard/satisfying other conditions x6, the extreme x7 (default: ka zmadu, implying most-near) being amongst set/range x8 of candidate nodes.
- gugragve
- r1 is abroad, located across national border r2, relative to r3 (default: the speaker).
- gusyjinru
- x1 basks in light x2.
- jbolanci
- x1 is a Lojbanic flag, with patterns x2 and material x3
- jefydiknalgundei
- x1=di1=dj1 is a regularly-occurring period of days off work [weekend] lasting x2=dj2 days, recurring every x3=j2=di3 weeks (default 1), for worker x4=g1, at job x5=g2
- jegycestu'a
- x1 is an expanse of sanctified/consecrated land/ground in an Abrahmic faith/religion, and which is located at x2
- jibgaucpe
- x1 applies for job x2 to x3 in form x4.
- jigycitri
- x1 is history of x2 according to winners x3 in conflict x4.
- ji'isku
- j1=c1 expresses/says opinion c2 (sedu'u/text/lu'e concept) about subject/issue j3 to audience c3 via expressive medium c4 on grounds j4.
- jinxabdakfu
- d1 is a sickle for cutting d2, with blade of material d3.
- jitseldejykarda
- x1=k1 is a credit card with accumulated debt x2=d1 to creditor x3=d3, with credit limit x4=j1
- jorny'utka
- x1 is joined/connected to/with something which is joined/connected to/with something which ... which is joined/connected to/with something which is joined/connected to/with x2 via intermediate things/steps x3 (ce'o), with respective points/loci of (con)juncture x4 (ce'o).
- jvova'i
- x1 (number) is the lujvo score of lujvo x2 (text) determined under scoring algorithm x3.
- kagycfagau
- x1 (agent) is an agentive entrepreneur that commences business/venture/enterprise x2 with chartering authority x3 with intention/purpose/market x4
- kaidza
- x1 (number) is the quantity of specimens in the domain of discourse that satisfy the property x2
- kaljba
- x1 is a longan berry (Dimocarpus longan) of type x2
- kalsrumu'a
- x1 is a surrounding cover/curtain that surrounds the eye structure of x2
- ki'irgrafu
- x1 is a relation space formed from elements/nodes in set x2 and relationship x3 which connects them.
- klasazri
- x1=s1=k1 drives x2=s2=k5 to x3=k2 from x4=k3 via route x5=k4
- klikycu'a
- x1 clicks (on) x2.
- klojyjoisocnyjoidukni
- x1 is a binary group operator endowing set/space x2 ; x2 is the underlying set or the actual structure of a group with operator x1.
- ku'arkydicka'u
- x1 is measures equal to/is a quantum negative electric charge [-e/3; electric charge of a down quark] in electric charge, under signum convention x2 (default: proton has charge equal to -3 times this unit).
- kumjoibimselvauja'i
- x1 is ornamentation related to/composing/pertaining to/forming an element of interior design/room content arrangement/home decoration (including wall decorations, accent walls, and focus items/centerpieces), but not a structural design/blueprint, for x2 (particular room/structure) in larger structure (such as building) x3
- kurkucydakfu
- d1 is a hoe/hoe-shaped bladed tool for hoeing/cutting d2, with blade material d3.
- linga'axa'i
- x1 is a nunchaku.
- maksriveikarda
- x1=k1 is a magnetic stripe card storing x2=v2 (data/facts/du'u) about x3=v3 (object/event)
- maktcaxe
- x1 is magnetism (charge; possibly current) in/on x2 of polarity/quantity x3 (default: south)
- mrupi'o
- p1 is a piano/clavichord.
- mucydekpu
- d1 is d2 (default 1) tablespoon(s)/tablespoonful(s) [volume-unit], standard d3=m1 (default 1=15 mL),d4 dessertspoon(s),d5 teaspoon(s), d6 one ml measuring spoon(s).
- nacyzmarai
- x1 (number) is the greatest element/maximum of the set (of numbers) x2 under (partial) ordering x3
- nakcei
- c1 is a god (specifically, male deity) of people(s)/religion c2 with dominion over c3 [sphere].
- nakpibyta'u
- x1=t1 is boxer shorts/boxer briefs/briefs/jockstrap (male genital underwear), serving purpose x2=t3
- nalremda'u
- x1 is a non-human animal of species/taxon x2
- nimbau
- b1 is Láadan.
- nolraitrututra
- x1 is a monarchal territory/noble territory/regency (territory)/kingdom (territory)/queendom (territory) of ruler x2
- nonsmitenfa
- x1=t2 is an element in the set that underlies structure/ring x2≈s3 that is nilpotent in that structure with nilpotency x3=t3 (nonnegative integer according to the typical rules)
- nunflapaikezmi'e
- x1 orders the trial of x2 over issue x3 involving parties x4, with court/judge/in legal system x5; x1 formally indicts x2 for alleged crimes x3.
- nunka'oku'i
- n1 is a condition of ku1 managing the health of ka1.
- pavmompazy'utka'au'ypanzi
- x1 is any child of the first child of the first child of ... the first child of x2, where the graph geodesic through the ancestorship-directed family tree from x1 to x2 is of length (x3) + 1 (li; x3 must be a nonnegative integer or positive infinity), and where "first" is according to (partial) ordering rule x4 (default: chronological order of birth per successive generation within the given lineage; other restrictions on legitimacy etc. may be specified here as well).
- pavmompazy'utka'ypanzi
- x1 is any child of the first child of the first child of ... the first child of x2, with intermediate steps x3 (complete ordered list, "ce'o"; should include the relevant parent of x1), where "first" is according to (partial) ordering rule x4 (default: chronological order of birth per successive generation within the given lineage; other restrictions on legitimacy etc. may be specified here as well).
- pazyprasimka'e
- x1 (individual, mass, or population (set?)) and x2 (individual, mass, or population (set?)) are capable of mutually interbreeding/producing offspring with one another.
- pecrufcpina
- The feel/texture of c1=r1=p2 is hair-raising/sets one's teeth on edge/squicks/gives the willies/heebie-jeebies to p1, who touches it with p3 [a locus on p1 or an instrument] at p4 [a locus on c1=r1=p2].
- pevycikna
- x1=c1 is "woke" to/aware of x2
- plisysmigrute
- g1=s1=p1 is a pome [fruit] of species/strain g2.
- prejumydu'a
- x1 gives/exchanges/spreads contagion x2 to x3 via means x4; x1 infects x3 with x2.
- pukygau
- x1=g1 (agent) makes x2=p1 (event/state) pleasant to x3=p2 under pleasantness conditions x4=p3; x1 pleases (one sense) x3 with x2 (event/state)
- rauntysmimabru
- x1 is a rodent-like mammal of type/species/taxon/breed x2, rodent-like in property x3 (ka).
- ri'ospa
- s1=c1 is a green plant/viridiplantae/viridiphyta/chlorobionta/plantae sensu strictu of species/strain/cultivar s2
- ro'irbi'o
- x1=b1 becomes rock/is petrified/is fossilized/is transformed into a statue x2=r1=b2 (result) of composition x3=r2 at/from location x4=r3 under condition x5=b3
- rontysmimabru
- x1 is a rodent-like mammal of type/species/taxon/breed x2, rodent-like in property x3 (ka).
- sakcinki
- x1 is a true bug of species x2 (order Hemiptera),
- selklucipra
- x1=c1 is a test/shibboleth for determining x2=k2=c3's membership/belonging to culture x3=k1=c2.
- sity'utka
- x1 = sitna1 = utka1
cites/quotes/refers to/makes reference to a source, which itself/who themself cites/quotes/refers to/makes reference to a source, which itself/who themself in turn cites/quotes/refers to/makes reference to source, ..., which itself/who themself cites/quotes/refers to/makes reference to source x2 = sitna2 = utka2, via intermediate path-connecting steps x3 = utka3 (ordered list; ce'o), all for the same information/statement x4 = sitna3 (du'u).
- sity'utkaro
- x1 (possibly indirectly) cites x2, via intermediate citation path x3 (ordered list; ce'o), for information/statement x4, such that said x2 is the ultimate source (along path x3) for said information/statement x4.
- skutolpro
- x1 (agent) affirmatively consents to x2 (agent) performing/causing action/event/state x3; x1 communicates their consent to x2 regarding x3.
- smisi'u
- The members of x1=simx1 (set) resemble one another in property x2=simx2.
- sobjau
- s1=d1 is made of/contains/is a quantity/expanse of soy milk/soya milk/soybean milk/soy juice/soy drink from soybeans of species/variety s2.
- sostartai
- x1 = tai1 is a constellation of stars x2 = tar1 (set, quantity, region), according to standard x3.
- stanyzilvi'u
- x1 is a log (fallen/severed trunk) or clipping or cut-flower of/from a plant of species x2, belonging to individual tree (precursor) x3 and leavinf behind remainder/stump/bulb x4.
- suzyterki'i
- x1=k3 is the relationship between x2=k1,
x3=k2, x3...; x1 is a property of x2.
- tecycuxskicauzmi
- x1 is the default in/of function x2 pertaining to x3 when no option is chosen/specified from potential/candidate pool (set, list) x4 under additional/other conditions x5
- togyku'e
- x1 is a musical interval of size x2 in tuning system x3.
- tolkli
- x1 (object/medium) is unclear/murky/obfuscating/(at least somewhat/semi-)opaque/impeding/with obstacle/fogs with regard to transmission x2
- trofalpenbi
- x1 is a fountain pen using ink x2 and having nib x3
- tu'urpi'o
- p1 is an organ/pipe organ/mechanical organ (keyboard musical instrument).
- velve'u
- x1 is the sales price of x2 to x3 from/at vendor x4.
- vozyvozylisri
- Storyteller x1=l3 tells audience x2=l4 story/tale/yarn/narrative x3=l1 about plot/subject/moral x4=l2.
- xaklogji
- x1 is linear logic, used to deduce/infer x2 (du'u)
- xilvidru
- v1=x1 is a rotavirus of species/breed/defining property v2 capable of infecting [at] v3.
- xrucpe
- c1 requests/asks c2 to go back/return to x2 from x3.
- xrudja
- x1 is cud/cecotrope/re-eaten food for x2 (ruminant/rabbit) that began as x3
- xrugau
- x1=g1 causes x2=xr1 to return to state x3=xr2 from state x4=xr3.
- zevlyrafsi
- r1 is an affix/combining form for zi'evla word r2=z1, form/properties r3.
- zgipre
- x1=p1=z2 is a musician, associated with music of style/genre/type x2=z1.
- zi'evla
- x1=v1=z1 is an irregular/free-form content word meaning x2=v2=z2 in language x3=v3 (usually Lojban); x1 is a stage-4 or stage-3 fu'ivla.
- zvijonse
- x1 "hacks" into (accesses using an emergent exploit) x2 for purpose x3
- bekpi
- x1 is the 'back', dorsum of body x2
- cajni
- x1 is a binary operator which is commutative in space/under conditions/on (or endowing) set x2; x1 and x2 are each abelian (in different senses).
- cmevo
- x1 is a morphologically defined name word meaning x2 in language x3.
- digno
- x1 is aligned diagonally along/between nonadjacent vertices x2 as in polytope x3; x1 is a diagonal line segment/linear manifold of lower dimension as viewed in frame of reference x3; x1 is crooked (one sense), skew (one sense, see notes), off-kilter (one sense), away from center/off-center, non-orthogonal/not perpendicular nor parallel, at an angle, perhaps non-vertical and non-horizontal, diagonal to x2 in figure/coordinate system x3.
- jbobo
- x1 reflects jbobau language/culture/nationality/community in aspect x2
- kazmi
- x1 (li) is the cardinality of set x2 (set)
- kibro
- x1 pertains to the internet/cyberspace in aspect x2.
- kinfi
- x1 is a binary relationship which is symmetric (under exchange of arguments/terms) in space/under conditions/on set x2.
- kinra
- x1 is a binary relationship which is reflexive in space/under conditions/on set x2.
- modju
- x1 (li; number) is congruent to x2 (li; number; see description for canonical/traditional/contextless default usage) modulo x3 (li; number); \frac(x1 - x is an integer.
- nerde
- x1 is a nerd/geek (demonstrates esoteric intense interests at the cost of social acceptance) according to standard/within culture x2 with nerdy/geeky interests x3
- paxra
- x1 is a cross-section (substance viewed cross-sectionally) of object x2 made from perspective/side/orientation/along (and perpendicular to) axis
x3 (this determines the shape) and made in hyperplane/at depth/to contain/consisting of particular slice x4 (this determines the size and content), of dimensionality x5 [li; integer greater than -2, less than or equal to the dimensionality of x2]; x1 is the result and arranged content of the intersection of x2 with an (x5) -dimensional hyperplane that is perpendicular to axis x3 and along it such that it has a depth (approximately x4) in x2 that allows it to contain a particular slice (of) x4
- rakle
- x1 is an atomic element in group x2 [usually, vertical column; denotes electron configuration and, thereby, chemical similarity with vertical neighbors] and period x3 [usually, horizontal row; denotes similarity in size with horizontal neighbors, as well as having the same number and type of electron shells as them] and belonging to other 'class'/'category'/'type'/having other properties x4
according to scheme/organization pattern/standard/periodic table x5.
- salri
- x1 is the differintegral of x2 with respect to x3 of order x4, with differintegration being according to definition/specification or of type x5.
- sengi
- x1 is an elephant shrew/jumping shrew/sengi (member of Afrotherian mammal order: Macroscelidea) of subtaxon/type/genus/species/variety/breed x2
- spupi
- x1 is spoopy in property x2 thank mr skeltal doot doot
- takni
- x1 is a binary relationship which is transitive in space/under conditions/on set x2.
- tifri
- x1 is the audience/enjoying or partaking party of work/performance/program/entertainment/transmission/experience/story/presentation/act x2 (concrete or abstract), via means/mode/expressed in format/using senses x3; x1 watches/listens/reads/experiences x2.
- tubra
- x1 is a limb/appendage/extremity of body/entity x2 used for purpose x3
- xekce
- x1 acts Lojbanically cruel/pedantic toward x2 in manner x3 (ka)
- ai'ei
- forced intent
- bai'i (exp!)
- mekso string operator (ternary): find-and-replace; in string/text/word/sequence X1 formally replace X2 (ordered tuple of terms to be replaced) with X3 (ordered tuple of terms to be respectively substituted)
- bai'i'i (exp!)
- mekso operator: in ordered tuple/list/vector/sequence X1, replace the X2th entry with term X3 of appropriate type, and leave all other entries untouched (optional: where the index for the very first/leading/header entry is X4).
- bei'e
- Multiple sumti link; open-ended sumti-linking.
- bei'u'i (exp!)
- unary mekso operator: nth Bernoulli number Bn of the second kind (B1 = +1/2 = >0).
- bi'ei
- number/digit: 2(2×5/3) = 8×(2(1/3)).
- bi'oi
- non-logical interval connective: ordered interval with specified endpoint/terminus x1 and signed measure/length/duration x2; interval between x1 and x1 + x according to the ordering of the space.
- boi'e'u
- mekso operator/function terminator (in Polish notation): inserts exactly enough "{boi}"'s consecutively so as to terminate the most recently uttered operator/function in a mekso expression
- boi'o'u
- explicit "mu'o'u"-orientation marker
- bu'ai
- abstractor: abstractor to create logically quantified selbri variable to be used in predicate logic of third or higher order.
- ca'u'e
- begin lines of serial dialogue
- ce'au
- Formulates periodic ordered list of exactly the connectands in the order presented.
- ce'ei'oi
- BIhI argument modifier: indicates dimensionality/length of tuple
- cei'e (exp!)
- define following selbri with sentence or tu'e...tu'u clause
- ce'oi
- argument list separator: acts as a comma between arguments in an argument list supplied to a function.
- ci'ai'u (exp!)
- Mekso unary or binary operator: n-set or integer interval; in unary form, it maps a nonnegative integer X1 = n to the set \1, \dots , n\ (fully, officially, and precisely: the intersection of (a) the set of exactly all positive integers with (b) the closed ordered interval [1, n] such that n \geq 1; see notes for other n); in binary form, it maps ordered inputs (X1, X= (m, n) to the intersection of (a) the set of exactly all integers with (b) the closed ordered interval [m, n].
- ci'au
- attitudinal-indicator-to-selbri conversion: x1 feels the indicated emotion toward/about x2.
- ci'o'au (exp!)
- mekso operator (binary): projection function; the Bth term/entry ("element") of tuple A
- co'a'a
- superfective inchoative; starting too late
- cu'ei
- discursive: indicate a change in speaker; used generally in quotations.
- cu'ei'a
- discursive: indicate a change in speaker to ko'a; used generally in quotations.
- cu'ei'ai
- discursive: indicate a change in speaker to first person (mi); used generally in quotations.
- cu'ei'e
- discursive: indicate a change in speaker to ko'e; used generally in quotations.
- cu'ei'ei
- discursive: indicate a change in speaker to general third person (zo'e); used generally in quotations.
- cu'ei'i
- discursive: indicate a change in speaker to ko'i; used generally in quotations.
- cu'ei'o
- discursive: indicate a change in speaker to ko'o; used generally in quotations.
- cu'ei'oi
- discursive: indicate a change in speaker to second person (do); used generally in quotations.
- cu'ei'u
- discursive: indicate a change in speaker to ko'u; used generally in quotations.
- cu'oi'e (exp!)
- convert number to statistical odds selbri; event x1 (nu) has statistical odds (n) of occurring (versus not occuring) under conditions x2.
- da'ai'a
- "da'avni" modal: except under condition ...; unless ...; excepting/exempting (condition) ... .
- dai'i
- attitudinal modifier: supposed emotion - factual emotion
- dau'a
- gafyzmico: Reset all default specifications of immediately previous word to official definition specifications hereinafter (permanently)
- dau'o
- Quantifier modifier: endowment of existential import - repeal of existential import/abstention from claiming existence - assertion of non-existence
- de'ai
- default value (re)specification/(re)assignment/(re)definition/over-write; set new default value (terbri-specific; permanent)
- de'au
- gafyzmico: Cancellation (permanent) of all defaults in immediately previous word
- de'oi
- Cancellation (instant-/usage-wise; temporary) of all defaults in immediately previous word
- di'au
- pro-sumti and sumyzmico: discourse-interior default it (terbri-specific)
- di'ei
- pro-sumti and sumyzmico: an elliptical/unspecified value which does not necessarily obey the default setting for the corresponding terbri that is explicitly specified in the definition of the word; has some value which makes bridi true
- di'ei'o'au (exp!)
- mathematical ternary operator: Dirichlet convolution (a×b)(c)
- di'oi
- pro-sumti & sumyzmico: discourse-exterior default it
- do'ai
- discursive & gafyzmico: ignore/kill all following default specifications (permanently)
- doi'a
- gafyzmico: Reset all default specification of the immediately previous word to their respective discourse-external/official definition specifications for this instance/usage only.
- fa'ai (exp!)
- mathematical ordered n-ary operator: (pointwise) functional left composition; X1 \circ X.
- fa'ai'ai (exp!)
- mekso k-ary operator, for natural k and 1 < k < 5: ordered input (f, g, S, m) where f and g are functions, S is a set of positive integers or "ro" (="all"), and m is 0 or 1 (as a toggle); output is a function equivalent to the function f as applied to an input ordered tuple with g applied to the entries/terms with indices in S (or to all entries/terms if S="ro") if m=0, or g left-composed with the same if m=1.
- fai'a
- translation marker - original/native version: marks a construct as having been translated and therefore particularly (possibly, but not necessarily) susceptible to the errors or limitations associated with translation (especially if the translator is unsure of the best result/option)
- fau'a
- Convert operator to being entrywise.
- fa'u'ai
- non-logical connective: antirespectively; unmixed but reverse ordered distributed association.
- fau'ai
- Iteratively applies "fau'a" to each resultant operator until all operators resolve.
- fei'i (exp!)
- mekso variable-arity (at most ternary) operator: number of prime divisors of number X1, counting with or without multiplicity according to the value X2 (1 xor 0 respectively; see note for equality to -1 and for default value), in structure X3.
- fi'ai
- marks end of prenex in stack-based dialect
- fi'au
- mekso operator: continued fraction, Kettenbruch notation; for ordered input (X1, X, where: X1 is an ordered pair of functions and X2 is a free or dummy variable/input/index which ranges through set X3 in order(ing) X4, the result is K(X for Kettenbruch notation K.
- foi'e
- GOI attachment modifier: allows a cmavo of selma'o GOI (which must follow immediately) to be attached to a selbri
- fu'ei
- begin within-context quote.
- fu'ei'a
- discursive: indicate a change in speaker to fo'a; used generally in quotations.
- fu'ei'e
- discursive: indicate a change in speaker to fo'e; used generally in quotations.
- fu'ei'i
- discursive: indicate a change in speaker to fo'i; used generally in quotations.
- fu'ei'o
- discursive: indicate a change in speaker to fo'o; used generally in quotations.
- fu'ei'u
- discursive: indicate a change in speaker to fo'u; used generally in quotations.
- gau'a (exp!)
- mekso (no-more-than-4-ary) operator: Gaussian function f(x, a, b, c) = c e-((x-a).
- ga'u'au
- mekso n-ary operator: append contravariant (upper) indices to tensor
- gei'i'e (exp!)
- mekso unary operator: converts a string of digits which includes {pi} to the same string of digits without {pi}; if {pi} is not present in the original/input string, the output is identical
- go'ai
- last bridi (with its modifiers)
- go'ei
- repeat (copy-and-paste) the recontextualized content of the most-recent or indicated NOI relative clause.
- gu'ai (exp!)
- binary operator: left group action g.x
- io'u
- attitudinal: good mental health - bad mental health
- iy'y
- letteral for y
- ja'oi
- permutation cycle writer notation start
- jau'o
- Break in speech in order to demonstrate something in a nongrammatical or nonlinguistic way.
- ji'o'e
- connective: elliptical/generic/vague
- jo'au'o
- shift letterals to Lojban alphabet
- joi'i (exp!)
- mekso string operator (n-ary): formal right-concatenation; X1 + X, where Xi is a string/word/text/character/letteral/lerfu/quoted utterance (quote appropriately iff necessary; preserve and be careful about the use-vs.-mention distinction) for all i.
- ju'ai
- Default number radix modifier: changes the value of the default radix assumed for any numeral lacking an explicit radix within the following text, until another {ju'ai} appears.
- ju'au
- semi-mathematical binary operator: named number base operator/interpreter
- ju'u'i
- long-digit interpretation specifier; macrodigit named base specifier
- ka'au (exp!)
- mekso unary operator: cardinality (#, | |)
- ka'o'ei
- imaginary i, comma - spherical coordinates: first coordinate gives magnitude (complex modulus/radius) of the number, the second number gives the angle from the positive real axis measured counterclockwise toward the 'positive' imaginary axis (default: in the primary branch/Arg) as measured in some units (which that number should contain; the contextless default will suppose radians); the angle is not normalized.
- kau'a
- pro-sumti: strong-memory something1/eidetic da/elephant thing1 (logically quantified existential, arbitrarily-long-scope pro-sumti)
- kau'ai
- Microdigit-spanning endianness binary-toggle.
- kau'e
- pro-sumti: strong-memory something2/eidetic de/elephant thing2 (logically quantified existential, arbitrarily-long-scope pro-sumti)
- kau'i
- pro-sumti: strong-memory something3/eidetic di/elephant thing3 (logically quantified existential, arbitrarily-long-scope pro-sumti)
- kau'u
- Predicate to variable-binding binary quantifier. The first slot of the predicate must be a property.
- ke'ai
- Toggles to no grouping
- kei'ai
- mekso style converter: elementwise application of operator
- ku'ai'i
- empty/vacuous selbri
- ku'au'i
- categorizer/hashtag
- ku'i'a
- PA: blank/empty digit
- la'ei
- combines LA with DOI
- lai'e
- Named reference. It converts a sumti into another sumti. The converted sumti points to the referent the name of which is the referent of the unconverted sumti.
- lau'e
- pronoun: the referent of the following utterance
- li'ai
- unevaluated mekso as name.
- li'ei
- arbitrary character string or irregular number
- lo'o'o
- plural logic maximum-scope descriptor: those who individually or collectively are ...
- lu'ei
- convert a grammatical quotation to a tanru unit; x1 expresses/says the quoted text for audience x2 via expressive medium x3.
- ma'au (exp!)
- Binary mekso operator: uniform probability A(X2)u(X for input (X1,X where X1 is a number and X2 is a set or space. (See notes for details).
- mai'i
- pro-sumti: the universal argument/value; syntactically-contextually and type-permitted maximally generic in its typing
- mai'u (exp!)
- unary mekso operator: signum function
- mau'au
- mekso: conversion of operator/function to operand
- me'ei'o (exp!)
- mekso n-ary operator: interleave sequences
- mei'a
- digit/number: arbitrarily small/lesser/diminished/few (finite and nonzero but otherwise as small as desired).
- mu'au (exp!)
- unary mekso operator: measure of the complement; 1 - x1.
- mu'au'oi
- Discursive: resuming/continuing example - start new example
- nei'ai
- double-negative toggle: every odd-counted explicit usage makes negation additive; unmentioned or every even-counted explicit usage makes negation multiplicative.
- nei'au (exp!)
- unary mekso operator: (-1)x
- ne'o'a (exp!)
- mekso ternary operator: the generalized incomplete (factorial-extending) Pi function; for input (X1, X this word outputs the definite integral of t^X1 e^-t with respect to t from X2 to X3 (see notes for default values).
- ne'o'au (exp!)
- mekso quaternary operator: polygamma function; for input X1, X, outputs the (-X2)th derivative of Log(ne'o'a(X1, X)) with respect to X1.
- ni'a'au
- mekso n-ary operator: append covariant (lower) indices to tensor
- ni'e'oi
- digit/number: Niven's smallest-exponent prime factorization constant c = zeta(3/2)/zeta(3) ≈ 2.1732543125195541382370898404…
- no'au'au (exp!)
- mathematical/mekso binary operator: the zero/identity-element/(primitive (-))constant operator; outputs the identity-element of structure A (contextless default: the additive group of integers) regardless of the input value of B (except blank or ill-defined values)
- noi'a'u
- PA nonrestrictive/incidental relative clause; attaches to a PA number/numeral/digit with the ke'a referring to that PA number/numeral/digit.
- noi'au
- number/interpreted mathematical object non-restrictive clause
- noi'i
- connective modifer/limiter
- oi'i
- sentence link/continuation; continuing sentences on same topic with the observative sumti filled with {la'e} {di'u}
- pau'ai
- rhetorical construct marker - genuine/serious/literal assertion/question/command marker
- pe'ai
- discursive: layperson/laïc meaning;
marks a construct as layperson/common/non-technical/non-jargon speech/text
- pe'ei
- mark a logical connective as having maximal scope.
- pi'ei (exp!)
- mathematical/mekso binary operator: vector or function inner product over a field; the inner product of A and B over field C
- pi'u'e (exp!)
- mekso n-ary operator: generate ordered tuple/list from inputs; pi'u'e(x1, x= (x1, x, pi'u'e(x1, x= (x1, x, etc.
- poi'a'u
- PA restrictive relative clause; attaches to a PA number/numeral/digit with the ke'a referring to that PA number/numeral/digit.
- poi'au
- number/interpreted mathematical object restrictive clause
- po'i'ei (exp!)
- n-ary mekso operator: for an input of ordered list of ordered pairs ((X1, Y, it outputs formal generalized rational function (x - X1)^Y in the adjoined indeterminate (here: x).
- poi'i
- x1 is such that {poi'i} abstraction is true; x1 binds {ke'a} within the abstraction.
- ra'ei
- semi-discursive: and so forth, and so on, et cetera, continuing similarly
- rai'i (exp!)
- mekso (2 or 3)-ary operator: maximum/minimum/extreme element; ordered list of extreme elements of the set underlying ordered set/structure X1 in direction X2 of list length X3 (default: 1)
- rau'o
- flag a quote/sedu'u statement in order to indicate that the text is substantially the same in all relevant important aspects (usually including content), translated with this meaning, "to this/that same effect" - - (nai:) untranslated, original and exact wording
- re'ai'e
- free conversion
- roi'i
- emotion category/modifier: creative, artistic (emotion felt in proverbial/mythical "right brain") - analytic, methodical (emotion felt in proverbial/mythical "left brain")
- sau'e'u
- topicalizer (sumtcita/discursive; somewhat meta): the following discourse is about/relates to/has topic/concerns
- se'ai'e
- (n, 1, 2, \dots, n-2, n - 1)st conversion.
- se'au (exp!)
- mathematical quinary operator; big operator: left sequence notation/converter - operator a, sequence b defined as a function on index/argument/variable/parameter c, in set d, under ordering e
- se'au'e
- (2, 3, \dots, n-1, n, 1)st conversion.
- se'e'i
- placed before a selbri, merges x1 and x2 places.
- sei'au
- terbri editor: passes the terbri value through the quoted function so that the sumti that fills it really is filling the output of the function
- sei'o
- selbri terminator
- se'oi'oi
- Conversion: Switch n and x1 in MOI (or MOI*) cmavo so that the submitted value (previous x1) outputs the number(s) (previous n) associated with it.
- se'u'o
- selbri conversion question
- si'ai
- marks a construct as being a reference/allusion - explicit marker of divorce/isolation of a construct from any external allusions that may come to mind
- si'i'ai
- digit/number: a finite/bounded number, finitely many.
- si'i'oi
- Marks discontinuity in story time.
- so'e'ai
- Delimit a replacement for the previous expression using arbitrary delimitors.
- so'e'i
- number/digit: a qualifying majority or a defined/relevant supermajority.
- so'e'o
- digit/number: a strong/substantial/decisive majority.
- so'e'u
- digit/number: n (default: 1 or 1/2 atomic units as the case may be) more than half; barely a majority; a slight majority.
- so'i'i
- digit/number: complement of "{so'e'i}"; a qualifying, controlling, or decision-making minority; a subminority.
- tai'e'i (exp!)
- mekso unary operator: basic Schlafli symbol composer (defined only on ordered lists)
- tai'i'au (exp!)
- 8-ary mekso operator: the X1th nonnegative sum of X2 mutually-distinct perfect X3th-powers (i.e.: of integers) in X4 mutually truly-distinct ways, requiring exactly X5 terms to be negative in each sum (counting with(out^X6) multiplicity), requiring exactly X7 terms to be repeated between sums (counting with(out^X8) multiplicity), according to the usual ordering of the integers.
- tai'u
- (something which approximately has) the abstract shape of the symbol for the previous construct
- ta'u'i
- Copy and paste the overall seltau of immediately preceding sumti at this location.
- te'e'i
- placed before a selbri, merges x1 and x3 places (with the new x1 being equivalent to the result of this merging).
- te'i'ai (exp!)
- 6-ary mekso/mathematical operator: Heaviside function/step/Theta function of a, of order b, in structure c, using distribution d, within approximated limit e, with value f_b at 0
- tei'au (exp!)
- 4-ary mekso operator: Taylor expansion/polynomial term; for ordered input (X1, X, output is the X3th Taylor polynomial term of at-least-X3-smooth function X2 which was expanded around point X4 and which is evaluated at point X1, namely (1/(X3!)) × (D^X.
- te'oi'i (exp!)
- mekso ordered/non-commutative n-ary operator: tensor product/exterior product (of tensors); letting "@" denote the tensor product, A1 @ A2 @...@ An .
- toi'e
- start UI-applicative metalinguistic UI-parenthetical
- uau
- Attitudinal: impressed/amazed - unimpressed (neutral)/blasé/bland/commonplace - unimpressed (negative)/disappointed/bored
- ue'e
- discursive: counter-expectational – – aligning with expectations
- ui'y
- letteral for :)
- vei'o (exp!)
- binary mekso operator: form quotient space X1/X.
- vei'u (exp!)
- binary mekso operator: mod(ulus)/remainder; X1 \% X2, \,\,\, X1 (mod(X2)).
- ve'oi
- Close all open mathematical brackets.
- vo'au'u (exp!)
- quaternary mathematical operator: (left) convolution (a★b)(c) in structure d
- voi'a
- pronoun analogical to the vo'a series for the fai-place.
- xa'ai (exp!)
- mekso operator: the bth branch of the (possibly multivalued) function a
- xa'e
- location tense distance: too far to interact with; subjective
- xau'e
- symbol string to number/variable
- xau'ei
- text to number/variable unassignment
- xau'e'o
- mekso convention default specification/definition (explicit)
- xau'o
- text to number/variable
- xau'o'o
- mekso convention cancellation
- xe'au
- mekso clausal referent bracket initializer
- xe'i
- discourse pronoun: the current situation
- xe'u
- Abstraction variable indicator selbrisle.
- xi'ei
- binary mekso operator: for ordered list X1, this word outputs the same ordered list except the indices/subscripts have been relabelled/redefined/reindexed according to rule X2 (see notes).
- xo'au
- pro-numeral: the most-recently mentioned full/complete numerical or mathematical string/expression.
- xo'ei (exp!)
- unary mekso operator: produces a string of n consecutive "xo'e"'s, treated as digits (concatenated into a single string of digits)
- xo'e'o'e
- elliptical/unspecified/vague single-symbol (general)
- xoi (exp!)
- auto-terminating adverbial: takes a brivla & preceding terms and produces a free adverbial phrase modifying the main predicate
- xoi'ei'a
- Toggles grammar so that every mention of a number n is interpreted as "at least n".
- y'i
- connective: elliptical/generic/vague
- zai'o
- pro-sumti: the empty argument/value; syntactically-contextually and type-permitted maximally generic in its typing
- zau'e'u
- text affirmation/negation mode toggle
- zau'u
- digit/number: arbitrarily large/great/increased/many (finite but as big as desired/allowed).
- ze'e'a
- n-Merge Conversion: placed immediately before a selbri, merges x2 and all xa places.
- ze'e'au
- n-Merge Conversion: placed immediately before a selbri, merges all xa places.
- ze'e'e
- n-Merge Conversion: placed immediately before a selbri, merges x5 and all xa places.
- ze'e'i
- n-Merge Conversion: placed immediately before a selbri, merges x1 and all xa places.
- ze'ei
- nonce word with existing grammar
- ze'e'o
- n-Merge Conversion: placed immediately before a selbri, merges x4 and all xa places.
- ze'e'u
- n-Merge Conversion: placed immediately before a selbri, merges x3 and all xa places.
- zei'ei
- begin quote that is converted into rafsi
- zei'ei'au
- begin quote that is converted into rafsi, distributing lujvo-glue between quoted words
- zei'oi
- end rafsi-converting quote: terminates ZEIhEI quote
- zi'au
- nonexistent/undefining it; the selbri is not applicable when the other terbri are filled in the manner in which they are in this utterance/bridi.
- zi'oi
- fills and deletes (in the manner as "{zi'o}") all terbri sumti slots of immediately previous (id est: tagged) word that are not explicitly filled with a sumti.
- zi'oi'oi
- Delete subsequent sumti slots.
- zoi'ai
- non-mekso quote/name substitution for ordered collection of prescriptions, descriptions, definitions, etc.
- zoi'ai'e
- empty string/text/word
- akcne
- x1 is the action (physics quantity) of system x2 during the course of evolution/history/over path/within spacetime region x3 under conditions x4
- amsake
- x1 is made of/contains/is an amount of amazake from x2
- anseingu
- x1 (node in a tree graph) and x2 (node in the same tree graph) have an essentially-unique most recent (graph-nearest) common ancestor node A such that x3 [nonnegative integer; li] is d(A, x1) and such that x4 [nonnegative integer; li] is d(A, x2), where d is the graph geodesic distance (defined to be infinite if nodes are not connected in the correct direction).
- balvidzita
- x1 (text, image, page element) is infra/later-mentioned/subsequently mentioned/later/following/below/toward the bottom of the page/screen (flat and primarily two-dimensional display) relative to x2 (text, image, page element) on page/screen/in work x3 according to cultural convention x4.
- bangrnozmi'o'o'i'o'i'i'o'e'au'ai'u'u'o'o'o'i'i'o'o'i'o'i'o'i'o'i'o'o'i'e'au'au'au'au'au'au'au'au'au'au'au'au'au'au'au'au'au'au'au'au'au'au'au'au'au'au'au'au'au'au'au'au'au'au'au'au'au'au'au'au'au'au'au'au'au'au'au'au'au'au'au'au'au'au'au'au'au'au'au'au'au'au'au'au'au'au'au'au'au'au'au'au'au'au'au'au'au'au'au'au'au'au'au'au'au'au'au'au'au'au'au'au'au'au'au'au'au'au'au
- x1 is the set of all languages with defined ISO 639-3 codes
- benkiio
- x1 is the learning process / overall learning event of [learner] x2 on topic x3, including facts / subtopics x4.
- be'omronzdo
- x1 pertains to the Laurasian supercontinent/large subcontinent in aspect x2, more specifically associated with time period or arrangement x3
- blurdrakono
- c1 is dragon's blood [bright red resin] of plant species c2 (genus Croton/Dracaena/Daemonorops/Calamus rotang/Pterocarpus).
- boltsemaku
- x1 is the Boltzmann kB constant linking energy with temperature [approximately equal to: 1.380 6488(13)×10−23 J/K], expressed in units x2 (default: unitless/dimensionless and equal to 1) in paradigm/system/metaphysics/universe x3 (default: this, our actual, physical universe)
- braketi
- x1 is a bra or ket (mathematical object/notation) meaning/denoting/representing
(object/information) x2 with properties x3
- burfava
- x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'lerfu-word' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
- ce'ulno
- x1 pertains to Acheulean technological industry/culture/know-how of period and location (specifics) x2 in properties x3.
- ci'izra
- x1 is "curiouser and curiouser" / strange / weird / deviant / bizarre / odd to x2 in property x3 (ka).
- cmagnitude
- x1 is emitted/reflected light that measures to be x2 magnitudes in luminous brightness, on scale (si'o)/using reference value/under system/according to definition x3, in logarithmic base x4 (default: decimal (10))
- cnanfadi
- x1 (li; number/quantity) is the weighted quasi-arithmetic mean/generalized f-mean of/on data x2 (completely specified ordered multiset/list) using function x3 (defaults according to the notes; if it is an extended-real number, then it has a particular interpretation according to the Notes) with weights x4 (completely specified ordered multiset/list with same cardinality/length as x2; defaults according to Notes).
- cnanlagau
- x1 is the generalized arithmetic-geometric mean of the elements of the 2-element set x2 (set; cardinality must be 2) of order x3 (either single extended-real number xor an unordered pair/2-element set of extended-real numbers).
- cnansari
- x1 is the mean-value theorem mean/forward-difference-quotient mean of the elements of (multi)set x2 (1-element or 2-element set) under/for function x3.
- cple'ijdu
- x1 gives/donates/pays/remunerates/exchanges/vel sim. x2 (money, remuneration, payment, bartered good, kind, specie, item, gift, vel sim.) to x3 (recipient, seller, vel sim.).
- cpolinomi'a
- x1 is a formal polynomial with coefficients x2 (ordered list) of degree x3 (li; nonnegative integer) over structure/ring x4 (to which coefficients x2 all belong) and in indeterminant x5.
- crimpuui
- x1 is a prawn/shrimp [marine/saltwater specimens/species only] of taxon/species/type x2
- ctaipe
- x1 is a value / proof of type / proposition x2 under context x3 in (type / logical) system x4.
- da'avni
- x1 (condition) is the condition for an exception/'else' case of rule x2 with its own rule/outcome/consequent x3.
- daigno
- x1 (ordered list) is a sampling of entries of matrix/tensor x2 in which exactly one entry is sampled from each row and/or column (etc.) between entries x3 (list; default: the largest 'square'/'hypercubic' sampling possible in the entire tensor starting with the first entry, see notes) inclusively following selection procedure/rule/function/order x4 (default: diagonally, see notes), where the tensor/matrix is expressed in basis/under conditions x5
- dansrpolska
- d1 (individual, mass) dances polska to accompaniment/music/rhythm d2.
- datnrzbaselpla
- x1 is a makefile designed to produce output files / data / event x2 from rules x3.
- djeisone
- x1 is an object described as x2, x3, ... (termset representing serializable tree structure compatible with JSON format of attribute-value pairs).
- efklipi
- x1 is a binary relation which is right-Euclidean on space/set/under conditions x2.
- efklizu
- x1 is a binary relation which is left-Euclidean on space/set/under conditions x2.
- eikse
- x1 is a former/previously was but no longer is/used to be (a) x2 as of time x3 according to standard x4; x1 is an ex-x2.
- endi
- x1 (digit string/byte, storage system, convention) has endianness x2 ("ce'o" sequence of numbers (li); description (ka?)); x1 is x2-endian.
- enfa
- x1 abstractly pertains to an exponential/root/logarithmic relationship between the elements of x2 (ordered pair) which are related via concrete relationship x3.
- entropi
- x1 (amount) is the entropy of system x2 under conditions/in macrostate x3, where the entropy is of type/calculated via formula x4.
- enxoiurodni
- x1 is the (x2 + 1)-оюродный (li; integer) kin member/relative of x4 defined from base relation x3 (si'o; generic term, applied with respect to x4) in directed, connected tree graph/network/hierarchy x5.
- fru'austumu
- x1 is a frustum/cone/cylinder/pyramid made of material x2 with larger base x3 and at-most-as-large base x4, with other characteristics x5.
- galprurci
- x1 (text, image, page element) is supra/aforementioned/previous/earlier/preceding/above/toward the top of the page/screen (flat and primarily two-dimensional display) relative to x2 (text, image, page element) on page/screen/in work x3 according to cultural convention x4.
- gondana
- x1 pertains to the Gondwana/Gondwanaland supercontinent/large subcontinent in aspect x2, more specifically associated with time period or arrangement x3
- gradrgu
- x1 measures to be equal to x2 (li; default: 1) g of acceleration according to standard x3 (default is as in notes).
- grafnseljimcnkipliiu
- x1 is a 'quipyew' tree graph with special node x2, on nodes x3 (set of points; includes x2), with edges x4 (set of ordered pairs of nodes), and with other properties x5.
- gu'irnilcarmrmagnitu
- x1 is emitted/reflected light that measures to be x2 magnitudes in luminous brightness, on scale (si'o)/using reference value/under system/according to definition x3, in logarithmic base x4 (default: decimal (10))
- indika
- x1 (event/state) implies / suggests / is circumstantial evidence for x2 (du'u); the probability that x2 is true, given x1, is greater than the probability without x1
- jarnezi
- x1 is a part of Lojban text representing rule 'text' according to the first edition of the book 'The Complete Lojban Language'.
- jegvocestu'a
- x1 pertains to the geography/culture/history(/diaspora/descendents) of the Abrahamic Holy Land in property/aspect x2
- jorlge
- x1 is the result of applying logical connective/conjunction x2 to the terms of the ordered list x3 in the order given, in system x4
- jventrajmaumce
- x1 is an eventual extremal bound/asymptote (one sense)/limsup (limit superior/limit supremum)/liminf (limit inferior/limit infimum) of x2 (set, or ordered pair of a sequence or a function as the first term and the dummy variable (/input (slot)) thereof being considered as the (sometimes elidable) second term) in direction x3 (li) in ordered structure x4.
- jvingapoi
- x1 (contestant) comes in x2th (integer; typically positive but no more than the length/cardinality of x4; lesser values represent better performance) place in contest x3 against opponents x4 (complete list (not mecessarily ordered) or set of all qualifying competitors); x1 has rank x2 in contest/conpetition/game/tournament/campaign x3.
- kanmige
- x1 (property with two places for ce'u) is the property according to which members of x2 (ordered set with two members) are related to each other in the same way as members of x3 (ordered set with two members), or in the same way as members of x4 (ordered set with two members), etc. ... (infinite number of places)
- kerfrcampu
- x1 (quantity) is a hair cleaning/care/maintenance/styling substance/product for purpose x2 of composition x3; x1 is a quantity of hair product
- klupanido
- x1 is an occlupanid of species x2.
- kraili
- x1 (abstraction) is/should be a legal/moral right/entitlement/guarantee, normative principle, protection, privilege, power, trait, treatment, duty/obligation, opportunity, freedom, dignity/point of respect, ability, point of equality, natural guarantee, natural ability, inherent property of x2 according to judge/norm/standard x3.
- krauna
- x1 is a crown, currency issued the crown (regal power)
- kraune
- x1 is a crown, currency issued the crown (regal power)
- launzu
- x1 is a relative of x2 such that they both share an effective family tree which includes a common relative x3; x1 is a relative of x2 on x3's side of the family.
- lingeni
- x1 has [self-proclaimed] gender x2 (property of x1)
- lingona
- x1 is a lingonberry of species/variety x2
- majrsto
- x1 is a physically-required conserved quantity/invariant in a closed/isolated system such that it is associated with symmetry x2, applicable under conditions/in universe/metaphysics/mathematical formulation/theorem x3
- malternrorci
- x1 is an absent or deadbeat co-parent of x2, the 'primary' parent of whom is x1.
- maxtriksi
- x1 is a matrix (mathematical object/number/operator) representing or meaning (object/information) x2 with properties x3
- morganati
- x1 is morganatic in property x2 according to rule/law/custom/culture x3.
- mratipi
- x1 is a tipi/tepee
- mrenspoi
- x1 is the traditional/standard/classical strict total-order(ing) '<' which endows the (extended) real numbers.
- mudrgimnocladu
- m1 is a quantity of/is made of/contains Kentucky coffeetree wood (genus Gymnocladus) of type m2.
- nancaji
- x1 is x2 (li; no default value assumed, but - unless explicitly overridden - assumed to be expressed with significant figures) years old according to standard of measurement x3; colloquial form: x1 is/has x2 (years (of age)).
- nektara
- x1 is a flower nectar of organ/plant x2; x1 is a liquid secretion that is attractive to pollinators
- nildumu
- x1 (ni) is a quantity
- pangaio
- x1 pertains to the Pangaea supercontinent in aspect x2, more specifically associated with time period or arrangement x3
- pi'eitci
- x1 (the acidity/hydrogen activity of a solution) measures x2 in pH according to scale (si'o) x3 using logarithmic base x4 (default: ten)
- pinkipai
- x1 is Pinkie Pie from My Little Pony
- pletomino
- x1 is a polyform/polyplet/polyomino/polyabolo/polyiamond (etc.) composed of parts/'tile' polytope x2 arranged in (finite) unified shape/pattern x3 in ambient space x4 and subject to rules/restrictions/conditions x5
- plisesumu
- x1 is a secondary meaning of x2; x1 is an indelible connotation/subtext of word/phrase x2
- plitxadni'enri
- x1 (shape/cross-section/concrete object) is a card/flat object and is oriented such that its body lies in plane x2
- poptono
- x1 (entity) is the value of what is popped off top of stack / LIFO queue x2 (ordered group of entity)
- praune
- x1 is a prawn/shrimp [freshwater specimens/species only] of taxon/species/type x2
- prixaja
- x1 (curling angular-direction) is a quantity expressed angularly with direction (counter)clockwise and
which maps to (pseudo)vector x2 (Cartesian direction) via rule/convention x3
- raiksi
- x1 is superlative in x2 (property of x1) among x3 (full set)
- ra'oijbo
- x1 is someone who constantly annoyingly reminds other Lojbanists including x2 to not forget about mandatory pauses in speech
- ratniklesi
- x1 is an atomic element in group x2 [usually, vertical column; denotes electron configuration and, thereby, chemical similarity with vertical neighbors] and period x3 [usually, horizontal row; denotes similarity in size with horizontal neighbors, as well as having the same number and type of electron shells as them] and belonging to other 'class'/'category'/'type'/having other properties x4
according to scheme/organization pattern/standard/periodic table x5.
- regnaftngi
- x1 pertains to the Commonwealth of Nations/Commonwealth Realms/(second) British Empire (culture, populations, supranational/international organizational government, national governments, events, etc.), or perhaps any part thereof or any of them, in property x2.
- ridrderga
- c1 is a dwarf [mythology/fantasy] of mythology c2.
- sakprtlfmsnge'a
- x1 is a word in language x2 with longest consonant cluster having length x3
- salrixo
- x1 is the differintegral of x2 with respect to x3 of order x4, with differintegration being according to definition/specification or of type x5.
- seplrcnite
- x1
is a Dedekind cut associated with number/point x2 of totally ordered set x3
- socnrpanrnji'akobi
- x1 is a binary operator in structure x2 which exhibits the Jacobi property with respect to binary operator x3 (which also endows x2) and element/object x4 (which is an element of the underlying set which form x2).
- spatrkatli'a
- s1 is an orchid of genus Cattleya of species/strain/cultivar s2.
- spinori
- x1 is a spinor (mathematical object/number/operator) representing (object/information) x2 with properties x3.
- sra'akpa
- x1 is an indentation/dent/impression/well/hole/bowl/pocket/invagination/sheath/divot in body x2.
- strelka
- x1 is an arrow symbol
- tartidu
- x1 is directly/linearly proportional to x2 via coefficient/constant of proportionality x3 and background/constant offset x4; there exists constants x3 and x4 such that x1 = x3×x.
- tcanaba
- x1 (node/vertex/station) is forward of/along from x2 in oriented graph x3 (graph with orientation) using oriented edge path x4 (ordered sequence of ordered pairs). The path from x2 to x1 runs along/is coparallel with/downstream of the orientation on x3 along path x4.
- tcasnuue
- x1 (nu) is a conversation/dialogue/exchange/scene/series of communicative responses/series of expressions/series of messages/exchange of information event between participating speakers x2 (ordered list; ce'o) and passive or active audience members x3 (set; may repeat elements of x2) in languages x4 (use "fa'u" if desired) and via expressive media x5 (use "fa'u" if desired) in which the following utterances/messages/expressions are, in/according to frame of reference x6, made/sent or received in approximately the following chronological order: x7 (sedu'u/text/quote/lu'e concept vel sim.), x8 (sedu'u/text/quote/lu'e concept vel sim.), x9 (sedu'u/text/quote/lu'e concept vel sim.), ... (open-ended terbri structure of arbitrarily many sumti slots).
- tcaudu
- x1 is the formatted address for something - (with format) starting with x2, which is an address/locality/administrative subunit/region which belongs to slightly broader address/locality/administrative subunit/region x3, which in turn itself belongs to a slightly broader address/locality/administrative subunit/region x4, \dots (etc.).
- tcelerita
- x1 (number; default: 1) is the physical speed supremum (for objects of positive masses)/celeritas/c0 expressed in units x2 (default: in terms of natural parameter c0; id est: unitless/dimensionless and equal to 1) in (paradigm/system of) physics x3 (default: this, our actual. physical universe and reality);
- tcelula
- x1 is a biological cell
- tincile
- x1 feels cold chill (chills, thrills, frissons, skin orgasm) at locus x2
- to'anbau
- x1 pertains to Toaq language/culture in aspect x2
- to'anzu
- x1 pertains to Tòaq Dzũ culture/community/language in aspect x2
- torxesrtubnu
- x1 is a tube/hole/tunnel through (topological) torus x2.
- traduki
- x1 translates x2 (source) into x3 (result/product)
- trajije
- x1=traji1 is superlative in property x2=traji2, the x3=traji3 extrema (ka; default: ka zmadu), among set/range x4=traji4, and -- moreover -- (there exists at least one member of) the x52th (li; must be 1 or 2) argument [see note] of this selbri (which) actually has/is/attains said property x2 according to standard x6.
- treicu
- x1 is a (general(ized)) heirarchical/pyramidal/directed tree-graph structure on underlying set x2 via partial ordering relation x3 (see notes for default properties).
- tsa'abliiei
- x1 has an hourglass form [shape] and is composed of material x2 with narrow region x3 and bulbs/wider regions x4
- tsazezu
- x1 performs workout/exercise/training x2 (ka) using equipment/accessories x3.
- tsazezusu
- x1 is a gym / a place for working out x2 (ka)
- tseingu
- x1 (node in a tree graph) and x2 (node in the same tree graph) have an essentially unique most recent (graph-nearest) common ancestor node A such that x3 [nonnegative integer; li] is the minimum element of the set consisting only of d(A, x1) and of d(A, x2), and such that x4 [integer; li] is d(A, x1) - d(A, x2), where d is the graph geodesic distance (defined to be infinite if nodes are not connected in the correct direction).
- uaigri
- x1 is a future but not current/eventual x2 as of time x3 according to standard x4; x1 is a soon-to-be-x2; x1 is an example of an x2-apparent.
- ualdo
- x1 is a waldo, trackpad, touchpad, a remote manipulation slave device that mimics the motions of x2 (master device)
- uencu
- x1 (entity) is a document with content x2 (entity)
- uivla
- x1 (text) is a zi'evla made of UI cmavos, optional glue, and a rafsi or piece of a gismu; meaning x2 (ka) in language x3.
- umri'a
- x1 imitates star formation x2 doing x3 [ka].
- urbe
- x1 is a general metropolitan area with (population, commercial, industrial, business, economic, infrastructural, vel sim.) center/focal point/downtown/main or dominating urban area x2, with supporting semi-urban/inner suburban region x3, more (outer) suburban region x4, and exurban region x5.
- utri
- x1 is a fictional doctor.
- va'islinku'i
- x1 is a va'islinku'i word (a fu'ivla valid only because slinku'i words are not)
- vektori
- x1 is a vector (mathematical object/number/operator) representing or meaning (object/information) x2 with properties x3
- vibnrbarpinji
- x1 is the gynosome/female intermittent sexual organ [body-part] of x2
- vinzoru
- x1 (set of tuples) is the x4-Winsorized data formed from data set x2 (set of tuples), Winsorizing with respect to variable x3.
- xaudbo
- x1 is \sqrtA = \sqrt2×5 [decimal: 1\times10+(1/2)] of x2 in dimension/aspect x3 (default is units).
- xekcedipasocire
- x1 (nu) is the act of x2 (person, entity, etc.) looking up the (definition vel sim. of the) word "xekcedipasocire" in dictionary/resource x3.
- zenbaje
- x1 (experiencer/function) increases/gains/is incremented/augmented in property/quantity x2 such that it achieves/had achieved having that property at 'time' x3 (abstraction, number) according to standard x4
- zmaduje
- x1 is more than/greater than/exceeds x2 in property x3 (ka) and the x4th (li; 1 or 2) argument of this selbri actually has/is/expresses/attains property x3 according to x5.
- altfor
- al'Thor
- ca'ynaMES
- Shahnameh
- cre'udingar
- Schrödinger
- iskuuil
- Ithkuil
- izyng
- Ising
- kaiyxogys
- Cuyahoga county, Ohio
- kocon
- Koshon
- loglan
- Loglan
- relyfi'es
- x1 is Pisces [constellation/astrological sign].
- sakartuvelos
- Georgia/Sakartvelo
- sevan
- Sevan
- solcist
- the Solar System (notice: proper noun); Sol system.
- soran
- Sora
- tcomolunmas
- Mount Everest
- touan
- Toaq
- xod
- Xod.
- cu'a zei fancu
- f1 is an absolute value function from domain f2 to range f3.
- dropanra zei ionti
- x1 is a hydrogenic ion of element/isotope x2; x1 is isoelectronic to/with hydrogen; x1 is an x2 atom with exactly one electron
- xua'ai
- mekso operator: the bth branch of the (possibly multivalued) function a
- gonduana
- x1 pertains to the Gondwana/Gondwanaland supercontinent/large subcontinent in aspect x2, more specifically associated with time period or arrangement x3
- pamniarkovni
- x1 is rational, prudent, judicious, level-headed with a limited ken (range of sight)
- ridrdverga
- c1 is a dwarf [mythology/fantasy] of mythology c2.
- samcrtigridia
- s1 is a quantity of cacomitl of species/strain x2 (genus Tigridia).
- sparsagitaria
- x1 is a sagittaria (genus Sagittaria) of species/strain x2.